Dear Dr. Singh ji:
Even though I am very new to this group.... and not a botanist, but I
have seen this on many occasions....
and just like you me too, I always thought that the flowers looked
remarkably like Thumbergia alata. That's a vine.... and the leaves
are different...
may I take a bold step and suggest a name... I think my diagnosis is
correct based on these two pictures....
its a plant colloquially called the Sesame tree. Its a member of
family Pedaliacae, to be specific its name is
*Uncarina grandidieri *.... originally from Madagascar... found in
many sun-rooms in homes and hothouses in NY often grown in the same
sort of climate control as various cacti, so your finding it in a
cactus garden in North India seems very appropriate.
Thanks for reading this.
Usha Desai MD (aka Usha di)
On Apr 13, 7:45 am, Gurcharan Singh <> wrote: