2008.3.14 拉萨 2009.7.5 乌鲁木齐 1992.4.29 洛杉矶 种族骚乱

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Aug 4, 2009, 3:02:11 PM8/4/09
to lihlii-g, 公民力量群发
关于 3.14 拉萨事件评论扯到洛杉矶黑人骚乱的时候写的文章。

Date: 2008/4/12
Subject: Re: 爱 尔 兰、西 藏 与 奥 巴 马(zt)

yue: 这次指向汉人和回人的暴力(先假设它存在吧,否则铁幕之下的我没有和-你们讨论的基础)就是一次民族主义的爆发,也是你认为很有必要的民族主义的后果






正如,在美国民权运动中,尽管马丁路德金提倡非暴力,但是依然有黑人从事暴力反抗;而他被刺杀以后,黑人的骚乱席卷全美国。而美国民间是有持枪权的,那才 叫厉害的骚乱。中共当时在报纸上大声叫好。:) [1] 许多年过去了,美国人有没有把马丁路德金被刺导致的骚乱,归罪于马丁路德金?声讨黑人民族主义?种族主义?


我阅读了一些相关的文献,发现主要的报道,是关于案情,骚乱原因,发展过程,损失情形,典型的被害人,犯罪者的个人背景,以及事件中各种人的言行。评论主 要分析肇因,指向警察系统长期的的种族主义,贫困,黑人社群流传的揭露警察暴力的录像(警察声称是谣言),街头帮伙势力,官员之间对立导致政府运作失调, 警察逃避职责,反应不当,如何重建,疗治伤口,受害人的宽容,等等。

看看 wikipedia 对这件历史事件的原因的叙述:[6]

In addition to the immediate trigger of the verdict, many other factors
were cited as reasons for the unrest, including extremely high
unemployment among residents of South Central Los Angeles, which had been hit very hard by the nation-wide recession; a long-standing perception that the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) engaged in racial profiling and used excessive force, supported by the Christopher Commission, an investigation led by Warren Christopher (who two years later would become Secretary of State under president Bill Clinton); and specific anger over the sentence given to a Korean American shop-owner for the killing of Latasha Harlins, an African American girl. Additionally, in the time between the public revelation of King's arrest and the trial verdict, the two L.A. street gangs, the Bloods and the Crips,
agreed to a truce with each other, and began working together to make political demands of the police and the L.A. political establishment.


By the time the riots ended, pressure mounted for a retrial of the officers, 要求重新审判暴打黑人的警察 and federal charges of civil rights violations were brought against the officers. 对警察提起侵犯民权的诉讼 Near the first anniversary of the acquittal, the city tensely awaited the decision of the federal jury; seven days of deliberations raised speculative fear of an incendiary outcome in the event of a not guilty verdict. 7 天的商议,令人猜测是害怕无罪判决会导致煽动性的结果

Precautionary measures were taken by the government and media. The decision was read in an atypical 7:00 a.m. Saturday court session on April 17, 1993. Two officers--Officer Laurence Powell and Sergeant Stacey Koon were found guilty and the other two were acquitted. Mindful of accusations of sensationalist reporting following the first jury decision, media outlets opted for more sober coverage which included calmer on-the-street interviews.[16] Police were fully mobilized with officers on 12-hour shifts, convoy patrols, scout helicopters, street barricades, tactical command centers, and support from the National Guard and Marines.[17][18]


The four officers have since quit or have been fired from the LAPD. Officer Theodore Briseno left the LAPD after being acquitted on federal charges. Officer Timothy Wind, who was also tried twice and acquitted twice, was fired after Willie L. Williams became Chief of Police. Chief Williams himself did not have his contract renewed by the Los Angeles Police Commission, who said Williams had failed his primary task of remaking the city's police force in the aftermath of the Rodney King beating.[19]

Rodney King has been arrested eleven times on a variety of charges including spousal abuse, hit-and-run, and being under the influence of PCP.[20]
被害人 Rodney King 后来的历史并不光彩。

According to insurance records, the riots caused far wider destruction than was televised or noted in contemporary news reports.
根据保险记录看,骚乱导致的破坏原大于电视和当时的新闻报道所及。注意这一点,可见美国媒体和民众的注意力在哪里,主要在于事件为何会发生,而不是把责任 推到所引发的骚乱中的破坏者身上,或者各打五十大板,这不是公平的态度,而是模糊责任的态度。

The Rebellion in Los Angeles - analysis of the LA riots as a proletarian revolt, by libertarian Marxist journal Aufheben.


这次暴力事件造成58人死亡,2300多人受伤,11900多人被捕,5000多座建筑物被毁,财产损失达10亿美元。[...] 事件平息后,国际舆论界普遍认为罗德尼?金案的不公正裁决,对洛杉矶事件来说是偶然的,但有它必然的理由。这一事件的根源是美国经济衰退,以及贫富悬殊和 种族歧视。[...]这些,就是洛杉矶种族骚乱事件产生的根源所在。[2][3][4][5]

15 年后,Time 杂志的回顾采访[7],诉说了几位当时人的现状,受害者 Denny 对加害者原谅:

Denny had to undergo years of rehabilitative therapy, but his speech and
ability to walk were permanently damaged. After the trial of his assailants,
he approached their families in a gesture of forgiveness. He later appeared
on the Phil Donahue show to shake hands with one of them,
Henry Keith Watson, and finally make peace.


But even by his own admission, Gates' department was ill-prepared for what happened on April 29, 1992.

警官被指责,对 Rodney King 被殴打的录像反应太软弱。这种批评导致他的部门在其后应对骚动时反应谨慎。

Gates had been criticized in the community for his weak response to the videotaped Rodney King beating and had lost favor among the Los Angeles political establishment, particularly among supporters of Mayor Tom Bradley. This led, he says, to his department's cavalier response to the growin
unrest at the intersection of Normandie and Florence Avenues.


But the end of the riot was not the end of Gates' troubles. He fell under heavy criticism from every side, including his own rank and file, which
said he had lost the ability to manage the department. With no support to fall back on, he resigned late in 1992.


Broadcasting the images for the world to see as they happened turned
out to
be a double-edged sword for Tur. Some say the footage inspired copycat
attacks, but it also arguably prevented some incidents; Normandie is a
major thoroughfare on the way to downtown, and no doubt because of the
broadcast, people were able to avoid coming into harm's way.

当回首往事,摄像记者 Tur 无法忘记那段对司机 Denny 攻击的令人难忘的录像。如果他可以重来,他不会拍摄骚乱的录像。“人的代价太大了”,他说。

Looking back, Tur would just as soon forget the unforgettable footage of
Denny's attack. If he had to do it all over again, he says he would not film
the riot. "The human cost was awful," he said.

暴力攻击卡车司机的凶犯之一, Williams,几天后被逮捕,但是律师辩论说,他没有意图要杀死 Denny,检察官把两个被告当作了替罪羊。
在录像上,可以看到 Williams 用煤渣砖块砸 Denny 的头。但是他逃脱了最严重的谋杀,人身攻击,重伤害罪指控,被定罪为四个轻罪,
以及一个简单伤害罪,判刑 10 年,服刑 4 年后出狱。但是他后来又因为 2000 年参与对一个贩毒者的谋杀,2003 年被判 46 年监禁。

Williams bashed Denny's head with a cinderblock

Williams was arrested days later, but, after his lawyers
successfully argued that he had not intended to kill Denny (saying the
prosecutors were scapegoating the two), Williams escaped the most
serious charges
against him of attempted murder, assault and aggravated mayhem and was
convicted instead of only four misdemeanors and simple mayhem.

Williams was released after serving four years of his 10-year sentence, but soon found himself back in jail. He was convicted of participating in the 2000 murder of an L.A. drug dealer, and in 2003 was sentenced to 46 years in prison. He is currently serving his sentence at Pelican Bay State Prison, according to California Corrections Department officials.

攻击 Denny 的另一个凶手,Henry Keith Watson 在 William 砸 Denny 的脑袋的时候,他踩在 Denny 的脖子上。

“那是因为狂怒和气愤,不仅仅是因为 Rodney King,而是那时候的不公正。” Watson 解释说,虽然他声称,没有人真的想要杀死 Denny。“没有人
挑出 Reginald Denny 要伤害他。他当时被抓住,就像任何其他人。”

"It was rage and anger, not just about Rodney King, but the injustices that
were going on during that time," Watson explained, though he claims that
nobody really intended to kill Denny. "Nobody specifically sought out
Reginald Denny to cause him any harm. He got caught up in the moment, just
like everyone else."

一个弱多数的陪审团裁定使得他脱离重伤害指控,他被判定简单人身攻击,一个轻罪,服刑后释放。1993 年他想 Denny 道歉。后来因为服用迷幻剂入狱服刑 3 年。

A hung jury spared Watson from the felony assault charge against him.
Instead, he was convicted of simple assault, a misdemeanor, and freed after
his trial for time served. In 1993, on the Phil Donahue show, Watson
apologized to Denny for his part in the attack. His troubles with the law
were not yet over. He would later serve three years in prison for a
narcotics conviction. Today, he is still in Los Angeles, operating his own
limousine service.

四名殴打 King 的警察中的两名 Powell 和 Koon 被判有罪,侵犯公民权,入狱 30 个月。

both Powell and
Koon were found guilty of violating King's civil rights and sentenced to 30
months in federal prison (Wind and Briseno were acquitted).

在 Powell 被判罪 5 年后,他告诉 CNN,King 是“他的律师的木偶”,“他们操纵他到处炫耀,

But five years after he was convicted, he told CNN that King was a
"puppet for his
lawyers." "They parade him around and try to move him to be their
spokesperson for the case, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty,
he's just a petty criminal."

另一名被定罪的警官,曾获得 40 多次荣誉,并曾推动对一个白人警察进行纪律处分,因为他滥用暴力对待两个黑人无家可归者。因此被他的黑人同事看作是

Before he became a reviled household name, Sergeant Stacey Koon of the
L.A. P.D. had been known largely as a problem solver. Not only had he
earned more than 90 commendations, but his investigation and push for
the discipline of a white officer accused of excessive force against
two black homeless men convinced many of his black peers in the force
that he was fully committed to racial equality.

他参与了对 King 的殴打,用电警棍电击了 King 两次。在审判中,他作证说他认为所采用的暴力是得到合理控制的。第二年,Koon 和其他三位警察被宣告无罪。

But on the night of March 3, 1991, Koon was one of the four officers
who attempted to arrest Rodney King after a high-speed chase. Koon took
part in the beating, shooting King twice with an electronic dart gun.
In his trial, he testified that he felt the force used was properly
controlled. Over the next year, Koon, along with Laurence Powell, Timothy Wind, and Theodore Briseno, were acquitted. In his 1992 book, Presumed Guilty: The Tragedy of the Rodney King Affair, Koon further defended his actions and blamed the riots on the media and community leaders.

一年后,Koon 和 Powell 重新因为联邦人权指控受审,被定罪,判刑 30 个月。Koon 1995 年获释。不久,一个武装者到他住的客栈试图刺杀他,但是他正在别处拜访家庭。武装者狂暴地在建筑中搜寻 Koon,枪击无辜的旁人,被特警击毙。

A year later, Koon and Powell were retried on federal civil rights
charges, convicted, and sentenced to 30 months in prison. Koon was
released in 1995, but soon after, an armed man came to the halfway
house where Koon was staying in an attempt to kill him. As it happened,
was away visiting family at the time, and the assailant, after
through the facility looking for Koon and shooting innocent bystanders,
was killed by a SWAT team.


And he was dealing with citizens furious over a court decision that had angered an already angry community.

我们受到的军事训练帮助了我们”,Delk 说。即便有如此的北京,他的部队还是枪杀了两个人。一个是一个贩毒者,

"What helped us was standard military training," says Delk. Even with
that background, two people were shot by his troops. One was a drug
dealer, angry that his corner was being occupied by the soldiers;
another was a man who was violating his probation and
attempted to run the soldiers down.

军人成对分散在出事地区,每个士兵配备 30 发步枪子弹,Delk 说。军队的存在使得警察可以开始逮捕行动,Delk 和洛杉矶警察的合作在混乱的环境中开始建立秩序。

Troops were scattered across affected areas in pairs, and each soldier was given 30 rounds to use with rifles, Delk says. The military presence allowed police to begin making arrests, and Delk's coordination with the L.A. Sheriff began to create order in a chaotic environment.


Despite misperceptions about the people of inner-city Los Angeles, the vast majority were victims of the riots rather than the perpetrators. "It took about three days to restore order, but people didn't want us to go home," he explained. "They told us it was the first time in years they felt safe just going to the market."

Delk retired from active duty in 1992, several months after the riot. But he went on to become one of the most sought after authorities and authors on urban unrest. After publishing his book Fires and Furies, Delk toured the United States and Europe lecturing on his experiences in Los Angeles. Today, in full retirement, he lives quietly in Fair Oaks, Calif.


In the aftermath of the riots, critics suggested that the usually mild-mannered Mayor Tom Bradley had actually made the already tense situation that much worse soon after the verdict came down when he declared, "Today that jury asked us to accept the senseless and brutal beating of a helpless man." It was a statement many said fanned the flames of the L.A. riots, but Bradley never apologized to his critics.


Bradley already had a very poor relationship with Daryl Gates, the chief of police, which had degenerated over the course of several years. Some critics suggested that this lack of communication with the police force made it harder for Bradley to manage the fast escalating crisis.


Shortly after the riots Bradley decided not to run for a sixth term. At the announcement, he made a plea that was more in keeping with his character: "The April unrest tore at my heart, and I will not be at peace until we have healed our wounds and rebuilt our neighborhoods. Let us all, every one of us, pledge to make Los Angeles a beacon of mutual respect, justice and tolerance from this day forward." Bradley suffered a stroke in 1996 and died in 1998 at the age of 80.

另一个政府官员 Wilson 谴责攻击行为是“丑恶的一幕,邪恶和暴力失去控制,震惊了许多人”。

As Wilson recalled in a 2000 Harvard University study, the mayhem of those days, especially the attack on trucker Reginald Denny, "was an ugly scene and the viciousness and violence were unnerving...it scared the hell out of a lot of people."

介绍为何非裔和韩裔结下仇恨的历史。一个韩裔店主因为误以为一个 15 岁的非裔女孩偷了一瓶桔子水,争斗中枪杀了她,犯下故意杀人罪。

In many ways, the shooting death of 15-year-old Latasha Harlins on March 16, 1991 by convenience store clerk Soon Ja Du, a Korean immigrant, laid the foundation of anger and resentment that would eventually explode after the King verdict.

On the afternoon of March 16, 1991, the 15-year-old Harlins entered the the Empire Liquor Market, which was owned by Du's family. Harlins put a $1.79 bottle of orange juice in her bag and, security cameras showed, approached the counter with money in her hand. Du didn't see the money, however, and confronted Harlins over what she saw as an attempted theft. After a brief scuffle, Harlins left the orange juice on the counter and started to leave, only to be shot in the back of the head by Du.

Du was convicted of voluntary manslaughter, but her suspended sentence — five years of probation, 400 hours of community service, and a fine — enraged much of L.A.'s black community. Soon Ja Du now lives in the San Fernando Valley.


There are no shortage of examples of how the L.A. riots brought out the worst in people. But Bobby Green's actions on the first day of the unrest, showed that they could also bring out the best.


John Hope Bryant was certain that the verdict in the Rodney King police beating trial would be guilty. With videotaped evidence, there was no way the rule of law would be violated. He turned out to be wrong, of course, but he didn't let the verdict and its aftermath destroy his essential optimism; on the contrary, the riots caused the entrepreneur, who owned a financing and consulting firm, to start an organization focused, literally, on hope for the future.

"I felt fooled because I thought discrimination had been solved and there was justice," he says. "But I'm standing in my office when the verdict came in and at about 4 p.m. I start to see smoke rising from my window view, which was over East L.A."

The first thing Bryant did was go to First A.M.E. church to meet with local and national activists and officials including Gov. Pete Wilson and Rev. Jesse Jackson to figure out what to do with the rage brewing in the community.

After seeking advice from his mentor, Rev. Cecil Murray, Bryant sought out as many bankers, investors and members of the media as possible to drum up interest in rebuilding South Central Los Angeles.

Bryant called the organization Operation Hope, whose purpose was to connect the community to private sector opportunities. He virtually went door-to-door attempting to help arrange financing for people whose businesses were damaged or destroyed, or wanted to open new businesses. Since then he has raised $400 million and created 1,000 homeowners throughout the areas affected by the riot.

Today, Bryant still runs Operation Hope. He is also an author and lecturer on urban empowerment.

“慈善和施舍的时代已经死去”,他说,“种族主义确实存在,但我们将挽救我们自己的生命。我们必须克服它,解决它,让白人和棕色美国人可以说出有力 的语言”。

"The charity and handout era is dead," he said. "Racism does exist, but we've got to save our own lives. We have to get over it and get to it, so black and brown America have to speak a language of empowerment."


By his own admission, Darren "Bo" Taylor had once been a detrimental force in the streets of Los Angeles. After leaving the military, he couldn't find work in his community and fell into a spiral of crime and gang violence. But when he escaped multiple attempts on his life, he decided instead to become part of the solution. [...] Taylor used his street connections to broker a truce between the gangs.

CNN 在骚乱后 10 年的报道[8]:


Before the trial, an investigation into the King beating concluded that racism and sexism were widespread in the LAPD. The probe, led by former diplomat Warren Christopher -- later secretary of state in the Clinton administration -- also called for Police Chief Daryl Gates to resign. He refused.

警官 Michael Moulin 被撤职,因为他将人数不够,欠准备的警察从第一波骚乱事发地点撤离。他说,“我吓死了”。

The riots also ended the career of LAPD Lt. Michael Moulin. The department blamed Moulin for withdrawing his outnumbered and ill-prepared officers from the corner of Florence and Normandie in the first wave of unrest.

A decade later, Moulin says, "I was scared to death."

Moulin 说,“这个社区处于紧张状态。我们看到一盘录像,许多黑人相信这些一年接一年地发生着,尽管他们没有证据那是事实。而实际上,我们有证据。”


"The community was on edge," Moulin told CNN recently. "We had just seen a tape of what most black people believed had been occurring for years and years and years -- although they had no evidence that that was, in fact, the case -- and here we have evidence.

"We have a tape made by an independent person ... of the activities of the Los Angeles Police Department, under cover of darkness, doing to a black man what is against the law to do to a dog -- and they were infuriated," Moulin said.


said Bernard Kinsey, the former chairman of the Rebuild Los Angeles effort.

"I think the message that I'd like people around this country to hear is that Los Angeles is back in a big way, and south Los Angeles has recovered from the worst riot in its history," Kinsey told CNN. "We would offer that what has happened in our churches, what has happened in our City Council and areas in the county government, along with the business community, have been one huge success."


Despite that investment and the boom of the 1990s, South Central remains one of the city's poorest neighborhoods. Unemployment remains well above 20 percent even after the boom of the 1990s.

"The wounds are in the process of healing," Murray said. "They have not healed, but there are isolated moments where you can note progress here on this hill."

Today, the population of South Central Los Angeles' is mostly Hispanic instead of mostly black, but still poor.

当时发布的紧急新闻[9],介绍 Rodney King 案情,洛杉矶非裔市长对审判结果的谴责,要求解职责任警察:

The Mayor of Los Angeles, Tom Bradley, said; "We must express our profound anger and outrage (at the acquittal), but we also must not endanger the reforms that we have made by striking out blindly". He continued, "We must demand that the L.A.P.D. fire the officers who beat Rodney King and take them off the streets once and for all".


California State Senator Ed Smith said that he was also shocked. Smith was quoted by the United Press as saying, "It's hard to beleive that there was no sustaining of the charges at all...the world saw the videotape and if that conduct is sanctioned by law in California, then we have to re-write the law". Exec. Director Ramona Ripston of the American Civil Liberties Union called the verdicts "a travesty of justice".

因此发生骚乱, According to late afternoon and early evening news reports, citizens of the Southeast and Southcentral area of Los Angeles have decided that they can't wait for laws to be changed. Reportedly, numerous occasions of rioting, arson, and looting are taking place at the time of this report.

As the story continues to unfold, senseless violence seems to beget senseless violence. 骚乱扩大。

一个目击者说,气氛和情形类似马丁路德金被刺杀后的那次 Watss Riots。

One witness said that the atmosphere and conditions were reminiscent of those at the onset of the "Watts Riots" that shook Los Angeles following the death of Martin Luther King. City residents are said to be "holding their breath" and praying that the seemingly isolated "lawlessness" doesn't spread to engulf the entire city in vengence for the actions of a jury that made a decision.

报道死伤人数,损失情形。包括被警察杀死的人数。 According to a police spokesman at least five (5) people have been shot by police and one was killed in a gun-battle in the city's Inglewood area.

市长呼吁黑人市民保持冷静。但实际上劫掠和纵火的不全是黑人,包括一些西裔和高加索白人。Observers report, however, that many of those participating in looting and arson are not black, but rather, youths of hispanic and caucasian origin. 一些街头帮伙加入了暴力和枪击。Reports were also received that numerous reputed "street gang" members were seen to be participating in the violence and shooting.


Things are totally out of control here... and we expect it to get worse when it gets dark...I hope we all live to see tommorow". 情况恶化,完全失去控制。



军人对军事行动的报道。[10] 自豪地自吹。Such soldiers were the real secret of success in Los Angeles, and we are extremely proud of them.

其他媒体报道 [11]-[13].

[1] 支持美国黑人抗暴斗争的声明 http://groups.google.com/group/salon-friends/browse_thread/thread/82f18d24bf6cf06a
[2] http://bbs.eastday.com/eastbbs_front/front/biz/bbs/1/bbs04_usr0002_02_content.aspx?f_sub_bbs=1015&f_msg_id=0586d1c8-a899-440d-ac94-a977b74c05de
[3] http://tv.people.com.cn/GB/14645/25059/7062814.html
[4] http://news.cctv.com/world/20080328/106275.shtml
[5] http://vblog.thmz.com/video.php/vid_795.htm
[6] Los Angeles riots of 1992 http://vblog.thmz.com/video.php/vid_795.htm
[7] The L.A. Riots: 15 Years After Rodney King http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/la_riot/article/0,28804,1614117_1614084,00.html
[8] Los Angeles riot still echoes a decade later April 29, 2002 Posted: 10:55 PM EDT (0255 GMT)
[9] THREE DAYS OF HELL IN LOS ANGELES http://www.emergency.com/la-riots.htm
A Series of Reports prepared by the Emergencynet News Service (ENN) in "real-time" as the events were unfolding.
[10] The 1992 Los Angeles Riots Military Operations in Los Angeles, 1992 http://www.militarymuseum.org/HistoryKingMilOps.html
[11] South-Central LA, Ten Years After the Riots http://www.isteve.com/2002_South-Central_Los_Angeles_Riot.htm
[12] 1992: LA in flames after 'not guilty' verdict http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/april/29/newsid_2500000/2500471.stm
[13] 1965: Los Angeles riot toll keeps rising http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/august/15/newsid_3750000/3750939.stm


Aug 4, 2009, 3:39:24 PM8/4/09
to lih...@googlegroups.com
好莱坞后来 制作了个电影


后来还有非常详细的报道,在瓮安事件中 被“反动”媒体 多次引用。

2009/8/4 wanghx <wan...@gmail.com>



Aug 4, 2009, 3:43:58 PM8/4/09
to lih...@googlegroups.com


from 草根民主論壇 by nor...@blogger.com (草根民主論壇)
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于是洛杉矶夜晚的一条公路上,出现了一组好莱坞电影中常见警车追民车的惊险画面。 不久罗德尼.金开的车被警方追上被迫停了下来,罗德尼.金未作任何反抗地离开座驾。迎接他下车的不是警察向他宣读警令和相关的法律背书;而是乱棒相向。
美国公论:国家国法公器之一的警察和法官,都可以践踏神圣的司法和共和秩序。不就说明:这些代表国家执法的美国白人,开了一个乱法的先例,美国人民难道也 要象今日专制社会里亿万软骨的远东人那样处恶不惊“算了又算了吗?”美国人难道要倒退到林肯废奴前的那种黑奴沉默;恶霸横行的年代吗?
美国舆论:美国的公器能带头犯法吗?一个由四个犯罪警察造成的错误的事件还未平了;又引发另一批法官制造了更错误的事件。这不就是向美国声明:法律失效 了!良知崩溃了!暴力可以取代一切律法!邪恶将覆良知!国民只能用更错误;更激烈的方式;并制造更大的伤痕;以永远警世美国:“什么才叫违法腐败的巨大成 本。”“又是什么力量最终让美国还原司法;国民还原良心。”
文字、声讯、映画、视屏、电话、现代媒体的电子符号把民间暴力的火种,迅速传递全国。无数黑人上街示威抗议,向政府采取了报复行动,抗议示威此起彼伏;暴 力冲突遍布南北,冲天烈火四处燃烧。繁华的都市,满街都是暴力游窜的黑人;满地都是锋利破裂的碎玻璃;黑红色呛鼻的浓烟,久久薰烤着这座居住着数百万人的 城市;岩溶般的热气流,贪婪地吞噬着一切周边的氧气。洛杉矶成了“烟火嚎叫之城”,整个城市陷入瘫痪和混乱之中,不足24小时愈演愈烈的暴力便蔓延到19个州。
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