:title: expermental zettel format 3 :id: t-zformat-3 :index-term: zettel/format :parent: t-zformat-2 :date: 2020/2/5 :format: rst .. this is a comment line, using the RsT line comment marker. .. Keywords are delineated with colons(:). .. :order of these keyword entries is not important. .. :cite: for citations to published sources .. :url: for URLs to relevant web pages. .. :rel: for relations to other zettels. .. :child: id of child zettel. .. :time: 1830 .. Body of note is not introduced by any identifier. .. All data items are optional. This format is basically the same as Format 2, except that the keyword lines start with a colon (:). RsT automatically renders them in a nicely readable way. Also, comments are delineated using the RsT comment marker (".."). Note that Markdown does not have a convenient syntax for the inline keyword lines or for comment lines. This makes me think that Restructured Text is the best way to go for zettels. **Pros**: Uses only standard RsT syntax. **Cons**: *Slightly* more typing for the keywords and comments, compared with plain text format version.