[ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | Loading XML description [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | Support for XML markup available [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | --> loaded ./ubuntu/ubuntu-focal/config.xml [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | --> Selected build type: oem [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | --> Selected profiles: Virtual [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | Preparing system [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | Setup root directory: /home/manji/KIWI/build [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [mkdir -p /home/manji/KIWI/build] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [rsync -a --ignore-existing /var/tmp/kiwi_root.zbau2yam/ /home/manji/KIWI/build] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [cp /etc/resolv.conf /home/manji/KIWI/build/etc/resolv.conf.kiwi] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [ln -s -f resolv.conf.kiwi /home/manji/KIWI/build/etc/resolv.conf] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [cp /etc/hosts /home/manji/KIWI/build/etc/hosts.kiwi] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [ln -s -f hosts.kiwi /home/manji/KIWI/build/etc/hosts] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [cp /etc/sysconfig/proxy /home/manji/KIWI/build/etc/sysconfig/proxy.kiwi] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [ln -s -f proxy.kiwi /home/manji/KIWI/build/etc/sysconfig/proxy] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [mount -n --bind /home/manji/KIWI/build /home/manji/KIWI/build] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build/proc] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [mount -n --bind /proc /home/manji/KIWI/build/proc] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build/dev] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [mount -n --bind /dev /home/manji/KIWI/build/dev] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build/sys] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [mount -n --bind /sys /home/manji/KIWI/build/sys] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build/var/cache/kiwi] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [mount -n --bind /var/cache/kiwi /home/manji/KIWI/build/var/cache/kiwi] [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | Setting up repository http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Virtualization:/Appliances:/Builder/xUbuntu_20.04 [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | --> Type: apt-deb [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | --> Translated: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/Virtualization:/Appliances:/Builder/xUbuntu_20.04 [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | --> Alias: 6cb63589bd7cf081d1e46bbfd6b9fb45 [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | Setting up repository http://packages.oth-regensburg.de/ubuntu/ [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | --> Type: apt-deb [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | --> Translated: http://packages.oth-regensburg.de/ubuntu/ [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | --> Alias: Focal-security [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | Setting up repository http://packages.oth-regensburg.de/ubuntu/ [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | --> Type: apt-deb [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | --> Translated: http://packages.oth-regensburg.de/ubuntu/ [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | --> Alias: Focal-updates [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | Setting up repository http://packages.oth-regensburg.de/ubuntu/ [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | --> Type: apt-deb [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | --> Translated: http://packages.oth-regensburg.de/ubuntu/ [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | --> Alias: Focal [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | Using package manager backend: apt [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | Installing bootstrap packages [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | --> collection type: onlyRequired [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | --> package: apt [ INFO ]: 10:21:26 | --> package: usrmerge [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build/sys] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build/sys] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [umount -l /home/manji/KIWI/build/sys] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build/dev] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build/dev] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [umount -l /home/manji/KIWI/build/dev] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build/proc] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build/proc] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [umount -l /home/manji/KIWI/build/proc] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [rm -r -f /home/manji/KIWI/build/dev/fd] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [rm -r -f /home/manji/KIWI/build/dev/pts] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:26 | EXEC: [debootstrap --no-check-gpg --variant=minbase --include=usrmerge --components=main,multiverse,restricted,universe focal /home/manji/KIWI/build http://packages.oth-regensburg.de/ubuntu/] [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:29 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving InRelease [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:30 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving Packages [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:31 | bootstrap: I: Validating Packages [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:31 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving Packages [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:31 | bootstrap: I: Validating Packages [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:34 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving Packages [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:35 | bootstrap: I: Validating Packages [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:35 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving Packages [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:36 | bootstrap: I: Validating Packages [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:37 | bootstrap: I: Resolving dependencies of required packages... [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:43 | bootstrap: I: Resolving dependencies of base packages... [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:43 | bootstrap: I: Checking component main on http://packages.oth-regensburg.de/ubuntu... [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:43 | bootstrap: I: Checking component restricted on http://packages.oth-regensburg.de/ubuntu... [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:44 | bootstrap: I: Checking component universe on http://packages.oth-regensburg.de/ubuntu... [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:45 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving adduser 3.118ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:45 | bootstrap: I: Validating adduser 3.118ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:52 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving apt 2.0.2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:52 | bootstrap: I: Validating apt 2.0.2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:53 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving base-files 11ubuntu5 [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:53 | bootstrap: I: Validating base-files 11ubuntu5 [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:54 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving base-passwd 3.5.47 [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:54 | bootstrap: I: Validating base-passwd 3.5.47 [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:55 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving bash 5.0-6ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:55 | bootstrap: I: Validating bash 5.0-6ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:55 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving bsdutils 1:2.34-0.1ubuntu9 [ DEBUG ]: 10:21:55 | bootstrap: I: Validating bsdutils 1:2.34-0.1ubuntu9 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:01 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving coreutils 8.30-3ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:01 | bootstrap: I: Validating coreutils 8.30-3ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:02 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving dash [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:02 | bootstrap: I: Validating dash [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:05 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving debconf 1.5.73 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:05 | bootstrap: I: Validating debconf 1.5.73 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:07 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving debianutils 4.9.1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:07 | bootstrap: I: Validating debianutils 4.9.1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:07 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving diffutils 1:3.7-3 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:07 | bootstrap: I: Validating diffutils 1:3.7-3 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:10 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving dpkg 1.19.7ubuntu3 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:11 | bootstrap: I: Validating dpkg 1.19.7ubuntu3 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:12 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving e2fsprogs 1.45.5-2ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:12 | bootstrap: I: Validating e2fsprogs 1.45.5-2ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:13 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving fdisk 2.34-0.1ubuntu9 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:13 | bootstrap: I: Validating fdisk 2.34-0.1ubuntu9 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:14 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving findutils 4.7.0-1ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:14 | bootstrap: I: Validating findutils 4.7.0-1ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:14 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving gcc-10-base 10-20200411-0ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:14 | bootstrap: I: Validating gcc-10-base 10-20200411-0ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:15 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving gpgv 2.2.19-3ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:15 | bootstrap: I: Validating gpgv 2.2.19-3ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:15 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving grep 3.4-1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:15 | bootstrap: I: Validating grep 3.4-1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:16 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving gzip 1.10-0ubuntu4 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:16 | bootstrap: I: Validating gzip 1.10-0ubuntu4 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:16 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving hostname 3.23 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:16 | bootstrap: I: Validating hostname 3.23 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:17 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving init-system-helpers 1.57 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:17 | bootstrap: I: Validating init-system-helpers 1.57 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:17 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libacl1 2.2.53-6 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:17 | bootstrap: I: Validating libacl1 2.2.53-6 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:18 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libapt-pkg6.0 2.0.2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:19 | bootstrap: I: Validating libapt-pkg6.0 2.0.2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:19 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libattr1 1:2.4.48-5 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:19 | bootstrap: I: Validating libattr1 1:2.4.48-5 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:19 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libaudit-common 1:2.8.5-2ubuntu6 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:19 | bootstrap: I: Validating libaudit-common 1:2.8.5-2ubuntu6 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:19 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libaudit1 1:2.8.5-2ubuntu6 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:20 | bootstrap: I: Validating libaudit1 1:2.8.5-2ubuntu6 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:20 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libblkid1 2.34-0.1ubuntu9 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:20 | bootstrap: I: Validating libblkid1 2.34-0.1ubuntu9 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:20 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libbz2-1.0 1.0.8-2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:20 | bootstrap: I: Validating libbz2-1.0 1.0.8-2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:22 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libc-bin 2.31-0ubuntu9 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:22 | bootstrap: I: Validating libc-bin 2.31-0ubuntu9 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:30 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libc6 2.31-0ubuntu9 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:30 | bootstrap: I: Validating libc6 2.31-0ubuntu9 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:30 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libcap-ng0 0.7.9-2.1build1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:30 | bootstrap: I: Validating libcap-ng0 0.7.9-2.1build1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:30 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libcom-err2 1.45.5-2ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:30 | bootstrap: I: Validating libcom-err2 1.45.5-2ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:31 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libcrypt1 1:4.4.10-10ubuntu4 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:31 | bootstrap: I: Validating libcrypt1 1:4.4.10-10ubuntu4 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:31 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libdb5.3 5.3.28+dfsg1-0.6ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:31 | bootstrap: I: Validating libdb5.3 5.3.28+dfsg1-0.6ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:32 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libdebconfclient0 0.251ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:32 | bootstrap: I: Validating libdebconfclient0 0.251ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:32 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libext2fs2 1.45.5-2ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:32 | bootstrap: I: Validating libext2fs2 1.45.5-2ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:33 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libfdisk1 2.34-0.1ubuntu9 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:33 | bootstrap: I: Validating libfdisk1 2.34-0.1ubuntu9 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:33 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libffi7 3.3-4 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:33 | bootstrap: I: Validating libffi7 3.3-4 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:33 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libfile-find-rule-perl 0.34-1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:33 | bootstrap: I: Validating libfile-find-rule-perl 0.34-1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:34 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libgcc-s1 10-20200411-0ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:34 | bootstrap: I: Validating libgcc-s1 10-20200411-0ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:34 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libgcrypt20 1.8.5-5ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:34 | bootstrap: I: Validating libgcrypt20 1.8.5-5ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:35 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libgdbm-compat4 1.18.1-5 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:35 | bootstrap: I: Validating libgdbm-compat4 1.18.1-5 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:35 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libgdbm6 1.18.1-5 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:35 | bootstrap: I: Validating libgdbm6 1.18.1-5 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:35 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libgmp10 2:6.2.0+dfsg-4 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:35 | bootstrap: I: Validating libgmp10 2:6.2.0+dfsg-4 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:36 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libgnutls30 3.6.13-2ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:36 | bootstrap: I: Validating libgnutls30 3.6.13-2ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:37 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libgpg-error0 1.37-1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:37 | bootstrap: I: Validating libgpg-error0 1.37-1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:37 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libhogweed5 3.5.1+really3.5.1-2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:37 | bootstrap: I: Validating libhogweed5 3.5.1+really3.5.1-2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:38 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libidn2-0 2.2.0-2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:38 | bootstrap: I: Validating libidn2-0 2.2.0-2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:38 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving liblz4-1 1.9.2-2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:38 | bootstrap: I: Validating liblz4-1 1.9.2-2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:39 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving liblzma5 5.2.4-1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:39 | bootstrap: I: Validating liblzma5 5.2.4-1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:39 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libmount1 2.34-0.1ubuntu9 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:39 | bootstrap: I: Validating libmount1 2.34-0.1ubuntu9 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:39 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libncurses6 6.2-0ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:39 | bootstrap: I: Validating libncurses6 6.2-0ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:40 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libncursesw6 6.2-0ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:40 | bootstrap: I: Validating libncursesw6 6.2-0ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:40 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libnettle7 3.5.1+really3.5.1-2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:40 | bootstrap: I: Validating libnettle7 3.5.1+really3.5.1-2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:41 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libnumber-compare-perl 0.03-1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:41 | bootstrap: I: Validating libnumber-compare-perl 0.03-1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:41 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libp11-kit0 0.23.20-1build1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:41 | bootstrap: I: Validating libp11-kit0 0.23.20-1build1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:44 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libpam-modules 1.3.1-5ubuntu4 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:44 | bootstrap: I: Validating libpam-modules 1.3.1-5ubuntu4 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:45 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libpam-modules-bin 1.3.1-5ubuntu4 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:45 | bootstrap: I: Validating libpam-modules-bin 1.3.1-5ubuntu4 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:46 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libpam-runtime 1.3.1-5ubuntu4 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:46 | bootstrap: I: Validating libpam-runtime 1.3.1-5ubuntu4 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:46 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libpam0g 1.3.1-5ubuntu4 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:46 | bootstrap: I: Validating libpam0g 1.3.1-5ubuntu4 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:47 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libpcre2-8-0 10.34-7 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:47 | bootstrap: I: Validating libpcre2-8-0 10.34-7 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:47 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libpcre3 2:8.39-12build1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:47 | bootstrap: I: Validating libpcre3 2:8.39-12build1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:56 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libperl5.30 5.30.0-9build1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:56 | bootstrap: I: Validating libperl5.30 5.30.0-9build1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:56 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libprocps8 2:3.3.16-1ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:56 | bootstrap: I: Validating libprocps8 2:3.3.16-1ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:56 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libseccomp2 2.4.3-1ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:56 | bootstrap: I: Validating libseccomp2 2.4.3-1ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:57 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libselinux1 3.0-1build2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:57 | bootstrap: I: Validating libselinux1 3.0-1build2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:57 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libsemanage-common 3.0-1build2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:57 | bootstrap: I: Validating libsemanage-common 3.0-1build2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:58 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libsemanage1 3.0-1build2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:58 | bootstrap: I: Validating libsemanage1 3.0-1build2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:58 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libsepol1 3.0-1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:58 | bootstrap: I: Validating libsepol1 3.0-1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:59 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libsmartcols1 2.34-0.1ubuntu9 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:59 | bootstrap: I: Validating libsmartcols1 2.34-0.1ubuntu9 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:59 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libss2 1.45.5-2ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:22:59 | bootstrap: I: Validating libss2 1.45.5-2ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:00 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libstdc++6 10-20200411-0ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:00 | bootstrap: I: Validating libstdc++6 10-20200411-0ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:00 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libsystemd0 245.4-4ubuntu3 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:00 | bootstrap: I: Validating libsystemd0 245.4-4ubuntu3 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:00 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libtasn1-6 4.16.0-2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:00 | bootstrap: I: Validating libtasn1-6 4.16.0-2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:01 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libtext-glob-perl 0.10-1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:01 | bootstrap: I: Validating libtext-glob-perl 0.10-1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:01 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libtinfo6 6.2-0ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:01 | bootstrap: I: Validating libtinfo6 6.2-0ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:02 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libudev1 245.4-4ubuntu3 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:02 | bootstrap: I: Validating libudev1 245.4-4ubuntu3 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:02 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libunistring2 0.9.10-2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:02 | bootstrap: I: Validating libunistring2 0.9.10-2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:02 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libuuid1 2.34-0.1ubuntu9 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:02 | bootstrap: I: Validating libuuid1 2.34-0.1ubuntu9 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:03 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libzstd1 1.4.4+dfsg-3 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:03 | bootstrap: I: Validating libzstd1 1.4.4+dfsg-3 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:05 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving login 1:4.8.1-1ubuntu5 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:05 | bootstrap: I: Validating login 1:4.8.1-1ubuntu5 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:06 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving logsave 1.45.5-2ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:06 | bootstrap: I: Validating logsave 1.45.5-2ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:06 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving lsb-base 11.1.0ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:06 | bootstrap: I: Validating lsb-base 11.1.0ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:07 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving mawk [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:07 | bootstrap: I: Validating mawk [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:07 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving mount 2.34-0.1ubuntu9 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:07 | bootstrap: I: Validating mount 2.34-0.1ubuntu9 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:08 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving ncurses-base 6.2-0ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:08 | bootstrap: I: Validating ncurses-base 6.2-0ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:08 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving ncurses-bin 6.2-0ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:08 | bootstrap: I: Validating ncurses-bin 6.2-0ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:16 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving passwd 1:4.8.1-1ubuntu5 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:16 | bootstrap: I: Validating passwd 1:4.8.1-1ubuntu5 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:18 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving perl 5.30.0-9build1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:18 | bootstrap: I: Validating perl 5.30.0-9build1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:29 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving perl-base 5.30.0-9build1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:29 | bootstrap: I: Validating perl-base 5.30.0-9build1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:51 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving perl-modules-5.30 5.30.0-9build1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:51 | bootstrap: I: Validating perl-modules-5.30 5.30.0-9build1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:52 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving procps 2:3.3.16-1ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:52 | bootstrap: I: Validating procps 2:3.3.16-1ubuntu2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:53 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving sed 4.7-1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:53 | bootstrap: I: Validating sed 4.7-1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:54 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving sensible-utils 0.0.12+nmu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:54 | bootstrap: I: Validating sensible-utils 0.0.12+nmu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:54 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving sysvinit-utils 2.96-2.1ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:54 | bootstrap: I: Validating sysvinit-utils 2.96-2.1ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:55 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving tar 1.30+dfsg-7 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:55 | bootstrap: I: Validating tar 1.30+dfsg-7 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:55 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving ubuntu-keyring 2020.02.11.2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:23:55 | bootstrap: I: Validating ubuntu-keyring 2020.02.11.2 [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:03 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving util-linux 2.34-0.1ubuntu9 [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:03 | bootstrap: I: Validating util-linux 2.34-0.1ubuntu9 [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:03 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving zlib1g 1:1.2.11.dfsg-2ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:04 | bootstrap: I: Validating zlib1g 1:1.2.11.dfsg-2ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:04 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving libgcc1 1:10-20200411-0ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:04 | bootstrap: I: Validating libgcc1 1:10-20200411-0ubuntu1 [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:05 | bootstrap: I: Retrieving usrmerge 23 [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:05 | bootstrap: I: Validating usrmerge 23 [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:05 | bootstrap: I: Chosen extractor for .deb packages: dpkg-deb [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:05 | bootstrap: I: Extracting base-files... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:05 | bootstrap: I: Extracting base-passwd... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:05 | bootstrap: I: Extracting bash... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:05 | bootstrap: I: Extracting bsdutils... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:05 | bootstrap: I: Extracting coreutils... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:05 | bootstrap: I: Extracting dash... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:05 | bootstrap: I: Extracting debconf... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:05 | bootstrap: I: Extracting debianutils... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:05 | bootstrap: I: Extracting diffutils... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:06 | bootstrap: I: Extracting dpkg... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:06 | bootstrap: I: Extracting e2fsprogs... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:06 | bootstrap: I: Extracting fdisk... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:06 | bootstrap: I: Extracting findutils... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:06 | bootstrap: I: Extracting gcc-10-base... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:06 | bootstrap: I: Extracting grep... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:06 | bootstrap: I: Extracting gzip... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:06 | bootstrap: I: Extracting hostname... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:06 | bootstrap: I: Extracting init-system-helpers... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:06 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libacl1... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:06 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libattr1... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:06 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libaudit-common... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:06 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libaudit1... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:06 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libblkid1... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:06 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libbz2-1.0... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:06 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libc-bin... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:06 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libc6... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:06 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libcap-ng0... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:06 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libcom-err2... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:06 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libcrypt1... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libdb5.3... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libdebconfclient0... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libext2fs2... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libfdisk1... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libgcc-s1... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libgcrypt20... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libgpg-error0... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting liblz4-1... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting liblzma5... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libmount1... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libncurses6... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libncursesw6... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libpam-modules... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libpam-modules-bin... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libpam-runtime... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libpam0g... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libpcre2-8-0... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libpcre3... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libprocps8... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libselinux1... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libsemanage-common... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libsemanage1... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libsepol1... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libsmartcols1... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libss2... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libsystemd0... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libtinfo6... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libudev1... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libuuid1... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libzstd1... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting login... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting logsave... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting lsb-base... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting mawk... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting mount... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting ncurses-base... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting ncurses-bin... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:07 | bootstrap: I: Extracting passwd... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:08 | bootstrap: I: Extracting perl-base... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:08 | bootstrap: I: Extracting procps... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:08 | bootstrap: I: Extracting sed... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:08 | bootstrap: I: Extracting sensible-utils... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:08 | bootstrap: I: Extracting sysvinit-utils... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:08 | bootstrap: I: Extracting tar... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:08 | bootstrap: I: Extracting util-linux... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:08 | bootstrap: I: Extracting zlib1g... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:08 | bootstrap: I: Extracting libgcc1... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:20 | bootstrap: I: Installing core packages... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:21 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking required packages... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:21 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking base-files... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:22 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking base-passwd... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:22 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking bash... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:23 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking bsdutils... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:25 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking coreutils... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:25 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking dash... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:26 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking debconf... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:26 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking debianutils... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:26 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking diffutils... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:28 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking dpkg... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:28 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking e2fsprogs... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:28 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking fdisk... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:28 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking findutils... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:29 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking gcc-10-base:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:29 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking grep... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:29 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking gzip... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:29 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking hostname... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:29 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking init-system-helpers... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:29 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libacl1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:30 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libattr1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:30 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libaudit-common... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:30 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libaudit1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:30 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libblkid1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:30 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libbz2-1.0:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:31 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libc-bin... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:33 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libc6:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:33 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libcap-ng0:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:33 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libcom-err2:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:33 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libcrypt1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:33 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libdb5.3:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:34 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libdebconfclient0:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:34 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libext2fs2:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:34 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libfdisk1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:34 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libgcc-s1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:34 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libgcrypt20:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:34 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libgpg-error0:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:34 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking liblz4-1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:35 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking liblzma5:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:35 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libmount1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:35 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libncurses6:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:35 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libncursesw6:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:36 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libpam-modules:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:36 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libpam-modules-bin... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:37 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libpam-runtime... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:37 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libpam0g:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:38 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libpcre2-8-0:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:38 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libpcre3:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:38 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libprocps8:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:38 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libselinux1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:38 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libsemanage-common... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:38 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libsemanage1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:38 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libsepol1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:39 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libsmartcols1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:39 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libss2:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:39 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libsystemd0:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:39 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libtinfo6:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:39 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libudev1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:39 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libuuid1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:39 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libzstd1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:40 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking login... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:40 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking logsave... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:41 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking lsb-base... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:41 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking mawk... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:41 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking mount... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:41 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking ncurses-base... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:42 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking ncurses-bin... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:43 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking passwd... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:47 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking perl-base... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:48 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking procps... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:48 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking sed... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:48 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking sensible-utils... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:48 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking sysvinit-utils... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:48 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking tar... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:51 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking util-linux... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:51 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking zlib1g:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:52 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libgcc1... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:52 | bootstrap: I: Configuring required packages... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:52 | bootstrap: I: Configuring lsb-base... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:52 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libaudit-common... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:52 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libsemanage-common... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:52 | bootstrap: I: Configuring gcc-10-base:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:52 | bootstrap: I: Configuring ncurses-base... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:52 | bootstrap: I: Configuring sensible-utils... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:52 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libcrypt1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:52 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libgcc-s1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:52 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libc6:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:52 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libudev1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:52 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libsepol1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:52 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libattr1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:52 | bootstrap: I: Configuring debianutils... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:52 | bootstrap: I: Configuring mawk... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:53 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libdebconfclient0:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:53 | bootstrap: I: Configuring base-files... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:53 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libbz2-1.0:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:53 | bootstrap: I: Configuring base-passwd... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:53 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libdb5.3:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:53 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libblkid1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:53 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libtinfo6:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:53 | bootstrap: I: Configuring bash... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:53 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libzstd1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:53 | bootstrap: I: Configuring liblzma5:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:53 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libgpg-error0:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:53 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libgcc1... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:53 | bootstrap: I: Configuring liblz4-1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:54 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libc-bin... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:54 | bootstrap: I: Configuring ncurses-bin... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:54 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libacl1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:54 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libsmartcols1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:54 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libgcrypt20:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:54 | bootstrap: I: Configuring zlib1g:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:54 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libcom-err2:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:54 | bootstrap: I: Configuring diffutils... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:54 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libsystemd0:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:54 | bootstrap: I: Configuring hostname... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:54 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libpcre3:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:54 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libcap-ng0:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:54 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libext2fs2:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:54 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libncurses6:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:54 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libaudit1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:54 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libuuid1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:54 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libss2:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:54 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libpcre2-8-0:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:54 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libncursesw6:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:54 | bootstrap: I: Configuring logsave... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:54 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libfdisk1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:54 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libprocps8:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:54 | bootstrap: I: Configuring bsdutils... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:55 | bootstrap: I: Configuring e2fsprogs... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:55 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libselinux1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:55 | bootstrap: I: Configuring sed... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:55 | bootstrap: I: Configuring findutils... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:55 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libmount1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:55 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libsemanage1:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:55 | bootstrap: I: Configuring tar... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:55 | bootstrap: I: Configuring coreutils... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:55 | bootstrap: I: Configuring fdisk... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:55 | bootstrap: I: Configuring dpkg... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:55 | bootstrap: I: Configuring grep... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:55 | bootstrap: I: Configuring perl-base... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:55 | bootstrap: I: Configuring init-system-helpers... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:55 | bootstrap: I: Configuring gzip... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:55 | bootstrap: I: Configuring procps... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:56 | bootstrap: I: Configuring debconf... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:56 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libpam0g:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:56 | bootstrap: I: Configuring dash... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:56 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libpam-modules-bin... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:56 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libpam-modules:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:56 | bootstrap: I: Configuring passwd... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:57 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libpam-runtime... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:57 | bootstrap: I: Configuring login... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:57 | bootstrap: I: Configuring util-linux... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:57 | bootstrap: I: Configuring mount... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:57 | bootstrap: I: Configuring sysvinit-utils... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:57 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libc-bin... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:58 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking the base system... [ DEBUG ]: 10:24:58 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking adduser... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:00 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking apt... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:00 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking gpgv... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:01 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libapt-pkg6.0:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:01 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libffi7:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:01 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libfile-find-rule-perl... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:01 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libgdbm-compat4:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:01 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libgdbm6:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:01 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libgmp10:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:02 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libgnutls30:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:02 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libhogweed5:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:02 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libidn2-0:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:02 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libnettle7:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:02 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libnumber-compare-perl... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:03 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libp11-kit0:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:06 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libperl5.30:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:06 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libseccomp2:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:06 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libstdc++6:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:06 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libtasn1-6:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:07 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libtext-glob-perl... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:07 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking libunistring2:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:07 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking perl... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:12 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking perl-modules-5.30... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:12 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking ubuntu-keyring... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:12 | bootstrap: I: Unpacking usrmerge... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:12 | bootstrap: I: Configuring the base system... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:12 | bootstrap: I: Configuring adduser... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:12 | bootstrap: I: Configuring perl-modules-5.30... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:12 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libffi7:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:12 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libunistring2:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:13 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libidn2-0:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:13 | bootstrap: I: Configuring ubuntu-keyring... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:13 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libseccomp2:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:13 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libgmp10:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:13 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libp11-kit0:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:13 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libnettle7:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:13 | bootstrap: I: Configuring gpgv... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:13 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libtasn1-6:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:13 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libstdc++6:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:13 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libgdbm6:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:13 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libhogweed5:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:13 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libgnutls30:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:13 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libapt-pkg6.0:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:13 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libgdbm-compat4:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:13 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libperl5.30:amd64... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:14 | bootstrap: I: Configuring apt... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:14 | bootstrap: I: Configuring perl... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:14 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libtext-glob-perl... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:14 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libnumber-compare-perl... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:14 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libfile-find-rule-perl... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:14 | bootstrap: I: Configuring usrmerge... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:14 | bootstrap: I: Configuring libc-bin... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:14 | bootstrap: I: Base system installed successfully. [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:14 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:14 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build/proc] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:14 | EXEC: [mount -n --bind /proc /home/manji/KIWI/build/proc] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:14 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build/dev] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:14 | EXEC: [mount -n --bind /dev /home/manji/KIWI/build/dev] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:14 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build/var/run/dbus] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:14 | EXEC: [mount -n --bind /var/run/dbus /home/manji/KIWI/build/var/run/dbus] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:14 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build/sys] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:14 | EXEC: [mount -n --bind /sys /home/manji/KIWI/build/sys] [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | Importing Image description to system tree [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> Importing state XML description to /home/manji/KIWI/build/image/config.xml [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:14 | EXEC: [mkdir -p /home/manji/KIWI/build/image] [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> Importing config.sh script to /home/manji/KIWI/build/image/config.sh [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:14 | EXEC: [cp ./ubuntu/ubuntu-focal/config.sh /home/manji/KIWI/build/image/config.sh] [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> Importing script helper functions [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:14 | EXEC: [cp /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/kiwi/config/functions.sh /home/manji/KIWI/build/.kconfig] [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | Installing system (chroot) for build type: oem [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> collection type: onlyRequired [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: btrfs-progs [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: dbus [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: dracut [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: dracut-kiwi-oem-dump [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: dracut-kiwi-oem-repart [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: gnupg [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: grub-common [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: grub-efi-amd64 [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: grub-pc-bin [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: grub2-common [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: grub2-themes-ubuntu-mate [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: ifupdown [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: init [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: iproute2 [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: iptables [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: iputils-ping [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: isc-dhcp-client [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: isolinux [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: linux-generic [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: netbase [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: plymouth [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: plymouth-theme-sabily [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: shim [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: shim-signed [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: syslinux [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: syslinux-common [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: systemd [ INFO ]: 10:25:14 | --> package: xz-utils [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:14 | EXEC: [chroot /home/manji/KIWI/build apt-get -q -c /kiwi_b850_bq3 -y --no-install-recommends update] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [chroot /home/manji/KIWI/build apt-get -q -c /kiwi_b850_bq3 -y --no-install-recommends install btrfs-progs dbus dracut dracut-kiwi-oem-dump dracut-kiwi-oem-repart gnupg grub-common grub-efi-amd64 grub-pc-bin grub2-common grub2-themes-ubuntu-mate ifupdown init iproute2 iptables iputils-ping isc-dhcp-client isolinux linux-generic netbase plymouth plymouth-theme-sabily shim shim-signed syslinux syslinux-common systemd xz-utils] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | system: Reading package lists... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | system: Building dependency tree... [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | system: Package gnupg is not available, but is referred to by another package. [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | system: This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | system: is only available from another source [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | system: Package systemd is not available, but is referred to by another package. [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | system: This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | system: is only available from another source [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | system: Package netbase is not available, but is referred to by another package. [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | system: This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | system: is only available from another source [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | system: Package xz-utils is not available, but is referred to by another package. [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | system: This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | system: is only available from another source [ ERROR ]: 10:25:45 | KiwiInstallPhaseFailed: System package installation failed: E: Unable to locate package btrfs-progs E: Unable to locate package dbus E: Unable to locate package dracut E: Unable to locate package dracut-kiwi-oem-dump E: Unable to locate package dracut-kiwi-oem-repart E: Package 'gnupg' has no installation candidate E: Unable to locate package grub-common E: Unable to locate package grub-efi-amd64 E: Unable to locate package grub-pc-bin E: Unable to locate package grub2-common E: Unable to locate package grub2-themes-ubuntu-mate E: Unable to locate package ifupdown E: Unable to locate package init E: Unable to locate package iproute2 E: Unable to locate package iptables E: Unable to locate package iputils-ping E: Unable to locate package isc-dhcp-client E: Unable to locate package isolinux E: Unable to locate package linux-generic E: Package 'netbase' has no installation candidate E: Unable to locate package plymouth E: Unable to locate package plymouth-theme-sabily E: Unable to locate package shim E: Unable to locate package shim-signed E: Unable to locate package syslinux E: Unable to locate package syslinux-common E: Package 'systemd' has no installation candidate E: Package 'xz-utils' has no installation candidate [ INFO ]: 10:25:45 | Cleaning up SystemPrepare instance [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build/sys] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build/sys] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [umount -l /home/manji/KIWI/build/sys] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build/var/run/dbus] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build/var/run/dbus] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [umount -l /home/manji/KIWI/build/var/run/dbus] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build/dev] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build/dev] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [umount -l /home/manji/KIWI/build/dev] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build/proc] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build/proc] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [umount -l /home/manji/KIWI/build/proc] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [umount -l /home/manji/KIWI/build] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build/var/cache/kiwi] [ WARNING ]: 10:25:45 | Path /home/manji/KIWI/build/var/cache/kiwi not a mountpoint [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [mountpoint -q /home/manji/KIWI/build] [ WARNING ]: 10:25:45 | Path /home/manji/KIWI/build not a mountpoint [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty /home/manji/KIWI/build/var/cache/kiwi] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty /home/manji/KIWI/build/var/cache] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty /home/manji/KIWI/build/var] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [rm -f /home/manji/KIWI/build/etc/resolv.conf] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [rm -f /home/manji/KIWI/build/etc/hosts] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [rm -f /home/manji/KIWI/build/etc/sysconfig/proxy] [ DEBUG ]: 10:25:45 | EXEC: [rm -f /home/manji/KIWI/build/etc/resolv.conf.kiwi /home/manji/KIWI/build/etc/resolv.conf.sha /home/manji/KIWI/build/etc/hosts.kiwi /home/manji/KIWI/build/etc/hosts.sha /home/manji/KIWI/build/etc/sysconfig/proxy.kiwi /home/manji/KIWI/build/etc/sysconfig/proxy.sha]