Jean, You can set a variable called userInteraction and initialize it to 0. When user clicks to go to next page, set userInteraction to 1 then go to next page. Then edit the custom event for next page to only execute when userInteraction is 0. Like this: if (userInteraction == 0) { setTimeout(nextPage, 2000); } function nextPage() { document.getElementById('pagedeck').goToNextPage(); } Add the event to the button that user would click with custom action: userInteraction = 1; gwd.actions.gwdPagedeck.goToPage('pagedeck', 'page1_1', 'none', 1000, 'linear', 'top'); To set userInteraction to 0, switch to code view, find window.gwd = window.gwd || {}; and add this right below it var userInteraction = 0; Attached is the file. San Google Web Designer team