I decided to translate 'Let it Go' from 'Frozen' into Lojban; but given that I'm doing this as a convenient way to utilize Lojban as I'm learning it: I am sure I have made many mistakes. I have placed the Lojban translation on the left with the corresponding English version of what I think I said in Lojban on the right. If the two don't basically match up line for line, than I have made a mistake. I have not translated the attitudinals when they occur at the beginning of a bridi. At the end I have some specific questions about things I am unsure of or suspect are wrong. This probably goes without saying, but I don't own any rights to Lojban nor to the movie 'Frozen' or it's song 'Let it Go'. a1. .aunai snime cu carvi le cmana Snow precipitates upon the mountain. a2. .i vi claxu lo pluta Here there is no path. a3. .i mi sepli fe loi remna I am apart from people. a4. .i mi simlu lo turni I appear to relate in some way to the act of governing. a5. .i tcima cu simsa le mi menli sevzi The weather is similar in property to the mind of myself. a6. .i .ii mi fliba lo sezyfanta I fail at the control of myself. a7. .i ko na curmi lo viska You! (talking to self) Don't allow observance/seeing. a8. .i ko vrude lo do natmi marde You! (talking to self) Act so that you can rightly be deemed virtuous by the moral standards of your people group. a9. .i ko mipri fi le tcadu You! (talking to self) Keep a secret from the city. a0. .i ri djuno The city knows. b1. .i zifcru .i zifcru Release; Release. b2. .i do na jitro fe do It is not true that you (talking to self) control yourself. b3. .i zifcru .i zifcru Release; Release. b4. .i ko do'o se ganlo You! (talking to self) Make it so that access to you is denied to you and others. b5. .i cusku na selxanka mi I do not worry about some unspecified someone expressing some unspecified something. b6. .i ko curmi ti You! (talking to self) Allow this. b7. .i .o'enai mi nelci lo lenku .o'enai I am fond of cold. b8. .i minli darno lo sevzi darno cu gasnu The literal distance brings about self-distance. b9. .i lono jitro terpa cu pagre fi mi .u'e None of the controlling fears enter the wondrous {.u'e} me. b0. .i mi facki lo kakne mi I discover the ability of myself. c1. .i lo mi facki cu bancu My discovery exceeds a limit. c2. .i .ia zi'o marde fi mi .ia non-existant are morals applying to me. c3. .einai Freedom. c4. .i zifcru .i zifcru Release; Release. c5. .i .uo mi brife joi tsani .uo I am the wind and the sky. c6. .i zifcru .i zifcru Release; Release. c7. .i mi na'e klaku I will not be crying. c8. .i mi vi stali joi stodi I abide in one place and I am invariant. c9. .i curmi snime The permitted snow. c0. .i benji lo mi vlipa lo loldi fu ti My power is transfered to the ground via this. d1. .i mi cupra lo spisa bisli lo pruxi sevzi I produce particulated crystal by means of my spiritual self. d2. .i lo pa bisli spoja pensi cu dunja One frozen exploding thought congeals. d3. .i mi noroi xruti lo sevzi lo purci I am never returning myself to a state from the past. d4. .i zifcru .i zifcru Release; Release. d5. .i pe'a mi vu cermurse Figuratively, I am the dawn there yonder. d6. .i zifcru .i zifcru Release; Release. d7. .i drani cu canci Perfection vanishes. d8. .i mi vi sanli lo cerni I stand here upon the day. d9. .i curmi snime The permitted snow. d0. .i o'enai mi nelci lo lenku .o'enai I am fond of cold. a1: Should I use {lo} in place of {le} here? a3: Is {loi} correct here? or should it be {lo} or {lo'i}? a4: I tried working around {nolraitru}, but the syllabry wouldn't come out, so {turni} it is. a5: Is this even a valid grammatical construct? Can the words be used in this way? a7: I am made to understand that it is ok to use {ko} to command oneself if the context makes this usage evident. a8: Does this bridi communicate the correct general concept? a0: Is {ri} used correctly here? b1: Would {zifre} work better here? I'm on the fence about which to use. b4: Did I get any sumti places mixed up here? b5: Did I get any sumti places mixed up here? b8: Can anyone think of a better way to phrase this? It needs to have 13 syllables and it would be prefferable if the syllabry was fixed. Try singing it; the stress is wrong. b9: The {.u'e} is modifying {mi} to fix syllabry problems. Also, is {lono} used correctly here? c2: Can {zi'o} be used in this way? c3: The problem is that it technically modifies {mi}, but there is a pause in the song, so it should be ok, right? c5: Not sure if this sentence means what I think it means. c7: Is {na'e} the correct cmavo to use here? c8: Again, not sure if this sentence means what I think it means. c9: An observative. d1: I'm not sure about {pruxi sevzi}. Is there a better pair of gismu that would communicate the concept of 'soul'? d3: Is {noroi} used correctly here? d5: Is {pe'a} used correctly? Is {vu} used correctly?