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The Sun Daily ( Vox Magazine ) : Kridaraan Komahan, Malaysia's Best Netpreneur of The Year !

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Techie Guy

Dec 11, 2001, 2:59:31 AM12/11/01
Kridaraan Komahan,


This is a boy who knows and what he is: first, and foremost, son and
school boy, and CEO of his own web-based design company, second.

As I entered his "office" (a little room at the back of his father's
grocery shop in Brickfield), he pulled a chair for me ,"have a seat,
auntie; would you like a drink, auntie?" What's with all this auntie
business? I am only 22!

But really, this was a subtle and subconscious (on his part) display
of his good upbringing. One can see that Kridaraan Komahan, 14, has
the utmost respect for those who are older, and "child prodigy" though
he may be to us, he is still his father's son.

He created and designed the layout and infrastructure of thus expanding his father's business to as far as
California ("We have Malayasian customers working there who buy Magie
Mee"); all from the computer in his office.

"I own the physical store, but my son owns the virtual store. I ride
on him and he rides on me," says K.S.Komahan of his relationship with
his son.

Instead of stepping stone, the father provided the bricks with which
Kridaraan has used to build his own success.

Kridaraan can undoubtedly put most adults to shame when it comes to
multitasking.He carries out the responsibilities of being the only son
(three sister),and school prefect very well plus juggle studying and
doing his schoolwork with managing his father's on-linestoreas well as
his own e-business,E-citra, plus find time to hang out and play
withhis friends.

He oozes confidence and independence, and when he speaks, his words
are few but they say a lot. He is not fussy,but practical , as one can
see from the office which consists of a phone,PC,printer, and internet

On the walls are news articles on him, and some promotional
paraphernalia of his father;s store both online and off.

But away from all this, he just a typical soccer-playing,
action-loving,teenage boy.

In fact, the main reason why he built the online store was so he
wouldn't have to help his dad out in the shop.

He wanted more time to go bike-riding or to just hang out and play
with his friends. In an attempt to lessen or avoid his chores, he has
managed to develop a business. Where others are musical, or athletic,
Kridaraan's gift is entreperneurship.

How did you get into this business?

Actually, both my dad and I are interested in the internet and e-biz
so when ever we see in the papers about a conference or something,
I'll ask my dad to go, 'cause maybe we can gain some knowledge.
Sometimes it's my dad who'll suggest "Let's go!".

What's an average day like for you ?

I wake up at 5.30a.m and go for a half hour jog. After washing up, I
have my breakfast then go to school at about 6.45 a.m. At school,
apart from classes, I have my duties as a prefect, and handling the
students is pretty tiring. School ends at 1.20 pm and so I usually
arrive at the office at about 2.30 p.m. I just check e-mails and
update web-site, and see if anything needs to be done. That it self
takes two hours. 4.30 pm, I have my tea then I do some revision. I
usually leave for home at about 6.30 pm. After that, I go home and
watch TV.

Do you play sports?

Yeah, I like football, and badminton.

Are you on the school team?

No. I usually play around my neighbourhood with friends just for fun.
I like Manchester United football team. Because they're always winning
. I like a winning team.

How do you do in school?

(Shifts around in his chair, blushes slightly) I'm okay-lah. I won't
say I'm so exellent.

What are your favourite subjects?

History, science and mathematics.

Who else is working with you on e-citra?

My school-mates (Gesturing to the two boys at his side. All in, he
has five"employees".) These two are in the e-training team.


They teach other kids or older people.

How much do you get paid or charge a client?

I get thousand to two thousand per project. For maintenance actually ,
since we go by packages, we add a little something extra. It depends
on the size of the project. We have three packages where we give
maintenance free for three months for the first,whereas the second, we
give six months, and the last, 12 months. After the given months, we
start charging them.I'll get the highest percentage and then the rest
will be decided by what and how much they did for the project.

How do yo tackle a project?

Usually per project, we'll form a groupof four whereby I delegate who
will do what. For regular updates, I'll do it, or if I'm too busy,
I'll assign someone else to do it for me.

Which came first? or E-citra?

Citrastore came first, then only E-citra, whole year after that.

Whose idea was E-citra?

Mine. Purely my own. It will help my future, in gaining experience and
compiling my portfolio.

How did you feel about being nominated for the netpreneurial award by
the Malaysian Internet Awards?

I am excited, but I 'm not too sure of my chances

Who are you up againts?

Three others. They are all much older and more experienced

How do you feel about getting all this attention?

Quite normal. The first time was exciting, but now, I've sort of
gotten used to it.(Three days later after this interview, Kridaraan
Komahan won the Best Netpreneur. The award is given to the person
"most successful in e-business for implementing innovating business
solutions that combines the best of Internet and traditional business)

How do you juggle all of this? Has there been a timewhere you've ever
gotten tired of it?

No. It's already in your system. You know that at 5.30 am, you have to
get up and then you go and do the next thing and the next. It's all
there for you, just follow the time-table.For me ,each day is

How do your school mate-s feel about you being their boss?

They don't mind, because they are also interested in web-designing and
they want to learn.

What are your plans for the future:are you going to uni or just
continue with your business?

I'm not sure about the future .But I want to get a degree first, most
probably BIS(Business in Systems)

Say if you never got involved in computers, what would be your first
career option?

A pilot. I like flying, and I've seen the view from the cockpit . It's

Funny you should say that , both of these areas require those who are
in control. I guess you like to be in control?


What do you do in your free time?

I spend most of my free time at home. I read books, collect stamps and
sometimes do a bit of gardening. My house is in a quiet area
surrounded by jungle.My friends and I go to the river nearby and hang
out , just throw stones into the river sometimes.

With these friends (gesturing to the two boys standing next to him)?

No, these guys are only with the company. They are my "employees"

Are they from the same school?

Yes.(Introuduces them ) They are Harindar and Rajendaran plus three

So your friends...?

The kids who live near me from my neighbourhood.

What are your future plans for the business?

Actually , it's time for the to end. I'm currently
working on new one, That 's a whole new company.
We're keeping the for B to B, whereas
will be B to C.

B to what?

"Business to Business" and "Business to Consumers". Oh , I also want
to an e-marketsplace for fresh herbs and spices and pulses.

Do you have responds already from other businesses buying from you?

Yes, we have . From around the world really, including Sri Lanka.
Actually, part of doing this business with them is adding onto to
website, so it can help in terms of matters of import and exports.

When did you start your interest in computers?

When I was 10, the first time I got internet access. My computer came
when I was 9 years old. I was bugging my father to get one for me.
He was so reluctant at first.

How do you think your father feels about all this?

He's happy. I mean it is a good future.After all everyone's doing IT.

Do you and your father sit down a lot to talk business?

No. he has his own consultants for that.

Even for the internet?

No. I do that

So , basically you are like his web consultant?

Yeah, I guess

Does he always listen to you?

Yeah. he'll listen to what I have to say, and sometimes he'll add his
ideas too.

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