Skype Backdoor Speculations
The well respected German website Heise
Online has fueled speculations about a backdoor that is implemented
in the Voice over IP software Skype.
According to Heise the Austrian interior minister revealed at a
conference with representatives of ISPs
and the Austrian regulator on lawful interception of IP based services
that they were able to listen to Skype conversations which was
confirmed to Heise by several attendees of the conference.
Heise was not able to get a statement from eBay about the
allegations other than they would not comment on media speculations.
The Austrian broadcaster ORF
(German article) published an article last week that already contained
the allegations that the Austrian police was able to listen to Skype
conversations. The possibility to listen to Skype conversations was not
trivial but doable.
Time To Look For A Skype Alternative
from gHacks technology news by Martin
The voice over IP client Skype never got off the radar of privacy
activists. There were always rumors about backdoors in the voice
communication software and that several organizations were able to
record calls made by Skype users although Skype claimed otherwise.
Skype messages were in the focus of privacy groups since first news
about text filtering messages in China became known to the public. Back
then Skype released an official statement that the text filter applied
by the Chinese Skype partner Tom Online would not affect security and
encryption mechanisms of Skype, that people’s privacy would not be
compromised and calls, chats and other forms of communication on Skype
would continue to be encrypted and secure.
Researchers and privacy activists of the University of Toronto
discovered files on unprotected Chinese computers that contained
filtered Skype messages that were recorded in China.
The filtering system uses a blacklist that contains words that will not
be shown in Skype conversations. If a blacklisted word is send over
Skype the word will be filtered and the conversation recorded including
personal information about the users taking part in the chat.
Some of the words that cause the filtering and recording are Tibet,
Taiwan Independence and Voice of America. There is no way of telling if
and how Skype is working with authorities in other countries but who
would want to risk that?
The Electronic Frontier Foundation has Skype replacements on their
priority list with links to multiple voip clients that can be
downloaded freely.
The complete report from the researchers can be downloaded at the
Infowar Monitor website. The major findings list:
* The full text chat messages of TOM-Skype users, along with Skype
users who have
communicated with TOM-Skype users, are regularly scanned for
sensitive keywords, and
if present, the resulting data are uploaded and stored on servers
in China.
* These text messages, along with millions of records containing
personal information, are
stored on insecure publicly-accessible web servers together with
the encryption key required to
decrypt the data.
* The captured messages contain specifc keywords relating to
sensitive political topics such
as Taiwan independence, the Falun Gong, and political opposition
to the Communist Party
of China.
* Our analysis suggests that the surveillance is not solely
keyword-driven. Many of the
captured messages contain words that are too common for extensive
logging, suggesting
that there may be criteria, such as specifc usernames, that
determine whether messages are
captured by the system.
Time To Look For A Skype Alternative
Tags: china, china surveilance, ebay, skype, skype backdoor, skype
china, skype tom, tom online, voice over ip, voip
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for ConceptDoppler
What is the GFC?
Great Firewall of China (GFC) is a system set up by the Chinese
government for censoring the Internet. It is comprised of many
techniques, including IP address blocking, DNS redirection, and keyword
filtering. Keyword filtering can be done to prevent the transmission of
blacklisted keywords or to flag pages for manual inspection. It can be
implemented in specific programs (e.g. QQChat, a popular chat client),
blog sites, e-mail, or in Internet routers.
All of our results are
specific to HTTP keyword filtering by Internet routers. This filtering
is applied to World Wide Web traffic. We chose to focus on a
specific mechanism and learn as much as possible about that mechanism
alone. For more general information on other mechanisms, we will refer
you to
The Open Net
What is ConceptDoppler?
is a weather tracker for Internet censorship. Using ConceptDoppler we
can track the list of keywords that a government uses to censor
Internet traffic. For GFC keyword filtering, we can also locate the
routers performing filtering and deduce the architecture of this
censorship mechanism.
Why do you call it ConceptDoppler?
We use Latent Semantic Analysis (
to prioritize the words we check. Just as an understanding of the
mixing of gases led to effective weather tracking, understanding the
relationship between sensitive concepts and blocked keywords will lead
to more effective tracking of Internet censorship. More details are
available in the paper.
Is the GFC a "fraud?"
do not consider the GFC to be a "fraud," nor were we the originators of
that particular language. The hypothesis set forth in our paper is that
the GFC is effective in a very different way, because it acts as a
Panopticon and not strictly as a firewall. The Chinese government does
not make any specific claims as to the GFC's effectiveness, so we have
not debunked any specific claim. We are attempting to clear a
misconception: that all information is necessarily filtered strictly at
the border of the Chinese Internet without exception.
What is really interesting about this work, i.e.,
what are your suggested soundbites?
- 1)
That the GFC's keyword filtering mechanism is not a firewall that
peremptorily blocks at the border of the Chinese Internet (blocking may
occur deeper into the Chinese Internet, may be sporadic during busy
Internet periods, and for 28% of the paths we tested did not occur at
- 2) The keywords that are targeted with censorship are
surprising, and include words such as (in Chinese) conversion rate,
Mein Kampf, Hitler, Deauville, and many other unexpected results; and
- 3)
Keyword filtering is a seemingly precise mechanism with imprecise
results that have unique implications, meaning that a great deal more
content is filtered than what the censors intended. Examples are any
web page containing the keyword (in Chinese) massacre; or that contain
(in Chinese) North Rhine Westphalia which, when spelled in the Chinese
characters used for foreign words, appears to contain the word "falun"
that is meant to target content about Falun Gong.
Why is knowing the keyword blacklist
major reason why knowing the blacklist is important is that we can
compare a particular government's application of Internet censorship to
their stated purposes. For example, consider
page that quotes U.S. Congressman Jim Leach:
though the Chinese Constitution requires that restrictions on freedom
of speech and press be openly legislated and transparently applied, he
said, "In reality, restrictions imposed by officials are often premised
upon ill-defined concepts of 'social stability,' 'state security,' and
'sedition' that mask what is in fact mere intolerance of dissent."
exactly what is on the keyword blacklist can help us to support or
refute these kinds of statements. For example, the fact that keywords
such as (in Chinese) conversion rate, Mein Kampf, Hitler, and Deauville
(where the Asian Film Festival is located) appear on the list lends
support to Congressman Leach's statement.
Did you call the GFC a "Panopticon" to imply that
the Chinese Internet is a prison?
never intended this sort of political connotation. The target audience
of our paper were other technical researchers whose research focus is
on privacy and censorship, and we were trying to communicate that censorship
mechanisms do not have to be 100% effective to fulfill the goals of the
This is important because it means that evading the GFC is a harder
problem. While evading a firewall a single time defeats its purpose, it
would be necessary to evade a Panopticon almost every time.
Are you trying to "topple" the Great Firewall of
We are trying to understand it, and to help those who care about
forming policy concerning Internet censorship (in all countries around
the world) to understand it as well. There are many lessons to be
learned about keyword filtering and the technical challenges of
Internet router filtering, and these lessons have broad implications.
If we choose to do any research about evasion in the future it will be
only to aid in understanding.
Are your efforts aimed against China and/or against
Different members of the ConceptDoppler team have different political
opinions on various issues, including government Internet censorship.
We have tried very hard to not politicize our technical research, but
this is very difficult and sometimes particular opinions come out in a
choice of wording or in our answers to questions from the media. Also,
sometimes media reports offer their own interpretation of the results
of a technical study on which they are reporting. We are happy to see
this variety of opinions in the discussion of our research, but
encourage you to read our paper and the original press release before
attributing any particular statements to the ConceptDoppler team.
What about censorship in other countries?
chose to focus on China because the GFC's keyword filtering
implementation, where reset packets are sent in both directions,
enabled the type of probing we wanted to do, and because the GFC is the
most elaborate Internet censorship mechanism.
The Open Net Initiative
is a good source of general information about Internet censorship in
other countries and censorship mechanisms other than keyword filtering.
Do your results reflect on the GFC as a whole?
Without similarly testing other components of the GFC (e.g.,
IP blocking or e-mail keyword filtering), the only definitive
conclusions we can reach are specific to HTTP keyword filtering.
Why focus on keyword filtering?
reason is that the GFC's keyword filtering mechanism allows us to probe
it from outside of China. This allows us to perform two types of
probing: 1) to see where in the Chinese Internet the filtering routers
are located, and 2) to test keywords to find out if they are blocked or
not. Locating the filtering routers can give us insights into how and
why the filtering is implemented, such as our proposition that the GFC
is more of a Panopticon than a firewall. Reverse-engineering the
blacklist of keywords can tell us what topics the government is
targeting, with sometimes surprising results such as Hitler and Mein
Kampf (in Chinese) or the Deauville Asian Film Festival.
A more important reason is that keyword filtering is unique
compared to other forms of Internet censorship.
Filtering a keyword can lead to censorship of many more topics than
intended, an example is how filtering for Falun Gong (in Chinese) can
lead to censorship of articles about North-Rhine Westphalia, a state in
western Germany.
Why did you choose the term "Panopticon?"
wanted to capture the idea that the GFC is a mechanism that promotes
self-censorship, and a Panopticon was a convenient analogy for doing
this. The idea behind a Panopticon is that those being watched modify
their behavior precisely because they are not sure if others may be
watching them. The fact that the original coinage of the term
Panopticon describes a prison design was not an important part of our
choice of wording. We are following the more abstract usage of Michel
Foucault in his book "
and Punish: The Birth of the Prison."
experts had made this observation about the GFC, that it promotes
self-censorship, before we did our work, but we chose the term
"Panopticon" as an alternative to "firewall," since our results clearly
show that the GFC is not a "firewall" in the strict sense of the term.
A firewall would block all offending traffic at the border of the
country's Internet. Our work adds quantitative measurements to an idea
that had already been expressed by many experts about the GFC.
opinions of Chinese Internet users vary widely, but many that we have
talked to feel that keyword filtering is applied not just to block
access to web sites but also to log Internet traffic for review by law
enforcement. This is (as of September 2007) stated as a fact on the
Chinese-language version of Wikipedia:
Whether this is rumor or fact, the effect that such a belief has on the
Internet usage behavior of those who believe it is real. The fact that
some Chinese Internet users regularly use proxies and other evasion
techniques to get around the censorship does not change this fact.
What assumptions are you making by testing only GET
requests from outside of China?
are six possibilities for keyword filtering of HTTP traffic: both GET
requests (when you request a web page from a web server, in other
words) and HTML responses (the actual web page that comes back to you)
may be filtered; and this might occur for U.S.-to-China traffic,
China-to-U.S. traffic, and China-to-China traffic. We believe the
keyword filtering is symmetric in two ways: it does not matter to the
filtering router which direction the traffic is going, and the
blacklist of keywords is the same for GET requests and HTML responses.
We also believe that China-to-China connections can be subject to
keyword filtering, but due to router placement this is more unlikely
than for international connections. We plan to verify these
assumptions, and would be interested in any input you might have (
How does the keyword filtering work?
our news release: "In 2006, a team at the University of Cambridge,
England, discovered that when the Chinese system detects a banned word
in data travelling across the network, it sends a series of three
'reset' commands to both the source and the destination. These 'resets'
effectively break the connection." For more details see our paper or Clayton
et al., "Ignoring the Great Firewall of China," at the 6th Workshop on
Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2006.
work is needed before we can answer specific questions, such as whether
the filtering routers reconstruct TCP flows or simply scan each packet
and ignore the possibility that a keyword is broken up across two
packets. Also, we believe that the keyword filtering implementation is
heterogeneous, meaning that it works differently in different places
even if the keyword list appears to be the same, and both ourselves and
the Cambridge researchers have found the implementation to change over
time. One example is that their research concluded that no SYN/SYNACK
handshake was necessary for keyword filtering to occur, while we found
this handshake to be necessary in at least some places. The GFC
implementation might have changed between their experiments and ours.
Why not ask the Chinese government for the blacklist
and the locations of the filtering routers?
doubt that the Chinese government would make this information public.
We base this on several events that have been published in the media.
The first was the release of the
keyword blacklist,
where the hackers responsible for extracting this list from the QQChat
software chose to remain anonymous. Given the media attention this
release received, if the HTTP list were easy to obtain we believe that
the media would have done so already. By comparing our first keyword
list produced by ConceptDoppler to this list it is apparent that the
HTTP list is different or has changed a great deal, for example Hitler
and Mein Kampf were not on the 2005 QQChat list. Also, dissident's
names and other keywords may be added to the list and removed based on
current events, making it necessary to track the list over time.
Finally, it appears that many companies that are complicit in keyword
censorship are unwilling to release the keywords, for example
Skype executive, however, has clarified
exactly which regulations are being complied with or which keywords are
If the companies are unwilling to release the blacklist of keywords, it
is unlikely that the government would be willing to do so.
if the information were made public it would still be necessary to
verify it. Also, ConceptDoppler can be applied to any form of
keyword-based censorship where an answer is returned as to whether a
word was censored or not.
If you know who to contact to get the up-to-date blacklist and the
locations of the filtering routers, please e-mail us (
and let us know.
Have you tested every word?
have not. Rather than testing every word, we test words that are
related to concepts that are known to be controversial or blocked.
Efficiency in terms of the number of words that we test is critical for
several reasons. One reason is that continually testing millions of
terms that will probably never be blacklisted hinders our ability to
discover a new keyword as soon as possible after it is added to the
blacklist. Another important reason is that probing is invasive, since
it uses the network resources of others.
Can I try it?
If you are curious about just trying out some of our words then
you can. The simplest way to test a word into enter it into For
instance if you search for 'falun' in
you will, most likely, receive an error message saying that your
connection has been reset. Typically, if you do receive a reset, you
will remain blocked from
for approximately 90 seconds.
What should I do if I find new words that are not on
your list?
would be very interested to hear about new words that you might have
stumbled upon or have special insight on. Please email us at
and let us know. We can feed this new word into our Doppler engine to
search for a whole new batch of words.
How can I contribute?
What is a Panopticon?
original Panopticon was a prison design developed by the English
philosopher Jeremy Bentham in the 18th century. Bentham proposed that a
central observer would be able to watch all the prisoners, while the
prisoners would not know when they were being watched.
Is ConceptDoppler open source?
Please e-mail us at
with any inquiries about the source code. Also, all packets (with
timestamps) from the Internet measurement part of the research were
saved in an SQL database. If you want to attempt to duplicate our
results or use this for some other research purpose we can make the
database available to you.
From North America/Europe, it appears that is subject to
keyword filtering and
is not. What does this mean?
We are not sure. If you know, or have tested this from another
continent, please e-mail us (
One possibility is that there is a router between where you are testing
from and
where keyword filtering is being applied, but there is no such router
between your source location and
Whether keyword filtering is applied depends on the path that the
packets take, and whether that path contains at least one router that
performs keyword filtering. For example, we see keyword filtering of
GET requests destined for,
but there is apparently no filtering of HTML responses from,
not even for keywords that we know to be filtered in HTML responses
coming from other places. Internet routes are often assymetric, meaning
that there may be a filtering router along our route to but no
filtering router along's
route to us. Another possible explanation as to why does not
seem to be subject to keyword filtering:
announcing its intent to comply with Internet censorship laws in the
People's Republic of China, Google China has been the focus of
controversy over what critics view as capitulation to the 'Golden
Shield Project' (also known as the Great Firewall of China). Because of
its self-imposed censorship, whenever people search for interdicted
Chinese keywords on a blocked list maintained by the PRC government, will display the following at the bottom of the page
(translated): In accordance with local laws, regulations and policies,
part of the search result is not shown."
TOM-Skype側錄通訊紀錄 Skype出面說明
文/陳曉莉 (編譯) 2008-10-03
加拿大多倫多大學市民實驗室(Citizen Lab)在周三(10/1)針對TOM-Skype發表一份「違背信任」(Breaching
Skype admits privacy breach in China
By Jose Vilches,
Published: October 2, 2008, 5:50 PM EST
It's no secret that businesses who want to enter the Internet market in
China have to sometimes do some unsavory things to comply with
government regulations. Thus, it doesn’t really come as much of a
surprise to learn that a surveillance system is being used to monitor
and block Skype conversations. What’s more troubling, though, is that
the company claims the practice was changed for a more aggressive one
without their knowledge or consent.
Instead of just blocking certain text messages with sensitive words
from reaching their destination, it appears that a joint venture
between Skype and Chinese wireless carrier Tom Online was allowing
authorities to monitor these conversations and store them on a web
server. The logs include a treasure-trove of personal information, such
as e-mail addresses, passwords, phone numbers, package tracking numbers
and bank card numbers.
What’s worst, many of the captured messages contain words that are too
common, suggesting that there may be other more specific criteria to
determine whether a conversation should be captured by the system.
Skype officials said to be “extremely concerned” over this situation
and promised a fix soon.
on October 2, 2008
10:56 PM What a betrayal of trust! Skype has no excuse for this
breach of privacy. They KNEW about their pact with the Chinese
Government and it was clearly their duty to inform Skype users of this.
Possibly, arrests will follow? - Auldsod
on October 3, 2008
1:13 AM Skype promotes the text and voice service as encrypted end
to that credible ?
Pickens writes:
Researchers say their discovery contradicts a public statement made by
Skype executives in 2006 that 'full end-to-end security is preserved
and there is no compromise of people's privacy.' The Chinese government
is not alone in its Internet surveillance efforts. In 2005, The New
York Times reported that the National Security Agency was monitoring
large volumes of telephone and Internet communications flowing into and
out of the United States as part of an eavesdropping program that
President Bush approved after the Sept. 11 attacks. 'This is the worst
nightmares of the conspiracy theorists around surveillance coming
true,' says Ronald J. Deibert, an associate professor of political
science at the University of Toronto. 'It's "X-Files" without the
aliens.'" [ Slashdot Posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday October 02,
UK, and partners: AUSCANZUKUS, has 'Echelon' running like a raped ape
24/7 recording ALL the communications from anyone to anywhere on
Onyx is a Swiss intelligence gathering system maintained by the Swiss
Army to monitor both civil and military communications, such as
telephone, fax or Internet traffic, carried by satellite. Onyx uses
lists of keywords to filter the intercepted content for information of
interest, and monitoring communications between a person in Switzerland
and someone in another country is allowed.
Frenchalon: The system allegedly operated by DGSE, whose Direction
Technique (Technical Direction) is responsible for signal intelligence,
of anyone on anything from to France or in Europe and 'French
territories' and places of influence [ which to the French means: the
world. ]
It cannot be a surprise that China might be curious about Internet
chatter, more curious is how ****** the users are to assume that Skype
is a secure service.
PS Skype is owned by Ebay.. itself a huge resource for internal revenue
departments worldwide, and not incidentally watched by every sensible
police force in the world for stolen goods trafficking, money
laundering , fraud etc . Lol
If you want security, encryption, anonymity .. pay for it. Then one has
to wonder which state security services would be dull enough not to
have infiltrated every secure server and software system in the last
twenty years, when hackers do so ad hoc on a daily basis without
Only silence is secure, and free.
October 03, 2008
Skype messes up, badly.
The Open Net Initiative's Information
Warfare Monitor project has published a stunning report by
"Hacktivist" Nart
Villeneuve titled: "Breaching Trust:
An analysis of surveillance and security practices on China’s TOM-Skype
platform." It has been covered by both the New
York Times and the Wall
Street Journal. The report's key findings are as follows:
Major Findings
The full text chat messages of TOM-Skype users, along with Skype users
who have communicated with TOM-Skype users, are regularly scanned for
sensitive keywords, and
if present, the resulting data are uploaded and stored on servers in
These text messages, along with millions of records containing personal
information, are stored on insecure publicly-accessible web servers
together with the encryption key required to decrypt the data.
The captured messages contain specific keywords relating to sensitive
political topics such as Taiwan independence, the Falun Gong, and
political opposition to the Communist Party of China.
• Our analysis suggests that the
surveillance is not solely keyword-driven. Many of the
messages contain words that are too common for extensive logging,
suggesting that there may be criteria, such as specific usernames, that
determine whether messages are captured by the system.
Nart has posted
a Q&A to
which he will continue to add answers to questions he has been getting.
He says he alerted Skype to his findings before the report was made
public in order to avoid further compromising the people whose personal
information was stored on insecure publicly-accessible web servers.
Skype's initial reaction, reported here
by the Wall Street Journal, was dismissive and somewhat flippant in
tone, making it seem as if they didn't take the situation too seriously:
idea that the Chinese [government] might be monitoring communications
in and out of the country shouldn’t surprise anyone, and in fact, it
happens regularly with most forms of communication such as emails,
traditional phone calls, and chats between people within China and
between people communicating to people in China from other countries.
Nevertheless, we were very
concerned to hear about the apparent security issue which made it
possible for people to view chat information among mainly Tom users,
and we are pleased that, once we informed Tom about it, that they were
able to fix the flaw.
They later added a
statement that is more appropriate if you want your users to think you
take their privacy and rights to free expression seriously:
2006, Skype publicly disclosed that Tom operated a text filter that
blocked certain words on chat messages but that it did not compromise
Tom customers’ privacy. Last night, we learned that this practice was
changed without our knowledge or consent and we are extremely
concerned. We deeply apologize for the breach of privacy on Tom’s
servers in China and we are urgently addressing this situation with Tom.
confirm our strong belief that Skype to Skype communications, enabled
by our peer to peer architecture and strong encryption, remain the most
secure form of publicly available communications today.
While Skype claims to have fixed the problem, the fact that
was enabling surveillance and privacy breaches in such a shocking
manner for a significant period of time demonstrates that eBay/Skype as
a company has not placed enough emphasis on protecting users' rights
and interests. What else is going on - or has gone on - which users
don't know about and which Skype headquarters doesn't know about
either? This incident with TOM raises questions about how trustworthy
Skype as a company really is. Even if top management did not intend for
such a situation to happen, the fact that it did happen shows that
management has not made user rights high enough of a priority
company-wide, and have failed to communicate well with their local
partners about what practices are acceptable and what practices are
not. This situation could have been avoided if they had really been
thinking through the potential challenges and pitfalls of working with
a local partner in offering a localized internet communications product
in the mainland Chinese market.
Skype is now learning the lesson Yahoo! already
learned the hard
that if you leave your users' privacy and security to your local
partner to sort out without paying too much attention to details or
thinking through how things might play out, you could burn your users
badly and badly damage the credibility of your global brand.
Yahoo! (along with Google, Microsoft, and others) has been part of
an ongoing initiative to develop a global industry code of
conduct for free expression and privacy.
The initiative should (I hope) go public before the end of this year.
In August, in response to queries by U.S. Sentator Richard Durbin about
the status of the initiative, some of the companies issued letters.
Here are the pdf's of Yahoo!'s and
They are very similar. Microsoft describes the initiative's substance
as follows:
are pleased to report that representatives of the diverse group of
human rights organizations, policy groups, companies, socially
responsible investors, and academics working on these principles have
reached agreement in principle on the core components of a planned ICT
("lnformation, Communications, and Technology") Initiative. The
agreement in principle is now being reviewed by each participating
entity for final approval, and for a decision whether to participate in
(or, as may be appropriate for some entities, simply to endorse) the
Later this year, once these approvals and
participation decisions are made, the Initiative's members, plans, and
details will be formally announced. At this time, however, we can
provide you with some information about the core components of the
Initiative, which are as follows:
Principles on Freedom of Expression and Privacy
that provide direction and guidance to the ICT industry and other
stakeholders on protecting and advancing rights to freedom of
expression and privacy globally. The Principles describe key
commitments in the following areas: Freedom of Expression; Privacy;
Responsible Company Decision Making; Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration;
and Governance, Accountability & Transparency.
lmplementation Guidelines
that provide further detail on how participating companies will put the
Principles into practice. The lmplementation Guidelines describe a set
of actions which, when followed by a company, would constitute
compliance with the Principles, and thereby provide companies with
concrete guidance on how to implement the Principles.
A Governance, Accountability and Learning Framework
founded on the notion that an organizational and multi-stakeholder
governance structure is required to support the Principles and that
participating companies should be held accountable for adhering to the
Principles through a system of independent assessment.
participating in the Initiative will put the Principles into practice
throughout their operations over time, and there will be milestones in
terms of reporting along the way. Additionally, the companies and other
participants will be working collectively to consider options for
public policy engagement, to strengthen government respect for freedom
of expression, and to carry out the independent assessments that are
part of the accountability process.
While the
principles have not yet been published and these structures are not yet
set up, anticipation of them is already starting to impact how some of
the participating companies operate around the world. Yahoo! now says
it conducts human rights assessments before entering "challenging new
It's unfortunate eBay didn't get involved with this initiative back
in 2006 when Nart first
discovered that Tom was filtering Skype chat. Perhaps they might
have avoided this eggregious abuse of user trust.
Tracked on October 03, 2008 at 11:04 AM
this doesn't excuse the privacy breach, it's important to remember that
the issues highlighted in the Information Warfare Monitor / ONI Asia
report affect only the TOM-Skype software distributed in China, and not
standard versions of Skype. Skype-to-Skype communications are, and
always have been, completely secure and private.
Josh Silverman, Skype's President, has blogged about the situation, explaining where we
stand and what we're doing to sort things out.
Posted by: Peter
Parkes (Skype Blogger)
03, 2008 at 09:25 PM
don't understand why this is news. It should only be surprising if
Beijing weren't bugging it. I would think that everyone would of
understood Beijing's position on this by now. More predictable tedious
outrage from the usual suspects.
Posted by: mtm | October
04, 2008 at 11:17 PM
Are Chinese spies monitoring Fonterra and New Zealanders?
New Zealand Green MP Keith Locke said on Green's
“Our Government should make an official complaint about China’s
surveillance of Skype communications, which may include business
communications from New Zealand firms such as Fonterra, as well as
personal conversations,”
“Some family members could get a black security mark if they made
candid comments on Skype about democracy, Tibetan rights or the
SanLu-Fonterra scandal."
“Now that New Zealand has a free trade and investment agreement with
China, we should use what leverage we have to ensure the privacy of
business communications."
“Privacy in China is a one-way street. In China, secrecy and state
control was used to cover up the milk powder scandal, and at the same
time the efforts to bring it to light was being secretly monitored”.
Posted by: Maxwell
Smart (Agent 86)
05, 2008 at 04:19 PM
eBay appointed a new President of Skype back in March who has been
reviewing all of Skype's activities worldwide; he is
currently in the process of restructuring and reorganizing Skype.
One key difference in this situation is that, for the first time in
Skype's five year history, when a crisis situation arose, the President
of Skype has personally responded rather than leave a situation to
fester amidst speculation. Reviewing the TOM relationship gets added to
a list of many business issues they must (and are) addressing over the
next few months.
As an FYI, Skype Journal is one blog that is totally blocked by the
Great Chinese Firewall.
Posted by: Jim
Courtney (Skype Journal)
05, 2008 at 07:06 PM
Surveillance of Skype Messages Found in China
Surveillance of Skype Messages Found in China
By JOHN MARKOFF Published: October 1, 2008
Skype's China spying sparks anger
Fri Oct 3, 2008 8:54am EDT
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By John Ruwitch and Emma Graham-Harrison
HONG KONG/BEIJING (Reuters) - Savvy Internet users in China began
avoiding the version of Skype offered by its Chinese partner two years
ago, but news it filtered and recorded text messages has sparked new
worries about the global firm's commitment to privacy.
The U.S.-owned Web communications firm faces a backlash at home and in
China for apparently allowing core principles to be compromised in
order to meet the demands of Chinese censors, analysts warned.
"We may never know whether some of those people whose conversations
were logged have gone to jail or have had their lives ruined in various
ways as a result of this," said Rebecca MacKinnon, an Internet expert
at Hong Kong University.
"This is a big blow to Skype's credibility, despite the fact that Skype
executives are downplaying it as not such a big deal."
Skype, with its promises of total security and privacy, has long been
popular with Chinese looking to keep their conversations away from the
prying eyes of government censors.
But the eBay-owned firm had to apologize on Thursday after a report
revealed that its Chinese service not only monitors text chats with
sensitive keywords, which it had earlier admitted, but also stores them
along with millions of personal user records on computers that could
easily be accessed by anybody.
Skype added however that only messaging conversations where one or more
people were using the Chinese software were affected.
The censorship provoked little surprise among some of China's more
knowledgeable Web users, however.
Suspicious of the software provided by TOM Online Inc., majority owners
of the TOM-Skype joint-venture in China, they had already sought out
the original version.
"We already knew that their software would not pass on messages with
some words in them, so we understood they had some deal with the
government and we avoided them," said Wang Lixiong, an author with
dissident views.
Many spread the word over blogs and through other networks that the
TOM-Skype version was not secure. The Skype homepage in China
apparently redirected would-be users to download that version rather
than the international one.
Still, there was outrage at the extent of a cooperation that many saw
as another example of once-admired Western Internet giants bending
their principles in order to do business in China.
"The problem with Skype is that they did more than what people
expected. They over-satisfied the government," said Isaac Mao, one of
China's earliest and best known bloggers.
Yahoo Inc. has been widely criticized for its role in helping the
Chinese government identify Shi Tao, a reporter accused of leaking
state secrets abroad. He was jailed for 10 years in April 2007.
Google Inc., which has the corporate motto "Don't be evil", upset some
by launching a self-censoring Chinese site.
TOM said only that the company adhered to Chinese rules and
regulations, and declined to answer any further questions.
Their defense was mocked by the people they aimed to monitor.
"We must interrogate you: the constitution stipulates that citizens
have freedom of correspondence and of secret correspondence. Have you
complied with this mother of laws?" one post on an online message board
Author Wang said government controls on phones and other Internet
programs left him with little choice but to take Skype at its word and
continue using its original software, but even that has a security flaw
that he worries about constantly.
He says the program allows one user to open their account on two
separate computers, with no notification to the first.
"If our password is stolen, everything that we do on Skype can be seen
or copied on another computer without us knowing. And in fact stealing
a password is very easy for Internet police or hackers," he added.
© Thomson Reuters 2008 All rights reserved
Information Warfare Monitor Joint Report
ONI Asia
An analysis of surveillance and
security practices on China’s
TOM-Skype platform
Nart Villeneuve, Psiphon Fellow, the Citizen Lab 监控Skype用户网络行为
Trust: An analysis of surveillance and security practices on China’s
TOM-Skype platform
are pleased to announce our release of a major investigate report,
Breaching Trust: An analysis of surveillance and security practices on
China's TOM-
Skype platform, written by Nart
Villeneuve, Psiphon Fellow, the Citizen Lab, at the Munk Centre for
International Studies, the University of Toronto.
The full report can be downloaded here:
Markoff of the New York Times has just released a story about the
report, which will appear in tomorrow's paper, but can be found online
Major Findings of this report are as follows:
• The full text chat messages of TOM-
users, along with
Skype users who have
communicated with TOM-
users, are regularly scanned for sensitive keywords, and if present,
the resulting data are uploaded and stored on servers in China.
These text messages, along with millions of records containing personal
information, are stored on insecure publicly-accessible web servers
together with the encryption key required to decrypt the data.
The captured messages contain specific keywords relating to sensitive
political topics such as Taiwan independence, the Falun Gong, and
political opposition to the Communist Party of China.
Our analysis suggests that the surveillance is not solely
keyword-driven. Many of the captured messages contain words that are
too common for extensive logging, suggesting that there may be
criteria, such as specific usernames, that determine whether messages
are captured by the system.