安全软件工具指南 Security-in-a-Box: tools & tactics for your digital security [NGO In A Box][engagemedia][Tactical Tech Collective][frontline defenders]

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May 9, 2009, 4:25:15 PM5/9/09
to Salon Friends, lihlii-g

ngoinabox.org 的这些手册都非常棒,制作精美,很有水准。:)
Tactical Technology Collective 是荷兰注册的 NGO,由荷兰政府的 hivos.nl People Unlimited 人权组织部分资助,在很多国家有分支。

AVbooklet [11] 和这个 Security booklet [2] 就有波兰的成员参与编写。提到波兰,想起和一个波兰女生 M 谈到许多中共国人被洗脑,在那里为波兰的“和平演变”而痛心疾首,认为波兰人倒霉了。M 睁大了眼睛非常惊讶,她说:“什么?难道他们认为得到自由是灾难?” 呵呵。现在波兰进入“准发达国家”行列了 [56],而且开始向国际提供人道和自由民主的援助了也。:)

  1. http://twitter.com/lihlii/status/1703986002
    Good! >@rmack Marek Tuszynski of Tactical Tech is introducing Security-in-a-Box: tools & tactics for your digital security http://tr.im/kvju
  2. http://security.ngoinabox.org/
    Welcome to Security in-a-box: Tools and tactics for your digital security

    Security in-a-box is a collaborative effort of the Tactical Technology Collective and Front Line. It was created to meet the digital security and privacy needs of advocates and human rights defenders. Security in-a-box includes a How-to Booklet, which addresses a number of important digital security issues. It also provides a collection of Hands-on Guides, each of which includes a particular freeware or open source software tool, as well as instructions on how you can use that tool to secure your computer, protect your information or maintain the privacy of your Internet communication.

    Continue Reading to learn more. >>

  3. How-to Booklet http://security.ngoinabox.org/book/export/html/136
  4. Hands-on Guide http://security.ngoinabox.org/book/export/html/282
  5. Portable Security http://security.ngoinabox.org/book/export/html/283
  6. Matt Curtin: Snake Oil Warning Signs: Encryption Software to Avoid; <cmcu...@interhack.net> April 10, 1998; http://www.interhack.net/people/cmcurtin/snake-oil-faq.pdf
  7. Salman A. Baset and Henning Schulzrinne: An Analysis of the Skype Peer-to-Peer Internet Telephony Protocol; Department of Computer Science, Columbia University, New York NY 10027; {salman,hgs}@cs.columbia.edu; September 15, 2004; http://www1.cs.columbia.edu/~library/TR-repository/reports/reports-2004/cucs-039-04.pdf
  8. Roger Dingledine: Anonymity Loves Company: Usability and the Network Effect; Roger Dingledine and Nick Mathewson; The Free Haven Project;{arma,nickm}@freehaven.net; http://www.freehaven.net/doc/wupss04/usability.pdf
  9. Brett Bonfield and Laura S. Quinn: Comparing Open Source CMSes: Joomla, Drupal and Plone; http://basebox.ngoinabox.org/files/basebox/Idealware_joomla_drupal_plone.pdf
  10. NGO-IN-A-BOX Open Publishing Edition
    How To Guide

  11. NGO-IN-A-BOX Specially Selected Free & Open Source Software, The Audio/Video Edition; http://audiovideo.ngoinabox.org/files/audiovideo/NGOinabox_AVbooklet.pdf
  12. EngageMedia is a video sharing site about social justice and environmental issues in the Asia Pacific; http://engagemedia.org/
  13. NGO-in-a-Box: Powerful tools for the daily work of NGO's; http://ngoinabox.org/
    In this section you will find information about boxes which are already available, in the process of being assembled, but also still in the planning stage. We welcome all kinds of feedback - tell us what else could be done, what is right and what is wrong in your opinion.

        * BaseBox
          The BaseBox is a collection of tools for the day to day running of small to medium sized NGOs. Produced by Tactical Tech in collaboration with Women'sNet, the BaseBox aims to make it easier to set up base, find the right software and learn how to use it.

          Targeted primarily at activist and advocacy organisations in developing countries the Box contains a set of peer-reviewed Free and Open Source Software tools, with associated guides and tutorials. The edition can be accessed online but it's primary form is as a physical box set of CDs, providing immediate access to all the software tools without the need to download them. (read more...)
        * Security Edition
          The security version of NGO-in-a-box is aimed predominantly at those who work in human rights, anti-corruption, womens issues, independent media and journalists. Its purpose is to help these groups, and those who work as trainers and technical support with these groups, to orient themselves with the kinds of security and protection tools they could use and the ability to easily access and try them out. (read more...)
        * Audio/Video Edition
          The Audio and Video edition of NGO-in-a-box will be a compilation of FOSS tools for NGOs, activists, independent media and community groups with particular emphasis on their application in transition or developing countries where broadband internet access and computing power are often limited. (read more...)
        * Open Publishing Edition
          The Open Publishing Edition of NGO-in-a-box is a toolkit of free and open source software, tutorials and guides for producing, publishing and distributing content. The edition was produced by Tactical Tech in collaboration with iCommons and is aimed at small to medium sized non-profits, independent media organisations, free culture creators and grassroots journalists with a particular emphasis on those in developing and transition countries. (read more...)

    Editions currently in preparation

        * Citizen Journalism Toolkit
        * Mobile Phones

    Last modified at 2005-06-08 10:36

  14. http://www.frontlinedefenders.org/
  15. http://icommons.org/
  16. Electronic Frontier Foundation; http://www.eff.org/
    What Is EFF?
    EFF is the leading civil liberties group defending your rights in the digital world.
  17. http://www.womensnet.org.za/
  18. http://estudiolivre.org/
  19. http://www.i2r.org/fmm/
  20. http://www.hivos.nl/
    A fair, free and sustainable world – that is what Hivos, the Humanist Institute for Development Cooperation, wants to contribute to. Together with local organisations in developing countries, Hivos strives for a world in which all citizens – both men and women – have equal access to resources and opportunities for development.

  21. http://soros.org/
  22. http://www.globalvoicesforjustice.org/
  23. http://www.audioport.org/index.php?op=producer-info&uid=274&nav=&
  24. http://uprisingradio.org/
  25. http://www.audioport.org/
  26. http://kpfk.org/kpfkcontactslocation.html
    KPFK 90.7FM Los Angeles / 98.7FM Santa Barbara
    Progressive & Independent, News, Talk & Music
  27. Resources http://openpublishing.ngoinabox.org/?q=node/48
  28. http://www.theopencd.org/
    The Open CD is no longer under active development. Technology from the Open CD is currently in use by the following projects:
    Software Feedom Day

    CD images are available in the archive: releases.theopencd.org

    OpenDisc is a high quality collection of open source software (OSS) for the Microsoft Windows operating system.

  29. NGOinabox, Phase 2: Concept Paper, The Tactical Technology Collective http://www.bio-nica.info/Biblioteca/NGO-in-a-box-ConceptPaper2.pdf
    Tactical Tech is an Amsterdam registered nonprofit
    foundation (Stichting). It’s mission is to help nonprofits
    in developing and transition countries to utilise new technologies. It does this through organising
    workshops, collating tools and materials and providing consultancy and advice to a range of projects.

  30. Tactical Tech is an international NGO helping human rights advocates use information, communications and digital technologies to maximise the impact of their advocacy work. We provide advocates with guides, tools, training and consultancy to help them develop the skills and tactics they need to increase the impact of their campaigning. read more-- http://www.tacticaltech.org/

  31. Maps for Advocacy http://www.tacticaltech.org/mapsforadvocacy
  32. Visualizing Information for Advocacy: An Introduction to Information Design http://www.tacticaltech.org/infodesign
  33. The Quick 'n Easy Guide to Online Advocacy http://www.tacticaltech.org/onlineadvocacy; http://onlineadvocacy.tacticaltech.org/
  34. http://advocacy.globalvoicesonline.org/projects/advocacy-20-guide-tools-for-digital-advocacy/
  35. wordpress 多语言翻译插件 http://supernode.worldwidelexicon.org/pages/downloads.html
  36. http://www.tacticaltech.org/node/469

    EU Funding Guide

    Tactical Technology Collective has published a guide to the EU Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) funding. NGOs and companies in the new EU member states are eligible to apply for this funding. Click here for more information.

    Skype Security

    Is Skype secure? How does its security compare with that of conventional telephone calls, or of other VoIP-based systems? Simson Garfinkel, an expert on Internet security and networking issues, looks at the security properties of key importance for civil society organizations relying on Skype for voice communications. More here.

  37. Simson L. Garfinkel: VoIP and Skype Security http://www.tacticaltech.org/files/tacticaltech/Skype_Security.pdf
  38. Simson L. Garfinkel: Voice Over Internet Protocol and Skype Security http://www.tacticaltech.org/node/470

    With the increased deployment of high-speed (“broadband”) Internet connectivity, a growing number of businesses and individuals are using the Internet for voice telephony, a technique known as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). With a VoIP system, two people can speak with each other by using headsets and microphones connected directly to their computers. Skype is a proprietary VoIP system developed by Skype Technologies S.A. Like the popular KaZaA file-trading system, Skype is based on peer-to-peer technology: instead of transmitting all voice calls through a central server, as some VoIP services do (Vonage, for example), Skype clients seek out and find other Skype clients, then build from these connections a network that can be used to search for other users and send them messages. Is Skype secure? How does its security compare with that of conventional telephone calls, or of other VoIP-based systems? In this article commissioned by OSI's Information Program, Simson Garfinkel, an expert on Internet security and networking issues, looks at the security properties of key importance for civil society organizations relying on Skype for voice communications.

    This paper is under Creative Commons license, so, please, distribute it freely.

    download paper english here.

  39. The Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) of the European Union - a free guide! http://www.tacticaltech.org/fp6
  40. Tactical Tech's toolkits http://www.tacticaltech.org/node/479

    Tactical Tech's toolkits are designed to meet the specialised technology needs of non-profit organisations such as NGOs, activists, independent journalists and community groups.

    Each toolkit covers a specific theme, providing comprehensive solutions to the very real technological issues faced by today's NGOs – and produced specifically to address the realities of their work.

    All toolkits are put together by a team of international experts in each field and rigorously peer-reviewed by an editorial team – with the needs of non-profit organisations to the fore at all times.

    The toolkits are provided to the non-profit community free or at low-cost and are available online and in a box containing:

    1. Strategic guides help non-profit organisations choose the right advocacy tactics for the communities they are working with

    2. CDs/DVDs with specifically selected Free and Open Source Software and links to online tools and services

    3. Easy-to-use tutorials

    4. Hands-on guides

    5. Informative case studies

    “Tactical Tech has the most impact with NGO-in-a Box. I believe SME-in-a box was inspired by it, and I've also seen some localised versions of it.” Jerome Gotangco, Philippines

  41. Message in-a-box: Tools and tactics for communicating your cause http://www.tacticaltech.org/miab
  42. Mobiles in-a-box: Tools and Tactics for Mobile Advocacy http://www.tacticaltech.org/mobileadvocacy
  43. Security in-a-box: Tools and Tactics for Digital Security http://www.tacticaltech.org/node/467
  44. NGO in-a-box Security Edition http://www.tacticaltech.org/sectoolkit
  45. Basebox: Everyday tools for NGOs http://www.tacticaltech.org/basebox
  46. Previous Toolkits http://www.tacticaltech.org/node/468

    NGO in-a-box: Open Publishing Edition

    The Open Publishing Edition is a selection of software tools and guides for on and offline publishing, open content licensing and participatory media making. The edition aims to assist organisations and individuals to harness publishing tools in their social change work.

    More information about the toolkit here.

    NGO in-a-box: Audio/Video Edition

    The Audio/Video edition of NGO-in-a-Box is a toolkit for advocates, enabling them to harness multimedia as a tool for social change. Audio and Video are both extremely powerful communication means that can be used extensively for documenting and monitoring, campaigning, education, awareness raising and outreach. The Audio/Video edition aims to make it easier to access these tools and make effective use of them.

    More information about the toolkit here.

  47. NGO in-a-box: Open Publishing Edition: An on and offline multimedia publishing toolkit http://www.tacticaltech.org/node/381
  48. NGO in-a-box: Audio/Video Edition: An audio/video production and distribution toolkit http://www.tacticaltech.org/node/377
  49. Tactical Technology Collective Projects: http://www.tacticaltech.org/node/475
  50. Sex Worker Health and Rights Advocates http://www.tacticaltech.org/sexworkers
  51. Report on Sex Worker Health and Rights Advocates use of ICT released by Tactical Tech http://www.tacticaltech.org/sexwork_ict_report

    This report was compiled by Tactical Tech in collaboration with Melissa Gira. It explores the ways in which sex worker health and rights advocacy groups currently use information and communications technology, and to discover how they could benefit from technology and training in the future. It was commissioned by the Open Society Institute’s Sexual Health and Rights Project (SHARP).

    Attachment Size
    Sex Worker Health and Rights Advocates ICT Report.pdf 700.12 KB

  52. Working with Human Rights Movements http://www.tacticaltech.org/humanrights
  53. HIV/AIDS Access to Treatment http://www.tacticaltech.org/accesstotreatment
  54. Tactical Tech: What we do http://www.tacticaltech.org/node/454
    Tactical Tech is an international NGO helping human rights advocates use information, communications and digital technologies to maximise the impact of their advocacy work. We provide advocates with guides, tools, training and consultancy to help them develop the skills and tactics they need to increase the impact of their campaigning. We also carry out projects with various advocacy groups ranging from sex worker health and rights to HIV/AIDS access to treatment groups.

  55. Info-Activism http://www.tacticaltech.org/infoactivism
  56. 发达国家和准发达国家名单 2009-03-06 20:46:22 http://blog.huanqiu.com/?41657/viewspace-72501
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