1/8/2012 canary released

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George Nachman

Jan 22, 2012, 5:05:02 PM1/22/12
to iterm2-...@googlegroups.com
Hi iTerm2 users,

The 1/8 canary build has been promoted to a testing build and will
auto-update beginning now.

Release notes:

You'd better sit down for this one.

Marquee Features
- Deep tmux integration!
Have you ever had an ssh session lost because you had to reboot, had a
network failure, or the power went out? Are you tired of giving up a
keystroke to tmux or screen? Suffer no longer! iTerm2 and tmux are now
deeply integrated. By installing a special version of tmux, it gains
the ability to speak directly to iTerm2. When you run tmux with -C,
iTerm2 will open real, native windows or tabs for each tmux window.
The whole state of your tmux session is reflected in native iTerm2
windows. As you interact with a window, your typing is sent back to
tmux. Any time you resize a window, add a split pane, close a split
pane, close a window, or open a window (with Shell->tmux->new
window), that action happens in tmux as well as in iTerm2. Even your
window positions and tabs are saved from session to session. For more
advanced tmux users, there is a "tmux dashboard" that lets you manage
you windows and sessions graphically.

Download the tmux code here:
A tmux build already compiled for Mac OS 10.7 is also available here:

- Add title bars to split panes that show the title. You can drag
panes by their titles, and there is a menu and a close button in it as
- Support Lion's Restore functionality.
- "Find" continues to search as new text appears.
- Add option to always copy preferences to prefs stored in a custom folder.
- Add "Always Run Command..." option to semantic history, which runs a
command even if you don't cmd-click on a filename.
- Add a new panel to prefs to make mouse actions configurable.
- Add option to make triple-click select a whole wrapped line rather
than just one row.
- Add 'New Window (Default Profile)' to dock menu.
- Allow users to add context menu actions through
Prefs->Profiles->Advanced->Smart Selection->Edit Actions.
When you right-click on text matching a a smart selection, the actions
are added to the context menu.
- Add hidden option AutocompleteMaxOptions to adjust number of
autocomplete entries.
- Add hidden option PasteHistoryMaxOptions to adjust number of paste
history entries.
- Add a new trigger action called "Silent Coprocess" that mutes the
session while running (ideal for rz/sz).
- Add \5 as a macro in Semantic History commands to pass the PWD.
- Make growl alerts clickable (thanks, soul.cake.tuesday.duck and bauerb).
- Add hidden variable URLCharacterSet that defines characters that are
part of a URL.
- Expand tildes in custom prefs folder
- Add blend option to profile window prefs to adjust how much of the
background image shows through.
- Fix bug where mouse cursor was often wrong
- Keep the close button visible when only one item is in the toolbelt
and have it hide the toolbelt.
- Change shortcut to set font size to normal to cmd-0
- The coprocess field now remembers the last 20 entries.
- Add tmux prefs to general prefs pane.
- Use tmux profile's size for tmux windows.
- Add hide after open option to window profile prefs.
- Tweak smart cursor threshold to be a bit more aggressive about
making the character white or black. Add hidden options
SmartCursorColorFgThreshold/SmartCursorColorBgThreshold to allow the
user to tweak it.
- Respect line number setting in tmux profile.

Bug fixes:
- Growl notifications were off by default. Should work with Growl 1.3 now.
- Fixed display of different-sized screens in window arrangements tab
of prefs (thanks, 0xae).
- Add | to legal URL characters.
- Run triggers on CR, not just LF.
- Fix toolbelt support in Lion fullscreen.
- Ignore sigpipe from coprocesses.
- Show all tabs in Window->Select Tab.
- Fix number-of-scrollback-line field in Lion, which wouldn't allow
you to go over 1000.
- Fix bug where scrolling the window while making a selection didn't
work sometimes.
- Fix bug with window size changing badly when switching monitors.
- Fix bug where move tab to new window command in tab's context menu
creates a session with all black.
- Preserve window number when toggling traditional fullscreen.
- Respect "dim inactive split panes setting" when restoring window
arrangements and broadcasting input.
- Remove excess logging from hotkey window code
- Don't set LC_CTYPE to unsupported locales
- Remove most of the disallowed function calls between fork and exec.
- Fix bug where closing a window would sometimes crash.
- Revert to old-style blur code for 10.6 to avoid window server crashes.
- Fix bugs where windows weren't properly dimmed/undimmed (1664)
- Fix bug where choosing the home directory option in advanced prefs
did not run login.
- Fix assertion with highlighting trigger.
- Fix assertion with certain kinds of clicks on splitters.

Marko Milivojevic

Jan 22, 2012, 5:16:01 PM1/22/12
to iterm2-...@googlegroups.com
On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 14:05, George Nachman <gnac...@llamas.org> wrote:
> Hi iTerm2 users,
> The 1/8 canary build has been promoted to a testing build and will
> auto-update beginning now.
> [...]

I just upgraded and found a small bug. When iTerm2 is not running,
clicking on a Dock icon to start it does not open a default session. I
remember this being broken before and was fixed. Perhaps I'm missing a
configuration knob somewhere?


Marko Milivojevic

Jan 22, 2012, 5:17:17 PM1/22/12
to iterm2-...@googlegroups.com
Also when iTerm2 is running without any windows open, clicking on a
Dock icon does not start a default session. I'm thinking a definite


George Nachman

Jan 22, 2012, 5:18:30 PM1/22/12
to iterm2-...@googlegroups.com
On 10.7 it'll restore your last session. Do you have it set to open
the default window arrangement at startup?

Marko Milivojevic

Jan 22, 2012, 5:20:30 PM1/22/12
to iterm2-...@googlegroups.com
No I did not. That option is grayed out for me. Do I need to create a
new Window arrangement to make it available? Also, when iTerm2 _is_
running, new Window isn't being opened when clicking the icon (but I'm
repeating myself here :-) ).


Marko Milivojevic

Jan 22, 2012, 5:22:11 PM1/22/12
to iterm2-...@googlegroups.com
Separate thread:

Saving a default window arrangement solved both of the issues I had.
It's a bit counter intuitive (IMHO) and perhaps should be made the
default behavior. I found the solution to my problem, so no big deal
for me at this point. Thanks for the pointer!


On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 14:18, George Nachman <gnac...@llamas.org> wrote:

Marko Milivojevic

Jan 22, 2012, 5:26:01 PM1/22/12
to iterm2-...@googlegroups.com
Actually, scratch that. It doesn't work for me as expected...

When I save the window arrangement, iTerm2 also saves the profile used
for the windows. I sometimes have the need to change the "default"
profile depending on what I'm doing (when I'm teaching I have a
different high-contrast profile). However, with this solution,
starting iTerm2 will open the saved profile and not the one that was
marked "default" in the profiles, defeating the whole idea of the
default profile.



Jan 23, 2012, 4:57:26 AM1/23/12
to iterm2-...@googlegroups.com
I am running a screen session on the first Tab and it tells me that it's tmux (Label: "tmux(ssh)").
I ma running the same sessions on next two tabs and it doesn't show them as tmux.

Some kind of a bug?


Jan 23, 2012, 5:06:49 AM1/23/12
to iterm2-...@googlegroups.com
Sorry for the double posting, but another thingie... I got used to be able to re-size by terminal window to the default size. Looks like this open is gone from "Window" menu. Was this functionality completely removed in newer versions?

Chris Patti

Jan 23, 2012, 8:19:08 AM1/23/12
to iterm2-...@googlegroups.com

After my iTerm2 updated, it blew up trying to reopen and every time I
try to start it thereafter. This is the exception I get:
Process: iTerm [31173]
Path: /Applications/iTerm.app/Contents/MacOS/iTerm
Identifier: com.googlecode.iterm2
Version: (
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [140]

Date/Time: 2012-01-23 08:17:27.371 -0500
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.7.2 (11C74)
Report Version: 9

Interval Since Last Report: 2862358 sec
Crashes Since Last Report: 4
Per-App Crashes Since Last Report: 4
Anonymous UUID: E06BFF2F-6833-4B79-B56F-C7A3AEC30E6B

Crashed Thread: 0

Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000

Application Specific Information:
dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries

Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded:
Referenced from: /Applications/iTerm.app/Contents/MacOS/iTerm
Reason: image not found

Binary Images:
0x100000000 - 0x10018dfe7 +com.googlecode.iterm2
( -
0x7fff6d60f000 - 0x7fff6d643ac7 dyld (195.5 - ???)
<B372EB7D-DCD8-30CE-9342-E06CADD7CACA> /usr/lib/dyld
0x7fff8f6da000 - 0x7fff902dbff7 com.apple.AppKit (6.7.2 -
1138.23) <5CD2C850-4F52-3BA2-BA11-3107DFD2D23C>
0x7fff96933000 - 0x7fff96b35fff libicucore.A.dylib (46.1.0 -
compatibility 1.0.0) <38CD6ED3-C8E4-3CCD-89AC-9C3198803101>

Model: iMac12,2, BootROM IM121.0047.B1D, 4 processors, Intel Core i5,
2.7 GHz, 4 GB, SMC 1.72f1
Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 6770M, AMD Radeon HD 6770M, PCIe, 512 MB
Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1333 MHz, 0x02FE,
Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1333 MHz, 0x02FE,
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x168C, 0x9A),
Atheros 9380:
Bluetooth: Version 4.0.1f4, 2 service, 18 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
Network Service: Ethernet, Ethernet, en0
Serial ATA Device: ST31000528AS, 1 TB
Serial ATA Device: OPTIARC DVD RW AD-5680H
USB Device: FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in), apple_vendor_id, 0x850b,
0xfa200000 / 3
USB Device: hub_device, 0x0424 (SMSC), 0x2514, 0xfa100000 / 2
USB Device: hub_device, 0x2001 (D-Link Corporation), 0xf103, 0xfa120000 / 5
USB Device: BRCM2046 Hub, 0x0a5c (Broadcom Corp.), 0x4500, 0xfa110000 / 4
USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, apple_vendor_id, 0x8215,
0xfa111000 / 6
USB Device: hub_device, 0x0424 (SMSC), 0x2514, 0xfd100000 / 2
USB Device: FreeAgent, 0x0bc2 (Seagate LLC), 0x3001, 0xfd140000 / 6
USB Device: Keyboard Hub, apple_vendor_id, 0x1006, 0xfd130000 / 5
USB Device: Apple Keyboard, apple_vendor_id, 0x0220, 0xfd132000 / 7
USB Device: IR Receiver, apple_vendor_id, 0x8242, 0xfd120000 / 4
USB Device: Internal Memory Card Reader, apple_vendor_id, 0x8403, 0xfd110000 / 3
FireWire Device: LaCie d2 Extreme LUN 0, LaCie Group SA, 800mbit_speed

Christopher Patti - Geek At Large | GTalk: cpa...@gmail.com | AIM:
chrisfeohpatti | P: (260) 54PATTI
"Technology challenges art, art inspires technology." - John Lasseter, Pixar

Chris Patti

Jan 23, 2012, 11:28:37 AM1/23/12
to iterm2-...@googlegroups.com
FYI another coworker here has reported the same problem. Reverting to
the previous version fixed the problem.

George Nachman

Jan 23, 2012, 12:28:23 PM1/23/12
to iterm2-...@googlegroups.com
Marco & david: Please file issues and I'll follow up with you there.
I'm a bit overwhelmed this morning and this thread has gotten hard to

@david That option moved to the view menu, and is cmd-0 or cmd-opt-0
@Chris There's an occasional bug in the auto-updater that causes that.
Reinstall and you'll be good.


Jan 23, 2012, 2:30:12 PM1/23/12
to iterm2-...@googlegroups.com
It's "Make Text Normal Size" option. Under "Window" the was option to re-size terminal window to the default size, e.g. from maximal size return to my preferred 120x20 size. I was using it as sometimes screen forces me to 80x24 size automatically, so I re-size back. I think the combination was Option+Command+R, but now this combination is take by other action.

George Nachman

Jan 23, 2012, 4:19:45 PM1/23/12
to iterm2-...@googlegroups.com
It's under the view menu. Hold down option to see the alternate menu item there.


Jan 23, 2012, 8:02:03 PM1/23/12
to iterm2-discuss
I second this "bug". The first time I launch the new version, the
default profile auto-opens like for all previous versions. But
subsequent times it does not. Not sure whether this "feature" has been
taken over by the 10.7 auto-restore (not sure this is a good idea, as
some people have auto-restore turned off; or for that matter, 10.5,
10.6 users), or an error in how the new .plist is being written.


On Jan 22, 5:16 pm, Marko Milivojevic <mar...@gmail.com> wrote:

George Nachman

Jan 23, 2012, 10:58:27 PM1/23/12
to iterm2-...@googlegroups.com
This is filed as issue 1745.

Ed W

Jan 25, 2012, 9:13:19 AM1/25/12
to iterm2-...@googlegroups.com

> Marquee Features
> - Deep tmux integration!
> Have you ever had an ssh session lost because you had to reboot, had a
> network failure, or the power went out? Are you tired of giving up a
> keystroke to tmux or screen? Suffer no longer! iTerm2 and tmux are now
> deeply integrated. By installing a special version of tmux, it gains
> the ability to speak directly to iTerm2. When you run tmux with -C,
> iTerm2 will open real, native windows or tabs for each tmux window.

I hope this isn't a silly question, but is this expected to work through

I regularly develop on my linux box because it's identical to the
deployment environment. I use iterm2 on my Mac, create a shell, ssh to
the linux box, tmux attach, and off we go. However, it would be
fantastic to have integration between the tmux tabs and the iterms tabs,
so effectively once I ssh in and attach, the local iterm would gain
extra tabs?

Is this expected to ever work?

Many thanks!

Ed W

Matteo Castelli

Jan 25, 2012, 10:04:55 AM1/25/12
to iterm2-...@googlegroups.com
is it possible to open a tmux tab by using applescript? I use a small
script in Applescript to open all my ssh sessions (that does some kind
of "advanced" DNS and change automatically the tab title based on my
requirements) and I would like to open a tmux tab instead of a regular
tab in the same way.

Matteo Castelli

Steve King

Jan 25, 2012, 2:50:57 PM1/25/12
to iterm2-...@googlegroups.com
On 2012-01-25 09:13, Ed W wrote:
> I regularly develop on my linux box because it's identical to the
> deployment environment. I use iterm2 on my Mac, create a shell, ssh to
> the linux box, tmux attach, and off we go. However, it would be
> fantastic to have integration between the tmux tabs and the iterms tabs,
> so effectively once I ssh in and attach, the local iterm would gain
> extra tabs?
> Is this expected to ever work?

That's exactly how it works now. I run tmux on a remote system. When I
ssh in and attach, all my previous tabs and windows pop open. It's very
nice. A little buggy still, and you need to compile the special iTerm2
version of tmux, but all in all it's a very promising start.

Steve King
Sr. Software Engineer
Arbor Networks
+1 734 821 1461
www.arbornetworks.com <http://www.arbornetworks.com/>

George Nachman

Jan 25, 2012, 4:20:02 PM1/25/12
to iterm2-...@googlegroups.com
Yes--the only trick is that you must pass the -t argument to ssh. I
have a profile set up with a command like this:

ssh -t username@hostname tmux -C attach

It's configured to hide immediately (under prefs->profiles->window).
When I open a new window with that profile, it immediately
miniaturizes into the dock and my tmux windows open up.

Steve King

Jan 26, 2012, 9:46:25 AM1/26/12
to iterm2-...@googlegroups.com
On 2012-01-25 16:20, George Nachman wrote:
> Yes--the only trick is that you must pass the -t argument to ssh. I
> have a profile set up with a command like this:
> ssh -t username@hostname tmux -C attach

Another handy trick, not directly related to iTerm but very convenient
for this mode of use... Instead of running tmux directly, use a wrapper
script to first reset the SSH_AUTH_SOCK variable. That way, you still
have ssh-agent support after you've attached.

(on my Mac)

ssh -t username@hostname bin/tmux-iterm

(~/bin/tmux-iterm on the remote machine)

# Reattach to (or spawn new if does not exist)
# tmux session "$1"

BIN="$HOME/bin/tmux -C"

if [ -z "$TMUX" ]; then
if [ ! -z "$SSH_TTY" ]; then
if [ ! -z "SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ]; then
ln -sf "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" "$HOME/.wrap_auth_sock"
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$HOME/.wrap_auth_sock"
export STY="tmux-iterm"
if $BIN has-session -t "iterm"; then
exec $BIN attach-session -t "iterm"
exec $BIN new-session -s "iterm"

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