Everex notebook computer, updates

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Aug 30, 2008, 3:08:23 PM8/30/08
to gOS Linux
Hello all.

It seems to me that there are no repositories maintained for the gOS
updates of the version that shipped with the Everex notebook that my
niece purchased on my recommendation.

She's happy with the notebook, but in comparison with a straight
Ubuntu Gnome setup, I'd have to say I find it lacking.

1) The desktop GUI windows look "frizzled" when they open and close.
I assumed this was something to do with compositing being enabled, but
I can find no way to correct the problem. Any information about this
would be helpful.

2) There was no manual shipped with the computer and yet there were
some BIG tripwires that we only avoided because I did my homework
before doing any updates; the main tripwire, as you know, was that one
should NOT do a system upgrade to Ubuntu 8.04. A good help manual
should have shipped and the manual should put a big warning on the
front page regarding this NO UPGRADE issue.

3) There are apparently no repositories in place for this edition of
gOS. If I had known that, I would have recommended that she buy a
cheap ASUS or a used HP and let me install Debian or Ubuntu. Every
other Linux distribution that I've used recommends that, minimally,
security updates be made every three weeks to avoid problems.

Please advise: 1) Currently, we're using the update manager and the
Ubuntu repositories to do regular updates, but not any upgrades. Is
this safe? 2) I discovered that upgrading the kernel and then using
the updated kernel will prevent the use of the internal wifi card, and
I assume that this is because the proprietary driver for the wifi card
needs to be compiled for the new kernel; is there a recommended way of
doing this? 3) Please point me to some comprehensive guide on using
the version of gOS that comes with the Everex laptop. 4) If gOS turns
out to be unsatisfactory, is there a way to install straight Ubuntu
instead? 5) Is it advisable for an advanced user like myself to
switch to the Beta version? If so, then how?

Thank you.


Aug 30, 2008, 3:35:47 PM8/30/08
to gOS Linux
Though I do not have a Cloudbook I will do my best to answer the
questions in which I can.

> 1) The desktop GUI windows look "frizzled" when they open and close.
> I assumed this was something to do with compositing being enabled, but
> I can find no way to correct the problem.  Any information about this
> would be helpful.

I do not know why this would be happening, you could try and turn off
xcompmgr or any compositing effects the system has. This however will
also make the Avant Window Navigator if you are running it, useless.

> 2) There was no manual shipped with the computer and yet there were
> some BIG tripwires that we only avoided because I did my homework
> before doing any updates; the main tripwire, as you know, was that one
> should NOT do a system upgrade to Ubuntu 8.04.  A good help manual
> should have shipped and the manual should put a big warning on the
> front page regarding this NO UPGRADE issue.

I agree.

> 3) There are apparently no repositories in place for this edition of
> gOS.  If I had known that, I would have recommended that she buy a
> cheap ASUS or a used HP and let me install Debian or Ubuntu.  Every
> other Linux distribution that I've used recommends that, minimally,
> security updates be made every three weeks to avoid problems.

All I can say about this since I wasn't working with gOS at the time
the Cloudbook version was developed, is that gOS Gadgets Final Release
will have a custom repository, however distribution upgrades will not
be possible via the update manager. But you will be able to easily
backup your home folder and the perform a upgrade using the typical
Live CD Installer, and then simply readd your home folder contents
from your backup.

> 1) Currently, we're using the update manager and the
> Ubuntu repositories to do regular updates, but not any upgrades.  Is
> this safe?  

It should be, as long as no distribution upgrade is run.

> 2) I discovered that upgrading the kernel and then using
> the updated kernel will prevent the use of the internal wifi card, and
> I assume that this is because the proprietary driver for the wifi card
> needs to be compiled for the new kernel; is there a recommended way of
> doing this?

I'll email the devs and see what they have to say.

You can try running lspci from your terminal to determine which wifi
card you have.
Then obtain the windows driver for it and use NDIS Wrapper to utilize
the Win Driver on GOS.
I assume you know what I am talking about, since you obviously are
experienced on Linux systems.

> 3) Please point me to some comprehensive guide on using
> the version of gOS that comes with the Everex laptop.  

There are several hardware guides, some useful forums, and additional
information about the cloudbook both XP and gOS Versions at this site.

> 4) If gOS turns
> out to be unsatisfactory, is there a way to install straight Ubuntu
> instead?

You would have to create a USB Installer for Ubuntu or Debian to do
A quick search on Google will lead you to basic instructions on how to
do this.
But, yes you can install another Linux OS on it.

> 5) Is it advisable for an advanced user like myself to
> switch to the Beta version?  If so, then how?

Not on the Cloudbook just yet.
Wait until the final release comes out and then check back here to
verify that other users have had success in doing this.

I hope this at least somewhat helped point you in the right direction.


Aug 30, 2008, 10:44:16 PM8/30/08
to gOS Linux
Absolutely, you've helped to fill my need for information and informed

Thank you VERY much!

I should say, however, that we're not using a Cloudbook, per se. It's
the slightly larger gBook model from Everex and I do believe it has a
typical notebook hard drive, although the Linux system might be on an
internal flash drive necessitating a USB install; I'll have to look at
that web page you linked to for more information on hardware.

Thanks again.
> information about the cloudbook both XP and gOS Versions at this site.http://cloudbookumpc.com/
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