How can I get the escape key to work again?

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Sep 27, 2011, 2:12:03 PM9/27/11
to iterm2-discuss
Hi, I upgraded to Lion and now the escape key does not work.
I could retrain my fingers to always type, "ctl-esc" but then I would
not be able to use the escape key on my other systems.
I meandered through "System Preferences" but nothing looked like
it would fix the broken escape key. Help, please? Thank you!! -

George Nachman

Sep 27, 2011, 7:40:12 PM9/27/11
Please follow these directions to diagnose:

Bruce Korb

Sep 28, 2011, 11:44:23 AM9/28/11
to, George Nachman
On 09/27/11 16:40, George Nachman wrote:
> Please follow these directions to diagnose:

The problem was seen with VMware Fusion and with Terminal, but
now that I've downloaded iTerm2, I see it there as well. It is
not an iterm2 issue, obviously.

The key presses appear not to be logged. Filtering for just "key"
shows no events since "org.x.startx" started. Not likely.
Filtering for "keyDown" yields no results at all.

My speculation is that Lion is capturing the esc key press, waiting
for another key. When the esc key goes up and nothing else is pressed,
I think the key stroke gets discarded instead of passed through to
the window with focus. I do not know how to prove or disprove the theory.
Thank you!

Regards, Bruce

George Nachman

Sep 28, 2011, 1:17:03 PM9/28/11
to, George Nachman
If nothing is printed in the log then iTerm2 doesn't get the keypress
at all, as you suspected. It is possible for another app to intercept
and modify keystrokes. Try disabling access for assistive devices in
the universal access system prefs panel and then rebooting to test that theory.

Bruce Korb

Sep 28, 2011, 1:39:06 PM9/28/11
to, George Nachman
On 09/28/11 10:17, George Nachman wrote:
> If nothing is printed in the log then iTerm2 doesn't get the keypress
> at all, as you suspected. It is possible for another app to intercept
> and modify keystrokes. Try disabling access for assistive devices in
> the universal access system prefs panel and then rebooting to test that theory.

THANK YOU!! That was it. Voice commands had been enabled (I don't remember
doing it, but...) and by default, it is the escape key by itself.
So, Sys Prefs -> Speech -> and either "speakable items: off" or "Listening Key"
to something more convenient. I don't need a voice activated mac, ....

Again, thank you!

George Nachman

Sep 28, 2011, 2:02:49 PM9/28/11
to Bruce Korb,
Glad it worked :)
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