Guys, Can you please identify this species?

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Prudvi Raj

Sep 27, 2011, 2:42:04 PM9/27/11


I have emailed Dinesh Valke and he suggested i come here .. So i would be glad if anyone can identify this plant..

kindly check this link for the exact location:

Thank you and have a great day guys..


Sep 27, 2011, 11:44:59 PM9/27/11
Dear Prudvi ji,

Welcome to the group.
Your plant is Eleiotis monophyllos (also spelled 'monophylla') belonging to the family Leguminosae.
Does it have any medicinal use?
Vijayasankar Raman
National Center for Natural Products Research
University of Mississippi

Prudvi Raj

Sep 28, 2011, 2:28:41 AM9/28/11
Vijay ji,
IF you can provide me with the traditional name, i can find out with my dad and let you know..

I was just googling and i have see this Vitex Negundo (nalla Vaavili -
telugu, karu notchi - tamil). Some one gifted my dad that plant it is
violet/ black in color and the leaves are dark violet looking black.
and the flowers are also the same.. I also have a normal vitex negundo
and they differ very much in color. I have a 120 acre farm 100km from
hyderabad where i have it. He also said that it is one of the rarest
specie. Can you please guide me on that? I can get some pics next time
i go there...

Ushadi micromini

Sep 28, 2011, 5:27:18 AM9/28/11
to efloraofindia

Mr. Rai:
If you could please take several pictures of this unusual Vitex,,,
My suggestion, if I may... try taking pictures at early dawn or just
after or very near sunset... dawn or just after is better for the soft
lateral light which is better to bring out blues or violets...

and if you are later than dawn, by 8 or 9 am... in your digital
camera .. setting exposure compensation EV to be -0.3 to -.0.7 or even
-1.0 EV... and macro mode would bring out the characteristics...

Inflorescence is best depicted from the side.. showing the shape and
branching of the spray...
if seeds are formed.. seeds on the twigs on the plant...

and then reduce the size of your pictures to about 150 KB or so, may
be upto 190...

send as many as you wish...
but start a new thread...
GUIDELINES for these are at this URL:

I have special interest in VItex , be it negundo or vitex vitex and
orthers of this genus... so am eager see your pictures...

hopw they depict the color you described here...

LET ME SAY IT AGAIN...please start a new thread...

in Gmail its compose.. address it to efloraindia... I believe the
address comes up automatically...
and cc to whoever... most addresses would come up automatically after
you visit eflora site a few time and interact in the threads...

Usha di

Ushadi micromini

Sep 28, 2011, 5:29:33 AM9/28/11
to efloraofindia
ps there are gals here too....

so ...let be dear ALL, or hellp everyone or simply Hello...

later as you feel comfortable with folks... dear.....ji.. is
does this sound like the first job orientation week?

:) :)

Usha di


On Sep 28, 11:28 am, Prudvi Raj <> wrote:

Prudvi Raj

Sep 28, 2011, 10:37:57 AM9/28/11
Ushadi Micromini 

well actually got used to the american accent where we use.. guys.. which includes girls and you know why.. ;) they dress like guys too.. 

Ushadi micromini

Sep 29, 2011, 12:34:33 AM9/29/11
to efloraofindia
Oh, so how long did spend in USA?
pickep all the accents?

how are you adjusting, coming back?
Usha di

Prudvi Raj

Sep 29, 2011, 12:52:35 AM9/29/11
to Ushadi micromini, efloraofindia
Well i lived in New York and Los Angeles most of my time.. I am back
on vacation.. and probably not planning to go back.. i love nature and
farming.. so i want to say good byee to Software... :)
You can check out my National park galleries on picasa.. i went around
52 of those parks.. lovely landscapes and nature.. amazing.. I plan on
covering the whole of india too.. some time..


Thanks and Regards,
Prudvi Raj

Prudvi Raj

Sep 29, 2011, 3:04:27 PM9/29/11
to, Ushadi micromini
check out the link of vitex negundo black.. I shall post a new topic with better photos with my D90 later...

Tanay Bose

Sep 29, 2011, 3:14:27 PM9/29/11
to, Ushadi micromini
Hi Prudvi Ji.
Kindly follow posting guidelines. Please don't use links for any images.
A proper and unique subject line is also an important aspect for posting.
You can get the complete and fast guideline protocols from the link below.


On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 12:04 PM, Prudvi Raj <> wrote:
check out the link of vitex negundo black.. I shall post a new topic with better photos with my D90 later...

Tanay Bose
Research Assistant & Teaching Assistant.
Department of Botany.
University of British Columbia .
3529-6270 University Blvd.
Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4 (Canada)
Phone: 778-323-4036 (Mobile)
           604-822-2019 (Lab)
           604-822-6089  (Fax)


Sep 29, 2011, 6:49:27 PM9/29/11
It is Vitex negundo var. purpurescens, called as 'Karu nochi' கரு நொச்சி or 'Oodha nochi' ஊதா நொச்சி in Tamil.
The name 'karu nochi' (a mythical plant) is one of the most popular 'miracle herbs' in Siddha, if I am right. Karu nochi is said to be used to convert iron into gold through some unique processes, as written in an old palm-leaf script. And there has been a mad rush in search of this much sought-after plant. There are some smart guys who (mis)used this madness of aspirants and made money by selling this Vitex as 'Karu nochi'. I was told that a single leaf of the 'so-called' karu nochi was sold for Rs. 3000 at Kolli hills of TN.

So far I haven't heard anyone succeeded in making gold from iron ;) But, the search is still on, I guess.

Vijayasankar Raman
National Center for Natural Products Research
University of Mississippi

Dr Pankaj Kumar

Sep 29, 2011, 8:34:59 PM9/29/11
to efloraofindia
In any case we should prefer one plant in one mail and with a proper
subject line for our database.
Best wishes.

On Sep 30, 6:49 am, Vijayasankar <> wrote:
> It is *Vitex negundo *var. *purpurescens*, called as 'Karu nochi' கரு நொச்சி
> or 'Oodha nochi' ஊதா நொச்சி in Tamil.
> The name 'karu nochi' (a mythical plant) is one of the most popular 'miracle
> herbs' in Siddha, if I am right. Karu nochi is said to be used to convert
> iron into gold through some unique processes, as written in an old palm-leaf
> script. And there has been a mad rush in search of this much sought-after
> plant. There are some smart guys who (mis)used this madness of aspirants and
> made money by selling this Vitex as 'Karu nochi'. I was told that a single
> leaf of the 'so-called' karu nochi was sold for Rs. 3000 at Kolli hills of
> TN.
> So far I haven't heard anyone succeeded in making gold from iron ;) But, the
> search is still on, I guess.
> Regards
> Vijayasankar Raman
> National Center for Natural Products Research
> University of Mississippi

Prudvi Raj

Oct 2, 2011, 1:15:56 PM10/2/11
as per your post.. do you confirm the pics i posted to be the same Karu Notchi which is being misused to encash the weakness of these gold hunter? :)


Oct 2, 2011, 2:10:06 PM10/2/11
There is a possibility, due to the name and the colour of leaf. Whether it is 'Karu nochi' or 'Sen kathazhai' (Red Aloe vera), usually the plant material is not shown in full but in small, deformed pieces making id difficult or impossible. And usually some cosmetic work is done to the material to make it appear black or red in these cases. If you come across with someone selling 'karu nochi', pl try to post the pictures here for id.

Vijayasankar Raman
National Center for Natural Products Research
University of Mississippi

Ushadi micromini

Oct 3, 2011, 6:47:00 AM10/3/11
to efloraofindia, tanay bose
I Second Pankaj ji and Tanay ji.

Please follow guidelines...

Usha di
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