You may also view the gcloud log file, found at [/Users/Roy/.config/gcloud/logs/2017.04.16/]. INFO: Uploading [/var/folders/x1/_fs5v3dj5sg4x4f5rbgpyjzw0000gn/T/tmp0Hes0N/src.tgz] to [] DEBUG: Using builder image: [] Started cloud build [de9e1251-6929-43a0-82a6-91b733135aa9]. DEBUG: GCS logfile url is To see logs in the Cloud Console: DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 200 bytes) --------------------------------------- REMOTE BUILD OUTPUT ---------------------------------------- starting build "de9e1251-6929-43a0-82a6-91b733135aa9" FETCHSOURCE Fetching storage object: gs:// DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 119 bytes) Copying gs:// DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 314 bytes) / [1 files][ 2.7 MiB/ 2.7 MiB] Operation completed over 1 objects/2.7 MiB. BUILD Already have image (with digest): DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 1733 bytes) Sending build context to Docker daemon 15.91 MB Step 1 : FROM latest: Pulling from google_appengine/nodejs Digest: sha256:c4558f5eb0adeff5d5fbe15840e3f508bea999a64a74cd447d631e6955994739 Status: Downloaded newer image for ---> 3216da59e2ee Step 2 : RUN /usr/local/bin/install_node 6.9.1 ---> Running in 1d80c6d609c8 DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 25 bytes) Installed Node.js v6.9.1 DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling) DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 86 bytes) ---> 0d3788403f93 Removing intermediate container 1d80c6d609c8 Step 3 : COPY . /app/ DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 213 bytes) ---> 7823ac2d19a6 Removing intermediate container b47d64dfa31e Step 4 : RUN npm install --unsafe-perm || ((if [ -f npm-debug.log ]; then cat npm-debug.log; fi) && false) ---> Running in 8385e7c91609 DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling) DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling) DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling) DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling) DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling) DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling) DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling) DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 3261 bytes) ecotel-proto@1.0.0 /app +-- @types/express@4.0.35 | +-- @types/express-serve-static-core@4.0.44 | | `-- @types/node@7.0.12 | `-- @types/serve-static@1.7.31 | `-- @types/mime@0.0.29 +-- @types/sequelize@4.0.49 | +-- @types/bluebird@3.5.2 | +-- @types/lodash@4.14.62 | `-- @types/validator@6.2.0 +-- angular@1.6.4 +-- angular-ui-router@1.0.0-rc.1 | `-- ui-router-core@3.1.0 +-- body-parser@1.17.1 | +-- bytes@2.4.0 | +-- content-type@1.0.2 | +-- debug@2.6.1 | +-- depd@1.1.0 | +-- http-errors@1.6.1 | | `-- inherits@2.0.3 | +-- iconv-lite@0.4.15 | +-- on-finished@2.3.0 | | `-- ee-first@1.1.1 | +-- qs@6.4.0 | +-- raw-body@2.2.0 | | `-- unpipe@1.0.0 | `-- type-is@1.6.15 | +-- media-typer@0.3.0 | `-- mime-types@2.1.15 | `-- mime-db@1.27.0 +-- dotenv@4.0.0 +-- express@4.15.2 | +-- accepts@1.3.3 | | `-- negotiator@0.6.1 | +-- array-flatten@1.1.1 | +-- content-disposition@0.5.2 | +-- cookie@0.3.1 | +-- cookie-signature@1.0.6 | +-- encodeurl@1.0.1 | +-- escape-html@1.0.3 | +-- etag@1.8.0 | +-- finalhandler@1.0.1 | | `-- debug@2.6.3 | +-- fresh@0.5.0 | +-- merge-descriptors@1.0.1 | +-- methods@1.1.2 | +-- parseurl@1.3.1 | +-- path-to-regexp@0.1.7 | +-- proxy-addr@1.1.4 | | +-- forwarded@0.1.0 | | `-- ipaddr.js@1.3.0 | +-- range-parser@1.2.0 | +-- send@0.15.1 | | +-- destroy@1.0.4 | | `-- mime@1.3.4 | +-- serve-static@1.12.1 | +-- setprototypeof@1.0.3 | +-- statuses@1.3.1 | +-- utils-merge@1.0.0 | `-- vary@1.1.1 +-- express-bearer-token@2.1.0 +-- helmet@3.5.0 | +-- connect@3.6.0 | | `-- finalhandler@1.0.0 | +-- dns-prefetch-control@0.1.0 | +-- dont-sniff-mimetype@1.0.0 | +-- frameguard@3.0.0 | +-- helmet-csp@2.4.0 | | +-- camelize@1.0.0 | | +-- content-security-policy-builder@1.1.0 | | | `-- dashify@0.2.2 | | +-- dasherize@2.0.0 | | +-- lodash.reduce@4.6.0 | | `-- platform@1.3.3 | +-- hide-powered-by@1.0.0 | +-- hpkp@2.0.0 | +-- hsts@2.0.0 | | `-- core-util-is@1.0.2 | +-- ienoopen@1.0.0 | +-- nocache@2.0.0 | +-- referrer-policy@1.1.0 | `-- x-xss-protection@1.0.0 +-- jsonwebtoken@7.3.0 | +-- joi@6.10.1 | | +-- hoek@2.16.3 | | +-- isemail@1.2.0 | | `-- topo@1.1.0 | +-- jws@3.1.4 | | +-- base64url@2.0.0 | | +-- jwa@1.1.5 | | | +-- buffer-equal-constant-time@1.0.1 | | | `-- ecdsa-sig-formatter@1.0.9 | | `-- safe-buffer@5.0.1 | +-- lodash.once@4.1.1 | +-- ms@0.7.2 | `-- xtend@4.0.1 +-- mysql@2.13.0 | +-- bignumber.js@3.1.2 | +-- readable-stream@1.1.14 | | +-- isarray@0.0.1 | | `-- string_decoder@0.10.31 | `-- sqlstring@2.2.0 `-- sequelize@3.30.4 +-- bluebird@3.5.0 +-- dottie@1.1.1 +-- generic-pool@2.4.2 +-- inflection@1.12.0 +-- lodash@4.12.0 +-- moment@2.18.1 +-- moment-timezone@0.5.13 +-- retry-as-promised@2.2.0 | `-- cross-env@3.2.4 | +-- cross-spawn@5.1.0 | | +-- lru-cache@4.0.2 | | | +-- pseudomap@1.0.2 | | | `-- yallist@2.1.2 | | +-- shebang-command@1.2.0 | | | `-- shebang-regex@1.0.0 | | `-- which@1.2.14 | | `-- isexe@2.0.0 | `-- is-windows@1.0.0 +-- semver@5.3.0 +-- shimmer@1.1.0 +-- terraformer-wkt-parser@1.1.2 | `-- terraformer@1.0.7 +-- toposort-class@1.0.1 +-- uuid@3.0.1 +-- validator@5.7.0 `-- wkx@0.2.0 DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling) DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 213 bytes) ---> 0b01687532ff Removing intermediate container 8385e7c91609 Step 5 : CMD npm start ---> Running in c0367c1e0b93 ---> b769cb757b6e Removing intermediate container c0367c1e0b93 Successfully built b769cb757b6e DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 542 bytes) PUSH Pushing The push refers to a repository [] 912a898fbcb8: Preparing 863815d50855: Preparing d4e35ed1eef9: Preparing 72f41d621b60: Preparing e095511f1384: Preparing 1f143826bc1e: Preparing 4d538bba9dae: Preparing 277cda4f5b42: Preparing 9f7a6903c659: Preparing 8d994814627c: Preparing 2574035bc614: Preparing 1f143826bc1e: Waiting 4d538bba9dae: Waiting 277cda4f5b42: Waiting 9f7a6903c659: Waiting 8d994814627c: Waiting 2574035bc614: Waiting DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 102 bytes) 72f41d621b60: Mounted from google-appengine/nodejs e095511f1384: Mounted from google-appengine/nodejs DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling) DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling) DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 51 bytes) 1f143826bc1e: Mounted from google-appengine/nodejs DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 51 bytes) 4d538bba9dae: Mounted from google-appengine/nodejs DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 228 bytes) 277cda4f5b42: Mounted from google-appengine/nodejs 9f7a6903c659: Mounted from google-appengine/openjdk 8d994814627c: Mounted from google-appengine/openjdk 863815d50855: Pushed 2574035bc614: Mounted from google-appengine/openjdk DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling) DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling) DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 21 bytes) d4e35ed1eef9: Pushed DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 21 bytes) 912a898fbcb8: Pushed DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] not complete. Waiting 1s. DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 104 bytes) latest: digest: sha256:e15963019136fd0c1a6f66482211a357c57a54bffbbf203ba295b1c36b0ea8ad size: 2630 DONE DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5] complete. Result: { "response": { "finishTime": "2017-04-16T09:56:25.069766Z", "status": "SUCCESS", "timeout": "600s", "startTime": "2017-04-16T09:55:43.717877Z", "logsBucket": "", "results": { "images": [ { "name": "", "digest": "sha256:e15963019136fd0c1a6f66482211a357c57a54bffbbf203ba295b1c36b0ea8ad" } ], "buildStepImages": [ "sha256:83b9c74c2440d2d5a3d9faa40536f0a1b63b424172e83cdf57ffb7f0237e6fa2" ] }, "createTime": "2017-04-16T09:55:42.973913Z", "@type": "", "source": { "storageSource": { "object": "", "bucket": "" } }, "steps": [ { "args": [ "build", "-t", "", "." ], "name": "" } ], "sourceProvenance": { "resolvedStorageSource": { "generation": "1492336542386813", "object": "", "bucket": "" }, "fileHashes": { "gs://": { "fileHash": [ { "type": "MD5", "value": "qF/Ya9hi3Kct5JYgQ0MrYA==" } ] } } }, "projectId": "ecotel-proto", "images": [ "" ], "id": "de9e1251-6929-43a0-82a6-91b733135aa9", "logUrl": "" }, "done": true, "name": "operations/build/ecotel-proto/ZGU5ZTEyNTEtNjkyOS00M2EwLTgyYTYtOTFiNzMzMTM1YWE5", "metadata": { "@type": "", "build": { "finishTime": "2017-04-16T09:56:25.069766Z", "status": "SUCCESS", "timeout": "600s", "startTime": "2017-04-16T09:55:43.717877Z", "logsBucket": "", "results": { "images": [ { "name": "", "digest": "sha256:e15963019136fd0c1a6f66482211a357c57a54bffbbf203ba295b1c36b0ea8ad" } ], "buildStepImages": [ "sha256:83b9c74c2440d2d5a3d9faa40536f0a1b63b424172e83cdf57ffb7f0237e6fa2" ] }, "id": "de9e1251-6929-43a0-82a6-91b733135aa9", "source": { "storageSource": { "object": "", "bucket": "" } }, "steps": [ { "args": [ "build", "-t", "", "." ], "name": "" } ], "sourceProvenance": { "resolvedStorageSource": { "generation": "1492336542386813", "object": "", "bucket": "" }, "fileHashes": { "gs://": { "fileHash": [ { "type": "MD5", "value": "qF/Ya9hi3Kct5JYgQ0MrYA==" } ] } } }, "projectId": "ecotel-proto", "images": [ "" ], "createTime": "2017-04-16T09:55:42.973913Z", "logUrl": "" } } } DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updating service [default]...DEBUG: Converted YAML to JSON: "{ "betaSettings": { "cloud_sql_instances": "ecotel-proto:us-central1:ecotel-proto-dev", "module_yaml_path": "app.yaml", "vm_runtime": "nodejs" }, "env": "flex", "envVariables": { "INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME": "ecotel-proto:us-central1:ecotel-proto-dev", "MYSQL_DATABASE": "ecotel", "MYSQL_PASSWORD": "johnko", "MYSQL_USER": "johnko" }, "handlers": [ { "script": { "scriptPath": "PLACEHOLDER" }, "urlRegex": ".*" } ], "manualScaling": { "instances": 1 }, "resources": { "cpu": 0.2, "diskGb": 10, "memoryGb": 0.6 }, "runtime": "vm" }" Updating service [default].../DEBUG: Received operation: [apps/ecotel-proto/operations/da426409-8340-49c1-ac6e-3dcf9bc67239] DEBUG: Operation [apps/ecotel-proto/operations/da426409-8340-49c1-ac6e-3dcf9bc67239] not complete. Waiting 5s. Updating service [default]...-DEBUG: Operation [apps/ecotel-proto/operations/da426409-8340-49c1-ac6e-3dcf9bc67239] not complete. Waiting 5s. Updating service [default]...\DEBUG: Operation [apps/ecotel-proto/operations/da426409-8340-49c1-ac6e-3dcf9bc67239] not complete. Waiting 5s. Updating service [default]...|DEBUG: Operation [apps/ecotel-proto/operations/da426409-8340-49c1-ac6e-3dcf9bc67239] not complete. Waiting 5s. Updating service [default]...-DEBUG: Operation [apps/ecotel-proto/operations/da426409-8340-49c1-ac6e-3dcf9bc67239] not complete. Waiting 5s. Updating service [default]...\DEBUG: Operation [apps/ecotel-proto/operations/da426409-8340-49c1-ac6e-3dcf9bc67239] not complete. Waiting 5s. Updating service [default]...|DEBUG: Operation [apps/ecotel-proto/operations/da426409-8340-49c1-ac6e-3dcf9bc67239] not complete. Waiting 5s. Updating service [default].../DEBUG: Operation [apps/ecotel-proto/operations/da426409-8340-49c1-ac6e-3dcf9bc67239] not complete. Waiting 5s. Updating service [default]...-DEBUG: Operation [apps/ecotel-proto/operations/da426409-8340-49c1-ac6e-3dcf9bc67239] not complete. Waiting 5s. Updating service [default]...|DEBUG: Operation [apps/ecotel-proto/operations/da426409-8340-49c1-ac6e-3dcf9bc67239] not complete. Waiting 5s. Updating service [default].../DEBUG: Operation [apps/ecotel-proto/operations/da426409-8340-49c1-ac6e-3dcf9bc67239] not complete. Waiting 5s. Updating service [default]...-DEBUG: Operation [apps/ecotel-proto/operations/da426409-8340-49c1-ac6e-3dcf9bc67239] not complete. Waiting 5s. Updating service [default]...\DEBUG: Operation [apps/ecotel-proto/operations/da426409-8340-49c1-ac6e-3dcf9bc67239] not complete. Waiting 5s. Updating service [default]...|DEBUG: Operation [apps/ecotel-proto/operations/da426409-8340-49c1-ac6e-3dcf9bc67239] complete. Result: { "metadata": { "target": "apps/ecotel-proto/services/default/versions/test", "method": "google.appengine.v1.Versions.CreateVersion", "user": "", "insertTime": "2017-04-16T09:56:25.965Z", "ephemeralMessage": "Deployment failed. Attempting to cleanup deployment artifacts.", "endTime": "2017-04-16T09:57:33.906Z", "@type": "" }, "done": true, "name": "apps/ecotel-proto/operations/da426409-8340-49c1-ac6e-3dcf9bc67239", "error": { "message": "Unexpected Error. ()", "code": 13 } } Updating service [default]...failed. DEBUG: ( Error Response: [13] Unexpected Error. () Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/Roy/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/calliope/", line 712, in Execute resources = args.calliope_command.Run(cli=self, args=args) File "/Users/Roy/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/calliope/", line 758, in Run resources = command_instance.Run(args) File "/Users/Roy/google-cloud-sdk/lib/surface/app/", line 61, in Run args, runtime_builder_strategy=runtime_builder_strategy) File "/Users/Roy/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/command_lib/app/", line 402, in RunDeploy all_services, app.gcrDomain) File "/Users/Roy/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/command_lib/app/", line 241, in Deploy endpoints_info) File "/Users/Roy/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/api_lib/app/", line 141, in DeployService operation) File "/Users/Roy/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/api_lib/app/", line 144, in WaitForOperation encoding.MessageToPyValue(completed_operation.error))) OperationError: Error Response: [13] Unexpected Error. () ERROR: ( Error Response: [13] Unexpected Error. ()