Ear of Apple at Apple Tech Talk

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Christopher Allen

Aug 24, 2007, 9:21:49 PM8/24/07
to iPhoneWebDev
I'm at the iPhone Tech Talk in SF this afternoon. For the next couple
of hours we have the ear of a number of Apple staffers associated with
the iPhone.

What are the top *fixable* developer issues that need to be addressed?

On my list in rough order of priority:

* userscalable = false only stops the user from zooming. In a number
of cases, for instances after using a webform, or returning to a page
from another page, the zoom level will change even when userzoomable
is false. We really need a zoom=false that locks the zoom level

* Zooming problems happen in a wide variety of situations. There
should be some way to read and or set the zoom level on the fly.

* Hiding the URL bar currently uses a scrollTo hack, which then causes
problems in other areas. There should be some way to hide it more

* The onresize event doesn't work consistently. The javascript hacks
we have allow us to work around it it, but they can cause their own
problems, including performance because of polling, and breaking the
functionality of scrolling to anchor # references to pages.

* Some way to programatically add bookmarks, and have safari ask the
user for permission before adding.

* Need some way to add a webkit property to objects so that they have
the "halo" effect that a number of internal iphone applications use to
show that an small button has been selected.

-- Christopher Allen

Mike Navarre

Aug 24, 2007, 10:02:39 PM8/24/07
to iphone...@googlegroups.com, Christopher Allen
Am wondering if they are going to host a publicly available list of iPhone
apps; something along the lines they do with their software directory,
widget list, podcast directory in iTunes, etc.

It's one of the topics we'd be interesting in having Apple and other top
content partners of theirs address at this newly announced event:

iPhone and Beyond: The Content Opportunities
Sept 20th in Los Angeles

Still looking for a few more participants at panel or sponsor level too;
just added (but not announced) was Playboy and iPlay. Will be a lively
discussion on iPhone and how it's shaking up mobile content. Others speaking
include Nokia, CBS, and Helio.
People can start registering at MocoNews.net starting next week.

I'm one of the organizers so feel free to contact me directly outside the
group list...

Mike Navarre
ContentNext Media Inc.
310-293-7873 mobile
310-736-1522 office

PaidContent.org | MocoNews.net | ContentSutra.com | FOBMconference.com

Chris Anderson

Aug 24, 2007, 10:22:09 PM8/24/07
to iPhoneWebDev
full javascript support for the Quicktime plugin would be killer!

On Aug 24, 2:21 pm, "Christopher Allen"


Aug 24, 2007, 11:00:12 PM8/24/07
to iPhoneWebDev

Thanks, for the offer.

1. Is this fixable: apparently iPhone on the AT&T network has a
difficult time loading small images. Most of the time when I run this
Open Laszlo sample app it only shows about half of its images:
Re-loading the page sometimes gets the images loaded. I showed the
problem to an employee at the Emeryville Apple store and he said that
he has seen that happen quite a bit. Is there a solution beside
speeding up the network?

2. Question: is there a way to simulate the weather widget's
horizontal moving of content panes? I'm assuming that this is Safari

3. Is there any news on when SVG will be available for iPhone?

4. Please add more sample code to the ADC web site.


On Aug 24, 2:21 pm, "Christopher Allen"
<Christoph...@iPhoneWebDev.com> wrote:


Aug 25, 2007, 1:31:44 PM8/25/07
to iPhoneWebDev

How did the session turn out?

> > -- Christopher Allen- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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