# hugin project file #hugin_ptoversion 2 p f1 w6018 h4149 v233 E14.9434 R0 S532,5559,1070,3579 n"TIFF_m c:LZW r:CROP" m g1 i0 f0 m2 p0.00784314 # image lines #-hugin cropFactor=2.00308 i w4608 h3456 f3 v127.411262039296 Ra0.839142382144928 Rb-3.99954843521118 Rc0.843779921531677 Rd-1.19192516803741 Re0.923284530639648 Eev14.9657842161378 Er1 Eb1 r5.60883892801409e-15 p-7.08836294826991 y44.8268854280361 TrX0 TrY0 TrZ0 Tpy0 Tpp0 j0 a0 b0.0858646670914886 c0 d0 e0 g0 t0 Va1 Vb-0.0762893668582604 Vc0.20278159285664 Vd-0.165142450616071 Vx0 Vy0 Vm5 n"00" #-hugin cropFactor=2.0030840065487 i w4608 h3456 f3 v=0 Ra=0 Rb=0 Rc=0 Rd=0 Re=0 Eev14.9209526574362 Er1.00414639528674 Eb0.988851512328999 r2.87768600475368e-14 p-5.88898060445434 y-45.0196871124705 TrX0 TrY0 TrZ0 Tpy0 Tpp0 j0 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 e=0 g=0 t=0 Va=0 Vb=0 Vc=0 Vd=0 Vx=0 Vy=0 Vm5 n"01" # specify variables that should be optimized v Ra0 v Rb0 v Rc0 v Rd0 v Re0 v r0 v p0 v Vb0 v Vc0 v Vd0 v Eev1 v r1 v p1 v y1 v # control points c n0 N1 x338.006951787043 y1239.88156078826 X3577.9580675311 Y1249.58980778184 t0 c n0 N1 x326.768815162351 y1624.40556978799 X3560.68925906547 Y1600.17437951617 t0 c n0 N1 x458.587740296691 y1169.94790675854 X3702.3117367919 Y1195.51746180688 t0 c n0 N1 x533.332922253472 y1480.88189742757 X3791.99047986736 Y1500.27943383247 t0 c n0 N1 x390.035810217789 y1622.09829592115 X3629.14457528028 Y1608.01382885334 t0 c n0 N1 x549.453813463015 y2143.01192195512 X3677.60706003729 Y2116.30544925655 t0 c n0 N1 x663.267037777033 y1139.95515652716 X3914.35700809618 Y1183.60371380699 t0 c n0 N1 x814.822830105739 y1591.57666164773 X4065.96272160566 Y1654.30277741168 t0 c n0 N1 x800.185379820043 y1984.98434851141 X3973.34913369658 Y2038.17760029392 t0 c n0 N1 x651.031613343743 y2341.35014613774 X3698.03282627235 Y2321.6697309688 t0 c n0 N1 x908.4641723482 y746.163533452321 X4100.14606128309 Y809.597098432356 t0 c n0 N1 x867.010142581613 y1106.98290129642 X4112.28481502948 Y1165.90437618353 t0 c n0 N1 x974.729141085553 y1534.64881425944 X4224.34070388804 Y1623.43160686337 t0 c n0 N1 x888.415603236347 y1983.19669022903 X4061.14433309113 Y2058.59526460194 t0 c n0 N1 x991.85843687481 y2365.67589671863 X4000.44893932722 Y2454.36128870755 t0 c n0 N1 x1130.60460048509 y1498.67188475471 X4371.08704864172 Y1610.01695460929 t0 c n0 N1 x1089.05431860693 y1944.27435898445 X4250.81300558555 Y2071.24878395963 t0 c n0 N0 x4600.00059462452 y12.9062024226803 X4597.36969200103 Y598.008987895261 t1 c n0 N0 x4603.04818573275 y624.46659164105 X4604.81685525579 Y1057.71585590108 t1 c n0 N0 x2571.32079004783 y1221.31151192084 X2079.96597171657 Y1225.23800330068 t1 c n0 N0 x1602.63861832365 y1276.70538932477 X1133.05683103173 Y1267.8705341394 t1 c n0 N0 x810.055332454743 y1266.73224983982 X365.991058710157 Y1293.62771059573 t1 c n1 N1 x4567.52986697262 y1676.09138145777 X4580.82105934567 Y2774.58440442359 t1 c n1 N1 x62.9982198493508 y7.41522555423239 X61.5557687692835 Y1432.73242402242 t1 c n1 N1 x4595.20455289159 y672.525019993649 X4592.47833355951 Y1343.42616003783 t1 c n1 N1 x4589.84008919457 y7.02163693010357 X4592.61828086097 Y519.716225948081 t1 c n1 N1 x8.61376775627286 y1805.07832817575 X4.9824490265446 Y2566.02170537494 t1 #hugin_optimizeReferenceImage 0 #hugin_blender enblend #hugin_remapper nona #hugin_enblendOptions #hugin_enfuseOptions #hugin_hdrmergeOptions -m avg -c #hugin_outputLDRBlended true #hugin_outputLDRLayers false #hugin_outputLDRExposureRemapped false #hugin_outputLDRExposureLayers false #hugin_outputLDRExposureBlended false #hugin_outputLDRStacks false #hugin_outputLDRExposureLayersFused false #hugin_outputHDRBlended false #hugin_outputHDRLayers false #hugin_outputHDRStacks false #hugin_outputLayersCompression LZW #hugin_outputImageType tif #hugin_outputImageTypeCompression LZW #hugin_outputJPEGQuality 90 #hugin_outputImageTypeHDR exr #hugin_outputImageTypeHDRCompression LZW #hugin_outputStacksMinOverlap 0.7 #hugin_outputLayersExposureDiff 0.5 #hugin_optimizerMasterSwitch 1 #hugin_optimizerPhotoMasterSwitch 21