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Oct 21, 2008, 11:33:31 AM10/21/08
to salon-...@googlegroups.com, lih...@googlegroups.com
关于CCTV新大楼的完美诠释 : 新闻是扭曲的,内容是空洞的,形式是奢华的,立

Ubi Libertas

Twisted mouth

Recently a lot of Chinese people insulted [2] one of great works of the famous Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas, the new CCTV headquater building (program center).

Some of them said that it looks like a Chinese character of "口 mouth", but twisted.  Others said it looks like the shape of trousers of a person who is sitting on a chair (or toilet bout).  So they joked the CCTV building as:

With a twisted mouth, of course they're not able to utter any straight (righteous) words.

CCTV 空洞的思想,扭曲的报道 扭曲的大楼 扭曲的媒体
CCTV inane thoughts, twisted reports.  Twisted building, twisted media

The twisted fact of CCTV is represented on the shape of the building, so vivid, hahaha...

CCTV的新大楼外观和它的报道风格很一置嘛 思想空洞 内容扭曲 真tm的形象 是哪位天使的天才设计啊!!!!!!!!!
The new CCTV building is really in accordance with its style of report!  inane thoughts, twisted reports, really fucking vivid.  Who is this talented designer?

I really admire that designer who looked through the nature of CCTV and made a good satire of CCTV in his work.

I feel that the new CCTV building is well designed.  Twisted, inane, represented the essense of CCTV in a very visual way.

很佩服该建筑设计师!讽刺的妙极了 深得我国人之心
I admire the designer of the building!  The satire is really cool!  He got the heart of our people!

The author above, you even dare to reveal this state secrete?  Pay attention not to be "harmonized [3]".

Throat and tongue [4] is a very scandalous name, but somebody put this pile of shit on his head proudly and regard it as a flower.

This is the future CCTV building.  It looks really like a "twisted mouth" "without teeth"[5], it's natural that nobody believes.

This throat and tongue won't have a future: It chooses to betray the people and the people abandon it as a worn shoe.

A pair of solid trousers, really funny!

Everyday I see this solid big trousers, really unlucky.

Big trousers, and the throat and tongue is in the middle of the crotch [6].

This time it's a true big trousers, because its designer is the famous Dutch architect -- Koolhaas (ku cha zi) [7]!!  So he can only design "ku cha zi"!

What a thing!  Beside the Imperial Palace, like a cringing person!!  Nondescript!  Where are the Chinese architects?  Does the fart of foreigners smell fragrant?  Wasting the money that people paid by tax!!

One of the "Four Monsters of Capital": The "Bird Legs".  Wasting man power and money of people and fucking forcing people to be displaced...

京城四大怪: 国家体育场——鸟巢, 中央电视台——鸟腿, 国家大戏院——鸟蛋, 中华世纪坛——鸟屎, 建筑设计者——鸟人
One of the "Four Monsters of Capital": National Stadium -- Bird Nest, CCTV -- Bird Legs, National Theater -- Bird Egg, China Centry Platform -- Bird Shit, Architecture Designer -- Bird Person [8].

The most misery of the Chinese nation is this monster CCTV.  It robs people's money to wash people's brain.

I hate this CCTV to death! They spend our money while speak for a small group of people.

Take a look of how splendid the CCTV building is, and you will know how tragic the Chinese people were cheated.

The splendid appearance can't cover up the extreme emptiness inside.

Shameless CCTV, Shameless government

[2] 『天涯杂谈』 CCTV大楼比BBC气派一百倍,影响力却只有BBC的百分之一 2008-7-12 16:22:00
"Tianya By-talk" CCTV building is 100 times more splendid than that of BBC, but its influence is only 1/100 of BBC
[3] 和谐, harmonic.  Because this word is often used by the official propaganda to beautify the reality of the Chinese society, people make fun of this word as a verb "harmonized", which in fact means "censored", "shut up", "removed (internet messages, blogs)", "kidnapped", "put in jail".
[4] Throat and tongue: The PRC government calls the media controlled by the CCP as "the throat and tongue of the Party and the people".  In direct words, it means the propaganda organ of the government.
[5] "without teeth" in Chinese sounds the same as the word "shameless".
[6] The "crotch" of trousers in Chinese sounds the same as the word for political party, which in China has the default meaning of Chinese Communist Party.
    "The middle of the crotch" in Chinese sounds the same as the abbreviated phrase "Central [Committee] of the Party".  So this joke means the new CCTV building looks like a big trousers, and the "throat and tongue", ie, the propaganda organ of the CCP lies at the crotch of trousers, where the asshole locates.  This means, what the CCTV says are farts.
[7] The Chinese word "ku cha zi" sounds similar to Koolhaas.  It's a vulgar word for "trousers".
[8] "Bird Person" in Chinese is an abusive slang, which means "bastard". "bird" in Chinese has a slang meaning of penis.
[9] Ian Buruma: Don't be fooled - China is not squeaky clean; The Guardian; Tuesday July 30, 2002  

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