Are Activists Being Attacked With Electronic Weapons?

Are Activists Being Attacked With Electronic Weapons?

Many of our friends who are more intuitive and active in trying to make the world a better place have been experiencing nearly identical symptoms of unexplained origin. The symptoms include headaches, stomach swelling and pain, night sweats, time anomalies, trouble concentrating - all with no apparent physical cause. Some have had extensive medical checkups which found no cause. One of our friends awoke from a deep sleep on several occasions to a strange vibration inside their body. In most cases the people around the friends have not been affected.

Possible causes for the symptoms include virus, bacteria, contamination from genetically engineered food and electronic weapons.

  • Virus - Usually causes other symptoms such as runny noise and fever and wouldn't cause the vibration or time anomalies. Would also likely infect others.
  • Bacteria - Can cause all the symptoms but the vibrations and time anomalies. Would normally cause a more regular fever. If the symptoms were from food poisoning it is likely that others who ate the contaminated food would also get sick.
  • Genetic contamination - Little is known about disease caused from genetically engineered foods but the symptoms include all of the above but the vibration and time anomalies. The transgenes implanted into food are known to jump to other species and cause a wide variety of ailments. Would likely affect most everyone who consumed the contaminated food.
  • Microwave weapons - Microwave weapons can cause all of the symptoms but the time anomalies. Microwave weapons can be detected using a wide band radio frequency detector or spectrum analyzer. Microwave weapons will usually impact anyone who is the path of the beam, which has not been the case with our friends.
  • Psychotronics - Psychotronics is the remote energetic manipulation of a being. A psychotronic weapon can target a specific person and cause virtually any symptom. It operates from a distance and creates no trace which can be measured with commonly available instruments. Pychotronic weapons have been under development since the days of Tesla. Present-day weapons are more advanced than we can imagine. Pychotronic and scalar weapons are the only known potential cause for all the symptoms experienced by our friends. When we talked to physicist Tom Bearden about the symptoms he claimed that they could only be caused by an electron interferometry device.

Why would anyone target intuitive activists?

The last few years have seen many changes in the United States and the world. Freedom in all countries is slowly being suppressed in the name of the "war against terrorism", yet the efforts to supposedly fight terrorism only create more potential terrorism while nothing is done to address the cause of guerilla resistance to corporate, economic, political and social oppression. Those waging the war are are the biggest terrorists of all. The attack on the World Trade Center was not orchestrated by muslim terrorists but by an international criminal elite which controls virtually every government and almost all media. This organization is made up of a globalists, zionists, satanists and possibly aliens. Yeah, I know that this sounds pretty nutty, but the evidence supports the existence of such a group.

The organization is evil and seeks control over the entire planet. In the last few years they have stolen trillions of dollars. They control the most advanced technology, the military, most mass media and have all the financial resources they could ever need. With genetic engineering and cloned stem cells they now have the ability to switch-off the death gene and live for a thousand years or more. They can't be defeated on a physical level. Their only vulnerability is on the spiritual level. As dark beings they are vulnerable to positive spiritual energy.

Most every human has the ability to defeat darkness, yet most people have been spiritually and mentally enslaved through diet, religion, schools and popular culture. Living in the modern world causes devolution. Cell phones cause brain damage and emotional instability, eating/drinking much of the food on the grocery store shelf can cause chemical imbalance, disease, mental and emotional instability. Mass media eliminates useful information and feeds people information designed to limit growth and awareness. We are poisoned, dumbed down and told what to think and how to feel.

Very few people are left with the awareness and focus to address the rise of evil. Those who have the awareness and ability to counter evil are being attacked and influenced to prevent them from interfering in the global takeover and resulting depopulation. Defending oneself against such attacks is not easy.

Surviving the attacks

Surviving psychotronic attacks is not easy but it is possible and will ultimately make you a better person.

  • The first step is to know that you are being targeted by non-conventional weapons. If you really think that you are being targeted ask your self why and try to find other explanations. Try to rule out everything else before you conclude that you are being targeted by electronic or other non-conventional weapons. Very few people are ever really targeted and most just imagine that they are. Don't be a paranoid nut-case.
  • The next step is to discover your own ability to influence energy and to learn how protect yourself and influence those who might attack you. Learning Quantum Touch is an easy first step -, and should be learned by everyone.
  • Collodial silver charged with QT or Qi energy can be very helpful. You can buy colloidial silver in a bottle or make your own with a device sold from a variety of sources such as and other sources. To charge the collodial silver water simply put your hands loosely around the container and transmit energy from your hands using the same techniques used in Quantum Touch. Using a large magnet negative side up under the glass you use to create the silver water can help.
  • You can create an electro-magnetic bubble around yourself using techniques from
  • It is possible to shield against some types of electronic weapons. Less EMF, Inc. sells a wide variety of tools for the detection and blocking of EMF signals. The Q-Link has been proven to be effective in protecting one's bio-field.
  • If you are under serious attack you may have to change locations. A moving target is much harder to hit with any type of electronic weapon.
  • If you are intuitive, try to connect to the person who has initiated the attack and connect with them on a deep soul level. By expressing compassion you can reduce or eliminate their ability to cause you harm. However, you have to reach the person that has given the order to attack and not just those carrying out the attack.
  • If you have a cell phone get rid of it. A Cell phone can by used to track you and is very unhealthy. Just carrying one can weaken you and make you more vulnerable to attack.
  • Accept the attack as an opportunity to grow stronger and become more aware. A simple change in your perception of the situation can change the nature of the experience.

If you really believe that you are being targeted by an electronic weapon please contact us.