Identification of trees..

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ranjini kamath

Apr 23, 2009, 2:17:58 AM4/23/09
Just a question unaccompanied by pictures.Is there a way of
identifying trees just by Trunk & Bark alone? I find Mahua v.easily
identifiable just by it's bark.Is there a classification for types of
Barks?.Will really appreciate a reply.
Thank you
Ranjini Kamath


Apr 24, 2009, 7:29:08 AM4/24/09
to indiantreepix

So far there is no classification based on bark pattern. Field
experience is the only way by which one can recognise trees using
characters that they find distinct.

Neil Soares

Apr 24, 2009, 9:17:57 AM4/24/09
Hi Ranjini,
   One of Dr.Almeida's students at St.Xavier's College,Bombay did her doctoral thesis on identification of trees by studying its bark, but I believe the study was never published. Maybe Dr.Rajendra Shinde could enlighten us further.
              With regrads,
                Neil Soares. 

--- On Fri, 4/24/09, Nudrat <> wrote:

Rajendra Shinde

Apr 24, 2009, 10:22:08 PM4/24/09
to Neil Soares,

I did my Ph.D. on Mumbai Trees under Dr. Almeida way back in 1993. I used the bark characters for identification purpose. However, I could not find any literature then on this topic.
From what I learnt during that period
1. bark characters differ with the age of trees. (We also did a small project with a school children and this was a prominent findings in that project).
2. You will have to use the characher only in small groups..such as key to the species with in the genus or key to the genera. You cant use this for the family.

Now a days, with internet faciltiy, you might get some more information available.

Dr. Rajendra D. Shinde,
Director, Council of International Programmes,
& Reader in Botany
St. Xavier's College,
(University of Mumbai)
Mumbai 400001.
Off. Tel. +91-22-2262 0662 ext 356
Cell : 9819100131

Anand Kumar Bhatt

Apr 25, 2009, 1:47:17 AM4/25/09
to Rajendra Shinde, indiantreepix
You know how disappointing the Trees of India published by BNHS has
turned out to be. Why dont you attempt another book? I am sure some
Foundation or other will be ready to help you out.
You have to get hold of an excellent photographer, and he has to take
pictures all through the year. Not just once.
Think over it.
Anand Kumar Bhatt
A-59, B.S.F.Colony, Airport Road
Gwalior. 474 005.
Tele: 0751-247 2233. Mobile 0 94253 09780.
My blogsite is at:
And the photo site:

J.M. Garg

Apr 25, 2009, 4:47:41 AM4/25/09
to Anand Kumar Bhatt, Rajendra Shinde, indiantreepix
I think good pictures should not be a problem now, which Indiantreepix members can contribute for a good cause. 

2009/4/25 Anand Kumar Bhatt <>

With regards,
"We often ignore the beauty around us"
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