rzxdzj 37992 ンぃテビヲ There they laid their burdens; and some threw themselves down at once and slept, but the others sat near the outer door and discussed their plans. In all their talk they came perpetually back to one thing: where was Smaug? 景初至建康,谓朝夕可拔,号令严整,士卒不敢侵暴。及屡攻不克,人心离沮。景恐援兵四集,一旦溃去;又食石头常平诸仓旣尽,军中乏食;乃纵士卒掠夺民米及金帛子女。是后米一升直七八万钱,人相食,饿死者什五六。 They looked West and there was nothing, and East there was nothing, and in the South there was no sign of the dragon, but there was a gathering of very many birds. At that they gazed and wondered; but they were no nearer understanding it, when the first cold stars came out. Chapter 14 Fire and Water カヅェゞずゕ゛ひヘツ Now if you wish, like the dwarves, to hear news of Smaug, you must go back again to the evening when he smashed the door and flew off in rage, two days before. 乙丑,景于城东、西起土山,驱迫士民,不限贵贱,乱加殴捶,疲羸者因杀以填山,号哭动地。民不敢窜匿,并出从之,旬日间,众至数万。城中亦筑土山以应之。太子、宣城王已下,皆亲负土,执畚锸,于山上起芙蓉层楼,高四丈,饰以锦罽,募敢死士二千人,厚衣袍铠,谓之“僧腾客”,分配二山,昼夜交战不息。会大雨,城内土山崩;贼乘之,垂入,苦战不能禁。羊侃令多掷火,为火城以断其路,徐于内筑城,贼不能进。 The men of the lake-town Esgaroth were mostly indoors, for the breeze was from the black East and chill, but a few were walking on the quays, and watching, as they were fond of doing, the stars shine out from the smooth patches of the lake as they opened in the sky. From their town the Lonely Mountain was mostly screened by the low hills at the far end of the lake, through a gap in which the Running River came down from the North. Only its high peak could they see in clear weather, and they looked seldom at it, for it was ominous and dreary even in the light of morning. やノよ 景募人奴降者,悉免为良;得朱异奴,以为仪同三司,异家赀产悉与之。奴乘良马,衣锦袍,于城下仰诟异曰:“汝五十年仕宦,方得中领军;我始事侯王,已为仪同矣!”于是三日之中,羣奴出就景者以千数,景皆厚抚以配军,人人感恩,为之致死。 荆州刺史湘东王绎闻景围台城,丙寅,戒严,移檄所督湘州刺史河东王誉、雍州刺史岳阳王詧、江州刺史当阳公大心、郢州刺史南平王恪等,发兵入援。大心,大器之弟;恪,伟之子也。 Now it was lost and gone, blotted in the dark. Suddenly it flickered back to view; a brief glow touched it and faded. 朱异遗景书,为陈祸福。景报书,并告城中士民,以为:“梁自近岁以来,权幸用事,割剥齐民,以供嗜欲。如曰不然,公等试观:今日国家池苑,王公第宅,僧尼寺塔;及在位庶僚,姬姜百室,仆从数千,不耕不织,锦衣玉食;不夺百姓,从何得之!仆所以趋赴阙庭,指诛权佞,非倾社稷。今城中指望四方入援,吾观王侯、诸将,志在全身,谁能竭力致死,与吾争胜负哉!长江天险,二曹所叹,吾一苇航之,日明气净。自非天人允协,何能如是!幸各三思,自求元吉!” "Look!" said one. "The lights again! Last night the watchmen saw them start and fade from midnight until dawn. Something is happening up there." "Perhaps the King under the Mountain is forging gold," said another. "It is long since he went north. It is time the songs began to prove themselves again." ェヵゟこは 景又奉启于东魏主,称:“臣进取寿春,暂欲停憩。而萧衍识此运终,自辞宝位;臣军未入其国,已投同泰舍身。去月二十九日,届此建康。江海未苏,干戈暂止,永言故乡,人马同恋。寻当整辔,以奉圣颜。臣之母、弟,久谓屠灭,近奉明敕,始承犹在。斯乃陛下宽仁,大将军恩念,臣之弱劣,知何仰报!今辄赍启迎臣母、弟、妻、儿,伏愿圣慈,特赐裁放!” 己巳,湘东王绎遣司马吴晔、天门太守樊文皎等将兵发江陵。 "Which king?" said another with a grim voice. "As like as not it is the marauding fire of the Dragon, the only king under the Mountain we have ever known." 陈昕为景所擒,景与之极饮,使昕收集部曲,欲用之。昕不可,景使其仪同三司范桃棒囚之。昕因说桃棒,使帅所部袭杀王伟、宋子仙,诣城降。桃棒从之,潜遣昕夜缒入城。上大喜,敕镌银券赐桃棒曰:“事定之日,封汝河南王,卽有景众,并给金帛女乐。”太子恐其诈,犹豫不决,上怒曰:“受降常理,何忽致疑!”太子召公卿会议,朱异、傅岐曰:“桃棒降必非谬。桃棒旣降,贼景必惊,乘此击之,可大破也。”太子曰:“吾坚城自守以俟外援,援兵旣至,贼岂足平!此万全策也。今开门纳桃棒,桃棒之情,何易可知!万一为变,悔无所及;社稷事重,须更详之。”异曰:“殿下若以社稷之急,宜纳桃棒;如其犹豫,非异所知。”太子终不能决。桃棒又使昕启曰:“今止将所领五百人,若至城门,皆自脱甲,乞朝廷开门赐容。事济之后,保擒侯景。”太子见其恳切,愈疑之。朱异抚膺曰:“失此,社稷事去矣!”俄而桃棒为部下所告,景拉杀之。陈昕不知,如期而出,景邀得之,逼使射书城中曰:“桃棒且轻将数十人先入。”景欲衷甲随之,昕不肯,期以必死,乃杀之。 "You are always foreboding gloomy things!" said the others. "Anything from floods to poisoned fish. Think of something cheerful!" ぺろふプッ 景使萧见理与仪同三司卢晖略戍东府。见理凶险,夜,与羣盗剽劫于大桁,中流矢而死。 邵陵王纶行至钟离,闻侯景已渡采石,纶昼夜兼道,旋军入援,济江,中流风起,人马溺者什一二。遂帅宁远将军西丰公大春、新淦公大成、永安侯确、安南侯骏、前谯州刺史赵伯超、武州刺史萧弄璋等,步骑三万自京口西上。大成,大春之弟;确,纶之子;骏,懿之孙也。 Then suddenly a great light appeared in the low place in the hills and the northern end of the lake turned golden. "The King beneath the Mountain!" they shouted. "His wealth is like the Sun, his silver like a fountain, his rivers golden run! The river is running gold from the Mountain!" they cried, and everywhere windows were opening and feet were hurrying. There was once more a tremendous excitement and enthusiasm. But the grim-voiced fellow ran hotfoot to the Master. "The dragon is coming or I am a fool!" he cried. "Cut the bridges! To arms! To arms!" Then warning trumpets were suddenly sounded, and echoed along the rocky shores. The cheering stopped and the joy was turned to dread. 景遣军至江乘拒纶军。赵伯超曰:“若从黄城大路,必与贼遇,不如径指钟山,突据广莫门。出贼不意,城围必解矣。”纶从之,夜行失道,迂二十余里。庚辰旦,营于蒋山。景见之大骇,悉送所掠妇女、珍货于石头,具舟欲走。分兵三道攻纶,纶与战,破之。时山巅寒雪,乃引军下爱敬寺。景陈兵于覆舟山北,乙酉,纶进军玄武湖侧,与景对陈,不战。至暮,景更约明日会战,纶许之。安南侯骏见景军退,以为走,卽与壮士逐之;景旋军击之,骏败走,趣纶军。赵伯超望见,亦引兵走,景乘胜追击之,诸军皆溃。纶收余兵近千人,入天保寺;景追之,纵火烧寺。纶奔朱方,士卒践冰雪,往往堕足。景悉收纶辎重,生擒西丰公大春、安前司马庄丘慧、主帅霍俊等而还。丙戌,景陈所获纶军首虏铠仗及大春等于城下,使言曰:“邵陵王已为乱兵所杀。”霍俊独曰:“王小失利,已全军还京口。城中但坚守,援军寻至。”贼以刀殴其背,俊辞色弥厉;景义而释之,临贺王正德杀之。 So it was that the dragon did not find them quite unprepared. Before long, so great was his speed, they could see him as a spark of fire rushing towards them and growing ever huger and more bright, and not the most foolish doubted that the prophecies had gone rather wrong. Still they had a little time. Every vessel in the town was filled with water, every warrior was armed, every arrow and dart was ready, and the bridge to the land was thrown down and destroyed, before the roar of Smaug's terrible approach grew loud, and the lake rippled red as fire beneath the awful beating of his wings. ソヴテゕとゆゞヽヌぁ 卷一六一 梁纪十七(四) 是日晚,鄱阳王范遣其世子嗣与西豫州刺史裴之高、建安太守赵凤举各将兵入援,军于蔡洲,以待上流诸军,范以之高督江右援军事。景悉驱南岸居民于水北,焚其庐舍,大街已西,扫地俱尽。 げリ 北徐州刺史封山侯正表镇钟离,上召之入援,正表托以船粮未集,不进。景以正表为南兖州刺史,封南郡王。正表乃于欧阳立栅以断援军,帅众一万,声言入援,实欲袭广陵。密书诱广陵令刘询,使烧城为应,询以告南兖州刺史南康王会理。十二月,会理使询帅步骑千人夜袭正表,大破之;正表走还钟离。询收其兵粮,归就会理,与之入援。 癸巳,侍中、都官尚书羊侃卒,城中益惧。侯景大造攻具,陈于阙前,大车高数丈,一车二十轮。丁酉,复进攻城,以虾蟇车运土填堑。 Amid shrieks and wailing and the shouts of men he came over them, swept towards the bridges and was foiled! The bridge was gone, and his enemies were on an island in deep water-too deep and dark and cool for his liking. If he plunged into it, a vapour and a steam would arise enough to cover all the land with a mist for days; but the lake was mightier than he, it would quench him before he could pass through. Roaring he swept back over the town. A hail of dark arrows leaped up and snapped and rattled on his scales and jewels, and their shafts fell back kindled by his breath burning and hissing into the lake. No fireworks you ever imagined equalled the sights that night. At the twanging of the bows and the shrilling of the trumpets the dragon's wrath blazed to its height, till he was blind and mad with it. No one had dared to give battle to him for many an age; nor would they have dared now, if it had not been for the grim-voiced man (Bard was his name), who ran to and fro cheering on the archers and urging the Master to order them to fight to the last arrow. 湘东王绎遣世子方等将步骑一万入援建康,庚子,发公安。绎又遣竟陵太守王僧辩将舟师万人,出自汉川,载粮东下。方等有俊才,善骑射,每战,亲犯矢石,以死节自任。 壬寅,侯景以火车焚台城东南楼。材官吴景,有巧思,于城内构地为楼,火纔灭,新楼卽立,贼以为神。景因火起,潜遣人于其下穿城。城将崩,乃觉之;吴景于城内更筑迂城,状如却月以拟之,兼掷火,焚其攻具,贼乃退走。 Fire leaped from the dragon's jaws. He circled for a while high in the air above them lighting all the lake; the trees by the shores shone like copper and like blood with leaping shadows of dense black at their feet. 太子遣洗马元孟恭将千人自大司马门出荡,孟恭与左右奔降于景。 Then down he swooped straight through the arrow-storm, reckless in his rage, taking no heed to turn his scaly sides towards his foes, seeking only to set their town ablaze. Fire leaped from thatched roofs and wooden beam-ends as he hurtled down and past and round again, though all had been drenched with water before he came. 己酉,景土山稍逼城楼,柳津命作地道以取其土,外山崩,压贼且尽。又于城内作飞桥,悬罩二土山。景众见飞桥逈出,崩腾而走;城内掷雉尾炬,焚其东山,楼栅荡尽,贼积死于城下,乃弃土山不复修,自焚其攻具。材官将军宋嶷降于景,敎之引玄武湖水以灌台城,阙前皆为洪流。 Once more water was flung by a hundred hands wherever a spark appeared. Back swirled the dragon. スゔぜセッダよむダほ A sweep of his tail and the roof of the Great House crumbled and smashed down. Flames unquenchable sprang high into the night. Another swoop and another, and another house and then another sprang afire and fell; and still no arrow hindered Smaug or hurt him more than a fly from the marshes. 上征衡州刺史韦粲为散骑常侍,以都督长沙欧阳頠监州事。粲,放之子也。还,至庐陵,闻侯景乱,粲简阅部下,得精兵五千,倍道赴援。至豫章,闻景已出横江,粲就内史刘孝仪谋之,孝仪曰:“必如此,当有敕。岂可轻信人言,妄相惊动!或恐不然。”时孝仪置酒,粲怒,以杯抵地曰:“贼已渡江,便逼宫阙,水陆俱断,何暇有报!假令无敕,岂得自安!韦粲今日何情饮酒!”卽驰马出部分。将发,会江州刺史当阳公大心遣使邀粲,粲乃驰往见大心曰:“上游藩镇,江州去京最近,殿下情计诚宜在前。但中流任重,当须应接,不可阙镇。今宜且张声势,移镇湓城,遣偏将赐随,于事便足。”大心然之,遣中兵柳昕帅兵二千人随粲,粲至南洲,外弟司州刺史柳仲礼亦帅步骑万余人至横江,粲卽送粮仗赡给之,并散私金帛以赏其战士。 Already men were jumping into the water on every side. Women and children were being huddled into laden boats in the market-pool. Weapons were flung down. There was mourning and weeping, where but a little time ago the old songs of mirth to come had been sung about the dwarves. Now men cursed their names. もぜ 西豫州刺史裴之高自张公洲遣船渡仲礼,丙辰夜,粲、仲礼及宣猛将军李孝钦、前司州刺史羊鸦仁、南陵太守陈文彻,合军屯新林王游苑。粲议推仲礼为大都督,报下流众军;裴之高自以年位,耻居其下,议累日不决。粲抗言于众曰:“今者同赴国难,义在除贼。所以推柳司州者,正以久捍边疆,先为侯景所惮;且士马精锐,无出其前。若论位次,柳在粲下,语其年齿,亦少于粲,直以社稷之计,不得复论。今日形势,贵在将和,若人心不同,大事去矣。裴公朝之旧德,岂应复挟私情以沮大计!粲请为诸军解之。”乃单舸至之高营,切让之曰:“今二宫危逼,猾寇滔天,臣子当戮力同心,岂可自相矛楯!豫州必欲立异,锋镝便有所归。”之高垂泣致谢,遂推仲礼为大都督。 The Master himself was turning to his great gilded boat, hoping to row away in the confusion and save himself. Soon all the town would be deserted and burned down to the surface of the lake. That was the dragon's hope. They could all get into boats for all he cared. There he could have fine sport hunting them, or they could stop till they starved. Let them try to get to land and he would be ready. 宣城内史杨白华遣其子雄将郡兵继至,援军大集,众十余万,缘淮树栅,景亦于北岸树栅以应之。 Soon he would set all the shoreland woods ablaze and wither every field and pasture. Just now he was enjoying the sport of town-baiting more than he had enjoyed anything for years. But there was still a company of archers that held their ground among the burning houses. 裴之高与弟之横以舟师一万屯张公洲。景囚之高弟、侄、子、孙,临水陈兵,连鏁列于陈前,以鼎镬、刀锯随其后,谓曰:“裴公不降,今卽烹之。”之高召善射者使射其子,再发,皆不中。 Their captain was Bard, grim-voiced and grim-faced, whose friends had accused him of prophesying floods and poisoned fish, though they knew his worth and courage. He was a descendant in long line of Girion, Lord of Dale, whose wife and child had escaped down the Running River from the ruin long ago. Now he shot with a great yew bow, till all his arrows but one were spent. The flames were near him. His companions were leaving him. He bent his bow for the last time. ヰらロ 景帅步骑万人于后渚挑战,仲礼欲出击之。韦粲曰:“日晚我劳,未可战也。”仲礼乃坚壁不出,景亦引退。 湘东王绎将锐卒三万发江陵,留其子绥宁侯方诸居守,咨议参军刘之迡等三上笺请留,答敎不许。 Suddenly out of the dark something fluttered to his shoulder. He started-but it was only an old thrush. Unafraid it perched by his ear and it brought him news. Marvelling he found he could understand its tongue, for he was of the race of Dale. "Wait! Wait!" it said to him. "The moon is rising. Look for the hollow of the left breast as he flies and turns above you!" And while Bard paused in wonder it told him of tidings up in the Mountain and of all that it had heard. Then Bard drew his bow-string to his ear. 鄱阳王范遣其将梅伯龙攻王显贵于寿阳,克其罗城;攻中城,不克而退,范益其众,使复攻之。 The dragon was circling back, flying low, and as he came the moon rose above the eastern shore and silvered his great wings. "Arrow!" said the bowman. "Black arrow! I have saved you to the last. 东魏大将军澄患民钱滥恶,议不禁民私铸;但悬称市门,钱不重五铢,毋得入市。朝议以为年榖不登,请俟他年,乃止。 You have never failed me and always I have recovered you. I had you from my father and he from of old. If ever you came from the forges of the true king under the Mountain, go now and speed well!" The dragon swooped once more lower than ever, and as he turned and dived down his belly glittered white with sparkling fires of gems in the moon-but not in one place. The great bow twanged. The black arrow sped straight from the string, straight for the hollow by the left breast where the foreleg was flung wide. In it smote and vanished, barb, shaft and feather, so fierce was its flight. With a shriek that deafened men, felled trees and split stone, Smaug shot spouting into the air, turned over and crashed down from on high in ruin. ヿ・ぜヹビンヨゃた 魏太师泰杀安定国臣王茂而非其罪。尚书左丞柳庆谏,泰怒曰:“卿党罪人,亦当坐!”执庆于前。庆辞色不挠,曰:“庆闻君蔽于事为不明,臣知而不争为不忠。庆旣竭忠,不敢爱死,但惧公为不明耳。”泰寤,亟使赦茂,不及,乃赐茂家钱帛,曰:“以旌吾过。” 丙辰晦,柳仲礼夜入韦粲营,部分众军。旦日,会战,诸将各有据守,令粲顿青塘。粲以青塘当石头中路,贼必争之,颇惮之。仲礼曰:“青塘要地,非兄不可;若疑兵少,当更遣军相助。”乃使直合将军刘叔胤助之。 Full on the town he fell. His last throes splintered it to sparks and gledes. The lake roared in. A vast steam leaped up, white in the sudden dark under the moon. There was a hiss, a gushing whirl, and then silence. And that was the end of Smaug and Esgaroth, but not of Bard. The waxing moon rose higher and higher and the wind grew loud and cold. 卷一六二 梁纪十八(一) It twisted the white fog into bending pillars and hurrying clouds and drove it off to the West to scatter in tattered shreds over the marshes before Mirkwood. Then the many boats could be seen dotted dark on the surface of the lake, and down the wind came the voices of the people of Esgaroth lamenting their lost town and goods and ruined houses. But they had really much to be thankful for, had they thought of it, though it could hardly be expected that they should just then: three quarters of the people of the town had at least escaped alive; their woods and fields and pastures and cattle and most of their boats remained undamaged; and the dragon was dead. What that meant they had not yet realized. 屠维大荒落(己巳),一年。 They gathered in mournful crowds upon the western shores, shivering in the cold wind, and their first complaints and anger were against the Master, who had left the town so soon, while some were still willing to defend it. 高祖武皇帝太清三年(己巳,公元五四九年) "He may have a good head for business-especially his own business," some murmured, "but he is no good when anything serious happens!" And they praised the courage of Bard and his last mighty shot. "If only he had not been killed," they all said, "we would make him a king. Bard the Dragon-shooter of the line of Girion! Alas that he is lost!" こエ・ 春,正月,丁巳朔,柳仲礼自新亭徙营大桁。会大雾,韦粲军迷失道,比及青塘,夜已过半,立栅未合,侯景望见之,亟帅锐卒攻粲。粲使军主郑逸逆击之,命刘叔胤以舟师截其后,叔胤畏懦不敢进,逸遂败。景乘胜入粲营,左右牵粲避贼,粲不动,叱子弟力战,遂与子尼及三弟助、警、构、从弟昂皆战死,亲戚死者数百人。仲礼方食,投箸被甲,与其麾下百骑驰往救之,与景战于青塘,大破之,斩首数百级,沈淮水死者千余人。仲礼矟将及景,而贼将支伯仁自后斫仲礼中肩,马陷于淖,贼聚矟刺之,骑将郭山石救之,得免。仲礼被重疮,会稽人惠臶吮疮断血,故得不死。自是景不敢复济南岸,仲礼亦气索,不复言战矣。 邵陵王纶复收散卒,与东扬州刺史临城公大连、新淦公大成等自东道并至;庚申,列营于桁南,亦推柳仲礼为大都督。大连,大临之弟也。 And in the very midst of their talk, a tall figure stepped from the shadows. He was drenched with water, his black hair hung wet over his face and shoulders, and a fierce light was in his eyes. "Bard is not lost!" he cried. "He dived from Esgaroth, when the enemy was slain. I am Bard, of the line of Girion; I am the slayer of the dragon!" 朝野以侯景之祸共尤朱异,异惭愤发疾,庚申,卒。故事,尚书官不以为赠。上痛惜异,特赠尚书右仆射。 "King Bard! King Bard!" they shouted; but the Master ground his chattering teeth. "Girion was lord of Dale, not king of Esgaroth," he said. "In the Lake-town we have always elected masters from among the old and wise, and have not endured the rule of mere fighting men. Let 'King Bard' go back to his own kingdom-Dale is now freed by his valour, and nothing binders his return. And any that wish can go with him, if they prefer the cold shores under the shadow of the Mountain to the green shores of the lake. The wise will stay here and hope to rebuild our town, and enjoy again in time its peace and riches." 甲子,湘东世子方等及王僧辩军至。 "We will have King Bard!" the people near at hand shouted in reply. "We have had enough of the old men and the money-counters!" And people further off took up the cry: "Up the Bowman, and down with Moneybags," till the clamour echoed along the shore. "I am the last man to undervalue Bard the Bowman," said the Master warily (for Bard now stood close beside him). "He has tonight earned an eminent place in the roll of the benefactors of our town; and he is worthy of many imperishable songs. But, why O People?"-and here the Master rose to his feet and spoke very loud and clear — "why do I get all your blame? For what fault am I to be deposed? Who aroused the dragon from his slumber, I might ask? Who obtained of us rich gifts and ample help, and led us to believe that old songs could come true? 戊辰,封山侯正表以北徐州降东魏,东魏徐州刺史高归彦遣兵赴之。归彦,欢之族弟也。 Who played on our soft hearts and our pleasant fancies? What sort of gold have they sent down the river to reward us? Dragon-fire and ruin! From whom should we claim the recompense of our damage, and aid for our widows and orphans?" わシ 己巳,太子迁居永福省。高州刺史李迁仕、天门太守樊文皎将援兵万余人至城下。台城与援军信命久绝,有羊车儿献策,作纸鸱,系以长绳,写敕于内,放以从风,冀达众军,题云:“得鸱送援军,赏银百两。”太子自出太极殿前乘西北风纵之,贼怪之,以为厌胜,射而下之。援军募人能入城送启者,鄱阳世子嗣左右李朗请先受鞭,诈为得罪,叛投贼,因得入城,城中方知援兵四集,举城鼓噪。上以朗为直合将军,赐金遣之。朗缘钟山之后,宵行昼伏,积日乃达。 As you see, the Master had not got his position for nothing. The result of his words was that for the moment the people quite forgot their idea of a new king, and turned their angry thoughts towards Thorin and his company. Wild and bitter words were shouted from many sides; and some of those who had before sung the old songs loudest, were now heard as loudly crying that the dwarves had stirred the dragon up against them deliberately! 癸未,鄱阳世子嗣、永安侯确、庄铁、羊鸦仁、柳敬礼、李迁仕、樊文皎将兵度淮,攻东府前栅,焚之;侯景退。众军营于青溪之东,迁仕、文皎帅锐卒五千独进深入,所向摧靡。至菰首桥东,景将宋子仙伏兵击之,文皎战死,迁仕遁还。敬礼,仲礼之弟也。 "Fools!" said Bard. "Why waste words and wrath on those unhappy creatures? Doubtless they perished first in fire, before Smaug came to us." Then even as he was speaking, the thought came into his heart of the fabled treasure of the Mountain lying without guard or owner, and he fell suddenly silent. He thought of the Master's words, and of Dale rebuilt, and filled with golden bells, if he could but find the men. 仲礼神情傲狠,陵蔑诸将,邵陵王纶每日执鞭至门,亦移时弗见,由是与纶及临城公大连深相仇怨。大连又与永安侯确有隙,诸军互相猜阻,莫有战心。援军初至,建康士民扶老携幼以候之,纔过淮,卽纵兵剽掠。由是士民失望,贼中有谋应官军者,闻之,亦止。 At length he spoke again: "This is no time for angry words. Master, or for considering weighty plans of change. There is work to do. I serve you still-though after a while I may think again of your words and go North with any that will follow me." Then he strode off to help in the ordering of the camps and in the care of the sick and the wounded. But the Master scowled at his back as he went, and remained sitting on the ground. He thought much but said little, unless it was to call loudly for men to bring him fire and food. 王显贵以寿阳降东魏。 Now everywhere Bard went he found talk running like fire among the people concerning the vast treasure that was now unguarded. Men spoke of the recompense for all their harm that they would soon get from it, and wealth over and to spare with which to buy rich things from the South; and it cheered them greatly in their plight. That was as well, for the night was bitter and miserable. 临贺王记室吴郡顾野王起兵讨侯景,二月,己丑,引兵来至。初,台城之闭也,公卿以食为念,男女贵贱并出负米,得四十万斛,收诸府藏钱帛五十万亿,并聚德阳堂,而不备薪刍、鱼盐。至是,坏尚书省为薪。撤荐,剉以饲马,荐尽,又食以饭。军士无膎,或煑铠、熏鼠、捕雀而食之。御甘露厨有干苔,味酸咸,分给战士。军人屠马于殿省间,杂以人肉,食者必病。侯景众亦饥,抄掠无所获;东城有米,可支一年,援军断其路。又闻荆州兵将至,景甚患之。王伟曰:“今台城不可猝拔,援兵日盛,吾军乏食,若伪且求和以缓其势,东城之米,足支一年,因求和之际,运米入石头,援军必不得动,然后休士息马,缮修器械,伺其懈怠击之,一举可取也。”景从之,遣其将任约、于子悦至城下,拜表求和,乞复先镇。太子以城中穷困,白上,请许之。上怒曰:“和不如死!”太子固请曰:“侯景围逼已久,援军相仗不战,宜且许其和,更为后图。”上迟回久之,乃曰:“汝自图之,勿令取笑千载。”遂报许之。景乞割江右四州之地,并求宣城王大器出送,然后济江。中领军傅岐固争曰:“岂有贼举兵围宫阙而更与之和乎!此特欲却援军耳。戎狄兽心,必不可信。且宣城嫡嗣之重,国命所系,岂可为质!”上乃以大器之弟石城公大款为侍中,出质于景。又敕诸军不得复进,下诏曰:“善兵不战,止戈为武。可以景为大丞相,都督江西四州诸军事,豫州牧、河南王如故。”己亥,设坛于西华门外,遣仆射王克、上甲侯韶、吏部郎萧瑳与于子悦、任约、王伟登坛共盟。太子詹事柳津出西华门,景出栅门,遥相对,更杀牲歃血为盟。旣盟,而景长围不解,专修铠仗,托云“无船,不得卽发”,又云“恐南军见蹑”,遣石城公还台,求宣城王出送;邀求稍广,了无去志。太子知其诈言,犹羁縻不绝。韶,懿之孙也。 Shelters could be contrived for few (the Master had one) and there was little food (even the Master went short). Many took ill of wet and cold and sorrow that night, and afterwards died, who had escaped uninjured from the ruin of the town; and in the days that followed there was much sickness and great hunger. 庚子,前南兖州刺史南康王会理、前青‖冀二州刺史湘潭侯退、西昌侯世子彧众合三万,至于马卬洲,景虑其自白下而上,启云:“请北军聚还南岸,不尔,妨臣济江。”太子卽勒会理自白下城移军江潭苑。退,恢之子也。 Meanwhile Bard took the lead, and ordered things as he wished, though always in the Master's name, and he had a hard task to govern the people and direct the preparations for their protection and housing. Probably most of them would have perished in the winter that now hurried after autumn, if help had not been to hand. But help came swiftly; for Bard at once had speedy messengers sent up the river to the Forest to ask the aid of the King of the Elves of the Wood, and these messengers had found a host already on the move, although it was then only the third day after the fall of Smaug. 辛丑,以邵陵王纶为司空,鄱阳王范为征北将军,柳仲礼为侍中、尚书右仆射。景以于子悦、任约、傅士悊皆为仪同三司,夏侯譒为豫州刺史,董绍先为东徐州刺史,徐思玉为北徐州刺史,王伟为散骑常侍。上以伟为侍中。 The Elvenking had received news from his own messengers and from the birds that loved his folk, and already knew much of what had happened. Very great indeed was the commotion among all things with wings that dwelt on the borders of the Desolation of the Dragon. 乙卯,景又启曰:“适有西岸信至,高澄已得寿阳、钟离,臣今无所投足,求借广陵并谯州,俟得寿阳,卽奉还朝廷。”又云:“援军旣在南岸,须于京口渡江。”太子并答许之。 The air was filled with circling flocks, and their swift-flying messengers flew here and there across the sky. 庚戌,景又启曰:“永安侯确、直合赵威方频隔栅见诟云:"天子自与汝盟,我终当破汝。"乞召侯及威方入,卽当引路。”上遣吏部尚书张绾召确,辛亥,以确为广州刺史,威方为盱眙太守。确累启固辞,不入,上不许。确先遣威方入城,因欲南奔。邵陵王纶泣谓确曰:“围城旣久,圣上忧危,臣子之情,切于汤火,故欲且盟而遣之,更申后计。成命已决,何得拒违!”时台使周石珍、东宫主书左法生在纶所,确谓之曰:“侯景虽云欲去而不解长围,意可见也。今召仆入城,何益于事!”石珍曰:“敕旨如此,郎那得辞!”确意尚坚,纶大怒,谓赵伯超曰:“谯州为我斩之!持其首去!”伯超挥刃眄确曰:“伯超识君侯,刀不识也!”确乃流涕入城。 Above the borders of the Forest there was whistling, crying and piping. Far over Mirkwood tidings spread: "Smaug is dead!" Leaves rustled and startled ears were lifted. Even before the Elvenking rode forth the news had passed west right to the pinewoods of the Misty Mountains; Beorn had heard it in his wooden house, and the goblins were at council in their caves. 上常蔬食,及围城日久,上厨蔬茹皆绝,乃食鸡子。纶因使者蹔通,上鸡子数百枚,上手自料简,歔欷哽咽。 "That will be the last we shall hear of Thorin Oakenshield, I fear," said the king. "He would have done better to have remained my guest. It is an ill wind, all the same," he added, "that blows no one any good." For he too had not forgotten the legend of the wealth of Thror. So it was that Bard's messengers found him now marching with many spearmen and bowmen; and crows were gathered thick, above him, for they thought that war was awakening again, such as had not been in those parts for a long age. But the king, when he received the prayers of Bard, had pity, for he was the lord of a good and kindly people; so turning his march, which had at first been direct towards the Mountain, he hastened now down the river to the Long Lake. 湘东王绎军于郢州之武城,湘州刺史河东王誉军于青草湖,信州刺史桂阳王慥军于西峡口,托云俟四方援兵,淹留不进。中记室参军萧贲,骨鲠士也,以绎不早下,心非之;尝与绎双六,食子未下,贲曰:“殿下都无下意。”绎深衔之。及得上敕,绎欲旋师,贲曰:“景以人臣举兵向阙,今若放兵,未及渡江,童子能斩之矣,必不为也。大王以十万之众,未见贼而退,柰何!”绎不悦,未几,因事杀之。慥,懿之孙也。 He had not boats or rafts enough for his host, and they were forced to go the slower way by foot; but great store of goods he sent ahead by water. Still elves are light—footed, and though they were not in these days much used to the marches and the treacherous lands between the Forest and the Lake, their going was swift. Only five days after the death of the dragon they came upon the shores and looked on the ruins of the town. Their welcome was good, as may be expected, and the men and their Master were ready to make any bargain for the future in return for the Elvenking's aid. 东魏河内民四千余家,以魏北徐州刺史司马裔,其乡里也,相帅归之。丞相泰欲封裔,裔因辞曰:“士大夫远归皇化,裔岂能帅之!卖义士以求荣,非所愿也。” Their plans were soon made. With the women and the children, the old and the unfit, the Master remained behind; and with him were some men of crafts and many skilled elves; and they busied themselves felling trees, and collecting the timber sent down from the Forest. Then they set about raising many huts by the shore against the oncoming winter; and also under the Master's direction they began the planning of a new town, designed more fair and large even than before, but not in the same place. ェちヂゃ 侯景运东府米入石头,旣毕,王伟闻荆州军退,援军虽多,不相统壹,乃说景曰:“王以人臣举兵,围守宫阙,逼辱妃主,残秽宗庙,擢王之发,不足数罪。今日持此,欲安所容身乎!背盟而捷,自古多矣,愿且观其变。”临贺王正德亦谓景曰:“大功垂就,岂可弃去!”景遂上启,陈帝十失,且曰:“臣方事睽违,所以冒陈谠直。陛下崇饰虚诞,恶闻实录,以祅怪为嘉祯,以天谴为无咎。敷演六艺,排摈前儒,王莽之法也。以铁为货,轻重无常,公孙之制也。烂羊镌印,朝章鄙杂,更始、赵伦之化也。豫章以所天为血雠,邵陵以父存而冠布,石虎之风也。修建浮图,百度糜费,使四民饥馁,笮融、姚兴之代也。”又言:“建康宫室崇侈,陛下唯与主书参断万机,政以贿成,诸阉豪盛,众僧殷实。皇太子珠玉是好,酒色是耽,吐言止于轻薄,赋咏不出桑中;邵陵所在残破;湘东羣下贪纵;南康、定襄之属,皆如沐猴而冠耳。亲为孙侄,位则藩屏,臣至百日,谁肯勤王!此而灵长,未之有也。昔鬻拳兵谏,王卒改善,今日之举,复奚罪乎!伏愿陛下小惩大戒,放谗纳忠,使臣无再举之忧,陛下无婴城之辱,则万姓幸甚!” 上览启,且惭且怒。三月,丙辰朔,立坛于太极殿前,告天地,以景违盟,举烽鼓噪。初,闭城之日,男女十余万,擐甲者二万余人;被围旣久,人多身肿气急,死者什八九,乘城者不满四千人,率皆羸喘。横尸满路,不可瘗埋,烂汁满沟,而众心犹望外援。柳仲礼唯聚妓妾,置酒作乐,诸将日往请战,仲礼不许。安南侯骏说邵陵王纶曰:“城危如此,而都督不救,若万一不虞,殿下何颜自立于世!今宜分军为三道,出贼不意攻之,可以得志。”纶不从。柳津登城谓仲礼曰:“汝君父在难,不能竭力,百世之后,谓汝为何!”仲礼亦不以为意。上问策于津,对曰:“陛下有邵陵,臣有仲礼,不忠不孝,贼何由平!” They removed northward higher up the shore; for ever after they had a dread of the water where the dragon lay. He would never again return to his golden bed, but was stretched cold as stone, twisted upon the floor of the shallows. There for ages his huge bones could be seen in calm weather amid the ruined piles of the old town. But few dared to cross the cursed spot, and none dared to dive into the shivering water or recover the precious stones that fell from his rotting carcass. 卷一六二 梁纪十八(二) But all the men of arms who were still able, and the most of the Elvenking's array, got ready to march north to the Mountain. It was thus that in eleven days from the ruin of the town the head of their host passed the rock-gates at the end of the lake and came into the desolate lands. Chapter 15 The Gathering of the Clouds 戊午,南康王会理与羊鸦仁、赵伯超等进营于东府城北,约夜渡军。旣而鸦仁等晓犹未至,景众觉之,营未立,景使宋子仙击之,赵伯超望风退走。会理等兵大败,战及溺死者五千人。景积其首于阙下,以示城中。 Now we will return to Bilbo and the dwarves. All night one of them had watched, but when morning came they had not heard or seen any sign of danger. But ever more thickly the birds were gathering. Their companies came flying from the South; and the crows that still lived about the Mountain were wheeling and crying unceasingly above. "Something strange is happening," said Thorin. "The time has gone for the autumn wanderings; and these are birds that dwell always in the land; there are starlings and flocks of finches; and far off there are many carrion birds as if a battle were afoot!" にピ・ゃンヒ 景又使于子悦求和,上使御史中丞沈浚至景所。景实无去志,谓浚曰:“今天时方热,军未可动,乞且留京师立效。”浚发愤责之,景不对,横刀叱之。浚曰:“负恩忘义,违弃诅盟,固天地所不容!沈浚五十之年,常恐不得死所,何为以死相惧邪!”因径去不顾。景以其忠直,舍之。 于是景决石阙前水,百道攻城,昼夜不息。邵陵世子坚屯太阳门,终日蒱饮,不恤吏士,其书佐董勋、熊昙朗恨之。丁卯,夜向晓,勋、昙朗于城西北楼引景众登城,永安侯确力战,不能却,乃排闼入启上云:“城已陷。”上安卧不动,曰:“犹可一战乎?”对曰:“不可。”上叹曰:“自我得之,自我失之,亦复何恨!”因谓确曰:“汝速去,语汝父,勿以二宫为念。”因使慰劳在外诸军。 Suddenly Bilbo pointed: "There is that old thrush again!" he cried. "He seems to have escaped, when Smaug smashed the mountain-side, but I don't suppose the snails have!" Sure enough the old thrush was there, and as Bilbo pointed, he flew towards them and perched on a stone near by. Then he fluttered his wings and sang; then he cocked his head on one side, as if to listen; and again he sang, and again he listened. 俄而景遣王伟入文德殿奉谒,上命褰帘开户引伟入,伟拜呈景启,称:“为奸佞所蔽,领众入朝,惊动圣躬,今诣阙待罪。”上问:“景何在?可召来。”景入见于太极东堂,以甲士五百人自卫。景稽颡殿下,典仪引就三公榻。上神色不变,问曰:“卿在军中日久,无乃为劳!”景不敢仰视,汗流被面。又曰:“卿何州人,而敢至此,妻子犹在北邪?”景皆不能对。任约从旁代对曰:“臣景妻子皆为高氏所屠,唯以一身归陛下。”上又问:“初渡江有几人?”景曰:“千人。”“围台城几人?”曰:“十万。”“今有几人?”曰:“率土之内,莫非己有。”上俛首不言。 "I believe he is trying to tell us something," said Balin; "but I cannot follow the speech of such birds, it is very quick and difficult. Can you make it out Baggins?" "Not very well," said Bilbo (as a matter of fact, he could make nothing of it at all); "but the old fellow seems .very excited." 景复至永福省见太子,太子亦无惧容。侍卫皆惊散,唯中庶子徐摛、通事舍人陈郡殷不害侧侍。摛谓景曰:“侯王当以礼见,何得如此!”景乃拜。太子与言,又不能对。 "I only wish he was a raven!" said Balin. 景退,谓其厢公王僧贵曰:“吾常跨鞍对陈,矢刃交下,而意气安缓,了无怖心。今见萧公,使人自慑,岂非天威难犯!吾不可以再见之。”于是悉撤两宫侍卫,纵兵掠乘舆、服御、宫人皆尽。收朝士、王侯送永福省,使王伟守武德殿,于子悦屯太极东堂。矫诏大赦,自加大都督中外诸军、录尚书事。 "I thought you did not like them! You seemed very shy of them, when we came this way before." "Those were crows! And nasty suspicious-looking creatures at that, and rude as well. You must have heard the ugly names they were calling after us. But the ravens are different. There used to be great friendship between them and the people of Thror; and they often brought us secret news, and were rewarded with such bright things as they coveted to hide in their dwellings. ゲぎデヮぉ 建康士民逃难四出。太子洗马萧允至京口,端居不行,曰:“死生有命,如何可逃!祸之所来,皆生于利;苟不求利,祸从何生!” 己巳,景遣石城公大款以诏命解外援军。柳仲礼召诸将议之,邵陵王纶曰:“今日之命,委之将军。”仲礼熟视不对。裴之高、王僧辩曰:“将军拥众百万,致宫阙沦没,正当悉力决战,何所多言!”仲礼竟无一言,诸军乃随方各散。南兖州刺史临成公大连、湘东世子方等、鄱阳世子嗣、北兖州刺史湘潭侯退、吴郡太守袁君正、晋陵太守陆经等各还本镇。君正,昂之子也。邵陵王纶奔会稽。仲礼及弟敬礼、羊鸦仁、王僧辩、赵伯超并开营降,军士莫不叹愤。仲礼等入城,先拜景而后见上;上不与言。仲礼见父津,津恸哭曰:“汝非我子,何劳相见!” "They live many a year, and their memories are long, and they hand on their wisdom to their children. I knew many among the ravens of the rocks when I was a dwarf- lad. This very height was once named Ravenhill, because there was a wise and famous pair, old Care and his wife, that lived here above the guard-chamber. But I don't suppose that any of that ancient breed linger here now." No sooner had he finished speaking than the old thrush gave a loud call, and immediately flew away. 湘东王绎使全威将军会稽王琳送米二十万石以馈军,至姑孰,闻台城陷,沈米于江而还。 "We may not understand him, but that old bird understands us, I am sure," said Balin. "Keep watch now, and see what happens!" Before long there was a fluttering of wings, and back came the thrush; and with him came a most decrepit old bird. He was getting blind, he could hardly fly, and the top of his head was bald. He was an aged raven of great size. He alighted stiffly on the ground before them, slowly flapped his wings, and bobbed towards Thorin. 景命烧台内积尸,病笃未绝者,亦聚而焚之。 "O Thorin son of Thrain, and Balin son of Fundin," he croaked (and Bilbo could understand what he said, for he used ordinary language and not bird-speech). "I am R(ac son of Carc. Carc is dead, but he was well known to you once. It is a hundred years and three and fifty since I came out of the egg, but I do not forget what my father told me. Now I am the chief of the great ravens of the Mountain. We are few, but we remember still the king that was of old. Most of my people are abroad, for there are great tidings in the South — some are tidings of joy to you, and some you will not think so good. "Behold! the birds are gathering back again to the Mountain and to Dale from South and East and West, for word has gone out that Smaug is dead!" 庚午,诏征镇牧守可复本任。景留柳敬礼、羊鸦仁,而遣柳仲礼归司州,王僧辩归竟陵。初,临贺王正德与景约,平城之日,不得全二宫。及城开,正德帅众挥刀欲入,景先使其徒守门,故正德不果入。景更以正德为侍中、大司马,百官皆复旧职。正德入见上,拜且泣。上曰:“啜其泣矣,何嗟及矣!” "Dead! Dead?" shouted the dwarves. "Dead! Then we have been in needless fear-and the treasure is ours!" ビぷみゥボぞそ 秦郡、阳平、盱眙三郡皆降景,景改阳平为北沧州,改秦郡为西兖州。 They all sprang up and began to caper about for joy. "Yes, dead," said R(ac. "The thrush, may his feathers never fall, saw him die, and we may trust his words. He saw him fall in battle with the men of Esgaroth the third night back from now at the rising of the moon." 东徐州刺史湛海珍、北青州刺史王奉伯并以地降东魏。青州刺史明少遐、山阳太守萧邻弃城走,东魏据其地。 It was some time before Thorin could bring the dwarves to be silent and listen to the raven's news. At length when he had told all the tale of the battle he went on: 侯景以仪同三司萧邕为南徐州刺史,代西昌侯渊藻镇京口。又遣其将徐相攻晋陵,陆经以郡降之。 "So much for joy, Thorin Oakenshield. You may go back to your halls in safety; all the treasure is yours-for the moment. But many are gathering hither beside the birds. The news of the death of the guardian has already gone far and wide, and the legend of the wealth of Thror has not lost in the telling during many years; many are eager for a share of the spoil. Already a host of the elves is on the way, and carrion birds are with them hoping for battle and slaughter. By the lake men murmur that their sorrows are due to the dwarves; for they are homeless and many have died, and Smaug has destroyed their town. They too think to find amends from your treasure, whether you are alive or dead. "Your own wisdom must decide your course, but thirteen is small remnant of the great folk of Durin that once dwelt here, and now are scattered far. If you will listen to my counsel, you will not trust the Master of the Lake-men, but rather him that shot the dragon with his bow. Bard is he, of the race of Dale, of the line of Girion; he is a grim man but true. We would see peace once more among dwarves and men and elves after the long desolation; but it may cost you dear in gold. I have spoken." 初,上以河东王誉为湘州刺史,徙湘州刺史张缵为雍州刺史,代岳阳王詧。缵恃其才望,轻誉少年,迎候有阙。誉至,检括州府付度事,留缵不遣;闻侯景作乱,颇陵蹙缵。缵恐为所害,轻舟夜遁,将之雍部,复虑詧拒之。缵与湘东王绎有旧,欲因之以杀誉兄弟,乃如江陵。及台城陷,诸王各还州镇,誉自湖口归湘州。桂阳王慥以荆州督府留军江陵,欲待绎至拜谒,乃还信州。缵遗绎书曰:“河东戴樯上水,欲袭江陵,岳阳在雍,共谋不逞。”江陵游军主朱荣亦遣使告绎云:“桂阳留此,欲应誉、詧。”绎惧,凿船,沈米,斩缆,自蛮中步道驰归江陵,囚慥,杀之。 Then Thorin burst forth in anger: "Our thanks, R(ac Carc's son. You and your people shall not be forgotten. But none of our gold shall thieves take or the violent carry off while we are alive. If you would earn our thanks still more, bring us news of any that draw near. Also I would beg of you, if any of you are still young and strong of wing, that you would send messengers to our kin in the mountains of the North, both west from here and east, and tell them of our plight. But go specially to my cousin Dain in the Iron Hills, for he has many people well-armed, and dwells nearest to this place. Bid him hasten!" 侯景以前临江太守董绍先为江北行台,使赍上手敕,召南兖州刺史南康王会理。壬午,绍先至广陵,众不满二百,皆积日饥疲,会理士马甚盛,僚佐说会理曰:“景已陷京邑,欲先除诸藩,然后篡位。若四方拒绝,立当溃败,柰何委全州之地以资寇手!不如杀绍先,发兵固守,与魏连和,以待其变。”会理素懦,卽以城授之。绍先旣入,众莫敢动。会理弟通理请先还建康,谓其姊曰:“事旣如此,岂可合家受毙!前途亦思立效,但未知天命如何耳。”绍先悉收广陵文武部曲、铠仗、金帛,遣会理单马还建康。 "I will not say if this counsel be good or bad," croaked R(ac; "but I will do what can be done." Then off he slowly flew. 湘潭侯退与北兖州刺史定襄侯祗出奔东魏。侯景以萧弄璋为北兖州刺史,州民发兵拒之;景遣直合将军羊海将兵助之,海以其众降东魏,东魏遂据淮阴。祗,伟之子也。 "Back now to the Mountain!" cried Thorin. "We have little time to lose." "And little food to use!" cried Bilbo, always practical on such points. In any case he felt that the adventure was, properly speaking, over .with the death of the dragon-in which he was much mistaken-and he would have given most of his share of the profits for the peaceful winding up of these affairs. 癸未,侯景遣于子悦等将羸兵数百东略吴郡。新城戍主戴僧逷有精甲五千,说太守袁君正曰:“贼今乏食,台中所得,不支一旬,若闭关拒守,立可饿死。”土豪陆映公恐不能胜而资产被掠,皆劝君正迎之。君正素怯,载米及牛酒郊迎。子悦执君正,掠夺财物、子女,东人皆立堡拒之。景又以任约为南道行台,镇姑孰。 "Back to the Mountain!" cried the dwarves as if they had not heard him; so back he had to go with them. As you have heard some of the events already, you will see that the dwarves still had some days before them. They explored the caverns once more, and found, as they expected, that only the Front Gate remained open; all the other gates (except, of course, the small secret door) had long ago been broken and blocked by Smaug, and no sign of them remained. So now they began to labour hard in fortifying the main entrance, and in remaking the road that led from it. Tools were to be found in plenty that the miners and quarriers and builders of old had used; and at such work the dwarves were still very skilled. As they worked the ravens brought them constant tidings. In this way they learned that the Elvenking had turned aside to the Lake, and they still had a breathing space. Better still, they heard that three of their ponies had escaped and were wandering wild far down the banks of the Running River, not far from where the rest of their stores had been left. So while the others went on with their work, Fili and Kili were sent, guided by a raven, to find the ponies and bring back all they could. かさユぬ゠ェき 夏,四月,湘东世子方等至江陵,湘东王绎始知台城不守,命于江陵四旁七里树木为栅,掘堑三重而守之。 东魏高岳等攻魏颍川,不克。大将军澄益兵助之,道路相继,踰年犹不下。山鹿忠武公刘丰生建策,堰洧水以灌之,城多崩颓,岳悉众分休迭进。王思政身当矢石,与士卒同劳苦,城中泉涌,悬釜而炊。太师泰遣大将军赵贵督东南诸州兵救之,自长社以北,皆为陂泽,兵至穰,不得前。东魏使善射者乘大舰临城射之,城垂陷;燕郡景惠公慕容绍宗与刘丰生临堰视之,见东北尘起,同入舰坐避之。俄而暴风至,远近晦冥,缆断,飘船径向城;城上人以长钩牵船,弓弩乱发,绍宗赴水溺死,丰生游上,向土山,城上人射杀之。 They were four days gone, and by that time they knew that the joined armies of the Lake-men and the Elves were hurrying towards the Mountain. But now their hopes were higher; for they had food for some weeks with care-chiefly cram, of course, and they were very tired of it; but cram is much better than nothing-and already the gate was blocked with a wall of squared stones laid dry, but very thick and high across the opening. There were holes in the wall through which they could see (or shoot) but no entrance. They climbed in or out with ladders, and hauled stuff up with ropes. For the issuing of the stream they had contrived a small low arch under the new wall; but near the entrance they had so altered the narrow bed that a wide pool stretched from the mountain-wall to the head of the fall over which the stream went towards Dale. 甲辰,东魏进大将军勃海王澄位相国,封齐王,加殊礼。丁未,澄入朝于邺,固辞;不许。澄召将佐密议之,皆劝澄宜膺朝命;独散骑常侍陈元康以为未可,澄由是嫌之,崔暹乃荐陆元规为大行台郎以分元康之权。 Approach to the Gate was now only possible, without swimming, along a narrow ledge of the cliff, to the right as one looked outwards from the wall. The ponies they had brought only to the head of the steps above the old bridge, and unloading them there had bidden them return to their masters and sent them back riderless to the South. There came a night when suddenly there were many lights as of fires and torches away south in Dale before them. 湘东王绎之入援也,令所督诸州皆发兵,雍州刺史岳阳王詧遣府司马刘方贵将兵出汉口;绎召詧使自行,詧不从。方贵潜与绎相知,谋袭襄阳,未发;会詧以他事召方贵,方贵以为谋泄,遂据樊城拒命,詧遣军攻之。绎厚资遣张缵使赴镇,缵至大堤,詧已拔樊城,斩方贵。缵至襄阳,詧推迁未去,但以城西白马寺处之;詧犹总军府之政,闻台城陷,遂不受代。助防杜岸绐缵曰:“观岳阳势不容使君,不如且往西山以避祸。”岸旣襄阳豪族,兄弟九人,皆以骁勇著名。缵乃与岸结盟,着妇人衣,乘青布舆,逃入西山。詧使岸将兵追擒之,缵乞为沙门,更名法缵,詧许之。 "They have come!" called Balin. "And their camp is very great. They must have come into the valley under the cover of dusk along both banks of the river." That night the dwarves slept little. The morning was still pale when they saw a company approaching. From behind their wall they watched them come up to the valley's head and climb slowly up. Before long they could see that both men of the lake armed as if for war and elvish bowmen were among them. At length the foremost of these climbed the tumbled rocks and appeared at the top of the falls; and very great was their surprise to see the pool before them and the Gate blocked with a wall of new-hewn stone. ぇヤほヒん 荆州长史王冲等上笺于湘东王绎,请以太尉、都督中外诸军事承制主盟,绎不许。丙辰,又请以司空主盟,亦不许。 上虽外为侯景所制,而内甚不平。景欲以宋子仙为司空,上曰:“调和阴阳,安用此物!”景又请以其党二人为便殿主帅,上不许。景不能强,心甚惮之。太子入,泣谏,上曰:“谁令汝来!若社稷有灵,犹当克复;如其不然,何事流涕!”景使其军士入直省中,或驱驴马,带弓刀,出入宫庭,上怪而问之,直合将军周石珍对曰:“侯丞相甲士。”上大怒,叱石珍曰:“是侯景,何谓丞相!”左右皆惧。是后上所求多不遂志,饮膳亦为所裁节,忧愤成疾。太子以幼子大圜属湘东王绎,并剪爪发以寄之。五月,丙辰,上卧净居殿,口苦,索蜜不得,再曰“荷!荷!”遂殂。年八十六。景秘不发丧,迁殡于昭阳殿,迎太子于永福省,使如常入朝。王伟、陈庆皆侍太子,太子呜咽流涕,不敢泄声,殿外文武皆莫之知。 As they stood pointing and speaking to one another Thorin hailed them: "Who are you," he called in a very loud voice, "that come as if in war to the gates of Thorin son of Thrain, King under the Mountain, and what do you desire?" But they answered nothing. Some turned swiftly back, and the others after gazing for a while at the Gate and its defences soon followed them. That day the camp was moved and was brought right between the arms of the Mountain. The rocks echoed then with voices and with song, as they had not done for many a day. There was the sound, too, of elven-harps and of sweet music; and as it echoed up towards them it seemed that the chill of the air was warmed, and they caught faintly the fragrance of woodland flowers blossoming in spring. 卷一六二 梁纪十八(三) Then Bilbo longed to escape from the dark fortress and to go down and join in the mirth and feasting by the fires. Some of the younger dwarves were moved in their hearts, too, and they muttered that they wished things had fallen out otherwise and that they might welcome such folk as friends; but Thorin scowled. Then the dwarves themselves brought forth harps and instruments regained from the hoard, and made music to soften his mood; but their song was not as elvish song, and was much like the song they had sung long before in Bilbo's little hobbit-hole. 东魏高岳旣失慕容绍宗等,志气沮丧,不敢复逼长社城。陈元康言于大将军澄曰:“王自辅政以来,未有殊功,虽破侯景,本非外贼。今颍川垂陷,愿王自以为功。”澄从之。戊寅,自将步骑十万攻长社,亲临作堰,堰三决,澄怒,推负土者及囊幷塞之。 Under the Mountain dark and tallThe King has come unto his hall!His foe is dead, the Worm of Dread,And ever so his foes shall fall. 辛巳,发高祖丧,升梓宫于太极殿。是日,太子卽皇帝位,大赦,侯景出屯朝堂,分兵守卫。 The sword is sharp, the spear is long,The arrow swift, the Gate is strong;The heart is bold that looks on gold;The dwarves no more shall suffer wrong. The dwarves of yore made mighty spells,While hammers fell like ringing bellsIn places deep, where dark things sleep,In hollow halls beneath the fells. 壬午,诏北人在南为奴婢者,皆免之,所免万计;景或更加超擢,冀收其力。 On silver necklaces they strungThe light of stars, on crowns they hungThe dragon-fire, from twisted wireThe melody of harps they wrung. 高祖之末,建康士民服食、器用,争尚豪华,粮无半年之储,常资四方委输。自景作乱,道路断绝,数月之间,人至相食,犹不免饿死,存者百无一二。贵戚、豪族皆自出采稆,填委沟壑,不可胜纪。 The mountain throne once more is freed!O! wandering folk, the summons heed!Come haste! Come haste! across the waste!The king of friend and kin has need. Now call we over mountains cold,'Come hack unto the caverns old'!Here at the Gates the king awaits,His hands are rich with gems and gold. はギギ 癸未,景遣仪同三司来亮入宛陵,宣城太守杨白华诱而斩之。甲申,景遣其将李贤明攻之,不克。景又遣中军侯子鉴入吴郡,以厢公苏单于为吴郡太守,遣仪同宋子仙等将兵东屯钱塘,新城戍主戴僧逷拒之。御史中丞沈浚避难东归,至吴兴,太守张嵊与之合谋,举兵讨景。嵊,稷之子也。东扬州刺史临城公大连,亦据州不受景命。景号令所行,唯吴郡以西、南陵以北而已。 魏诏:“太和中代人改姓者皆复其旧。” The king is come unto his hallUnder the Mountain dark and tall.The Worm of Dread is slain and dead,And ever so our foes shall fall! This song appeared to please Thorin, and he smiled again and grew merry; and he began reckoning the distance to the Iron Hills and how long it would be before Dain could reach the Lonely Mountain, if he had set out as soon as the message reached him. 六月,丙戌,以南康王会理为侍中、司空。 But Bilbo's heart fell, both at the song and the talk: they sounded much too warlike. The next morning early a company of spearmen was seen crossing the river, and marching up the valley. They bore with them the green banner of the Elvenking and the blue banner of the Lake, and they advanced until they stood right before the wall at the Gate. 丁亥,立宣城王大器为皇太子。 Again Thorin hailed them in a loud voice: "Who are you that come armed for war to the gates of Thorin son of Thrain, King under the Mountain?" This time he was answered. A tall man stood forward, dark of hair and grim of face, and he cried: "Hail Thorin! Why do you fence yourself like a robber in his hold? We are not yet foes, and we rejoice that you are alive beyond our hope. We came expecting to find none living here; yet now that we are met there is matter for a parley and a council." ネけダウッじへゐ 初,侯景将使太常卿南阳刘之遴授临贺王正德玺绶,之遴剃发僧服而逃之。之遴博学能文,尝为湘东王绎长史;将归江陵,绎素嫉其才,己丑,之遴至夏口,绎密送药杀之,而自为志铭,厚其赙赠。 壬辰,封皇子大心为寻阳王,大款为江陵王,大临为南海王,大连为南郡王,大春为安陆王,大成为山阳王,大封为宜都王。 "Who are you, and of what would you parley?" "I am Bard, and by my hand was the dragon slain and your treasure delivered. Is that not a matter that concerns you? Moreover I am by right descent the heir of Girion of Dale, and in your hoard is mingled much of the wealth of his halls and town, which of old Smaug stole. Is not that a matter of which we may speak? Further in his last battle Smaug destroyed the dwellings of the men of Esgaroth, and I am yet the servant of their Master. I would speak for him and ask whether you have no thought for the sorrow and misery of his people. They aided you in your distress, and in recompense you have thus far brought ruin only, though doubtless undesigned." 长社城中无盐,人病挛肿,死者什八九。大风从西北起,吹水入城,城坏。东魏大将军澄令城中曰:“有能生致王大将军者封侯;若大将军身有损伤,亲近左右皆斩。”王思政帅众据土山,告之曰:“吾力屈计穷,唯当以死谢国!”因仰天大哭,西向再拜,欲自刎,都督骆训曰:“公常语训等:"汝赍我头出降,非但得富贵,亦完一城人。"今高相旣有此令,公独不哀士卒之死乎!”众共执之,不得引决。澄遣通直散骑赵彦深就土山遗以白羽扇,执手申意,牵之以下。澄不令拜,延而礼之。思政初入颍川,将士八千人,及城陷,纔三千人,卒无叛者。澄悉散配其将卒于远方,改颍川为郑州,礼遇思政甚重。西合祭酒卢潜曰:“思政不能死节,何足可重!”澄谓左右曰:“我有卢潜,乃是更得一王思政。”潜,度世之曾孙也。 Now these were fair words and true, if proudly and grimly spoken; and Bilbo thought that Thorin would at once admit what justice was in them. He did not, of course, expect that any one would remember that it was he who discovered all by himself the dragon's weak spot; and that was just as well, for no one ever did. But also he did not reckon with the power that gold has upon which a dragon has long brooded, nor with dwarvish hearts. Long hours in the past days Thorin had spent in the treasury, and the lust of it was heavy on him. Though he had hunted chiefly for the Arkenstone, yet he had an eye for many another wonderful thing that was lying there, about which were wound old memories of the labours and the sorrows of his race. "You put your worst cause last and in the chief place," Thorin answered. "To the treasure of my people no man has a claim, because Smaug who stole it from us also robbed him of life or home. The treasure was not his that his evil deeds should be amended with a share of it. The price of the goods and the assistance that we received of the Lake-men we will fairly pay-in due time. But nothing will we give, not even a loaf's worth, under threat of force. While an armed host lies before our doors, we look on you as foes and thieves. 初,思政屯襄城,欲以长社为行台治所,遣使者魏仲启陈于太师泰,并致书于淅州刺史崔猷。猷复书曰:“襄城控带京、洛,寔当今之要地,如有动静,易相应接。颍川旣邻寇境,又无山川之固,贼若潜来,径至城下。莫若顿兵襄城,为行台之所;颍川置州,遣良将镇守,则表里胶固,人心易安,纵有不虞,岂能为患!”仲见泰,具以启闻。泰令依猷策。思政固请,且约:“贼水攻期年、陆攻三年之内,朝廷不烦赴救。”泰乃许之。及长社不守,泰深悔之。猷,孝芬之子也。 "It is in my mind to ask what share of their inheritance you would have paid to our kindred, had you found the hoard unguarded and us slain." 侯景之南叛也,丞相泰恐东魏复取景所部地,使诸将分守诸城。及颍川陷,泰以诸城道路阻绝,皆令拔军还。 "A just question," replied Bard. "But you are not dead, and we are not robbers. Moreover the wealthy may have pity beyond right on the needy that befriended them when they were in want. And still my other claims remain unanswered." "I will not parley, as I have said, with armed men at my gate. Nor at all with the people of the Elvenking, whom I remember with small kindness. In this debate they have no place. Begone now ere our arrows fly! And if you would speak with me again, first dismiss the elvish host to the woods where it belongs, and then return, laying down your arms before you approach the threshold." ゞェャヌヮグよ 上甲侯韶自建康出奔江陵,称受高祖密诏征兵,以湘东王绎为侍中、假黄钺、大都督中外诸军事、司徒、承制,自余藩镇并加位号。 宋子仙围戴僧逷,不克。丙午,吴盗陆缉等起兵袭吴郡,杀苏单于,推前淮南太守文成侯宁为主。 "The Elvenking is my friend, and he has succoured the people of the Lake in their need, though they had no claim but friendship on him," answered Bard. "We will give you time to repent your words. Gather your wisdom ere we return!" Then he departed and went back to the camp. Ere many hours were past, the banner-bearers returned, and trumpeters stood forth and blew a blast: 临贺王正德怨侯景卖己,密书召鄱阳王范,使以兵入;景遮得其书,癸丑,缢杀正德。景以仪同三司郭元建为尚书仆射、北道行台、总江北诸军事,镇新秦;封元罗等诸元十余人皆为王。景爱永安侯确之勇,常寘左右。邵陵王纶潜遣人呼之,确曰:“景轻佻,一夫力耳,我欲手刃之,正恨未得其便,卿还启家王,勿以确为念。”景与确游钟山,引弓射鸟,因欲射景,弦断,不发,景觉而杀之。 "In the name of Esgaroth and the Forest," one cried, "we speak unto Thorin Thrain's son Oakenshield, calling himself the King under the Mountain, and we bid him consider well the claims that have been urged, or be declared our foe. At the least he shall deliver one twelfth portion of the treasure unto Bard, as the dragon-slayer, and as the heir of Girion. From that portion Bard will himself contribute to the aid of Esgaroth; but if Thorin would have the friendship and honour of the lands about, as his sires had of old, then he will give also somewhat of his own for the comfort of the men of the Lake." Then Thorin seized a bow of horn and shot an arrow at the speaker. It smote into his shield and stuck there quivering. '"Since such is your answer," he called in return, "I declare the Mountain besieged. You shall not depart from it, until you call on your side for a truce and a parley. We will bear no weapons against you, but we leave you to your gold. You may eat that, if you will!" 湘东王绎娶徐孝嗣孙女为妃,生世子方等。妃丑而妬,又多失行,绎二三年一至其室。妃闻绎当至,以绎目眇,为半面妆以待之,绎怒而出,故方等亦无宠。及自建康还江陵,绎见其御军和整,始叹其能,入告徐妃,妃不对,垂泣而退。绎怒,疏其秽行,牓于大合,方等见之,益惧。湘州刺史河东王誉,骁勇得士心,绎将讨侯景,遣使督其粮众,誉曰:“各自军府,何忽隶人!”使者三返,誉不与。方等请讨之,绎乃以少子安南侯方矩为湘州刺史,使方等将精卒二万送之。方等将行,谓所亲曰:“是行也,吾必死之;死得其所,吾复奚恨!” With that the messengers departed swiftly, and the dwarves were left to consider their case. So grim had Thorin become, that even if they had wished, the others would not have dared to find fault with him; but indeed most of them seemed to share his mind-except perhaps old fat Bombur and Fili and Kili. Bilbo, of course, disapproved of the whole turn of affairs. He had by now had more than enough of the Mountain, and being besieged inside it was not at all to his taste. 侯景以赵威方为豫章太守,江州刺史寻阳王大心遣军拒之,擒威方,系州狱,威方逃还建康。 "The whole place still stinks of dragon," he grumbled to himself, "and it makes me sick. And cram is beginning simply to stick in my throat." だろロづ゚ォほゾ 湘东世子方等军至麻溪,河东王誉将七千人击之,方等军败,溺死。安南侯方矩收余众还江陵,湘东王绎无戚容。绎宠姬王氏,生子方诸。王氏卒,绎疑徐妃为之,逼令自杀,妃赴井死,葬以庶人礼,不听诸子制服。 Chapter 16 A Thief in the Night Now the days passed slowly and wearily. Many of the dwarves spent their time piling and ordering the treasure; and now Thorin spoke of the Arkenstone of Thrain, and bade them eagerly to look for it in every comer. 西江督护陈霸先欲起兵讨侯景,景使人诱广州刺史元景仲,许奉以为主,景仲由是附景,阴图霸先。霸先知之,与成州刺史王怀明等集兵南海,驰檄以讨景仲曰:“元景仲与贼合从,朝廷遣曲阳侯勃为刺史,军已顿朝亭。”景仲所部闻之,皆弃景仲而散。秋,七月,甲寅,景仲缢于合下。霸先迎定州刺史萧勃镇广州。 "For the Arkenstone of my father," he said, "is worth more than a river of gold in itself, and to me it is beyond price. That stone of all the treasure I name unto myself, and I will be avenged on anyone who finds it and withholds it." 前高州刺史兰裕,钦之弟也,与其诸弟扇诱始兴等十郡,攻监衡州事欧阳頠。勃使霸先救之,悉擒裕等,勃因以霸先监始兴郡事。 Bilbo heard these words and he grew afraid, wondering what would happen, if the stone was found-wrapped in an old bundle of tattered oddments that he used as a pillow. All the same he did not speak of it, for as the weariness of the days grew heavier, the beginnings of a plan had come into his little head. Things had gone on like this for some time, when the ravens brought news that Dain and more than five hundred dwarves, hurrying from the Iron Hills, were now within about two days' march of Dale, coming from the North-East. 湘东王绎遣竟陵太守王僧辩、信州刺史东海鲍泉击湘州,分给兵粮,刻日就道。僧辩以竟陵部下未尽至,欲俟众集然后行,与泉入白绎,求申期。绎疑僧辩观望,按剑厉声曰:“卿惮行拒命,欲同贼邪?今日唯有死耳!”因斫僧辩,中其左髀,闷绝,久之方苏,卽送狱。泉震怖,不敢言。僧辩母徒行流涕入谢,自陈无训,绎意解,赐以良药,故得不死。丁卯,鲍泉独将兵伐湘州。 "But they cannot reach the Mountain unmarked," said R(ac, "and I fear lest there be battle in the valley. I do not call this counsel good. Though they are a grim folk, they are not likely to overcome the host that besets you; and even if they did so, what will you gain? 陆缉等竞为暴掠,吴人不附,宋子仙自钱塘旋军击之。壬戌,缉弃城奔海盐,子仙复据吴郡。戊辰,侯景置吴州于吴郡,以安陆王大春为刺史。 Winter and snow is hastening behind them. How shall you be fed without the friendship and goodwill of the lands about you? The treasure is likely to be your death, though the dragon is no more!"' 庚午,以南康王会理兼尚书令。 But Thorin was not moved. "Winter and snow will bite both men and elves," he said, "and they may find their dwelling in the Waste grievous to bear. With my friends behind them and winter upon them, they will perhaps be in softer mood to parley with." That night Bilbo made up his mind. The sky was black and moonless. As soon as it was full dark, he went to a corner of an inner chamber just within the gate and drew from his bundle a rope, and also the Arkenstone wrapped in a rag. Then he climbed to the top of the wall. Only Bombur was there, for it was his turn to watch, and the dwarves kept only one watchman at a time. 鄱阳王范闻建康不守,戒严,欲入,僚佐或说之曰:“今魏人已据寿阳,大王移足,则虏骑必窥合肥。前贼未平,后城失守,将若之何!不如待四方兵集,使良将将精卒赴之,进不失勤王,退可固本根。”范乃止。会东魏大将军澄遣西兖州刺史李伯穆逼合肥,又使魏收为书谕范。范方谋讨侯景,藉东魏为援,乃帅战士二万出东关,以合州输伯穆,并遣咨议刘灵议送二子勤、广为质于东魏以乞师。范屯濡须以待上游之军,遣世子嗣将千余人守安乐栅,上游军皆不下,范粮乏,采苽稗、菱藕以自给。勤、广至邺,东魏人竟不为出师。范进退无计,乃泝流西上,军于枞阳。景出屯姑孰,范将裴之悌以众降之。之悌,之高之弟也。 "It is mighty cold!" said Bombur. "I wish we could have a fire up here as they have in the camp!" "It is warm enough inside," said Bilbo. 东魏大将军澄诣邺,辞爵位殊礼,且请立太子。澄谓济阴王晖业曰:“比读何书?”晖业曰:“数寻伊、霍之传,不读曹、马之书。” "I daresay; but I am bound here till midnight," grumbled the fat dwarf. "A sorry business altogether. Not that I venture to disagree with Thorin, may his beard grow ever longer; yet he was ever a dwarf with a stiff neck." "Not as stiff as my legs," said Bilbo. "I am tired of stairs and stone passages. I would give a good deal for the feel of grass at my toes." 八月,甲申朔,侯景遣其中军都督侯子鉴等击吴兴。 "I would give a good deal for the feel of a strong drink in my throat, and for a soft bed after a good supper!" "I can't give you those, while the siege is going on. But it is long since I watched, and I will take your turn for you, if you like. There is no sleep in me tonight." 己亥,鲍泉军于石椁寺,河东王誉逆战而败;辛丑,又败于橘洲,战及溺死者万余人。誉退保长沙,众引军围之。 "You are a good fellow, Mr. Baggins, and I will take your offer kindly. If there should be anything to note, rouse me first, mind you! I will lie in the inner chamber to the left, not far away." たすヒげ 辛卯,东魏立皇子长仁为太子。 "Off you go!" said Bilbo. "I will wake you at midnight, and you can wake the next watchman." As soon as Bombur had gone, Bilbo put on his ring, fastened his rope, slipped down over the wall, and was gone. He had about five hours before him. Bombur would sleep (he could sleep at any time, and ever since the adventure in the forest he was always trying to recapture the beautiful dreams he had then); and all the others were busy with Thorin. It was unlikely that any, even Fili or Kili, would come out on the wall until it was their turn. It was very dark, and the road after a while, when he left the newly made path and climbed down towards the lower course of the stream, was strange to him. 勃海文襄王澄以其弟太原公洋次长,意常忌之。洋深自晦匿,言不出口,常自贬退,与澄言,无不顺从。澄轻之,常曰:“此人亦得富贵,相书亦何可解!”洋为其夫人赵郡李氏营服玩小佳,澄辄夺取之;夫人或恚未与,洋笑曰:“此物犹应可求,兄须何容吝惜!”澄或愧不取,洋卽受之,亦无饰让。每退朝还第,辄闭合静坐,虽对妻子,能竟日不言。或时袒跣奔跃,夫人问其故,洋曰:“为尔漫戏。”其实盖欲习劳也。 At last he came to the bend where he had to cross the water, if he was to make for the camp, as he wished. The bed of the stream was there shallow but already broad, and fording it in the dark was not easy for the little hobbit. He was nearly across when he missed his footing on a round stone and fell into the cold water with a splash. He had barely scrambled out on the far bank, shivering and spluttering, when up came elves in the gloom with bright lanterns and searched for the cause of the noise. 澄获徐州刺史兰钦子京,以为膳奴,钦请赎之,不许;京屡自诉,澄杖之,曰:“更诉,当杀汝!”京与其党六人谋作乱。澄在邺,居北城东柏堂,嬖琅邪公主,欲其往来无间,侍卫者常遣出外。辛卯,澄与散骑常侍陈元康、吏部尚书侍中杨愔、黄门侍郎崔季舒屏左右,谋受魏禅,署拟百官。兰京进食,澄却之,谓诸人曰:“昨夜梦此奴斫我,当急杀之。”京闻之,置刀盘下,冒言进食,澄怒曰:“我未索食,何为遽来!”京挥刀曰:“来杀汝!”澄自投伤足,入于床下,贼去床,弒之。愔狼狈走,遗一靴;季舒匿于厕中;元康以身蔽澄,与贼争刀被伤,肠出;库直王纮冒刃御贼;纥奚舍乐鬬死。时变起仓猝,内外震骇。太原公洋在城东双堂,闻之,颜色不变,指挥部分,入讨羣贼,斩而脔之,徐出,曰:“奴反,大将军被伤,无大苦也。”内外莫不惊异。洋秘不发丧。陈元康手书辞母,口占使功曹参军祖珽作书陈便宜,至夜而卒;洋殡之第中,诈云出使,虚除元康中书令。以王纮为领左右都督。纮,基之子也。 "That was no fish!" one said. "There is a spy about. Hide your lights! They will help him more than us, if it is that queer little creature that is said to be their servant." "Servant, indeed!" snorted Bilbo; and in the middle of his snort he sneezed loudly, and the elves immediately gathered towards the sound. 卷一六二 梁纪十八(四) "Let's have a light!" he said. "I am here, if you want me!" and he slipped off his ring, and popped from behind a rock. 勋贵以重兵皆在幷州,劝洋早如晋阳,洋从之。夜,召大将军督护太原唐邕,使部分将士,镇遏四方;邕支配须臾而毕,洋由是重之。 They seized him quickly, in spite of their surprise. "Who are you? Are you the dwarves' hobbit? What are you doing? How did you get so far past our sentinels?" they asked one after another. 癸巳,洋讽东魏主以立太子大赦。澄死问渐露,东魏主窃谓左右曰:“大将军今死,似是天意,威权当复归帝室矣!”洋留太尉高岳、太保高隆之、开府仪同三司司马子如、侍中杨愔守邺,余勋贵皆自随。甲午,入谒东魏主于昭阳殿,从甲士八千人,登阶者二百余人,皆攘袂扣刃,若对严敌。令主者传奏曰:“臣有家事,须诣晋阳。”再拜而出。东魏主失色,目送之曰:“此人又似不相容,朕不知死在何日!”晋阳旧臣宿将素轻洋;及至,大会文武,神彩英畅,言辞敏洽,众皆大惊。澄政令有不便者,洋皆改之。高隆之、司马子如等恶度支尚书崔暹,奏暹及崔季舒过恶,鞭二百,徙边。 "I am Mr. Bilbo Baggins," he answered, "companion of Thorin, if you want to know. I know your king well by sight, though perhaps he doesn't know me to look at. But Bard will remember me, and it is Bard I particularly want to see." 侯景以宋子仙为司徙、郭子建为尚书左仆射,与领军任约等四十人并开府仪同三司,仍诏:“自今开府仪同不须更加将军。”是后开府仪同至多,不可复记矣。 "Indeed!" said they, "and what may be your business?" 鄱阳王范自枞阳遣信告江州刺史寻阳王大心,大心遣信邀之。范引兵诣江州,大心以湓城处之。 "Whatever it is, it's my own, my good elves. But if you wish ever to get back to your own woods from this cold cheerless place," he answered shivering, "you will take me along quiet to a fire, where I can dry-and then you will let me speak to your chiefs as quick as may be. I have only an hour or two to spare."