influxdb:influxdb jason$ /Users/jason/go/src/ install ./... && GOTRACEBACK=crash GODEBUG=gctrace=1 INFLUXDB_HTTP_LOG_ENABLED=false influxd 8888888 .d888 888 8888888b. 888888b. 888 d88P" 888 888 "Y88b 888 "88b 888 888 888 888 888 888 .88P 888 88888b. 888888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 8888888K. 888 888 "88b 888 888 888 888 Y8bd8P' 888 888 888 "Y88b 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 X88K 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 Y88b 888 .d8""8b. 888 .d88P 888 d88P 8888888 888 888 888 888 "Y88888 888 888 8888888P" 8888888P" [run] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 InfluxDB starting, version unknown, branch unknown, commit unknown [run] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 Go version devel +3dcfce8 Fri Mar 10 16:50:58 2017 +0000, GOMAXPROCS set to 8 [run] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 no configuration provided, using default settings [store] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 Using data dir: /Users/jason/.influxdb/data [cacheloader] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 reading file /Users/jason/.influxdb/wal/stress/autogen/12/_00116.wal, size 0 [filestore] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/14/000000001-000000001.tsm (#0) opened in 256.614µs [filestore] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/13/000001270-000000001.tsm (#3) opened in 189.387µs [shard] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/stress/autogen/12 database index loaded in 8.541µs [store] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/stress/autogen/12 opened in 1.073226ms [cacheloader] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 reading file /Users/jason/.influxdb/wal/_internal/monitor/14/_00005.wal, size 144121 [filestore] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/13/000001264-000000005.tsm (#1) opened in 199.338µs [filestore] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/13/000001268-000000003.tsm (#2) opened in 240.171µs [filestore] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/13/000000704-000000006.tsm (#0) opened in 326.906µs [cacheloader] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 reading file /Users/jason/.influxdb/wal/_internal/monitor/13/_01287.wal, size 0 gc 1 @18444946447.734s 0%: 0.057+0.34+0.039 ms clock, 0.34+0.16/0.40/1.0+0.23 ms cpu, 4->4->2 MB, 5 MB goal, 8 P [shard] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/13 database index loaded in 1.771448ms [store] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/13 opened in 3.670354ms gc 2 @18444946447.737s 0%: 0.008+0.30+0.032 ms clock, 0.066+0.15/0.46/0.50+0.26 ms cpu, 4->5->3 MB, 5 MB goal, 8 P [cacheloader] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 reading file /Users/jason/.influxdb/wal/_internal/monitor/14/_00006.wal, size 5741489 gc 3 @18444946447.740s 0%: 0.005+0.31+0.025 ms clock, 0.046+0.18/0.41/0.85+0.20 ms cpu, 5->5->4 MB, 6 MB goal, 8 P gc 4 @18444946447.744s 0%: 0.006+0.92+0.027 ms clock, 0.054+0.15/1.4/0.91+0.22 ms cpu, 7->7->6 MB, 8 MB goal, 8 P gc 5 @18444946447.754s 0%: 0.007+3.0+0.031 ms clock, 0.057+0/3.6/1.9+0.25 ms cpu, 12->12->8 MB, 13 MB goal, 8 P gc 6 @18444946447.768s 0%: 0.007+1.7+0.030 ms clock, 0.056+0.39/2.7/2.5+0.24 ms cpu, 16->16->9 MB, 17 MB goal, 8 P gc 7 @18444946447.785s 0%: 0.009+3.0+0.028 ms clock, 0.073+0.45/1.0/4.1+0.22 ms cpu, 18->19->10 MB, 19 MB goal, 8 P gc 8 @18444946447.810s 0%: 0.008+2.0+0.033 ms clock, 0.065+0.71/3.6/5.7+0.26 ms cpu, 20->20->10 MB, 21 MB goal, 8 P gc 9 @18444946447.832s 0%: 0.007+2.2+0.029 ms clock, 0.061+1.1/3.7/5.4+0.23 ms cpu, 21->21->11 MB, 22 MB goal, 8 P gc 10 @18444946447.851s 0%: 0.81+3.5+0.037 ms clock, 4.9+3.5/5.5/4.0+0.22 ms cpu, 21->22->13 MB, 22 MB goal, 8 P [filestore] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/stress/autogen/11/000004428-000000010.tsm (#1) opened in 7.853265ms gc 11 @18444946447.873s 0%: 4.6+4.4+0.043 ms clock, 32+4.6/2.1/1.0+0.30 ms cpu, 27->27->13 MB, 28 MB goal, 8 P [filestore] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/stress/autogen/11/000004428-000000009.tsm (#0) opened in 40.202973ms [filestore] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/stress/autogen/11/000005262-000000005.tsm (#3) opened in 42.102337ms gc 12 @18444946447.890s 0%: 0.018+8.9+0.038 ms clock, 0.14+0.74/7.2/10+0.30 ms cpu, 25->26->15 MB, 26 MB goal, 8 P gc 13 @18444946447.920s 0%: 3.8+3.7+0.11 ms clock, 30+2.4/7.2/4.7+0.90 ms cpu, 31->31->18 MB, 32 MB goal, 8 P gc 14 @18444946447.953s 0%: 2.8+5.6+0.093 ms clock, 23+0.20/11/0.53+0.75 ms cpu, 35->35->19 MB, 36 MB goal, 8 P gc 15 @18444946447.986s 0%: 20+4.0+0.033 ms clock, 162+3.6/7.7/13+0.27 ms cpu, 37->38->20 MB, 38 MB goal, 8 P [cacheloader] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 reading file /Users/jason/.influxdb/wal/_internal/monitor/14/_00007.wal, size 769042 gc 16 @18444946448.030s 0%: 0.083+3.9+0.027 ms clock, 0.67+2.9/6.8/13+0.22 ms cpu, 39->40->22 MB, 40 MB goal, 8 P gc 17 @18444946448.051s 0%: 0.016+5.2+0.049 ms clock, 0.12+0.24/9.5/17+0.39 ms cpu, 45->45->28 MB, 46 MB goal, 8 P [cacheloader] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 reading file /Users/jason/.influxdb/wal/_internal/monitor/14/_00008.wal, size 1694992 [filestore] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/stress/autogen/11/000005262-000000004.tsm (#2) opened in 212.746697ms [cacheloader] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 reading file /Users/jason/.influxdb/wal/stress/autogen/11/_00023.wal, size 0 gc 18 @18444946448.083s 0%: 0.012+5.4+0.059 ms clock, 0.10+5.8/10/14+0.47 ms cpu, 56->57->29 MB, 57 MB goal, 8 P gc 19 @18444946448.115s 0%: 0.008+5.1+0.025 ms clock, 0.068+6.4/10/20+0.20 ms cpu, 57->58->31 MB, 59 MB goal, 8 P [cacheloader] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 reading file /Users/jason/.influxdb/wal/_internal/monitor/14/_00012.wal, size 177730 [cacheloader] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 reading file /Users/jason/.influxdb/wal/_internal/monitor/14/_00013.wal, size 0 gc 20 @18444946448.148s 0%: 0.050+8.6+0.027 ms clock, 0.40+5.8/16/15+0.22 ms cpu, 61->62->34 MB, 63 MB goal, 8 P [shard] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/14 database index loaded in 34.603167ms [store] 2017/03/10 10:10:53 /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/_internal/monitor/14 opened in 432.376744ms gc 21 @18444946448.216s 0%: 0.010+13+0.045 ms clock, 0.086+0.53/25/15+0.36 ms cpu, 66->66->39 MB, 68 MB goal, 8 P gc 22 @18444946448.309s 0%: 0.009+10+0.033 ms clock, 0.072+0.23/20/42+0.26 ms cpu, 76->78->47 MB, 78 MB goal, 8 P gc 23 @18444946448.442s 0%: 0.010+13+0.044 ms clock, 0.082+0.96/25/31+0.35 ms cpu, 92->93->50 MB, 94 MB goal, 8 P gc 24 @18444946448.546s 0%: 0.009+12+0.043 ms clock, 0.077+2.6/22/47+0.34 ms cpu, 98->99->55 MB, 100 MB goal, 8 P gc 25 @18444946448.662s 0%: 0.010+16+0.028 ms clock, 0.083+4.5/32/45+0.22 ms cpu, 108->110->67 MB, 111 MB goal, 8 P gc 26 @18444946448.809s 0%: 0.009+18+0.035 ms clock, 0.074+0.69/37/78+0.28 ms cpu, 131->133->84 MB, 134 MB goal, 8 P gc 27 @18444946448.982s 0%: 0.009+21+0.035 ms clock, 0.074+2.7/42/97+0.28 ms cpu, 164->168->107 MB, 169 MB goal, 8 P gc 28 @18444946449.230s 0%: 0.010+31+0.056 ms clock, 0.080+0.54/61/128+0.45 ms cpu, 208->212->138 MB, 214 MB goal, 8 P gc 29 @18444946449.556s 0%: 0.009+45+0.039 ms clock, 0.075+6.9/90/137+0.31 ms cpu, 270->275->167 MB, 277 MB goal, 8 P gc 30 @18444946449.967s 0%: 0.009+49+0.072 ms clock, 0.075+0.31/97/220+0.57 ms cpu, 326->331->212 MB, 335 MB goal, 8 P gc 31 @18444946450.479s 0%: 0.010+64+0.041 ms clock, 0.080+2.7/128/196+0.33 ms cpu, 414->419->223 MB, 424 MB goal, 8 P [shard] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/stress/autogen/11 database index loaded in 2.586459075s [store] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/stress/autogen/11 opened in 2.914359574s [subscriber] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 opened service [monitor] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 Starting monitor system [monitor] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 'build' registered for diagnostics monitoring [monitor] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 'runtime' registered for diagnostics monitoring [monitor] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 'network' registered for diagnostics monitoring [monitor] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 'system' registered for diagnostics monitoring [shard-precreation] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 Starting precreation service with check interval of 10m0s, advance period of 30m0s [snapshot] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 Starting snapshot service [continuous_querier] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 Starting continuous query service [httpd] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 Starting HTTP service [httpd] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 Authentication enabled: false [monitor] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 Storing statistics in database '_internal' retention policy 'monitor', at interval 10s [httpd] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 Listening on HTTP: [::]:8086 [retention] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 Starting retention policy enforcement service with check interval of 30m0s [run] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 Listening for signals 2017/03/10 10:10:56 Sending usage statistics to [tsm1] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 beginning full compaction of group 0, 8 TSM files [tsm1] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 compacting full group (0) /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/stress/autogen/11/000004428-000000009.tsm (#0) [tsm1] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 compacting full group (0) /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/stress/autogen/11/000004428-000000009.tsm (#1) [tsm1] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 compacting full group (0) /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/stress/autogen/11/000004428-000000010.tsm (#2) [tsm1] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 compacting full group (0) /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/stress/autogen/11/000004428-000000010.tsm (#3) [tsm1] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 compacting full group (0) /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/stress/autogen/11/000005262-000000004.tsm (#4) [tsm1] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 compacting full group (0) /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/stress/autogen/11/000005262-000000004.tsm (#5) [tsm1] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 compacting full group (0) /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/stress/autogen/11/000005262-000000005.tsm (#6) [tsm1] 2017/03/10 10:10:56 compacting full group (0) /Users/jason/.influxdb/data/stress/autogen/11/000005262-000000005.tsm (#7) gc 32 @18444946451.322s 0%: 0.015+56+0.058 ms clock, 0.12+6.0/109/204+0.46 ms cpu, 435->443->240 MB, 446 MB goal, 8 P gc 33 @18444946451.661s 0%: 0.008+81+0.076 ms clock, 0.071+5.2/144/305+0.61 ms cpu, 468->476->240 MB, 480 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:10:57 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:10:57 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:10:57 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:10:57 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:10:57 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:10:57 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:10:57 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:10:57 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:10:57 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:10:57 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:10:57 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:10:57 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id gc 34 @18444946452.026s 0%: 0.011+68+0.10 ms clock, 0.091+38/134/280+0.83 ms cpu, 469->470->234 MB, 481 MB goal, 8 P gc 35 @18444946452.372s 0%: 0.010+59+2.1 ms clock, 0.086+1.8/117/205+16 ms cpu, 456->462->239 MB, 468 MB goal, 8 P gc 36 @18444946452.724s 0%: 0.008+71+0.032 ms clock, 0.071+15/121/261+0.25 ms cpu, 466->474->241 MB, 478 MB goal, 8 P gc 37 @18444946453.133s 0%: 0.010+63+0.032 ms clock, 0.086+1.9/125/239+0.25 ms cpu, 471->477->240 MB, 483 MB goal, 8 P gc 38 @18444946453.516s 0%: 0.008+58+0.091 ms clock, 0.065+0.97/114/250+0.73 ms cpu, 468->476->241 MB, 480 MB goal, 8 P gc 39 @18444946453.879s 0%: 0.009+56+0.031 ms clock, 0.074+2.7/110/266+0.25 ms cpu, 471->478->242 MB, 483 MB goal, 8 P gc 40 @18444946454.223s 0%: 0.009+60+0.048 ms clock, 0.077+1.4/118/236+0.38 ms cpu, 472->479->242 MB, 484 MB goal, 8 P gc 41 @18444946454.581s 0%: 0.008+61+0.078 ms clock, 0.070+1.5/115/242+0.62 ms cpu, 472->480->243 MB, 484 MB goal, 8 P gc 42 @18444946454.948s 0%: 0.009+53+0.15 ms clock, 0.076+0.82/105/226+1.2 ms cpu, 475->482->242 MB, 487 MB goal, 8 P gc 43 @18444946455.277s 0%: 0.009+53+0.050 ms clock, 0.076+1.9/105/253+0.40 ms cpu, 473->480->243 MB, 485 MB goal, 8 P gc 44 @18444946455.655s 0%: 0.010+61+0.10 ms clock, 0.084+1.5/120/216+0.80 ms cpu, 475->481->242 MB, 487 MB goal, 8 P gc 45 @18444946456.001s 0%: 0.010+54+0.13 ms clock, 0.084+1.8/106/246+1.0 ms cpu, 473->479->243 MB, 485 MB goal, 8 P gc 46 @18444946456.379s 0%: 0.009+57+0.10 ms clock, 0.076+1.3/113/241+0.80 ms cpu, 475->482->244 MB, 487 MB goal, 8 P gc 47 @18444946456.788s 0%: 0.009+62+0.083 ms clock, 0.077+0.90/119/242+0.66 ms cpu, 476->484->245 MB, 489 MB goal, 8 P gc 48 @18444946457.212s 0%: 0.008+62+0.089 ms clock, 0.066+1.4/123/237+0.71 ms cpu, 479->484->244 MB, 491 MB goal, 8 P gc 49 @18444946457.645s 0%: 0.009+58+0.032 ms clock, 0.077+5.1/113/236+0.26 ms cpu, 476->483->245 MB, 489 MB goal, 8 P gc 50 @18444946458.068s 0%: 0.010+132+0.051 ms clock, 0.083+2.7/250/37+0.41 ms cpu, 477->483->244 MB, 490 MB goal, 8 P gc 51 @18444946458.547s 0%: 0.011+54+0.026 ms clock, 0.095+1.9/108/247+0.20 ms cpu, 476->482->245 MB, 488 MB goal, 8 P gc 52 @18444946458.952s 0%: 0.011+58+0.045 ms clock, 0.094+1.9/109/240+0.36 ms cpu, 478->486->246 MB, 491 MB goal, 8 P gc 53 @18444946459.376s 0%: 0.009+58+0.039 ms clock, 0.078+0.84/116/244+0.31 ms cpu, 481->487->245 MB, 493 MB goal, 8 P gc 54 @18444946459.834s 0%: 0.008+77+0.046 ms clock, 0.066+0.53/145/277+0.37 ms cpu, 479->486->247 MB, 491 MB goal, 8 P gc 55 @18444946460.310s 0%: 0.008+53+0.081 ms clock, 0.071+2.2/105/250+0.65 ms cpu, 482->485->244 MB, 494 MB goal, 8 P gc 56 @18444946460.731s 0%: 0.013+64+0.039 ms clock, 0.10+1.8/124/254+0.31 ms cpu, 476->481->246 MB, 488 MB goal, 8 P gc 57 @18444946461.175s 0%: 0.011+62+0.034 ms clock, 0.095+4.4/123/228+0.27 ms cpu, 480->483->244 MB, 493 MB goal, 8 P gc 58 @18444946461.584s 0%: 0.012+57+0.084 ms clock, 0.10+2.2/111/238+0.67 ms cpu, 476->482->247 MB, 488 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:07 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:07 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:07 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:07 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:07 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:07 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:07 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:07 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) gc 59 @18444946462.002s 0%: 0.013+73+0.051 ms clock, 0.11+241/142/118+0.41 ms cpu, 482->490->248 MB, 495 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:07 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:07 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:07 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:07 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) gc 60 @18444946462.456s 0%: 0.017+53+0.12 ms clock, 0.14+1.9/103/248+0.98 ms cpu, 481->486->249 MB, 497 MB goal, 8 P gc 61 @18444946462.869s 0%: 0.011+57+0.10 ms clock, 0.095+2.4/112/227+0.81 ms cpu, 486->494->252 MB, 499 MB goal, 8 P gc 62 @18444946463.324s 0%: 0.014+65+0.094 ms clock, 0.11+1.3/129/256+0.75 ms cpu, 491->498->252 MB, 504 MB goal, 8 P gc 63 @18444946463.767s 0%: 0.009+61+0.10 ms clock, 0.077+2.2/120/221+0.84 ms cpu, 491->497->250 MB, 504 MB goal, 8 P gc 64 @18444946464.210s 0%: 0.010+55+0.097 ms clock, 0.080+1.7/109/240+0.77 ms cpu, 487->493->250 MB, 500 MB goal, 8 P gc 65 @18444946464.624s 0%: 0.022+56+0.064 ms clock, 0.18+2.1/111/230+0.51 ms cpu, 488->496->254 MB, 501 MB goal, 8 P gc 66 @18444946465.057s 0%: 0.012+57+0.063 ms clock, 0.10+2.3/114/243+0.51 ms cpu, 497->504->255 MB, 509 MB goal, 8 P gc 67 @18444946465.480s 0%: 0.010+60+0.10 ms clock, 0.087+1.3/118/255+0.81 ms cpu, 497->504->255 MB, 510 MB goal, 8 P gc 68 @18444946466.030s 0%: 0.011+61+0.27 ms clock, 0.092+1.1/121/271+2.1 ms cpu, 498->504->254 MB, 511 MB goal, 8 P gc 69 @18444946466.729s 0%: 0.009+54+0.074 ms clock, 0.078+0.90/106/243+0.59 ms cpu, 495->501->254 MB, 508 MB goal, 8 P gc 70 @18444946467.398s 0%: 0.012+63+0.052 ms clock, 0.10+2.0/118/231+0.42 ms cpu, 496->503->256 MB, 508 MB goal, 8 P gc 71 @18444946468.103s 0%: 0.013+59+0.097 ms clock, 0.10+0.98/116/231+0.78 ms cpu, 500->504->253 MB, 513 MB goal, 8 P gc 72 @18444946468.805s 0%: 0.012+70+0.095 ms clock, 0.10+1.4/139/191+0.76 ms cpu, 494->498->254 MB, 507 MB goal, 8 P gc 73 @18444946469.709s 0%: 0.009+72+0.046 ms clock, 0.072+0.61/132/236+0.36 ms cpu, 496->502->256 MB, 509 MB goal, 8 P gc 74 @18444946470.549s 0%: 0.009+77+0.072 ms clock, 0.073+1.9/113/280+0.58 ms cpu, 500->507->258 MB, 513 MB goal, 8 P gc 75 @18444946471.120s 0%: 0.009+57+0.15 ms clock, 0.079+4.5/111/242+1.2 ms cpu, 503->510->258 MB, 516 MB goal, 8 P gc 76 @18444946471.769s 0%: 0.009+66+0.081 ms clock, 0.078+2.0/120/233+0.64 ms cpu, 504->511->259 MB, 517 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:17 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:17 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:17 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:17 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:17 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:17 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:17 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:17 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:17 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:17 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:17 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:17 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) gc 77 @18444946472.507s 0%: 0.013+62+0.060 ms clock, 0.11+1.6/122/237+0.48 ms cpu, 505->512->263 MB, 518 MB goal, 8 P gc 78 @18444946473.246s 0%: 0.007+59+0.079 ms clock, 0.059+0.83/117/230+0.63 ms cpu, 514->520->262 MB, 527 MB goal, 8 P gc 79 @18444946474.067s 0%: 0.010+64+0.046 ms clock, 0.086+0/120/231+0.36 ms cpu, 511->518->263 MB, 525 MB goal, 8 P gc 80 @18444946474.777s 0%: 0.011+61+0.19 ms clock, 0.090+1.2/119/240+1.5 ms cpu, 513->521->266 MB, 526 MB goal, 8 P gc 81 @18444946475.548s 0%: 0.008+62+0.031 ms clock, 0.071+1.8/123/221+0.25 ms cpu, 520->528->266 MB, 533 MB goal, 8 P gc 82 @18444946476.296s 0%: 0.010+76+0.11 ms clock, 0.085+1.2/112/261+0.94 ms cpu, 518->527->267 MB, 532 MB goal, 8 P gc 83 @18444946477.093s 0%: 0.009+66+0.091 ms clock, 0.075+1.0/123/269+0.72 ms cpu, 520->528->266 MB, 534 MB goal, 8 P gc 84 @18444946477.823s 0%: 0.011+60+0.084 ms clock, 0.089+2.0/119/237+0.67 ms cpu, 520->526->265 MB, 533 MB goal, 8 P gc 85 @18444946478.561s 0%: 0.009+58+0.13 ms clock, 0.076+1.2/113/247+1.0 ms cpu, 518->524->266 MB, 531 MB goal, 8 P gc 86 @18444946479.338s 0%: 0.009+55+0.068 ms clock, 0.077+1.3/111/246+0.54 ms cpu, 519->524->265 MB, 532 MB goal, 8 P gc 87 @18444946480.120s 0%: 0.010+65+0.044 ms clock, 0.083+1.6/129/244+0.35 ms cpu, 517->521->264 MB, 530 MB goal, 8 P gc 88 @18444946480.917s 0%: 0.009+59+0.080 ms clock, 0.075+2.0/117/261+0.64 ms cpu, 516->522->266 MB, 529 MB goal, 8 P gc 89 @18444946481.583s 0%: 0.010+71+0.084 ms clock, 0.083+1.5/108/264+0.67 ms cpu, 520->529->270 MB, 533 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:27 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:27 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:27 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:27 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:27 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:27 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:27 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:27 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:27 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:27 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:27 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:27 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) gc 90 @18444946482.196s 0%: 0.018+113+0.071 ms clock, 0.15+41/218/142+0.57 ms cpu, 527->535->269 MB, 540 MB goal, 8 P gc 91 @18444946482.852s 0%: 0.008+58+0.24 ms clock, 0.064+1.0/114/248+1.9 ms cpu, 526->533->269 MB, 539 MB goal, 8 P gc 92 @18444946483.489s 0%: 0.010+60+0.11 ms clock, 0.087+0.73/120/254+0.90 ms cpu, 524->531->268 MB, 538 MB goal, 8 P gc 93 @18444946484.081s 0%: 0.019+60+0.034 ms clock, 0.15+1.7/116/255+0.27 ms cpu, 523->530->269 MB, 536 MB goal, 8 P gc 94 @18444946484.654s 0%: 0.010+61+0.13 ms clock, 0.084+1.2/120/259+1.0 ms cpu, 526->533->269 MB, 539 MB goal, 8 P gc 95 @18444946485.228s 0%: 0.010+56+0.034 ms clock, 0.085+1.9/110/271+0.27 ms cpu, 526->533->270 MB, 539 MB goal, 8 P gc 96 @18444946485.675s 0%: 0.011+64+0.044 ms clock, 0.089+10/129/294+0.35 ms cpu, 526->533->269 MB, 540 MB goal, 8 P gc 97 @18444946486.159s 0%: 0.010+65+0.051 ms clock, 0.080+1.5/128/250+0.41 ms cpu, 526->534->271 MB, 539 MB goal, 8 P gc 98 @18444946486.643s 0%: 0.011+62+0.074 ms clock, 0.093+2.0/123/242+0.59 ms cpu, 530->538->272 MB, 543 MB goal, 8 P gc 99 @18444946487.134s 0%: 0.015+65+0.095 ms clock, 0.12+1.3/128/234+0.76 ms cpu, 531->537->270 MB, 545 MB goal, 8 P gc 100 @18444946487.631s 0%: 0.011+68+0.049 ms clock, 0.092+4.5/129/245+0.39 ms cpu, 528->537->273 MB, 541 MB goal, 8 P gc 101 @18444946488.108s 0%: 0.013+62+0.046 ms clock, 0.10+2.7/121/261+0.37 ms cpu, 533->540->272 MB, 547 MB goal, 8 P gc 102 @18444946488.565s 0%: 0.010+62+0.059 ms clock, 0.085+1.8/121/250+0.47 ms cpu, 531->540->274 MB, 544 MB goal, 8 P gc 103 @18444946489.042s 0%: 0.009+64+0.035 ms clock, 0.075+2.0/124/256+0.28 ms cpu, 536->545->275 MB, 549 MB goal, 8 P gc 104 @18444946489.555s 0%: 0.010+61+0.10 ms clock, 0.084+3.0/121/248+0.86 ms cpu, 536->542->272 MB, 550 MB goal, 8 P gc 105 @18444946490.056s 0%: 0.009+62+0.11 ms clock, 0.076+2.0/123/236+0.92 ms cpu, 531->540->275 MB, 545 MB goal, 8 P gc 106 @18444946490.568s 0%: 0.009+59+0.049 ms clock, 0.075+3.0/117/269+0.39 ms cpu, 538->545->274 MB, 551 MB goal, 8 P gc 107 @18444946491.026s 0%: 0.010+68+0.10 ms clock, 0.083+1.0/136/267+0.87 ms cpu, 535->542->274 MB, 549 MB goal, 8 P gc 108 @18444946491.506s 0%: 0.010+71+0.079 ms clock, 0.081+5.3/126/273+0.63 ms cpu, 534->543->277 MB, 548 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:37 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:37 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:37 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:37 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:37 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:37 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:37 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:37 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:37 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:37 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:37 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:37 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) gc 109 @18444946492.035s 0%: 0.013+79+0.063 ms clock, 0.11+1.9/156/322+0.50 ms cpu, 541->549->276 MB, 555 MB goal, 8 P gc 110 @18444946492.667s 0%: 0.010+65+0.065 ms clock, 0.085+6.0/130/281+0.52 ms cpu, 539->548->277 MB, 553 MB goal, 8 P gc 111 @18444946493.045s 0%: 0.009+73+0.062 ms clock, 0.076+11/146/282+0.50 ms cpu, 541->550->278 MB, 555 MB goal, 8 P gc 112 @18444946493.441s 0%: 0.011+65+0.11 ms clock, 0.091+4.3/127/259+0.91 ms cpu, 542->551->278 MB, 556 MB goal, 8 P gc 113 @18444946493.849s 0%: 0.013+67+0.079 ms clock, 0.10+4.6/133/248+0.63 ms cpu, 543->552->278 MB, 557 MB goal, 8 P gc 114 @18444946494.236s 0%: 0.012+58+0.094 ms clock, 0.098+1.6/115/263+0.75 ms cpu, 543->551->277 MB, 557 MB goal, 8 P gc 115 @18444946494.634s 0%: 0.016+88+0.075 ms clock, 0.13+2.2/176/331+0.60 ms cpu, 541->550->279 MB, 555 MB goal, 8 P gc 116 @18444946495.044s 0%: 0.020+60+0.034 ms clock, 0.16+2.7/119/261+0.27 ms cpu, 544->553->279 MB, 558 MB goal, 8 P gc 117 @18444946495.414s 0%: 0.011+77+0.039 ms clock, 0.093+9.6/152/263+0.31 ms cpu, 545->554->280 MB, 559 MB goal, 8 P gc 118 @18444946495.864s 0%: 0.011+80+0.055 ms clock, 0.094+2.1/158/358+0.44 ms cpu, 547->555->286 MB, 561 MB goal, 8 P gc 119 @18444946496.328s 0%: 0.009+106+0.50 ms clock, 0.074+4.5/208/411+4.0 ms cpu, 558->562->282 MB, 573 MB goal, 8 P gc 120 @18444946496.900s 0%: 0.008+78+0.085 ms clock, 0.068+1.8/155/357+0.68 ms cpu, 550->558->287 MB, 564 MB goal, 8 P gc 121 @18444946497.359s 0%: 0.013+78+0.036 ms clock, 0.11+4.8/144/302+0.28 ms cpu, 560->569->287 MB, 575 MB goal, 8 P gc 122 @18444946497.795s 0%: 0.010+69+0.11 ms clock, 0.082+6.8/137/288+0.93 ms cpu, 561->565->283 MB, 575 MB goal, 8 P gc 123 @18444946498.199s 0%: 0.009+67+0.13 ms clock, 0.072+4.9/133/264+1.0 ms cpu, 552->561->288 MB, 566 MB goal, 8 P gc 124 @18444946498.764s 0%: 0.009+86+0.036 ms clock, 0.076+10/168/319+0.29 ms cpu, 562->571->289 MB, 576 MB goal, 8 P gc 125 @18444946499.205s 0%: 0.009+82+0.078 ms clock, 0.072+2.5/162/301+0.62 ms cpu, 563->571->287 MB, 578 MB goal, 8 P gc 126 @18444946499.690s 0%: 0.010+76+0.089 ms clock, 0.080+2.3/151/292+0.71 ms cpu, 561->565->284 MB, 575 MB goal, 8 P gc 127 @18444946500.096s 0%: 0.010+72+0.033 ms clock, 0.082+5.4/141/260+0.27 ms cpu, 555->564->290 MB, 569 MB goal, 8 P gc 128 @18444946500.520s 0%: 0.014+71+0.075 ms clock, 0.11+0.96/140/256+0.60 ms cpu, 566->573->288 MB, 581 MB goal, 8 P gc 129 @18444946500.938s 0%: 0.010+64+0.056 ms clock, 0.081+1.0/126/282+0.45 ms cpu, 562->570->286 MB, 577 MB goal, 8 P gc 130 @18444946501.397s 0%: 0.010+65+0.072 ms clock, 0.080+1.9/129/290+0.57 ms cpu, 558->564->285 MB, 572 MB goal, 8 P gc 131 @18444946501.784s 0%: 0.009+68+0.045 ms clock, 0.076+4.6/135/285+0.36 ms cpu, 556->566->288 MB, 570 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:47 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:47 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:47 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:47 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:47 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:47 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:47 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:47 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:47 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:47 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:47 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:47 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id gc 132 @18444946502.227s 0%: 0.014+79+0.049 ms clock, 0.11+4.9/155/313+0.39 ms cpu, 562->570->288 MB, 576 MB goal, 8 P gc 133 @18444946502.697s 0%: 0.009+84+0.069 ms clock, 0.075+10/167/304+0.55 ms cpu, 561->563->281 MB, 576 MB goal, 8 P gc 134 @18444946503.149s 0%: 0.009+67+0.033 ms clock, 0.074+2.1/131/267+0.27 ms cpu, 548->558->289 MB, 562 MB goal, 8 P gc 135 @18444946503.551s 0%: 0.009+82+0.038 ms clock, 0.073+9.0/163/352+0.30 ms cpu, 564->573->289 MB, 578 MB goal, 8 P gc 136 @18444946503.994s 0%: 0.012+65+0.13 ms clock, 0.098+1.1/127/296+1.0 ms cpu, 564->572->288 MB, 579 MB goal, 8 P gc 137 @18444946504.586s 0%: 0.014+70+0.060 ms clock, 0.11+0.88/139/280+0.48 ms cpu, 562->569->287 MB, 577 MB goal, 8 P gc 138 @18444946505.042s 0%: 0.010+71+1.9 ms clock, 0.084+30/140/262+15 ms cpu, 560->565->286 MB, 575 MB goal, 8 P gc 139 @18444946505.449s 0%: 0.009+77+0.042 ms clock, 0.077+17/137/233+0.33 ms cpu, 559->568->291 MB, 573 MB goal, 8 P gc 140 @18444946505.880s 0%: 0.011+71+0.039 ms clock, 0.091+1.4/140/333+0.31 ms cpu, 568->577->291 MB, 582 MB goal, 8 P gc 141 @18444946506.446s 0%: 0.011+70+0.12 ms clock, 0.093+1.5/139/252+0.98 ms cpu, 568->575->290 MB, 582 MB goal, 8 P gc 142 @18444946507.015s 0%: 0.010+73+0.043 ms clock, 0.080+3.4/142/254+0.35 ms cpu, 566->574->291 MB, 580 MB goal, 8 P gc 143 @18444946507.471s 0%: 0.009+67+0.093 ms clock, 0.077+6.4/133/282+0.74 ms cpu, 568->576->291 MB, 583 MB goal, 8 P gc 144 @18444946507.924s 0%: 0.008+76+0.032 ms clock, 0.069+4.3/149/326+0.26 ms cpu, 567->577->292 MB, 582 MB goal, 8 P gc 145 @18444946508.370s 0%: 0.011+73+0.037 ms clock, 0.090+8.7/142/247+0.29 ms cpu, 571->580->293 MB, 585 MB goal, 8 P gc 146 @18444946508.818s 0%: 0.013+70+1.0 ms clock, 0.10+2.1/139/297+8.6 ms cpu, 572->582->293 MB, 587 MB goal, 8 P gc 147 @18444946509.286s 0%: 0.010+68+0.078 ms clock, 0.083+7.8/134/283+0.62 ms cpu, 572->582->294 MB, 587 MB goal, 8 P gc 148 @18444946509.756s 0%: 0.011+81+0.045 ms clock, 0.092+3.6/156/346+0.36 ms cpu, 573->582->294 MB, 588 MB goal, 8 P gc 149 @18444946510.315s 0%: 0.010+83+0.10 ms clock, 0.080+1.7/156/232+0.80 ms cpu, 573->581->293 MB, 588 MB goal, 8 P gc 150 @18444946510.980s 0%: 0.010+67+0.038 ms clock, 0.082+2.6/133/314+0.30 ms cpu, 571->578->293 MB, 586 MB goal, 8 P gc 151 @18444946511.635s 0%: 0.009+69+0.034 ms clock, 0.078+1.7/135/303+0.27 ms cpu, 571->579->293 MB, 586 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:57 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:57 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:57 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:57 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:57 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:57 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:57 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:57 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:57 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:57 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:57 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:11:57 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id gc 152 @18444946512.299s 0%: 0.014+75+0.10 ms clock, 0.11+1.1/149/279+0.87 ms cpu, 573->581->295 MB, 587 MB goal, 8 P gc 153 @18444946513.034s 0%: 0.012+74+0.041 ms clock, 0.099+3.7/146/306+0.33 ms cpu, 575->584->295 MB, 590 MB goal, 8 P gc 154 @18444946513.728s 0%: 0.008+90+0.041 ms clock, 0.069+0/179/324+0.32 ms cpu, 576->581->291 MB, 591 MB goal, 8 P gc 155 @18444946514.396s 0%: 0.009+65+0.088 ms clock, 0.072+1.5/130/287+0.70 ms cpu, 568->576->295 MB, 583 MB goal, 8 P gc 156 @18444946515.031s 0%: 0.011+70+0.041 ms clock, 0.094+2.0/140/272+0.33 ms cpu, 577->585->296 MB, 591 MB goal, 8 P gc 157 @18444946515.582s 0%: 0.014+79+0.075 ms clock, 0.11+1.4/158/254+0.60 ms cpu, 578->584->294 MB, 593 MB goal, 8 P gc 158 @18444946516.229s 0%: 0.010+71+0.085 ms clock, 0.083+1.1/133/265+0.68 ms cpu, 573->583->298 MB, 588 MB goal, 8 P gc 159 @18444946516.697s 0%: 0.009+68+0.087 ms clock, 0.077+2.2/135/292+0.70 ms cpu, 581->590->298 MB, 596 MB goal, 8 P gc 160 @18444946517.217s 0%: 0.013+81+0.037 ms clock, 0.10+1.7/152/353+0.30 ms cpu, 581->589->297 MB, 596 MB goal, 8 P gc 161 @18444946517.807s 0%: 0.011+104+0.049 ms clock, 0.090+32/187/373+0.39 ms cpu, 580->586->296 MB, 595 MB goal, 8 P gc 162 @18444946518.349s 0%: 0.019+71+0.042 ms clock, 0.15+6.5/142/268+0.33 ms cpu, 577->587->300 MB, 592 MB goal, 8 P gc 163 @18444946518.816s 0%: 0.014+74+0.082 ms clock, 0.11+3.9/147/312+0.66 ms cpu, 585->594->300 MB, 600 MB goal, 8 P gc 164 @18444946519.297s 0%: 0.010+73+0.068 ms clock, 0.081+1.2/128/281+0.54 ms cpu, 585->595->301 MB, 600 MB goal, 8 P gc 165 @18444946519.790s 0%: 0.009+75+0.041 ms clock, 0.075+6.5/147/300+0.32 ms cpu, 587->595->299 MB, 602 MB goal, 8 P gc 166 @18444946520.497s 0%: 0.010+69+0.048 ms clock, 0.082+1.7/135/287+0.38 ms cpu, 584->592->300 MB, 599 MB goal, 8 P gc 167 @18444946521.227s 0%: 0.010+65+0.11 ms clock, 0.081+1.3/130/283+0.88 ms cpu, 585->592->300 MB, 600 MB goal, 8 P gc 168 @18444946521.819s 0%: 0.009+88+0.029 ms clock, 0.074+14/176/338+0.23 ms cpu, 585->594->302 MB, 600 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:07 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:07 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:07 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:07 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:07 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:07 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:07 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:07 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:07 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:07 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:07 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:07 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) gc 169 @18444946522.247s 0%: 0.016+74+0.053 ms clock, 0.13+13/148/279+0.42 ms cpu, 590->600->307 MB, 605 MB goal, 8 P gc 170 @18444946522.692s 0%: 0.012+73+0.037 ms clock, 0.098+11/145/272+0.29 ms cpu, 599->610->312 MB, 614 MB goal, 8 P gc 171 @18444946523.092s 0%: 0.010+71+0.051 ms clock, 0.085+7.8/140/295+0.40 ms cpu, 608->618->315 MB, 624 MB goal, 8 P gc 172 @18444946523.467s 0%: 0.009+70+0.061 ms clock, 0.076+14/132/300+0.48 ms cpu, 615->624->317 MB, 631 MB goal, 8 P gc 173 @18444946523.851s 0%: 0.013+94+0.048 ms clock, 0.10+31/184/258+0.38 ms cpu, 619->630->321 MB, 635 MB goal, 8 P gc 174 @18444946524.258s 0%: 0.014+78+0.045 ms clock, 0.11+22/149/264+0.36 ms cpu, 627->635->334 MB, 643 MB goal, 8 P gc 175 @18444946524.693s 0%: 0.015+71+0.032 ms clock, 0.12+13/142/298+0.26 ms cpu, 651->662->337 MB, 668 MB goal, 8 P gc 176 @18444946525.091s 0%: 0.009+70+0.074 ms clock, 0.079+23/138/298+0.59 ms cpu, 657->667->339 MB, 674 MB goal, 8 P gc 177 @18444946525.505s 0%: 0.012+71+0.075 ms clock, 0.097+22/140/305+0.60 ms cpu, 661->671->334 MB, 678 MB goal, 8 P gc 178 @18444946525.888s 0%: 0.010+97+0.041 ms clock, 0.081+44/193/361+0.33 ms cpu, 651->661->336 MB, 668 MB goal, 8 P gc 179 @18444946526.316s 0%: 0.010+73+0.042 ms clock, 0.081+6.4/143/321+0.34 ms cpu, 657->667->339 MB, 673 MB goal, 8 P gc 180 @18444946526.713s 0%: 0.009+75+0.038 ms clock, 0.078+26/149/356+0.30 ms cpu, 662->671->341 MB, 679 MB goal, 8 P gc 181 @18444946527.100s 0%: 0.011+78+0.048 ms clock, 0.090+25/156/352+0.38 ms cpu, 666->675->343 MB, 683 MB goal, 8 P gc 182 @18444946527.495s 0%: 0.009+77+0.046 ms clock, 0.078+19/153/288+0.37 ms cpu, 670->680->346 MB, 687 MB goal, 8 P gc 183 @18444946527.900s 0%: 0.009+97+0.042 ms clock, 0.072+2.1/190/332+0.33 ms cpu, 675->686->350 MB, 692 MB goal, 8 P gc 184 @18444946528.322s 0%: 0.009+74+0.040 ms clock, 0.075+23/146/282+0.32 ms cpu, 682->693->351 MB, 700 MB goal, 8 P gc 185 @18444946528.709s 0%: 0.011+87+0.041 ms clock, 0.090+43/173/246+0.33 ms cpu, 684->694->353 MB, 702 MB goal, 8 P gc 186 @18444946529.106s 0%: 0.008+87+0.040 ms clock, 0.068+34/169/328+0.32 ms cpu, 689->699->355 MB, 706 MB goal, 8 P gc 187 @18444946529.534s 0%: 0.012+83+0.035 ms clock, 0.097+2.0/163/373+0.28 ms cpu, 693->703->358 MB, 711 MB goal, 8 P gc 188 @18444946529.937s 0%: 0.015+109+0.046 ms clock, 0.12+68/216/204+0.36 ms cpu, 698->708->360 MB, 716 MB goal, 8 P gc 189 @18444946530.379s 0%: 0.011+83+0.029 ms clock, 0.089+32/165/361+0.23 ms cpu, 703->713->363 MB, 721 MB goal, 8 P gc 190 @18444946530.845s 0%: 0.009+117+0.047 ms clock, 0.079+0/232/358+0.38 ms cpu, 708->719->366 MB, 726 MB goal, 8 P gc 191 @18444946531.451s 0%: 0.008+93+0.094 ms clock, 0.070+16/185/299+0.75 ms cpu, 715->726->372 MB, 733 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:17 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:17 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:17 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:17 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" gc 192 @18444946531.991s 0%: 0.011+102+0.043 ms clock, 0.094+84/193/399+0.34 ms cpu, 726->738->377 MB, 745 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:17 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:17 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:17 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:17 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:17 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:17 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:17 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:17 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) gc 193 @18444946532.667s 0%: 0.014+96+0.064 ms clock, 0.11+4.0/191/333+0.51 ms cpu, 736->748->380 MB, 755 MB goal, 8 P gc 194 @18444946533.219s 0%: 0.014+94+0.040 ms clock, 0.11+3.5/186/377+0.32 ms cpu, 741->753->382 MB, 760 MB goal, 8 P gc 195 @18444946533.740s 0%: 0.013+137+0.036 ms clock, 0.10+36/271/477+0.29 ms cpu, 745->755->383 MB, 764 MB goal, 8 P gc 196 @18444946534.330s 0%: 0.012+101+0.038 ms clock, 0.097+6.3/201/343+0.30 ms cpu, 748->759->385 MB, 767 MB goal, 8 P gc 197 @18444946534.888s 0%: 0.013+124+0.030 ms clock, 0.10+43/246/253+0.24 ms cpu, 752->763->388 MB, 771 MB goal, 8 P gc 198 @18444946535.452s 0%: 0.018+104+0.11 ms clock, 0.14+1.7/207/457+0.91 ms cpu, 756->767->389 MB, 776 MB goal, 8 P gc 199 @18444946535.984s 0%: 0.010+92+0.031 ms clock, 0.081+9.4/180/373+0.24 ms cpu, 760->772->393 MB, 779 MB goal, 8 P gc 200 @18444946536.553s 0%: 0.010+96+0.061 ms clock, 0.080+11/189/347+0.49 ms cpu, 766->778->395 MB, 786 MB goal, 8 P gc 201 @18444946537.171s 0%: 0.016+111+0.038 ms clock, 0.12+3.1/219/381+0.30 ms cpu, 770->781->421 MB, 790 MB goal, 8 P gc 202 @18444946537.839s 0%: 0.013+122+0.065 ms clock, 0.10+7.6/243/503+0.52 ms cpu, 822->835->425 MB, 843 MB goal, 8 P gc 203 @18444946538.537s 0%: 0.009+129+0.069 ms clock, 0.077+7.3/258/284+0.55 ms cpu, 830->841->425 MB, 851 MB goal, 8 P gc 204 @18444946539.235s 0%: 0.010+115+0.061 ms clock, 0.080+21/229/330+0.48 ms cpu, 829->842->429 MB, 851 MB goal, 8 P gc 205 @18444946539.949s 0%: 0.009+114+0.048 ms clock, 0.076+4.1/224/537+0.38 ms cpu, 837->850->421 MB, 859 MB goal, 8 P gc 206 @18444946540.731s 0%: 0.010+186+0.11 ms clock, 0.087+0/369/328+0.95 ms cpu, 822->828->424 MB, 843 MB goal, 8 P gc 207 @18444946541.596s 0%: 0.009+101+0.051 ms clock, 0.073+1.1/200/442+0.40 ms cpu, 828->838->437 MB, 849 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:27 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:27 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:27 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:27 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:27 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:27 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:27 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:27 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:27 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:27 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:27 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:27 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) gc 208 @18444946542.327s 0%: 0.014+108+0.069 ms clock, 0.11+8.9/214/440+0.55 ms cpu, 852->864->445 MB, 874 MB goal, 8 P gc 209 @18444946543.053s 0%: 0.010+113+0.069 ms clock, 0.087+2.1/224/473+0.55 ms cpu, 869->882->456 MB, 891 MB goal, 8 P gc 210 @18444946543.913s 0%: 0.008+129+0.047 ms clock, 0.069+1.0/257/596+0.38 ms cpu, 889->901->463 MB, 912 MB goal, 8 P gc 211 @18444946544.777s 0%: 0.010+108+0.049 ms clock, 0.084+1.8/216/509+0.39 ms cpu, 903->916->474 MB, 926 MB goal, 8 P gc 212 @18444946545.580s 0%: 0.012+123+0.039 ms clock, 0.098+11/242/455+0.31 ms cpu, 925->938->475 MB, 948 MB goal, 8 P gc 213 @18444946546.348s 0%: 0.015+134+0.036 ms clock, 0.12+42/257/380+0.29 ms cpu, 928->941->476 MB, 951 MB goal, 8 P gc 214 @18444946547.077s 0%: 0.015+109+0.046 ms clock, 0.12+1.7/216/511+0.37 ms cpu, 928->942->477 MB, 952 MB goal, 8 P gc 215 @18444946547.888s 0%: 0.017+140+0.038 ms clock, 0.13+36/278/538+0.30 ms cpu, 930->942->475 MB, 954 MB goal, 8 P gc 216 @18444946548.962s 0%: 0.013+171+0.027 ms clock, 0.10+72/338/265+0.22 ms cpu, 928->941->477 MB, 951 MB goal, 8 P gc 217 @18444946550.161s 0%: 0.017+112+0.039 ms clock, 0.14+2.2/222/462+0.31 ms cpu, 931->944->478 MB, 955 MB goal, 8 P gc 218 @18444946551.318s 0%: 0.014+121+0.11 ms clock, 0.11+2.6/240/545+0.90 ms cpu, 933->945->478 MB, 957 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:37 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:37 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:37 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:37 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:37 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:37 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:37 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:37 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:37 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:37 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:37 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:37 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id gc 219 @18444946552.600s 0%: 0.019+137+0.15 ms clock, 0.15+3.5/272/611+1.2 ms cpu, 932->943->476 MB, 956 MB goal, 8 P gc 220 @18444946553.849s 0%: 0.012+115+0.079 ms clock, 0.099+1.0/227/525+0.63 ms cpu, 930->941->478 MB, 953 MB goal, 8 P gc 221 @18444946555.057s 0%: 0.012+121+0.061 ms clock, 0.10+11/240/364+0.49 ms cpu, 932->946->481 MB, 956 MB goal, 8 P gc 222 @18444946556.261s 0%: 0.015+106+0.093 ms clock, 0.12+2.2/212/488+0.74 ms cpu, 938->950->480 MB, 962 MB goal, 8 P gc 223 @18444946557.419s 0%: 0.017+114+0.085 ms clock, 0.14+2.9/225/467+0.68 ms cpu, 937->950->481 MB, 961 MB goal, 8 P gc 224 @18444946558.262s 0%: 0.014+110+0.042 ms clock, 0.11+4.9/214/481+0.34 ms cpu, 939->953->483 MB, 963 MB goal, 8 P gc 225 @18444946559.052s 0%: 0.017+126+0.049 ms clock, 0.13+2.4/249/567+0.39 ms cpu, 942->954->482 MB, 966 MB goal, 8 P gc 226 @18444946559.950s 0%: 0.016+109+0.039 ms clock, 0.13+2.9/216/507+0.31 ms cpu, 940->953->484 MB, 964 MB goal, 8 P gc 227 @18444946560.834s 0%: 0.015+171+0.091 ms clock, 0.12+1.5/339/279+0.72 ms cpu, 944->955->482 MB, 968 MB goal, 8 P gc 228 @18444946561.700s 0%: 0.019+116+0.093 ms clock, 0.15+4.9/231/528+0.74 ms cpu, 941->954->485 MB, 965 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:47 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:47 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:47 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:47 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:47 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:47 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:47 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:47 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:47 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:47 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:47 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:47 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) gc 229 @18444946562.622s 0%: 0.026+151+0.092 ms clock, 0.21+60/300/240+0.73 ms cpu, 947->959->485 MB, 971 MB goal, 8 P gc 230 @18444946563.531s 0%: 0.014+131+0.15 ms clock, 0.11+13/260/444+1.2 ms cpu, 947->960->486 MB, 971 MB goal, 8 P gc 231 @18444946564.379s 0%: 0.012+133+0.050 ms clock, 0.10+16/263/533+0.40 ms cpu, 949->962->487 MB, 973 MB goal, 8 P gc 232 @18444946565.248s 0%: 0.013+133+0.099 ms clock, 0.10+6.5/263/569+0.79 ms cpu, 950->963->488 MB, 974 MB goal, 8 P gc 233 @18444946566.257s 0%: 0.013+115+0.055 ms clock, 0.11+11/226/468+0.44 ms cpu, 951->965->488 MB, 976 MB goal, 8 P gc 234 @18444946567.388s 0%: 0.014+130+0.037 ms clock, 0.11+4.6/258/478+0.30 ms cpu, 953->967->489 MB, 977 MB goal, 8 P gc 235 @18444946568.719s 0%: 0.015+111+0.078 ms clock, 0.12+1.4/221/537+0.62 ms cpu, 954->966->488 MB, 979 MB goal, 8 P gc 236 @18444946570.079s 0%: 0.013+120+0.046 ms clock, 0.11+1.1/239/509+0.37 ms cpu, 951->962->488 MB, 976 MB goal, 8 P gc 237 @18444946571.340s 0%: 0.014+128+0.046 ms clock, 0.11+1.6/255/608+0.37 ms cpu, 952->964->489 MB, 976 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:57 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:57 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:57 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:57 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:57 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:57 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:57 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:57 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:57 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:57 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:57 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:12:57 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) gc 238 @18444946572.615s 0%: 0.020+124+0.10 ms clock, 0.16+1.2/245/499+0.83 ms cpu, 955->967->491 MB, 979 MB goal, 8 P gc 239 @18444946573.886s 0%: 0.015+127+0.060 ms clock, 0.12+0.95/253/496+0.48 ms cpu, 958->972->493 MB, 982 MB goal, 8 P gc 240 @18444946575.187s 0%: 0.015+115+0.037 ms clock, 0.12+1.8/227/529+0.29 ms cpu, 961->972->490 MB, 986 MB goal, 8 P gc 241 @18444946576.489s 0%: 0.013+123+2.0 ms clock, 0.11+1.2/243/506+16 ms cpu, 956->969->493 MB, 981 MB goal, 8 P gc 242 @18444946577.768s 0%: 0.013+112+0.11 ms clock, 0.10+1.3/223/483+0.95 ms cpu, 962->973->493 MB, 986 MB goal, 8 P gc 243 @18444946578.994s 0%: 0.014+119+0.084 ms clock, 0.11+1.8/237/487+0.67 ms cpu, 961->975->495 MB, 986 MB goal, 8 P gc 244 @18444946580.244s 0%: 0.013+121+0.11 ms clock, 0.10+5.4/241/542+0.89 ms cpu, 965->977->494 MB, 990 MB goal, 8 P gc 245 @18444946581.572s 0%: 0.014+110+0.043 ms clock, 0.11+2.0/218/502+0.34 ms cpu, 963->975->494 MB, 988 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:07 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:07 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:07 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:07 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:07 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:07 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:07 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:07 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:07 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:07 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:07 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:07 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) gc 246 @18444946582.813s 0%: 0.019+134+0.067 ms clock, 0.15+1.6/265/531+0.53 ms cpu, 964->978->497 MB, 988 MB goal, 8 P gc 247 @18444946584.148s 0%: 0.015+118+0.087 ms clock, 0.12+1.3/235/536+0.69 ms cpu, 970->982->496 MB, 995 MB goal, 8 P gc 248 @18444946585.492s 0%: 0.014+132+0.035 ms clock, 0.11+2.2/263/529+0.28 ms cpu, 967->980->498 MB, 992 MB goal, 8 P gc 249 @18444946586.804s 0%: 0.013+131+0.038 ms clock, 0.10+9.8/260/511+0.30 ms cpu, 971->984->498 MB, 996 MB goal, 8 P gc 250 @18444946588.221s 0%: 0.012+126+0.040 ms clock, 0.098+4.3/251/492+0.32 ms cpu, 972->987->501 MB, 997 MB goal, 8 P gc 251 @18444946589.472s 0%: 0.014+118+0.086 ms clock, 0.11+1.3/235/488+0.69 ms cpu, 977->989->499 MB, 1002 MB goal, 8 P gc 252 @18444946590.760s 0%: 0.014+126+0.11 ms clock, 0.11+1.1/251/507+0.94 ms cpu, 973->987->501 MB, 998 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:17 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:17 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:17 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:17 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:17 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:17 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:17 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:17 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:17 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:17 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:17 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:17 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) gc 253 @18444946592.024s 0%: 0.013+135+0.052 ms clock, 0.10+450/266/240+0.41 ms cpu, 978->992->501 MB, 1003 MB goal, 8 P gc 254 @18444946593.326s 0%: 0.019+113+0.11 ms clock, 0.15+2.0/223/535+0.95 ms cpu, 972->983->500 MB, 1003 MB goal, 8 P gc 255 @18444946594.673s 0%: 0.013+147+0.046 ms clock, 0.11+2.2/291/426+0.37 ms cpu, 975->989->503 MB, 1000 MB goal, 8 P gc 256 @18444946596.022s 0%: 0.017+120+0.052 ms clock, 0.13+1.5/236/544+0.42 ms cpu, 982->994->502 MB, 1007 MB goal, 8 P scvg0: inuse: 1067, idle: 2, sys: 1069, released: 0, consumed: 1069 (MB) gc 257 @18444946597.286s 0%: 0.015+348+0.058 ms clock, 0.12+7.9/424/264+0.46 ms cpu, 979->993->505 MB, 1004 MB goal, 8 P gc 258 @18444946598.790s 0%: 0.014+129+0.065 ms clock, 0.11+1.1/255/586+0.52 ms cpu, 986->999->504 MB, 1011 MB goal, 8 P gc 259 @18444946600.096s 0%: 0.013+128+0.11 ms clock, 0.10+2.6/255/498+0.89 ms cpu, 984->998->506 MB, 1009 MB goal, 8 P gc 260 @18444946601.425s 0%: 0.014+128+0.045 ms clock, 0.11+1.3/254/553+0.36 ms cpu, 987->1000->506 MB, 1013 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:27 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:27 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:27 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:27 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:27 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:27 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:27 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:27 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:27 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:27 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:27 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:27 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) gc 261 @18444946602.737s 0%: 0.018+135+0.061 ms clock, 0.15+12/266/517+0.48 ms cpu, 987->1001->508 MB, 1012 MB goal, 8 P gc 262 @18444946604.093s 0%: 0.013+200+0.088 ms clock, 0.11+77/395/290+0.70 ms cpu, 991->1004->508 MB, 1016 MB goal, 8 P gc 263 @18444946605.496s 0%: 0.015+128+0.15 ms clock, 0.12+2.4/253/475+1.2 ms cpu, 991->1006->509 MB, 1017 MB goal, 8 P gc 264 @18444946606.780s 0%: 0.015+119+0.12 ms clock, 0.12+1.0/235/488+1.0 ms cpu, 994->1007->510 MB, 1019 MB goal, 8 P gc 265 @18444946608.042s 0%: 0.014+120+0.049 ms clock, 0.11+1.0/238/550+0.39 ms cpu, 994->1007->509 MB, 1020 MB goal, 8 P gc 266 @18444946609.373s 0%: 0.014+125+0.077 ms clock, 0.11+1.2/249/478+0.61 ms cpu, 993->1005->509 MB, 1019 MB goal, 8 P gc 267 @18444946610.706s 0%: 0.014+166+0.055 ms clock, 0.11+60/324/257+0.44 ms cpu, 993->1007->512 MB, 1018 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:37 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:37 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:37 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:37 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:37 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:37 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:37 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:37 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:37 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:37 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:37 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:37 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) gc 268 @18444946612.063s 0%: 0.018+149+0.10 ms clock, 0.15+1.0/295/644+0.83 ms cpu, 999->1012->512 MB, 1025 MB goal, 8 P gc 269 @18444946613.484s 0%: 0.014+136+0.086 ms clock, 0.11+2.3/270/565+0.69 ms cpu, 999->1012->513 MB, 1024 MB goal, 8 P gc 270 @18444946614.850s 0%: 0.014+124+0.030 ms clock, 0.11+1.8/246/568+0.24 ms cpu, 1001->1013->513 MB, 1027 MB goal, 8 P gc 271 @18444946616.235s 0%: 0.013+148+0.065 ms clock, 0.11+24/292/417+0.52 ms cpu, 1000->1015->515 MB, 1026 MB goal, 8 P gc 272 @18444946617.661s 0%: 0.013+160+0.045 ms clock, 0.11+8.5/311/543+0.36 ms cpu, 1005->1020->516 MB, 1031 MB goal, 8 P gc 273 @18444946619.140s 0%: 0.013+150+0.12 ms clock, 0.10+1.7/300/632+0.98 ms cpu, 1007->1021->516 MB, 1033 MB goal, 8 P gc 274 @18444946620.548s 0%: 0.008+191+0.074 ms clock, 0.071+67/308/340+0.59 ms cpu, 1006->1021->517 MB, 1032 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:47 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:47 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:47 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:47 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:47 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:47 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:47 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:47 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:47 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:47 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:47 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:47 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id gc 275 @18444946622.008s 0%: 0.009+154+0.051 ms clock, 0.073+527/305/254+0.41 ms cpu, 1009->1023->517 MB, 1035 MB goal, 8 P gc 276 @18444946623.387s 0%: 0.019+126+0.046 ms clock, 0.15+1.0/252/559+0.37 ms cpu, 1003->1016->518 MB, 1035 MB goal, 8 P gc 277 @18444946624.748s 0%: 0.015+131+0.063 ms clock, 0.12+1.7/260/510+0.50 ms cpu, 1010->1024->519 MB, 1036 MB goal, 8 P gc 278 @18444946626.145s 0%: 0.014+131+0.086 ms clock, 0.11+2.5/260/529+0.69 ms cpu, 1013->1028->520 MB, 1039 MB goal, 8 P gc 279 @18444946627.523s 0%: 0.016+121+0.10 ms clock, 0.12+1.7/240/553+0.82 ms cpu, 1015->1027->520 MB, 1041 MB goal, 8 P gc 280 @18444946628.896s 0%: 0.010+134+0.098 ms clock, 0.084+2.0/268/483+0.78 ms cpu, 1014->1028->521 MB, 1040 MB goal, 8 P gc 281 @18444946630.256s 0%: 0.010+136+0.035 ms clock, 0.083+4.4/270/541+0.28 ms cpu, 1017->1032->523 MB, 1043 MB goal, 8 P gc 282 @18444946631.689s 0%: 0.011+124+0.087 ms clock, 0.090+3.3/246/558+0.69 ms cpu, 1020->1033->522 MB, 1046 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:57 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:57 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:57 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:57 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:57 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:57 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:57 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:57 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:57 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:57 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:57 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:13:57 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id gc 283 @18444946633.038s 0%: 0.018+136+0.044 ms clock, 0.14+2.9/267/534+0.35 ms cpu, 1018->1032->524 MB, 1044 MB goal, 8 P gc 284 @18444946634.378s 0%: 0.015+126+0.078 ms clock, 0.12+1.9/249/504+0.62 ms cpu, 1023->1038->525 MB, 1049 MB goal, 8 P gc 285 @18444946635.757s 0%: 0.014+121+0.036 ms clock, 0.11+6.0/235/568+0.29 ms cpu, 1025->1037->524 MB, 1051 MB goal, 8 P gc 286 @18444946637.083s 0%: 0.013+128+0.11 ms clock, 0.10+1.2/251/502+0.95 ms cpu, 1021->1034->524 MB, 1048 MB goal, 8 P gc 287 @18444946638.408s 0%: 0.007+120+0.036 ms clock, 0.063+2.1/238/531+0.28 ms cpu, 1022->1034->525 MB, 1048 MB goal, 8 P gc 288 @18444946639.736s 0%: 0.010+127+0.034 ms clock, 0.081+3.5/250/576+0.27 ms cpu, 1023->1035->525 MB, 1050 MB goal, 8 P gc 289 @18444946641.164s 0%: 0.010+145+0.12 ms clock, 0.080+2.9/287/678+0.98 ms cpu, 1024->1037->527 MB, 1050 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:07 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:07 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:07 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:07 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:07 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:07 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:07 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:07 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:07 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:07 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:07 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:07 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) gc 290 @18444946642.621s 0%: 0.014+120+0.049 ms clock, 0.11+2.8/239/540+0.39 ms cpu, 1028->1040->527 MB, 1054 MB goal, 8 P gc 291 @18444946644.025s 0%: 0.020+124+0.048 ms clock, 0.16+1.1/244/534+0.38 ms cpu, 1028->1042->528 MB, 1055 MB goal, 8 P gc 292 @18444946645.476s 0%: 0.016+138+0.070 ms clock, 0.13+3.4/273/539+0.56 ms cpu, 1030->1046->531 MB, 1057 MB goal, 8 P gc 293 @18444946646.975s 0%: 0.009+138+0.11 ms clock, 0.078+2.2/274/515+0.89 ms cpu, 1036->1049->530 MB, 1062 MB goal, 8 P gc 294 @18444946648.431s 0%: 0.008+183+0.11 ms clock, 0.067+3.5/363/630+0.89 ms cpu, 1033->1048->532 MB, 1060 MB goal, 8 P gc 295 @18444946649.917s 0%: 0.009+125+0.036 ms clock, 0.079+1.4/249/554+0.29 ms cpu, 1037->1050->530 MB, 1064 MB goal, 8 P gc 296 @18444946651.424s 0%: 0.009+178+0.035 ms clock, 0.079+61/355/272+0.28 ms cpu, 1035->1049->533 MB, 1061 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:17 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:17 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:17 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:17 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:17 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:17 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:17 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:17 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:17 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:17 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:17 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:17 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) gc 297 @18444946652.858s 0%: 0.013+125+0.070 ms clock, 0.10+0.81/249/559+0.56 ms cpu, 1040->1053->532 MB, 1066 MB goal, 8 P gc 298 @18444946654.322s 0%: 0.009+183+0.034 ms clock, 0.077+48/364/489+0.27 ms cpu, 1038->1053->534 MB, 1065 MB goal, 8 P gc 299 @18444946655.774s 0%: 0.010+134+0.054 ms clock, 0.085+1.9/265/553+0.43 ms cpu, 1042->1057->535 MB, 1069 MB goal, 8 P gc 300 @18444946657.124s 0%: 0.010+132+0.054 ms clock, 0.084+3.0/262/575+0.43 ms cpu, 1044->1058->535 MB, 1071 MB goal, 8 P gc 301 @18444946658.535s 0%: 0.010+134+0.037 ms clock, 0.086+2.4/267/559+0.30 ms cpu, 1045->1058->536 MB, 1071 MB goal, 8 P gc 302 @18444946659.972s 0%: 0.010+134+0.091 ms clock, 0.087+1.0/266/567+0.73 ms cpu, 1045->1059->536 MB, 1072 MB goal, 8 P gc 303 @18444946661.460s 0%: 0.015+126+0.055 ms clock, 0.12+4.2/252/589+0.44 ms cpu, 1046->1058->536 MB, 1073 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:27 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:27 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:27 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:27 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:27 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:27 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:27 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:27 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:27 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:27 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:27 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:27 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id gc 304 @18444946662.817s 0%: 0.030+136+0.065 ms clock, 0.24+7.1/268/529+0.52 ms cpu, 1045->1060->539 MB, 1072 MB goal, 8 P gc 305 @18444946664.235s 0%: 0.010+141+0.047 ms clock, 0.081+2.5/281/549+0.37 ms cpu, 1051->1065->539 MB, 1078 MB goal, 8 P gc 306 @18444946665.674s 0%: 0.010+137+0.11 ms clock, 0.087+18/275/603+0.92 ms cpu, 1051->1065->539 MB, 1078 MB goal, 8 P gc 307 @18444946666.876s 0%: 0.014+149+0.042 ms clock, 0.11+14/295/511+0.34 ms cpu, 1052->1068->595 MB, 1079 MB goal, 8 P gc 308 @18444946668.421s 0%: 0.016+134+0.080 ms clock, 0.13+1.8/265/607+0.64 ms cpu, 1161->1174->592 MB, 1191 MB goal, 8 P gc 309 @18444946669.921s 0%: 0.009+132+0.043 ms clock, 0.077+1.5/260/597+0.34 ms cpu, 1156->1170->594 MB, 1185 MB goal, 8 P gc 310 @18444946671.451s 0%: 0.010+197+0.069 ms clock, 0.081+57/394/290+0.55 ms cpu, 1160->1175->596 MB, 1189 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:37 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:37 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:37 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:37 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:37 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:37 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:37 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:37 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:37 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:37 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:37 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:37 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) gc 311 @18444946674.638s 0%: 0.013+53+0.074 ms clock, 0.10+1.7/104/248+0.59 ms cpu, 1162->1168->243 MB, 1192 MB goal, 8 P gc 312 @18444946675.212s 0%: 0.014+61+0.056 ms clock, 0.11+1.5/121/209+0.45 ms cpu, 475->482->245 MB, 487 MB goal, 8 P gc 313 @18444946675.794s 0%: 0.014+63+0.054 ms clock, 0.11+1.8/109/231+0.43 ms cpu, 478->485->245 MB, 490 MB goal, 8 P gc 314 @18444946676.386s 0%: 0.012+57+0.063 ms clock, 0.098+7.3/112/203+0.50 ms cpu, 479->486->245 MB, 491 MB goal, 8 P gc 315 @18444946676.979s 0%: 0.013+125+0.039 ms clock, 0.10+8.2/244/42+0.31 ms cpu, 478->479->239 MB, 491 MB goal, 8 P gc 316 @18444946677.637s 0%: 0.011+58+0.049 ms clock, 0.095+1.6/115/207+0.39 ms cpu, 467->475->246 MB, 479 MB goal, 8 P gc 317 @18444946678.293s 0%: 0.014+66+0.10 ms clock, 0.11+0.79/123/203+0.86 ms cpu, 480->489->247 MB, 493 MB goal, 8 P gc 318 @18444946678.966s 0%: 0.018+56+0.035 ms clock, 0.14+2.0/109/214+0.28 ms cpu, 483->489->246 MB, 495 MB goal, 8 P gc 319 @18444946679.583s 0%: 0.017+50+0.028 ms clock, 0.13+1.2/100/246+0.22 ms cpu, 480->485->246 MB, 492 MB goal, 8 P gc 320 @18444946680.178s 0%: 0.013+63+0.048 ms clock, 0.10+2.0/119/196+0.38 ms cpu, 479->487->248 MB, 492 MB goal, 8 P gc 321 @18444946680.780s 0%: 0.013+65+0.076 ms clock, 0.10+1.4/114/232+0.61 ms cpu, 484->492->248 MB, 497 MB goal, 8 P gc 322 @18444946681.413s 0%: 0.010+53+0.054 ms clock, 0.086+1.2/105/258+0.43 ms cpu, 485->489->245 MB, 497 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:47 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:47 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:47 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:47 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:47 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:47 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:47 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:47 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:47 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:47 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:47 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:47 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id gc 323 @18444946682.045s 0%: 0.015+59+0.054 ms clock, 0.12+10/116/265+0.43 ms cpu, 478->480->244 MB, 490 MB goal, 8 P gc 324 @18444946682.696s 0%: 0.030+55+0.12 ms clock, 0.24+0/108/226+1.0 ms cpu, 476->482->248 MB, 488 MB goal, 8 P gc 325 @18444946683.291s 0%: 0.012+56+0.12 ms clock, 0.098+1.6/113/231+1.0 ms cpu, 484->490->249 MB, 496 MB goal, 8 P gc 326 @18444946683.891s 0%: 0.012+68+0.12 ms clock, 0.10+0.77/127/218+1.0 ms cpu, 486->494->251 MB, 498 MB goal, 8 P gc 327 @18444946684.499s 0%: 0.013+59+0.043 ms clock, 0.10+0.63/118/223+0.35 ms cpu, 490->496->249 MB, 502 MB goal, 8 P gc 328 @18444946685.099s 0%: 0.013+54+0.099 ms clock, 0.10+1.2/102/241+0.79 ms cpu, 485->492->249 MB, 498 MB goal, 8 P gc 329 @18444946685.727s 0%: 0.014+60+0.064 ms clock, 0.11+0.71/119/231+0.51 ms cpu, 487->492->249 MB, 499 MB goal, 8 P gc 330 @18444946686.384s 0%: 0.012+71+0.16 ms clock, 0.10+1.3/116/238+1.3 ms cpu, 486->492->250 MB, 498 MB goal, 8 P gc 331 @18444946686.860s 0%: 0.012+57+0.046 ms clock, 0.10+1.2/112/238+0.37 ms cpu, 489->497->252 MB, 501 MB goal, 8 P gc 332 @18444946687.258s 0%: 0.012+65+0.086 ms clock, 0.10+12/116/197+0.69 ms cpu, 492->500->252 MB, 505 MB goal, 8 P gc 333 @18444946687.616s 0%: 0.013+62+0.10 ms clock, 0.10+2.9/110/237+0.85 ms cpu, 491->499->252 MB, 504 MB goal, 8 P gc 334 @18444946687.989s 0%: 0.013+68+0.081 ms clock, 0.10+2.0/129/209+0.65 ms cpu, 492->499->251 MB, 505 MB goal, 8 P gc 335 @18444946688.382s 0%: 0.013+69+0.051 ms clock, 0.11+2.3/126/225+0.41 ms cpu, 491->498->253 MB, 503 MB goal, 8 P gc 336 @18444946688.765s 0%: 0.015+63+0.12 ms clock, 0.12+4.1/125/213+1.0 ms cpu, 493->498->250 MB, 506 MB goal, 8 P gc 337 @18444946689.221s 0%: 0.015+60+0.062 ms clock, 0.12+2.8/117/224+0.50 ms cpu, 488->496->254 MB, 501 MB goal, 8 P gc 338 @18444946689.677s 0%: 0.011+109+0.044 ms clock, 0.090+8.8/217/450+0.35 ms cpu, 496->504->253 MB, 508 MB goal, 8 P gc 339 @18444946690.192s 0%: 0.012+58+0.045 ms clock, 0.10+4.9/114/265+0.36 ms cpu, 495->500->251 MB, 507 MB goal, 8 P gc 340 @18444946690.591s 0%: 0.012+58+0.080 ms clock, 0.098+0/112/252+0.64 ms cpu, 491->495->251 MB, 503 MB goal, 8 P gc 341 @18444946690.954s 0%: 0.023+58+0.045 ms clock, 0.18+2.1/110/250+0.36 ms cpu, 489->497->255 MB, 502 MB goal, 8 P gc 342 @18444946691.321s 0%: 0.012+59+0.042 ms clock, 0.098+5.8/111/238+0.33 ms cpu, 497->505->257 MB, 510 MB goal, 8 P gc 343 @18444946691.686s 0%: 0.013+58+0.053 ms clock, 0.10+2.0/115/241+0.43 ms cpu, 501->509->257 MB, 514 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:57 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:57 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:57 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:57 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:57 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:57 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:57 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:57 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:57 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:57 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:57 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:14:57 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) gc 344 @18444946692.053s 0%: 0.073+64+0.058 ms clock, 0.36+303/126/6.7+0.29 ms cpu, 501->510->258 MB, 514 MB goal, 8 P gc 345 @18444946692.436s 0%: 0.020+61+0.054 ms clock, 0.16+1.2/119/224+0.43 ms cpu, 496->503->256 MB, 516 MB goal, 8 P gc 346 @18444946692.805s 0%: 0.014+55+0.088 ms clock, 0.11+1.4/110/256+0.71 ms cpu, 499->507->257 MB, 513 MB goal, 8 P gc 347 @18444946693.161s 0%: 0.011+67+0.033 ms clock, 0.095+1.4/123/243+0.27 ms cpu, 501->509->257 MB, 514 MB goal, 8 P gc 348 @18444946693.554s 0%: 0.014+54+0.075 ms clock, 0.11+3.5/107/248+0.60 ms cpu, 501->507->255 MB, 514 MB goal, 8 P gc 349 @18444946693.967s 0%: 0.014+70+0.098 ms clock, 0.11+2.6/132/196+0.78 ms cpu, 498->506->257 MB, 511 MB goal, 8 P gc 350 @18444946694.382s 0%: 0.012+58+0.12 ms clock, 0.096+5.9/114/221+0.97 ms cpu, 502->510->258 MB, 514 MB goal, 8 P gc 351 @18444946694.759s 0%: 0.014+91+0.056 ms clock, 0.11+30/154/189+0.45 ms cpu, 503->511->258 MB, 516 MB goal, 8 P gc 352 @18444946695.159s 0%: 0.013+57+0.054 ms clock, 0.10+1.8/113/259+0.43 ms cpu, 503->511->258 MB, 516 MB goal, 8 P gc 353 @18444946695.549s 0%: 0.012+54+0.050 ms clock, 0.099+1.9/106/237+0.40 ms cpu, 504->511->258 MB, 517 MB goal, 8 P gc 354 @18444946695.943s 0%: 0.013+54+0.12 ms clock, 0.11+2.9/107/250+0.98 ms cpu, 503->508->257 MB, 516 MB goal, 8 P gc 355 @18444946696.305s 0%: 0.013+63+0.058 ms clock, 0.11+7.3/119/233+0.46 ms cpu, 501->510->259 MB, 514 MB goal, 8 P gc 356 @18444946696.682s 0%: 0.013+61+0.045 ms clock, 0.10+4.3/114/240+0.36 ms cpu, 506->514->260 MB, 519 MB goal, 8 P gc 357 @18444946697.113s 0%: 0.012+63+0.094 ms clock, 0.097+1.8/123/222+0.75 ms cpu, 507->513->258 MB, 520 MB goal, 8 P gc 358 @18444946697.540s 0%: 0.013+57+0.096 ms clock, 0.10+4.4/112/244+0.77 ms cpu, 503->511->260 MB, 516 MB goal, 8 P gc 359 @18444946697.911s 0%: 0.012+61+0.047 ms clock, 0.096+3.2/118/230+0.38 ms cpu, 507->515->260 MB, 520 MB goal, 8 P gc 360 @18444946698.242s 0%: 0.012+57+0.051 ms clock, 0.099+1.5/114/245+0.41 ms cpu, 507->514->260 MB, 520 MB goal, 8 P gc 361 @18444946698.562s 0%: 0.013+63+0.053 ms clock, 0.10+7.7/118/217+0.42 ms cpu, 507->514->260 MB, 520 MB goal, 8 P gc 362 @18444946698.909s 0%: 0.012+53+0.13 ms clock, 0.10+1.8/105/256+1.1 ms cpu, 508->516->261 MB, 521 MB goal, 8 P gc 363 @18444946699.234s 0%: 0.013+62+0.068 ms clock, 0.10+7.6/106/232+0.54 ms cpu, 509->517->261 MB, 522 MB goal, 8 P gc 364 @18444946699.572s 0%: 0.013+56+0.040 ms clock, 0.10+2.3/111/258+0.32 ms cpu, 510->518->261 MB, 523 MB goal, 8 P gc 365 @18444946699.916s 0%: 0.012+63+0.16 ms clock, 0.099+3.2/120/241+1.3 ms cpu, 509->517->262 MB, 522 MB goal, 8 P gc 366 @18444946700.255s 0%: 0.012+64+0.077 ms clock, 0.10+1.2/123/244+0.62 ms cpu, 511->518->262 MB, 524 MB goal, 8 P gc 367 @18444946700.608s 0%: 0.013+61+0.034 ms clock, 0.10+1.0/119/233+0.27 ms cpu, 510->519->263 MB, 524 MB goal, 8 P gc 368 @18444946701.008s 0%: 0.011+56+0.046 ms clock, 0.092+3.2/112/231+0.36 ms cpu, 513->519->260 MB, 526 MB goal, 8 P gc 369 @18444946701.393s 0%: 0.015+59+0.11 ms clock, 0.12+2.7/115/262+0.89 ms cpu, 508->516->263 MB, 521 MB goal, 8 P gc 370 @18444946701.733s 0%: 0.013+64+0.051 ms clock, 0.10+3.6/127/234+0.40 ms cpu, 513->520->262 MB, 526 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:07 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:07 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:07 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:07 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:07 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:07 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:07 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:07 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:07 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:07 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:07 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:07 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) gc 371 @18444946702.093s 0%: 0.019+68+0.057 ms clock, 0.15+10/134/239+0.46 ms cpu, 512->521->264 MB, 525 MB goal, 8 P gc 372 @18444946702.481s 0%: 0.012+59+0.058 ms clock, 0.097+6.1/116/246+0.46 ms cpu, 516->524->264 MB, 529 MB goal, 8 P gc 373 @18444946702.827s 0%: 0.013+54+0.043 ms clock, 0.10+1.9/105/261+0.34 ms cpu, 515->522->264 MB, 528 MB goal, 8 P gc 374 @18444946703.164s 0%: 0.014+62+0.063 ms clock, 0.11+1.9/122/233+0.51 ms cpu, 515->522->263 MB, 528 MB goal, 8 P gc 375 @18444946703.492s 0%: 0.011+64+0.053 ms clock, 0.093+8.3/124/232+0.43 ms cpu, 513->521->264 MB, 526 MB goal, 8 P gc 376 @18444946703.835s 0%: 0.012+56+0.036 ms clock, 0.10+1.5/109/258+0.29 ms cpu, 516->524->268 MB, 529 MB goal, 8 P gc 377 @18444946704.298s 0%: 0.013+61+0.085 ms clock, 0.10+0/120/235+0.68 ms cpu, 524->529->268 MB, 537 MB goal, 8 P gc 378 @18444946705.825s 0%: 0.014+58+0.046 ms clock, 0.11+2.0/113/254+0.36 ms cpu, 523->527->264 MB, 537 MB goal, 8 P gc 379 @18444946707.481s 0%: 0.012+67+0.10 ms clock, 0.099+2.1/129/256+0.80 ms cpu, 515->521->267 MB, 528 MB goal, 8 P gc 380 @18444946709.005s 0%: 0.010+74+0.081 ms clock, 0.087+0/129/241+0.64 ms cpu, 521->521->261 MB, 534 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:17 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:17 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:17 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:17 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:17 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:17 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:17 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:17 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:17 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:17 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:17 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:17 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) gc 381 @18444946713.310s 0%: 0.014+114+0.055 ms clock, 0.11+2.1/120/272+0.44 ms cpu, 510->510->289 MB, 523 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:27 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:27 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:27 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:27 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:27 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:27 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:27 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:27 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:27 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:27 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:27 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:27 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:37 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:37 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:37 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:37 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:37 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:37 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:37 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:37 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:37 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:37 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:37 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:37 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) gc 382 @18444946733.279s 0%: 0.018+127+118 ms clock, 0.14+0/167/284+950 ms cpu, 573->573->307 MB, 579 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:47 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:47 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:47 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:47 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:47 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:47 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:47 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:47 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:47 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:47 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:47 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:47 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) scvg1: inuse: 632, idle: 684, sys: 1317, released: 0, consumed: 1317 (MB) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:57 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:57 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:57 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:57 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:57 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:57 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:57 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:57 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:57 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:57 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:57 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:15:57 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:07 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:07 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:07 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:07 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:07 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:07 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:07 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:07 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:07 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:07 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:07 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:07 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) gc 383 @18444946767.156s 0%: 0.016+166+12 ms clock, 0.13+1.5/149/280+100 ms cpu, 600->600->357 MB, 615 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:17 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:17 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:17 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:17 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:17 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:17 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:17 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:17 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:17 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:17 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:17 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:17 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:27 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:27 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:27 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:27 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:27 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:27 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:27 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:27 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:27 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:27 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:27 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:27 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:37 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:37 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:37 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:37 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:37 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:37 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:37 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:37 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:37 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:37 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:37 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:37 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:47 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:47 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:47 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:47 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:47 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:47 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:47 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:47 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:47 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:47 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:47 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:47 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:57 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:57 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:57 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:57 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:57 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:57 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:57 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:57 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:57 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:57 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:57 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:16:57 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:07 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:07 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:07 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:07 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:07 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:07 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:07 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:07 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:07 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:07 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:07 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:07 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:17 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:17 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:17 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:17 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:17 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:17 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:17 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:17 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:17 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:17 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:17 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:17 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:27 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:27 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:27 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:27 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:27 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:27 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:27 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:27 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:27 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:27 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:27 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:27 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id gc 384 @18444946843.639s 0%: 0.023+119+21 ms clock, 0.18+1.7/197/262+171 ms cpu, 697->697->413 MB, 715 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:37 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:37 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:37 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:37 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:37 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:37 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:37 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:37 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:37 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:37 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:37 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:37 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:47 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:47 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:47 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:47 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:47 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:47 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:47 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:47 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:47 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:47 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:47 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:47 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:57 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:57 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:57 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:57 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:57 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:57 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:57 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:57 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:57 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:57 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:57 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:17:57 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:07 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:07 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:07 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:07 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:07 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:07 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:07 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:07 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:07 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:07 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:07 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:07 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:17 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:17 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:17 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:17 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:17 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:17 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:17 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:17 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:17 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:17 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:17 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:17 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) scvg2: inuse: 731, idle: 760, sys: 1491, released: 0, consumed: 1491 (MB) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:27 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:27 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:27 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:27 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:27 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:27 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:27 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:27 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:27 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:27 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:27 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:27 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:37 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:37 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:37 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:37 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:37 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:37 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:37 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:37 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:37 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:37 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:37 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:37 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:47 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:47 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:47 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:47 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:47 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:47 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:47 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:47 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:47 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:47 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:47 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:47 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:57 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:57 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:57 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:57 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:57 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:57 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:57 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:57 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:57 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:57 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:57 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:18:57 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:07 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:07 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:07 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:07 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:07 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:07 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:07 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:07 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:07 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:07 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:07 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:07 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:17 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:17 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:17 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:17 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:17 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:17 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:17 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:17 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:17 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:17 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:17 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:17 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:27 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:27 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:27 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:27 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:27 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:27 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:27 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:27 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:27 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:27 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:27 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:27 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) GC forced gc 385 @18444946963.787s 0%: 0.96+139+0.075 ms clock, 7.7+0/233/286+0.60 ms cpu, 708->708->413 MB, 827 MB goal, 8 P [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:37 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:37 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:37 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:37 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:37 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:37 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:37 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:37 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:37 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:37 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:37 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:37 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:47 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:47 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:47 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:47 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:47 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:47 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:47 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:47 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:47 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:47 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:47 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:47 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:57 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:57 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:57 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:57 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:57 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:57 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:57 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:57 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:57 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:57 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:57 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:19:57 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:07 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:07 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:07 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:07 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:07 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:07 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:07 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:07 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:07 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:07 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:07 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:07 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:17 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:17 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:17 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:17 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:17 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:17 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:17 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:17 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:17 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:17 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:17 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:17 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:27 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:27 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:27 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:27 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:27 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:27 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:27 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:27 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:27 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:27 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:27 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:27 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:37 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:37 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:37 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:37 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:37 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:37 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:37 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:37 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:37 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:37 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:37 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:37 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:47 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:47 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:47 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:47 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:47 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:47 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:47 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:47 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:47 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:47 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:47 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:47 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id scvg3: 378 MB released scvg3: inuse: 700, idle: 790, sys: 1491, released: 378, consumed: 1113 (MB) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:57 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:57 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:57 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:57 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:57 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:57 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:57 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:57 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:57 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:57 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:57 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:20:57 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:07 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:07 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:07 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:07 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:07 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:07 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:07 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:07 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:07 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:07 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:07 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:07 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:17 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:17 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:17 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:17 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:17 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:17 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:17 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:17 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:17 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:17 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:17 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:17 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:27 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:27 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:27 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:27 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:27 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:27 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:27 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:27 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:27 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:27 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:27 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:27 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) GC forced [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:37 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:37 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:37 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:37 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:37 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:37 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:37 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:37 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:37 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:37 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:37 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:37 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:47 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:47 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:47 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:47 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:47 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:47 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:47 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:47 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:47 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:47 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:47 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:47 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:57 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:57 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:57 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:57 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:57 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:57 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:57 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:57 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:57 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:57 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:57 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:21:57 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:07 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:07 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:07 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:07 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:07 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:07 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:07 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:07 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:07 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:07 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:07 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:07 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:17 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:17 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:17 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:17 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:17 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:17 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:17 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:17 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:17 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:17 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:17 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:17 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:27 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:27 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:27 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:27 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:27 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:27 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:27 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:27 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:27 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:27 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:27 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:27 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:37 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:37 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:37 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:37 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:37 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:37 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:37 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:37 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:37 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:37 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:37 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:37 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:47 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:47 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:47 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:47 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:47 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:47 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:47 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:47 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:47 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:47 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:47 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:47 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:57 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:57 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:57 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:57 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:57 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:57 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:57 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:57 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:57 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:57 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:57 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:22:57 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:07 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:07 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:07 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:07 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:07 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:07 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:07 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:07 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:07 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:07 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:07 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:07 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:17 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:17 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:17 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:17 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:17 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:17 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:17 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:17 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:17 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:17 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:17 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:17 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) scvg4: 252 MB released scvg4: inuse: 850, idle: 640, sys: 1491, released: 555, consumed: 936 (MB) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:27 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:27 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:27 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:27 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:27 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:27 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:27 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:27 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:27 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:27 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:27 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:27 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:37 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:37 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:37 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:37 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:37 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:37 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:37 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:37 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:37 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:37 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:37 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:37 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:47 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:47 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:47 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:47 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:47 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:47 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:47 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:47 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:47 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:47 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:47 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:47 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:57 SELECT max(numMeasurements) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:57 SELECT max(NumGoroutine) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:57 SELECT derivative(max(Mallocs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:57 SELECT max(HeapInUse) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:57 SELECT derivative(mean(NumGC), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:57 SELECT max(HeapSys) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:57 SELECT derivative(mean(PauseTotalNs), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:57 SELECT max(numSeries) FROM _internal.monitor."database" WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), "database" [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:57 SELECT max(HeapReleased) * -1 FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:57 SELECT mean(memBytes) FROM _internal.monitor.tsm1_cache WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s), id [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:57 SELECT derivative(max(TotalAlloc), 10s) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) [query] 2017/03/10 10:23:57 SELECT max(HeapObjects) FROM _internal.monitor.runtime WHERE time > now() - 30m GROUP BY time(10s) fill(0) ^\SIGQUIT: quit PC=0x101356d m=0 sigcode=0 goroutine 0 [idle]: runtime.bulkBarrierPreWrite(0xc447b4d980, 0xc447b4d990, 0x10) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x2fd fp=0x7fff5fbff750 sp=0x7fff5fbff6f0 runtime.typedmemmove(0x1625120, 0xc447b4d980, 0xc447b4d990) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xac fp=0x7fff5fbff788 sp=0x7fff5fbff750 runtime.typedslicecopy.func1() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x210 fp=0x7fff5fbff7e8 sp=0x7fff5fbff788 runtime.systemstack(0x1add300) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x79 fp=0x7fff5fbff7f0 sp=0x7fff5fbff7e8 runtime.mstart() /Users/jason/go/src/ fp=0x7fff5fbff7f8 sp=0x7fff5fbff7f0 goroutine 47 [running]: runtime.systemstack_switch() /Users/jason/go/src/ fp=0xc446af1590 sp=0xc446af1588 runtime.typedslicecopy(0x1625120, 0xc447b4c000, 0x3e8, 0x3e8, 0xc447b4c010, 0x3e7, 0x3e7, 0x3e7) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xe7 fp=0xc446af1620 sp=0xc446af1590, 0x454be5, 0x50da00, 0xc447b4c000, 0x3e8, 0x3e8, 0x3e8, 0x3e8, 0x3e8) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x59a fp=0xc446af1708 sp=0xc446af1620*tsmKeyIterator).combine(0xc42b151400, 0x1029a01, 0xc450e44a18, 0x1, 0x1) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x48b fp=0xc446af1810 sp=0xc446af1708*tsmKeyIterator).merge(0xc42b151400) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x104 fp=0xc446af1848 sp=0xc446af1810*tsmKeyIterator).Next(0xc42b151400, 0xc40c7ece29) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xf72 fp=0xc446af19d8 sp=0xc446af1848*Compactor).write(0xc4201ea230, 0xc43d022000, 0x49, 0x1aa3f40, 0xc42b151400, 0x0, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x240 fp=0xc446af1a90 sp=0xc446af19d8*Compactor).writeNewFiles(0xc4201ea230, 0x148e, 0x7, 0x1aa3f40, 0xc42b151400, 0x1aa3f40, 0xc42b151400, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc4201ea258) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x222 fp=0xc446af1b80 sp=0xc446af1a90*Compactor).compact(0xc4201ea230, 0x177bb00, 0xc4256ba000, 0x8, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x380 fp=0xc446af1c30 sp=0xc446af1b80*Compactor).CompactFull(0xc4201ea230, 0xc4256ba000, 0x8, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x18e fp=0xc446af1cc8 sp=0xc446af1c30*compactionStrategy).compactGroup.func1(0xc43aea2000, 0xc4256ba000, 0x8, 0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x152 fp=0xc446af1d20 sp=0xc446af1cc8*compactionStrategy).compactGroup(0xc43aea2000, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x3c6 fp=0xc446af1fa0 sp=0xc446af1d20*compactionStrategy).Apply.func1(0xc4377fa040, 0xc43aea2000, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5b fp=0xc446af1fc8 sp=0xc446af1fa0 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc446af1fd0 sp=0xc446af1fc8 created by*compactionStrategy).Apply /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xbf goroutine 1 [chan receive, 13 minutes]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0xc425481318, 0x16bc842, 0xc, 0xc42001cd17, 0x3) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc446af7b00 sp=0xc446af7ad0 runtime.goparkunlock(0xc425481318, 0x16bc842, 0xc, 0x17, 0x3) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc446af7b40 sp=0xc446af7b00 runtime.chanrecv(0x15c4140, 0xc4254812c0, 0x0, 0x1, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x31b fp=0xc446af7bf0 sp=0xc446af7b40 runtime.chanrecv1(0x15c4140, 0xc4254812c0, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x35 fp=0xc446af7c28 sp=0xc446af7bf0 main.(*Main).Run(0xc446af7f40, 0xc420010210, 0x0, 0x0, 0x16b6dab, 0xc42004ff18) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x50b fp=0xc446af7ec8 sp=0xc446af7c28 main.main() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1f6 fp=0xc446af7f88 sp=0xc446af7ec8 runtime.main() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x20a fp=0xc446af7fe0 sp=0xc446af7f88 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc446af7fe8 sp=0xc446af7fe0 goroutine 17 [syscall, 13 minutes, locked to thread]: runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc42003efe8 sp=0xc42003efe0 goroutine 2 [force gc (idle), 4 minutes]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1adcb40, 0x16be399, 0xf, 0x9426d6db14, 0x1) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc42002c768 sp=0xc42002c738 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1adcb40, 0x16be399, 0xf, 0xc420000114, 0x1) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc42002c7a8 sp=0xc42002c768 runtime.forcegchelper() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x9e fp=0xc42002c7e0 sp=0xc42002c7a8 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc42002c7e8 sp=0xc42002c7e0 created by runtime.init.4 /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x35 goroutine 3 [GC sweep wait, 4 minutes]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1adcd60, 0x16bce57, 0xd, 0x1055214, 0x1) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc42002cf60 sp=0xc42002cf30 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1adcd60, 0x16bce57, 0xd, 0x14, 0x1) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc42002cfa0 sp=0xc42002cf60 runtime.bgsweep(0xc42005a000) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x127 fp=0xc42002cfd8 sp=0xc42002cfa0 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc42002cfe0 sp=0xc42002cfd8 created by runtime.gcenable /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x61 goroutine 4 [finalizer wait, 13 minutes]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1afb660, 0x16bda8c, 0xe, 0x14, 0x1) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc42002d710 sp=0xc42002d6e0 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1afb660, 0x16bda8c, 0xe, 0x14, 0x1) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc42002d750 sp=0xc42002d710 runtime.runfinq() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xbd fp=0xc42002d7e0 sp=0xc42002d750 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc42002d7e8 sp=0xc42002d7e0 created by runtime.createfing /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x62 goroutine 5 [syscall, 13 minutes]: runtime.notetsleepg(0x1afba20, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x4b fp=0xc42002df80 sp=0xc42002df40 os/signal.signal_recv(0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xa9 fp=0xc42002dfa8 sp=0xc42002df80 os/signal.loop() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x22 fp=0xc42002dfe0 sp=0xc42002dfa8 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc42002dfe8 sp=0xc42002dfe0 created by os/signal.init.1 /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x41 goroutine 19 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x177c570, 0xc4201c7f10, 0x16bea31, 0x10, 0x14, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc42002e748 sp=0xc42002e718 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker(0xc42001c000) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x143 fp=0xc42002e7d8 sp=0xc42002e748 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc42002e7e0 sp=0xc42002e7d8 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x87 goroutine 7 [IO wait, 13 minutes]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6b0, 0x1c9b010, 0x16b8ccc, 0x7, 0x1b, 0x5) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc42002ec70 sp=0xc42002ec40 runtime.netpollblock(0x1c9afe8, 0x72, 0xc42002ed30) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xac fp=0xc42002ecb8 sp=0xc42002ec70 internal/poll.runtime_pollWait(0x1c9afe8, 0x72, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x59 fp=0xc42002ece0 sp=0xc42002ecb8 internal/poll.(*pollDesc).wait(0xc4200a3298, 0x72, 0x1a9d780, 0x1a97578) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xae fp=0xc42002ed10 sp=0xc42002ece0 internal/poll.(*pollDesc).waitRead(0xc4200a3298, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x34 fp=0xc42002ed40 sp=0xc42002ed10 internal/poll.(*FD).Accept(0xc4200a3280, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1c8 fp=0xc42002eda8 sp=0xc42002ed40 net.(*netFD).accept(0xc4200a3280, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x42 fp=0xc42002ee80 sp=0xc42002eda8 net.(*TCPListener).accept(0xc42000e0d8, 0xc42002eee8, 0x106ddde, 0xc42005d680) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x2e fp=0xc42002eeb0 sp=0xc42002ee80 net.(*TCPListener).Accept(0xc42000e0d8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x49 fp=0xc42002eef8 sp=0xc42002eeb0*Mux).Serve(0xc42005d680, 0x1aa40c0, 0xc42000e0d8, 0xc42000e0d8, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x97 fp=0xc42002efb8 sp=0xc42002eef8 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc42002efc0 sp=0xc42002efb8 created by*Server).Open /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x248 goroutine 59 [runnable]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc42021f6a0 sp=0xc42021f670 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x9212b3cf13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc42021f6e0 sp=0xc42021f6a0 time.Sleep(0x3b9aca00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12d fp=0xc42021f720 sp=0xc42021f6e0*Engine).compactCache(0xc420194100, 0xc423c485a0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xcc fp=0xc42021f7a8 sp=0xc42021f720*Engine).enableSnapshotCompactions.func1(0xc420194100, 0xc423c485a0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x61 fp=0xc42021f7d0 sp=0xc42021f7a8 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc42021f7d8 sp=0xc42021f7d0 created by*Engine).enableSnapshotCompactions /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xe2 goroutine 64 [select]: runtime.gopark(0x177c718, 0x0, 0x16b87e1, 0x6, 0x18, 0x1) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc42003bb58 sp=0xc42003bb28 runtime.selectgo(0xc42003bf10, 0xc42547c060) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xc70 fp=0xc42003bdc8 sp=0xc42003bb58*Shard).monitor(0xc4201ee000) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1de fp=0xc42003bfd8 sp=0xc42003bdc8 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc42003bfe0 sp=0xc42003bfd8 created by*Shard).Open.func1 /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x40c goroutine 86 [select, 4 minutes]: runtime.gopark(0x177c718, 0x0, 0x16b87e1, 0x6, 0x18, 0x1) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc423c4ab40 sp=0xc423c4ab10 runtime.selectgo(0xc423c4af20, 0xc425481080) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xc70 fp=0xc423c4adb0 sp=0xc423c4ab40*Service).run(0xc4200ea300) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x185 fp=0xc423c4afb0 sp=0xc423c4adb0*Service).Open.func1(0xc4200ea300) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x57 fp=0xc423c4afd8 sp=0xc423c4afb0 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc423c4afe0 sp=0xc423c4afd8 created by*Service).Open /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x16e goroutine 51 [syscall]: runtime.notetsleepg(0x1adcf18, 0xd692087e, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x4b fp=0xc42002bf60 sp=0xc42002bf20 runtime.timerproc() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x323 fp=0xc42002bfe0 sp=0xc42002bf60 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc42002bfe8 sp=0xc42002bfe0 created by runtime.addtimerLocked /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xed goroutine 66 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x177c570, 0xc4203500a0, 0x16bea31, 0x10, 0x14, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc42002f748 sp=0xc42002f718 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker(0xc42001d300) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x143 fp=0xc42002f7d8 sp=0xc42002f748 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc42002f7e0 sp=0xc42002f7d8 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x87 goroutine 38 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x177c570, 0xc420198190, 0x16bea31, 0x10, 0x14, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc420221748 sp=0xc420221718 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker(0xc42001f900) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x143 fp=0xc4202217d8 sp=0xc420221748 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc4202217e0 sp=0xc4202217d8 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x87 goroutine 12 [select]: runtime.gopark(0x177c718, 0x0, 0x16b87e1, 0x6, 0x18, 0x1) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc42003fb58 sp=0xc42003fb28 runtime.selectgo(0xc42003ff10, 0xc42005dda0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xc70 fp=0xc42003fdc8 sp=0xc42003fb58*Shard).monitor(0xc4200d8780) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1de fp=0xc42003ffd8 sp=0xc42003fdc8 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc42003ffe0 sp=0xc42003ffd8 created by*Shard).Open.func1 /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x40c goroutine 13 [runnable]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc4200296a0 sp=0xc420029670 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0xc42008da13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc4200296e0 sp=0xc4200296a0 time.Sleep(0x3b9aca00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12d fp=0xc420029720 sp=0xc4200296e0*Engine).compactCache(0xc42000ad00, 0xc42005dc80) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xcc fp=0xc4200297a8 sp=0xc420029720*Engine).enableSnapshotCompactions.func1(0xc42000ad00, 0xc42005dc80) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x61 fp=0xc4200297d0 sp=0xc4200297a8 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc4200297d8 sp=0xc4200297d0 created by*Engine).enableSnapshotCompactions /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xe2 goroutine 14 [runnable]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc420041ef8 sp=0xc420041ec8 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc420041f38 sp=0xc420041ef8 time.Sleep(0x3b9aca00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12d fp=0xc420041f78 sp=0xc420041f38*Engine).compactTSMFull(0xc42000ad00, 0xc42005dce0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x79 fp=0xc420041fa8 sp=0xc420041f78*Engine).enableLevelCompactions.func1(0xc42000ad00, 0xc42005dce0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x61 fp=0xc420041fd0 sp=0xc420041fa8 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc420041fd8 sp=0xc420041fd0 created by*Engine).enableLevelCompactions /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x116 goroutine 15 [runnable]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc420352ef0 sp=0xc420352ec0 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc420352f30 sp=0xc420352ef0 time.Sleep(0x3b9aca00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12d fp=0xc420352f70 sp=0xc420352f30*Engine).compactTSMLevel(0xc42000ad00, 0x177c801, 0x1, 0xc42005dce0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x90 fp=0xc420352fa0 sp=0xc420352f70*Engine).enableLevelCompactions.func2(0xc42000ad00, 0xc42005dce0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x73 fp=0xc420352fd0 sp=0xc420352fa0 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc420352fd8 sp=0xc420352fd0 created by*Engine).enableLevelCompactions /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x142 goroutine 16 [runnable]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc4203b6ef0 sp=0xc4203b6ec0 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc4203b6f30 sp=0xc4203b6ef0 time.Sleep(0x3b9aca00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12d fp=0xc4203b6f70 sp=0xc4203b6f30*Engine).compactTSMLevel(0xc42000ad00, 0x177c801, 0x2, 0xc42005dce0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x90 fp=0xc4203b6fa0 sp=0xc4203b6f70*Engine).enableLevelCompactions.func3(0xc42000ad00, 0xc42005dce0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x73 fp=0xc4203b6fd0 sp=0xc4203b6fa0 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc4203b6fd8 sp=0xc4203b6fd0 created by*Engine).enableLevelCompactions /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x16e goroutine 50 [runnable]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc420040ef0 sp=0xc420040ec0 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc420040f30 sp=0xc420040ef0 time.Sleep(0x3b9aca00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12d fp=0xc420040f70 sp=0xc420040f30*Engine).compactTSMLevel(0xc42000ad00, 0x177c800, 0x3, 0xc42005dce0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x90 fp=0xc420040fa0 sp=0xc420040f70*Engine).enableLevelCompactions.func4(0xc42000ad00, 0xc42005dce0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x73 fp=0xc420040fd0 sp=0xc420040fa0 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc420040fd8 sp=0xc420040fd0 created by*Engine).enableLevelCompactions /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x19a goroutine 67 [GC worker (idle), 4 minutes]: runtime.gopark(0x177c570, 0xc4203500b0, 0x16bea31, 0x10, 0x14, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc42021c748 sp=0xc42021c718 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker(0xc42001e600) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x143 fp=0xc42021c7d8 sp=0xc42021c748 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc42021c7e0 sp=0xc42021c7d8 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x87 goroutine 39 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x177c570, 0xc4201981a0, 0x16bea31, 0x10, 0x14, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc420221f48 sp=0xc420221f18 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker(0xc420020c00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x143 fp=0xc420221fd8 sp=0xc420221f48 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc420221fe0 sp=0xc420221fd8 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x87 goroutine 40 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x177c570, 0xc4201981b0, 0x16bea31, 0x10, 0x14, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc420222748 sp=0xc420222718 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker(0xc420022000) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x143 fp=0xc4202227d8 sp=0xc420222748 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc4202227e0 sp=0xc4202227d8 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x87 goroutine 41 [running]: goroutine running on other thread; stack unavailable created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x87 goroutine 42 [GC worker (idle)]: runtime.gopark(0x177c570, 0xc4201981d0, 0x16bea31, 0x10, 0x14, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc420223748 sp=0xc420223718 runtime.gcBgMarkWorker(0xc420024600) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x143 fp=0xc4202237d8 sp=0xc420223748 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc4202237e0 sp=0xc4202237d8 created by runtime.gcBgMarkStartWorkers /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x87 goroutine 52 [select]: runtime.gopark(0x177c718, 0x0, 0x16b87e1, 0x6, 0x18, 0x1) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc420355b58 sp=0xc420355b28 runtime.selectgo(0xc420355f10, 0xc4203340c0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xc70 fp=0xc420355dc8 sp=0xc420355b58*Shard).monitor(0xc42019e000) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1de fp=0xc420355fd8 sp=0xc420355dc8 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc420355fe0 sp=0xc420355fd8 created by*Shard).Open.func1 /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x40c goroutine 53 [runnable]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc42021dea0 sp=0xc42021de70 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0xc4201bc013, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc42021dee0 sp=0xc42021dea0 time.Sleep(0x3b9aca00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12d fp=0xc42021df20 sp=0xc42021dee0*Engine).compactCache(0xc420072200, 0xc42037ade0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xcc fp=0xc42021dfa8 sp=0xc42021df20*Engine).enableSnapshotCompactions.func1(0xc420072200, 0xc42037ade0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x61 fp=0xc42021dfd0 sp=0xc42021dfa8 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc42021dfd8 sp=0xc42021dfd0 created by*Engine).enableSnapshotCompactions /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xe2 goroutine 54 [runnable]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc420358ef8 sp=0xc420358ec8 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc420358f38 sp=0xc420358ef8 time.Sleep(0x3b9aca00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12d fp=0xc420358f78 sp=0xc420358f38*Engine).compactTSMFull(0xc420072200, 0xc42037ae40) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x79 fp=0xc420358fa8 sp=0xc420358f78*Engine).enableLevelCompactions.func1(0xc420072200, 0xc42037ae40) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x61 fp=0xc420358fd0 sp=0xc420358fa8 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc420358fd8 sp=0xc420358fd0 created by*Engine).enableLevelCompactions /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x116 goroutine 55 [runnable]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc4203baef0 sp=0xc4203baec0 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc4203baf30 sp=0xc4203baef0 time.Sleep(0x3b9aca00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12d fp=0xc4203baf70 sp=0xc4203baf30*Engine).compactTSMLevel(0xc420072200, 0x177c801, 0x1, 0xc42037ae40) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x90 fp=0xc4203bafa0 sp=0xc4203baf70*Engine).enableLevelCompactions.func2(0xc420072200, 0xc42037ae40) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x73 fp=0xc4203bafd0 sp=0xc4203bafa0 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc4203bafd8 sp=0xc4203bafd0 created by*Engine).enableLevelCompactions /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x142 goroutine 56 [runnable]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc42003aef0 sp=0xc42003aec0 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc42003af30 sp=0xc42003aef0 time.Sleep(0x3b9aca00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12d fp=0xc42003af70 sp=0xc42003af30*Engine).compactTSMLevel(0xc420072200, 0x177c801, 0x2, 0xc42037ae40) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x90 fp=0xc42003afa0 sp=0xc42003af70*Engine).enableLevelCompactions.func3(0xc420072200, 0xc42037ae40) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x73 fp=0xc42003afd0 sp=0xc42003afa0 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc42003afd8 sp=0xc42003afd0 created by*Engine).enableLevelCompactions /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x16e goroutine 57 [runnable]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc4203b7ef0 sp=0xc4203b7ec0 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc4203b7f30 sp=0xc4203b7ef0 time.Sleep(0x3b9aca00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12d fp=0xc4203b7f70 sp=0xc4203b7f30*Engine).compactTSMLevel(0xc420072200, 0x177c800, 0x3, 0xc42037ae40) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x90 fp=0xc4203b7fa0 sp=0xc4203b7f70*Engine).enableLevelCompactions.func4(0xc420072200, 0xc42037ae40) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x73 fp=0xc4203b7fd0 sp=0xc4203b7fa0 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc4203b7fd8 sp=0xc4203b7fd0 created by*Engine).enableLevelCompactions /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x19a goroutine 58 [select]: runtime.gopark(0x177c718, 0x0, 0x16b87e1, 0x6, 0x18, 0x1) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc42003cb58 sp=0xc42003cb28 runtime.selectgo(0xc42003cf10, 0xc4222ea480) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xc70 fp=0xc42003cdc8 sp=0xc42003cb58*Shard).monitor(0xc4201cc000) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1de fp=0xc42003cfd8 sp=0xc42003cdc8 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc42003cfe0 sp=0xc42003cfd8 created by*Shard).Open.func1 /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x40c goroutine 60 [runnable]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc420359ef8 sp=0xc420359ec8 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc420359f38 sp=0xc420359ef8 time.Sleep(0x3b9aca00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12d fp=0xc420359f78 sp=0xc420359f38*Engine).compactTSMFull(0xc420194100, 0xc423c48600) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x79 fp=0xc420359fa8 sp=0xc420359f78*Engine).enableLevelCompactions.func1(0xc420194100, 0xc423c48600) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x61 fp=0xc420359fd0 sp=0xc420359fa8 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc420359fd8 sp=0xc420359fd0 created by*Engine).enableLevelCompactions /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x116 goroutine 61 [runnable]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc420356ef0 sp=0xc420356ec0 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc420356f30 sp=0xc420356ef0 time.Sleep(0x3b9aca00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12d fp=0xc420356f70 sp=0xc420356f30*Engine).compactTSMLevel(0xc420194100, 0x177c801, 0x1, 0xc423c48600) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x90 fp=0xc420356fa0 sp=0xc420356f70*Engine).enableLevelCompactions.func2(0xc420194100, 0xc423c48600) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x73 fp=0xc420356fd0 sp=0xc420356fa0 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc420356fd8 sp=0xc420356fd0 created by*Engine).enableLevelCompactions /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x142 goroutine 62 [runnable]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc420357ef0 sp=0xc420357ec0 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc420357f30 sp=0xc420357ef0 time.Sleep(0x3b9aca00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12d fp=0xc420357f70 sp=0xc420357f30*Engine).compactTSMLevel(0xc420194100, 0x177c801, 0x2, 0xc423c48600) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x90 fp=0xc420357fa0 sp=0xc420357f70*Engine).enableLevelCompactions.func3(0xc420194100, 0xc423c48600) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x73 fp=0xc420357fd0 sp=0xc420357fa0 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc420357fd8 sp=0xc420357fd0 created by*Engine).enableLevelCompactions /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x16e goroutine 63 [runnable]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc423c4fef0 sp=0xc423c4fec0 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc423c4ff30 sp=0xc423c4fef0 time.Sleep(0x3b9aca00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12d fp=0xc423c4ff70 sp=0xc423c4ff30*Engine).compactTSMLevel(0xc420194100, 0x177c800, 0x3, 0xc423c48600) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x90 fp=0xc423c4ffa0 sp=0xc423c4ff70*Engine).enableLevelCompactions.func4(0xc420194100, 0xc423c48600) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x73 fp=0xc423c4ffd0 sp=0xc423c4ffa0 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc423c4ffd8 sp=0xc423c4ffd0 created by*Engine).enableLevelCompactions /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x19a goroutine 65 [runnable]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc42021e6a0 sp=0xc42021e670 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0xc4201fa013, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc42021e6e0 sp=0xc42021e6a0 time.Sleep(0x3b9aca00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12d fp=0xc42021e720 sp=0xc42021e6e0*Engine).compactCache(0xc4201ba100, 0xc425480f00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xcc fp=0xc42021e7a8 sp=0xc42021e720*Engine).enableSnapshotCompactions.func1(0xc4201ba100, 0xc425480f00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x61 fp=0xc42021e7d0 sp=0xc42021e7a8 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc42021e7d8 sp=0xc42021e7d0 created by*Engine).enableSnapshotCompactions /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xe2 goroutine 82 [semacquire, 13 minutes]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1ae8140, 0x16bb9cd, 0xa, 0xc423c48619, 0x4) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc42003de10 sp=0xc42003dde0 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1ae8140, 0x16bb9cd, 0xa, 0x100000000000019, 0x4) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc42003de50 sp=0xc42003de10 runtime.semacquire1(0xc4377fa04c, 0xc42003de00, 0x1) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1c1 fp=0xc42003dec0 sp=0xc42003de50 sync.runtime_Semacquire(0xc4377fa04c) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x39 fp=0xc42003dee8 sp=0xc42003dec0 sync.(*WaitGroup).Wait(0xc4377fa040) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x72 fp=0xc42003df10 sp=0xc42003dee8*compactionStrategy).Apply(0xc43aea2000) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xe2 fp=0xc42003df78 sp=0xc42003df10*Engine).compactTSMFull(0xc4201ba100, 0xc425480f60) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x6a fp=0xc42003dfa8 sp=0xc42003df78*Engine).enableLevelCompactions.func1(0xc4201ba100, 0xc425480f60) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x61 fp=0xc42003dfd0 sp=0xc42003dfa8 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc42003dfd8 sp=0xc42003dfd0 created by*Engine).enableLevelCompactions /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x116 goroutine 83 [runnable]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc420353ef0 sp=0xc420353ec0 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc420353f30 sp=0xc420353ef0 time.Sleep(0x3b9aca00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12d fp=0xc420353f70 sp=0xc420353f30*Engine).compactTSMLevel(0xc4201ba100, 0x177c801, 0x1, 0xc425480f60) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x90 fp=0xc420353fa0 sp=0xc420353f70*Engine).enableLevelCompactions.func2(0xc4201ba100, 0xc425480f60) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x73 fp=0xc420353fd0 sp=0xc420353fa0 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc420353fd8 sp=0xc420353fd0 created by*Engine).enableLevelCompactions /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x142 goroutine 84 [runnable]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc43de33ef0 sp=0xc43de33ec0 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc43de33f30 sp=0xc43de33ef0 time.Sleep(0x3b9aca00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12d fp=0xc43de33f70 sp=0xc43de33f30*Engine).compactTSMLevel(0xc4201ba100, 0x177c801, 0x2, 0xc425480f60) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x90 fp=0xc43de33fa0 sp=0xc43de33f70*Engine).enableLevelCompactions.func3(0xc4201ba100, 0xc425480f60) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x73 fp=0xc43de33fd0 sp=0xc43de33fa0 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc43de33fd8 sp=0xc43de33fd0 created by*Engine).enableLevelCompactions /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x16e goroutine 85 [runnable]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc423c4eef0 sp=0xc423c4eec0 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1adcf00, 0x16b78fd, 0x5, 0x13, 0x2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc423c4ef30 sp=0xc423c4eef0 time.Sleep(0x3b9aca00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12d fp=0xc423c4ef70 sp=0xc423c4ef30*Engine).compactTSMLevel(0xc4201ba100, 0x177c800, 0x3, 0xc425480f60) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x90 fp=0xc423c4efa0 sp=0xc423c4ef70*Engine).enableLevelCompactions.func4(0xc4201ba100, 0xc425480f60) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x73 fp=0xc423c4efd0 sp=0xc423c4efa0 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc423c4efd8 sp=0xc423c4efd0 created by*Engine).enableLevelCompactions /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x19a goroutine 87 [select, 13 minutes]: runtime.gopark(0x177c718, 0x0, 0x16b87e1, 0x6, 0x18, 0x1) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc420220460 sp=0xc420220430 runtime.selectgo(0xc420220720, 0xc425480fc0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xc70 fp=0xc4202206d0 sp=0xc420220460*Service).waitForMetaUpdates(0xc4200ea300) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xff fp=0xc4202207b0 sp=0xc4202206d0*Service).Open.func2(0xc4200ea300) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x57 fp=0xc4202207d8 sp=0xc4202207b0 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc4202207e0 sp=0xc4202207d8 created by*Service).Open /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x190 goroutine 88 [semacquire]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1ae9640, 0x16bb9cd, 0xa, 0xc4203a2219, 0x4) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc4636c4448 sp=0xc4636c4418 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1ae9640, 0x16bb9cd, 0xa, 0xc4636c5d19, 0x4) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc4636c4488 sp=0xc4636c4448 runtime.semacquire1(0x1a972a4, 0x0, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1c1 fp=0xc4636c44f8 sp=0xc4636c4488 runtime.semacquire(0x1a972a4) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x39 fp=0xc4636c4520 sp=0xc4636c44f8 runtime.stopTheWorld(0x16bdc76, 0xe) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x31 fp=0xc4636c4540 sp=0xc4636c4520 runtime.ReadMemStats(0xc4636c4630) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x36 fp=0xc4636c4570 sp=0xc4636c4540*Monitor).Statistics(0xc4200917a0, 0xc42015c300, 0x1add080, 0x2540be400, 0x0, 0xed054d790, 0x1add080) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x2bd fp=0xc4636c5dc8 sp=0xc4636c4570*Monitor).storeStatistics(0xc4200917a0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x419 fp=0xc4636c5fd8 sp=0xc4636c5dc8 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc4636c5fe0 sp=0xc4636c5fd8 created by*Monitor).Open /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x2f0 goroutine 89 [select, 4 minutes]: runtime.gopark(0x177c718, 0x0, 0x16b87e1, 0x6, 0x18, 0x1) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc420354c50 sp=0xc420354c20 runtime.selectgo(0xc420354f48, 0xc425481200) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xc70 fp=0xc420354ec0 sp=0xc420354c50*Service).runPrecreation(0xc42016e000) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x14c fp=0xc420354fd8 sp=0xc420354ec0 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc420354fe0 sp=0xc420354fd8 created by*Service).Open /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x167 goroutine 90 [chan receive, 13 minutes]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0xc42005d8b8, 0x16bc842, 0xc, 0xc420021917, 0x3) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc42002b5d0 sp=0xc42002b5a0 runtime.goparkunlock(0xc42005d8b8, 0x16bc842, 0xc, 0x17, 0x3) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc42002b610 sp=0xc42002b5d0 runtime.chanrecv(0x15c3d00, 0xc42005d860, 0xc42002b720, 0x151a001, 0xc42015d2f0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x31b fp=0xc42002b6c0 sp=0xc42002b610 runtime.chanrecv2(0x15c3d00, 0xc42005d860, 0xc42002b720, 0x14113c6) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x35 fp=0xc42002b6f8 sp=0xc42002b6c0*listener).Accept(0xc420159f80, 0x177c840, 0xc420016dc0, 0xc400000000, 0xc42002b790) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5a fp=0xc42002b740 sp=0xc42002b6f8*Service).serve(0xc420016dc0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x78 fp=0xc42002b7d8 sp=0xc42002b740 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc42002b7e0 sp=0xc42002b7d8 created by*Service).Open /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb2 goroutine 91 [runnable]: runtime.gopark(0x177c718, 0x0, 0x16b87e1, 0x6, 0x18, 0x1) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc423c4bbf8 sp=0xc423c4bbc8 runtime.selectgo(0xc423c4bf10, 0xc454277d40) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xc70 fp=0xc423c4be68 sp=0xc423c4bbf8*Service).backgroundLoop(0xc4200a3300) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x19e fp=0xc423c4bfd8 sp=0xc423c4be68 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc423c4bfe0 sp=0xc423c4bfd8 created by*Service).Open /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1b5 goroutine 92 [IO wait]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6b0, 0x1c9ab90, 0x16b8ccc, 0x7, 0x1b, 0x5) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc423c4cba8 sp=0xc423c4cb78 runtime.netpollblock(0x1c9ab68, 0x72, 0xc423c4cc68) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xac fp=0xc423c4cbf0 sp=0xc423c4cba8 internal/poll.runtime_pollWait(0x1c9ab68, 0x72, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x59 fp=0xc423c4cc18 sp=0xc423c4cbf0 internal/poll.(*pollDesc).wait(0xc425684c18, 0x72, 0x1a9d780, 0x1a97578) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xae fp=0xc423c4cc48 sp=0xc423c4cc18 internal/poll.(*pollDesc).waitRead(0xc425684c18, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x34 fp=0xc423c4cc78 sp=0xc423c4cc48 internal/poll.(*FD).Accept(0xc425684c00, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1c8 fp=0xc423c4cce0 sp=0xc423c4cc78 net.(*netFD).accept(0xc425684c00, 0xc423c4cdf0, 0x1002384, 0xc42e385520) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x42 fp=0xc423c4cdb8 sp=0xc423c4cce0 net.(*TCPListener).accept(0xc42000e028, 0x128e79c, 0x1056830, 0xc423c4ce38) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x2e fp=0xc423c4cde8 sp=0xc423c4cdb8 net.(*TCPListener).Accept(0xc42000e028, 0x177c0e8, 0xc42e3854a0, 0x1aa5400, 0xc42e0080f0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x49 fp=0xc423c4ce30 sp=0xc423c4cde8 net/http.(*Server).Serve(0xc42fb2c000, 0x1aa40c0, 0xc42000e028, 0x0, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x228 fp=0xc423c4cee8 sp=0xc423c4ce30 net/http.Serve(0x1aa40c0, 0xc42000e028, 0x1a9ab80, 0xc42014e1b0, 0x1b, 0xc42015cafc) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x78 fp=0xc423c4cf28 sp=0xc423c4cee8*Service).serve(0xc42014e240, 0x1aa40c0, 0xc42000e028) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x62 fp=0xc423c4cfb0 sp=0xc423c4cf28*Service).serveTCP(0xc42014e240) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x3c fp=0xc423c4cfd8 sp=0xc423c4cfb0 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc423c4cfe0 sp=0xc423c4cfd8 created by*Service).Open /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5c5 goroutine 93 [select, 13 minutes]: runtime.gopark(0x177c718, 0x0, 0x16b87e1, 0x6, 0x18, 0x1) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc423c50a48 sp=0xc423c50a18 runtime.selectgo(0xc423c50f48, 0xc425470000) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xc70 fp=0xc423c50cb8 sp=0xc423c50a48*Service).deleteShardGroups(0xc420016fa0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1cb fp=0xc423c50fd8 sp=0xc423c50cb8 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc423c50fe0 sp=0xc423c50fd8 created by*Service).Open /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xfc goroutine 94 [select, 13 minutes]: runtime.gopark(0x177c718, 0x0, 0x16b87e1, 0x6, 0x18, 0x1) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc43ae8a858 sp=0xc43ae8a828 runtime.selectgo(0xc43ae8adf8, 0xc42547c3c0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xc70 fp=0xc43ae8aac8 sp=0xc43ae8a858*Service).deleteShards(0xc420016fa0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1dc fp=0xc43ae8afd8 sp=0xc43ae8aac8 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc43ae8afe0 sp=0xc43ae8afd8 created by*Service).Open /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x11e goroutine 95 [select, 13 minutes]: runtime.gopark(0x177c718, 0x0, 0x16b87e1, 0x6, 0x18, 0x1) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc43ae8fca0 sp=0xc43ae8fc70 runtime.selectgo(0xc43ae8ff48, 0xc4254814a0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xc70 fp=0xc43ae8ff10 sp=0xc43ae8fca0*Server).startServerReporting(0xc4200d8640) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x13c fp=0xc43ae8ffd8 sp=0xc43ae8ff10 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc43ae8ffe0 sp=0xc43ae8ffd8 created by*Server).Open /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xf9d goroutine 96 [select, 13 minutes]: runtime.gopark(0x177c718, 0x0, 0x16b87e1, 0x6, 0x18, 0x1) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc423c51c70 sp=0xc423c51c40 runtime.selectgo(0xc423c51f48, 0xc42005cde0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xc70 fp=0xc423c51ee0 sp=0xc423c51c70*Command).monitorServerErrors(0xc42014e000) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x181 fp=0xc423c51fd8 sp=0xc423c51ee0 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc423c51fe0 sp=0xc423c51fd8 created by*Command).Run /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x970 goroutine 97 [select, 13 minutes, locked to thread]: runtime.gopark(0x177c718, 0x0, 0x16b87e1, 0x6, 0x18, 0x1) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc43ae844a8 sp=0xc43ae84478 runtime.selectgo(0xc43ae84750, 0xc425481380) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xc70 fp=0xc43ae84718 sp=0xc43ae844a8 runtime.ensureSigM.func1() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1c6 fp=0xc43ae847e0 sp=0xc43ae84718 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc43ae847e8 sp=0xc43ae847e0 created by runtime.ensureSigM /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xda goroutine 28750 [semacquire]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6e0, 0x1ae9640, 0x16bb9cd, 0xa, 0xc4630eb119, 0x4) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc4203bb7b8 sp=0xc4203bb788 runtime.goparkunlock(0x1ae9640, 0x16bb9cd, 0xa, 0x19, 0x4) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5e fp=0xc4203bb7f8 sp=0xc4203bb7b8 runtime.semacquire1(0x1a972a4, 0x1afc200, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1c1 fp=0xc4203bb868 sp=0xc4203bb7f8 runtime.semacquire(0x1a972a4) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x39 fp=0xc4203bb890 sp=0xc4203bb868 runtime.stopTheWorld(0x16b9745, 0x7) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x31 fp=0xc4203bb8b0 sp=0xc4203bb890 runtime.GoroutineProfile(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc420023228, 0x3849a0dc2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x74 fp=0xc4203bb970 sp=0xc4203bb8b0 runtime/pprof.writeRuntimeProfile(0x1a9ba80, 0xc420ea8460, 0x1, 0x16badf9, 0x9, 0x177c430, 0x10545c0, 0xc45f855180) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x48 fp=0xc4203bb9f0 sp=0xc4203bb970 runtime/pprof.writeGoroutine(0x1a9ba80, 0xc420ea8460, 0x1, 0xc4200100b0, 0x1647e20) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xa0 fp=0xc4203bba40 sp=0xc4203bb9f0 runtime/pprof.(*Profile).WriteTo(0x1acf740, 0x1a9ba80, 0xc420ea8460, 0x1, 0xc420ea8460, 0xc4203bbbd0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x3b5 fp=0xc4203bbb70 sp=0xc4203bba40 net/http/pprof.handler.ServeHTTP(0xc461447ab1, 0x9, 0x1aa42c0, 0xc420ea8460, 0xc427ee1a00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1d1 fp=0xc4203bbc00 sp=0xc4203bbb70 net/http/pprof.Index(0x1aa42c0, 0xc420ea8460, 0xc427ee1a00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1e5 fp=0xc4203bbc90 sp=0xc4203bbc00*Handler).ServeHTTP(0xc42014e1b0, 0x1aa42c0, 0xc420ea8460, 0xc427ee1a00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x17d fp=0xc4203bbcf0 sp=0xc4203bbc90 net/http.serverHandler.ServeHTTP(0xc42fb2c000, 0x1aa42c0, 0xc420ea8460, 0xc427ee1a00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x92 fp=0xc4203bbd38 sp=0xc4203bbcf0 net/http.(*conn).serve(0xc425a05220, 0x1aa5340, 0xc43ae98880) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x6a5 fp=0xc4203bbfc8 sp=0xc4203bbd38 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc4203bbfd0 sp=0xc4203bbfc8 created by net/http.(*Server).Serve /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x30c goroutine 28751 [IO wait]: runtime.gopark(0x177c6b0, 0x35c4868, 0x16b8ccc, 0x7, 0x1077e1b, 0x5) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x12c fp=0xc43b8fdd78 sp=0xc43b8fdd48 runtime.netpollblock(0x35c4840, 0xffffff0000000072, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xac fp=0xc43b8fddc0 sp=0xc43b8fdd78 internal/poll.runtime_pollWait(0x35c4840, 0x72, 0x1073fc9) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x59 fp=0xc43b8fdde8 sp=0xc43b8fddc0 internal/poll.(*pollDesc).wait(0xc469e71c18, 0x72, 0x1a9d780, 0x1a97578) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xae fp=0xc43b8fde18 sp=0xc43b8fdde8 internal/poll.(*pollDesc).waitRead(0xc469e71c18, 0xc43ae98991, 0x1) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x34 fp=0xc43b8fde48 sp=0xc43b8fde18 internal/poll.(*FD).Read(0xc469e71c00, 0xc43ae98991, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x15e fp=0xc43b8fde98 sp=0xc43b8fde48 net.(*netFD).Read(0xc469e71c00, 0xc43ae98991, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x52 fp=0xc43b8fdf00 sp=0xc43b8fde98 net.(*conn).Read(0xc465c40888, 0xc43ae98991, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x6d fp=0xc43b8fdf68 sp=0xc43b8fdf00 net/http.(*connReader).backgroundRead(0xc43ae98980) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x62 fp=0xc43b8fdfd8 sp=0xc43b8fdf68 runtime.goexit() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x1 fp=0xc43b8fdfe0 sp=0xc43b8fdfd8 created by net/http.(*connReader).startBackgroundRead /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xe1 rax 0x0 rbx 0xc447b4d990 rcx 0x0 rdx 0xc41ec25933 rdi 0x10545c0 rsi 0x10 rbp 0x7fff5fbff740 rsp 0x7fff5fbff6f0 r8 0x0 r9 0xc447b4d980 r10 0xc447b4d980 r11 0x3e8 r12 0x3e8 r13 0xc447b4fe78 r14 0x1 r15 0x10 rip 0x101356d rflags 0x206 cs 0x2b fs 0x0 gs 0x0 ----- SIGQUIT: quit PC=0x105b2a3 m=2 sigcode=0 goroutine 0 [idle]: runtime.mach_semaphore_timedwait(0x3c00003803, 0x0, 0xb0080d04, 0x3c, 0x16b7a97, 0xc420000900, 0xb0080d38, 0x10559c3, 0xdf8475800, 0xc400000000, ...) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x13 fp=0xb0080ce0 sp=0xb0080cd8 runtime.semasleep1(0xdf8475800, 0xc400000000) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xdf fp=0xb0080d20 sp=0xb0080ce0 runtime.semasleep.func1() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x33 fp=0xb0080d48 sp=0xb0080d20 runtime.systemstack(0xb0080d60) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xab fp=0xb0080d50 sp=0xb0080d48 runtime.semasleep(0xdf8475800, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x44 fp=0xb0080d88 sp=0xb0080d50 runtime.notetsleep_internal(0x1add338, 0xdf8475800, 0xc420000900, 0xc6ae97a21d, 0xc420000900) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x10b fp=0xb0080db8 sp=0xb0080d88 runtime.notetsleep(0x1add338, 0xdf8475800, 0xaea184b801) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x75 fp=0xb0080df0 sp=0xb0080db8 runtime.sysmon() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x138 fp=0xb0080e68 sp=0xb0080df0 runtime.mstart1() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x11e fp=0xb0080e90 sp=0xb0080e68 runtime.mstart() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x61 fp=0xb0080ea8 sp=0xb0080e90 rax 0xe rbx 0x3c rcx 0xb0080cd8 rdx 0x0 rdi 0x3803 rsi 0x3c rbp 0xb0080d10 rsp 0xb0080cd8 r8 0xb0080dd0 r9 0xb r10 0x55c60c6d r11 0x202 r12 0x5427b608cfd83 r13 0x8ff r14 0x102f1a0 r15 0x1001830 rip 0x105b2a3 rflags 0x202 cs 0x7 fs 0x0 gs 0x0 ----- SIGQUIT: quit PC=0x105b28b m=3 sigcode=0 goroutine 0 [idle]: runtime.mach_semaphore_wait(0xc400001303, 0x103772b, 0xc42001d300, 0xc420000d80, 0xb0103e38, 0xc420000d80, 0xb0103e50, 0x10559c3, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x103319a, ...) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb fp=0xb0103df8 sp=0xb0103df0 runtime.semasleep1(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x103319a) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x4b fp=0xb0103e38 sp=0xb0103df8 runtime.semasleep.func1() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x33 fp=0xb0103e60 sp=0xb0103e38 runtime.systemstack(0xc42001d300) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x79 fp=0xb0103e68 sp=0xb0103e60 runtime.mstart() /Users/jason/go/src/ fp=0xb0103e70 sp=0xb0103e68 rax 0xe rbx 0xb0103e60 rcx 0xb0103df0 rdx 0xc42002dee8 rdi 0x1303 rsi 0x10573c0 rbp 0xb0103e28 rsp 0xb0103df0 r8 0xc420001500 r9 0x8 r10 0x0 r11 0x286 r12 0x0 r13 0x0 r14 0x11 r15 0x0 rip 0x105b28b rflags 0x286 cs 0x7 fs 0x0 gs 0x0 ----- SIGQUIT: quit PC=0x105b28b m=4 sigcode=0 goroutine 0 [idle]: runtime.mach_semaphore_wait(0x1003, 0x0, 0x1afbcc0, 0x0, 0x10202ad, 0xc420001200, 0xb0186ca0, 0x10559c3, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0, ...) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb fp=0xb0186c48 sp=0xb0186c40 runtime.semasleep1(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x4b fp=0xb0186c88 sp=0xb0186c48 runtime.semasleep.func1() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x33 fp=0xb0186cb0 sp=0xb0186c88 runtime.systemstack(0xb0186cc8) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xab fp=0xb0186cb8 sp=0xb0186cb0 runtime.semasleep(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x100fcda) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x44 fp=0xb0186cf0 sp=0xb0186cb8 runtime.notesleep(0xc420030b90) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xdf fp=0xb0186d28 sp=0xb0186cf0 runtime.stopm() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xad fp=0xb0186d50 sp=0xb0186d28 runtime.findrunnable(0xc420024600, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5a0 fp=0xb0186de8 sp=0xb0186d50 runtime.schedule() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x134 fp=0xb0186e28 sp=0xb0186de8 runtime.park_m(0xc420069080) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb6 fp=0xb0186e60 sp=0xb0186e28 runtime.mcall(0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5b fp=0xb0186e70 sp=0xb0186e60 rax 0xe rbx 0xc420030a80 rcx 0xb0186c40 rdx 0xb0186cc8 rdi 0x1003 rsi 0xc420384301 rbp 0xb0186c78 rsp 0xb0186c40 r8 0xc420324001 r9 0x8 r10 0x0 r11 0x286 r12 0x5427b608cfd83 r13 0x0 r14 0x1058cc0 r15 0x0 rip 0x105b28b rflags 0x286 cs 0x7 fs 0x0 gs 0x0 ----- SIGQUIT: quit PC=0x105b28b m=5 sigcode=0 goroutine 0 [idle]: runtime.mach_semaphore_wait(0x1503, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1466f8e, 0x1028a3b, 0xc420068180, 0xb0209c78, 0x10559c3, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0, ...) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb fp=0xb0209c20 sp=0xb0209c18 runtime.semasleep1(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x4b fp=0xb0209c60 sp=0xb0209c20 runtime.semasleep.func1() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x33 fp=0xb0209c88 sp=0xb0209c60 runtime.systemstack(0xb0209ca0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xab fp=0xb0209c90 sp=0xb0209c88 runtime.semasleep(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x44 fp=0xb0209cc8 sp=0xb0209c90 runtime.notesleep(0xc420066110) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xdf fp=0xb0209d00 sp=0xb0209cc8 runtime.stopm() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xad fp=0xb0209d28 sp=0xb0209d00 runtime.gcstopm() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb7 fp=0xb0209d50 sp=0xb0209d28 runtime.findrunnable(0xc420020c00, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5f fp=0xb0209de8 sp=0xb0209d50 runtime.schedule() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x134 fp=0xb0209e28 sp=0xb0209de8 runtime.park_m(0xc420340c00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb6 fp=0xb0209e60 sp=0xb0209e28 runtime.mcall(0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5b fp=0xb0209e70 sp=0xb0209e60 rax 0xe rbx 0xc420066000 rcx 0xb0209c18 rdx 0xb0209ca0 rdi 0x1503 rsi 0xc420066001 rbp 0xb0209c50 rsp 0xb0209c18 r8 0x0 r9 0x8 r10 0x0 r11 0x286 r12 0xc454277d40 r13 0xc454277d40 r14 0xc454277d88 r15 0x0 rip 0x105b28b rflags 0x286 cs 0x7 fs 0x0 gs 0x0 ----- SIGQUIT: quit PC=0x105b2a3 m=6 sigcode=0 goroutine 0 [idle]: runtime.mach_semaphore_timedwait(0x300001f03, 0xc423c1aa7e, 0xb028ce1c, 0xc400000003, 0x23c1aa7eb028ce38, 0xc420068480, 0xb028ce50, 0x10559c3, 0xd692087e, 0x103319a, ...) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x13 fp=0xb028cdf8 sp=0xb028cdf0 runtime.semasleep1(0xd692087e, 0x103319a) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xdf fp=0xb028ce38 sp=0xb028cdf8 runtime.semasleep.func1() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x33 fp=0xb028ce60 sp=0xb028ce38 runtime.systemstack(0xc42001e600) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x79 fp=0xb028ce68 sp=0xb028ce60 runtime.mstart() /Users/jason/go/src/ fp=0xb028ce70 sp=0xb028ce68 rax 0xe rbx 0x3 rcx 0xb028cdf0 rdx 0x23c1aa7e rdi 0x1f03 rsi 0x3 rbp 0xb028ce28 rsp 0xb028cdf0 r8 0xc420001e00 r9 0xb r10 0x55c60c6d r11 0x202 r12 0x5427b608cfd83 r13 0x663a710121e18 r14 0x14aa952cb2309c00 r15 0x8a rip 0x105b2a3 rflags 0x202 cs 0x7 fs 0x0 gs 0x0 ----- SIGQUIT: quit PC=0x105b28b m=7 sigcode=0 goroutine 0 [idle]: runtime.mach_semaphore_wait(0x2103, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc420188180, 0xb030fca0, 0x10559c3, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0, ...) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb fp=0xb030fc48 sp=0xb030fc40 runtime.semasleep1(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x4b fp=0xb030fc88 sp=0xb030fc48 runtime.semasleep.func1() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x33 fp=0xb030fcb0 sp=0xb030fc88 runtime.systemstack(0xb030fcc8) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xab fp=0xb030fcb8 sp=0xb030fcb0 runtime.semasleep(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x44 fp=0xb030fcf0 sp=0xb030fcb8 runtime.notesleep(0xc420182110) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xdf fp=0xb030fd28 sp=0xb030fcf0 runtime.stopm() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xad fp=0xb030fd50 sp=0xb030fd28 runtime.findrunnable(0xc420024600, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5a0 fp=0xb030fde8 sp=0xb030fd50 runtime.schedule() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x134 fp=0xb030fe28 sp=0xb030fde8 runtime.park_m(0xc420389800) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb6 fp=0xb030fe60 sp=0xb030fe28 runtime.mcall(0x1ffc080) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5b fp=0xb030fe70 sp=0xb030fe60 rax 0xe rbx 0xc420182000 rcx 0xb030fc40 rdx 0xb030fcc8 rdi 0x2103 rsi 0x801 rbp 0xb030fc78 rsp 0xb030fc40 r8 0x3 r9 0x8 r10 0xb8b634ec4b r11 0x286 r12 0x5427b608cfd83 r13 0x0 r14 0x11 r15 0x22 rip 0x105b28b rflags 0x286 cs 0x7 fs 0x0 gs 0x0 ----- SIGQUIT: quit PC=0x105b28b m=8 sigcode=0 goroutine 0 [idle]: runtime.mach_semaphore_wait(0x2403, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc4201b0180, 0xb0392ca0, 0x10559c3, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xd6, ...) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb fp=0xb0392c48 sp=0xb0392c40 runtime.semasleep1(0xffffffffffffffff, 0xd6) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x4b fp=0xb0392c88 sp=0xb0392c48 runtime.semasleep.func1() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x33 fp=0xb0392cb0 sp=0xb0392c88 runtime.systemstack(0xb0392cc8) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xab fp=0xb0392cb8 sp=0xb0392cb0 runtime.semasleep(0xffffffffffffffff, 0xb0392d10) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x44 fp=0xb0392cf0 sp=0xb0392cb8 runtime.notesleep(0xc4201ac110) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xdf fp=0xb0392d28 sp=0xb0392cf0 runtime.stopm() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xad fp=0xb0392d50 sp=0xb0392d28 runtime.findrunnable(0xc42001d300, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5a0 fp=0xb0392de8 sp=0xb0392d50 runtime.schedule() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x134 fp=0xb0392e28 sp=0xb0392de8 runtime.park_m(0xc420388900) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb6 fp=0xb0392e60 sp=0xb0392e28 runtime.mcall(0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5b fp=0xb0392e70 sp=0xb0392e60 rax 0xe rbx 0xc4201ac000 rcx 0xb0392c40 rdx 0xb0392cc8 rdi 0x2403 rsi 0x801 rbp 0xb0392c78 rsp 0xb0392c40 r8 0x3 r9 0x8 r10 0xb8b6352a58 r11 0x286 r12 0x5427b608cfd83 r13 0x0 r14 0x11 r15 0x0 rip 0x105b28b rflags 0x286 cs 0x7 fs 0x0 gs 0x0 ----- SIGQUIT: quit PC=0x105b28b m=9 sigcode=0 goroutine 0 [idle]: runtime.mach_semaphore_wait(0x2703, 0x0, 0x1021a11, 0x1ae4138, 0x38476a7d0, 0xc420326180, 0xb0415ca0, 0x10559c3, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x192, ...) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb fp=0xb0415c48 sp=0xb0415c40 runtime.semasleep1(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x192) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x4b fp=0xb0415c88 sp=0xb0415c48 runtime.semasleep.func1() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x33 fp=0xb0415cb0 sp=0xb0415c88 runtime.systemstack(0xb0415cc8) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xab fp=0xb0415cb8 sp=0xb0415cb0 runtime.semasleep(0xffffffffffffffff, 0xb0415d10) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x44 fp=0xb0415cf0 sp=0xb0415cb8 runtime.notesleep(0xc420324110) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xdf fp=0xb0415d28 sp=0xb0415cf0 runtime.stopm() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xad fp=0xb0415d50 sp=0xb0415d28 runtime.findrunnable(0xc42001c000, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5a0 fp=0xb0415de8 sp=0xb0415d50 runtime.schedule() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x134 fp=0xb0415e28 sp=0xb0415de8 runtime.park_m(0xc420340300) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb6 fp=0xb0415e60 sp=0xb0415e28 runtime.mcall(0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5b fp=0xb0415e70 sp=0xb0415e60 rax 0xe rbx 0xc420324000 rcx 0xb0415c40 rdx 0xb0415cc8 rdi 0x2703 rsi 0x801 rbp 0xb0415c78 rsp 0xb0415c40 r8 0x3 r9 0x8 r10 0xb8b63519ba r11 0x286 r12 0x5427b608cfd83 r13 0x0 r14 0x11 r15 0x0 rip 0x105b28b rflags 0x286 cs 0x7 fs 0x0 gs 0x0 ----- SIGQUIT: quit PC=0x105b28b m=10 sigcode=0 goroutine 0 [idle]: runtime.mach_semaphore_wait(0x2a03, 0xc4200690d0, 0x0, 0xb0498ca8, 0x105747b, 0xc420340180, 0xb0498ca0, 0x10559c3, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x19f, ...) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb fp=0xb0498c48 sp=0xb0498c40 runtime.semasleep1(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x19f) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x4b fp=0xb0498c88 sp=0xb0498c48 runtime.semasleep.func1() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x33 fp=0xb0498cb0 sp=0xb0498c88 runtime.systemstack(0xb0498cc8) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xab fp=0xb0498cb8 sp=0xb0498cb0 runtime.semasleep(0xffffffffffffffff, 0xcc) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x44 fp=0xb0498cf0 sp=0xb0498cb8 runtime.notesleep(0xc42033e110) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xdf fp=0xb0498d28 sp=0xb0498cf0 runtime.stopm() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xad fp=0xb0498d50 sp=0xb0498d28 runtime.findrunnable(0xc420024600, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5a0 fp=0xb0498de8 sp=0xb0498d50 runtime.schedule() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x134 fp=0xb0498e28 sp=0xb0498de8 runtime.park_m(0xc420069080) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb6 fp=0xb0498e60 sp=0xb0498e28 runtime.mcall(0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5b fp=0xb0498e70 sp=0xb0498e60 rax 0xe rbx 0xc42033e000 rcx 0xb0498c40 rdx 0xb0498cc8 rdi 0x2a03 rsi 0x1 rbp 0xb0498c78 rsp 0xb0498c40 r8 0x3 r9 0x8 r10 0x55c60c6d r11 0x286 r12 0x5427b608cfd83 r13 0x0 r14 0x1058cc0 r15 0x0 rip 0x105b28b rflags 0x286 cs 0x7 fs 0x0 gs 0x0 ----- SIGQUIT: quit PC=0x105b28b m=11 sigcode=0 goroutine 0 [idle]: runtime.mach_semaphore_wait(0x2d03, 0xaca88800, 0x1afbcc0, 0x0, 0x10202ad, 0xc420388180, 0xb051bca0, 0x10559c3, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x101fd5f, ...) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb fp=0xb051bc48 sp=0xb051bc40 runtime.semasleep1(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x101fd5f) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x4b fp=0xb051bc88 sp=0xb051bc48 runtime.semasleep.func1() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x33 fp=0xb051bcb0 sp=0xb051bc88 runtime.systemstack(0xb051bcc8) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xab fp=0xb051bcb8 sp=0xb051bcb0 runtime.semasleep(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x100fcda) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x44 fp=0xb051bcf0 sp=0xb051bcb8 runtime.notesleep(0xc420384110) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xdf fp=0xb051bd28 sp=0xb051bcf0 runtime.stopm() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xad fp=0xb051bd50 sp=0xb051bd28 runtime.findrunnable(0xc42001c000, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5a0 fp=0xb051bde8 sp=0xb051bd50 runtime.schedule() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x134 fp=0xb051be28 sp=0xb051bde8 runtime.park_m(0xc420001680) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb6 fp=0xb051be60 sp=0xb051be28 runtime.mcall(0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5b fp=0xb051be70 sp=0xb051be60 rax 0xe rbx 0xc420384000 rcx 0xb051bc40 rdx 0xb051bcc8 rdi 0x2d03 rsi 0xc420030a01 rbp 0xb051bc78 rsp 0xb051bc40 r8 0xb051bcb8 r9 0x8 r10 0x0 r11 0x286 r12 0x5427b608cfd83 r13 0xc42cf38a38 r14 0x1 r15 0x20 rip 0x105b28b rflags 0x286 cs 0x7 fs 0x0 gs 0x0 ----- SIGQUIT: quit PC=0x105b28b m=13 sigcode=0 goroutine 0 [idle]: runtime.mach_semaphore_wait(0x3403, 0x0, 0x1afbcc0, 0x0, 0x10202ad, 0xc420069380, 0xb0621ca0, 0x10559c3, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0, ...) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb fp=0xb0621c48 sp=0xb0621c40 runtime.semasleep1(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x4b fp=0xb0621c88 sp=0xb0621c48 runtime.semasleep.func1() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x33 fp=0xb0621cb0 sp=0xb0621c88 runtime.systemstack(0xb0621cc8) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xab fp=0xb0621cb8 sp=0xb0621cb0 runtime.semasleep(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x100fcda) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x44 fp=0xb0621cf0 sp=0xb0621cb8 runtime.notesleep(0xc420066810) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xdf fp=0xb0621d28 sp=0xb0621cf0 runtime.stopm() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xad fp=0xb0621d50 sp=0xb0621d28 runtime.findrunnable(0xc42001d300, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5a0 fp=0xb0621de8 sp=0xb0621d50 runtime.schedule() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x134 fp=0xb0621e28 sp=0xb0621de8 runtime.park_m(0xc420068600) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb6 fp=0xb0621e60 sp=0xb0621e28 runtime.mcall(0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5b fp=0xb0621e70 sp=0xb0621e60 rax 0xe rbx 0xc420066700 rcx 0xb0621c40 rdx 0xb0621cc8 rdi 0x3403 rsi 0xc420066001 rbp 0xb0621c78 rsp 0xb0621c40 r8 0x1adda61 r9 0x8 r10 0x0 r11 0x286 r12 0x5427b608cfd83 r13 0x0 r14 0x1058cc0 r15 0x0 rip 0x105b28b rflags 0x286 cs 0x7 fs 0x0 gs 0x0 ----- SIGQUIT: quit PC=0x105b28b m=14 sigcode=0 goroutine 0 [idle]: runtime.mach_semaphore_wait(0x3603, 0xb06a4c98, 0x1021c74, 0x1ae4120, 0x384c756f8, 0xc420388480, 0xb06a4ca0, 0x10559c3, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x1c2, ...) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb fp=0xb06a4c48 sp=0xb06a4c40 runtime.semasleep1(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x1c2) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x4b fp=0xb06a4c88 sp=0xb06a4c48 runtime.semasleep.func1() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x33 fp=0xb06a4cb0 sp=0xb06a4c88 runtime.systemstack(0xb06a4cc8) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xab fp=0xb06a4cb8 sp=0xb06a4cb0 runtime.semasleep(0xffffffffffffffff, 0xb06a4d10) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x44 fp=0xb06a4cf0 sp=0xb06a4cb8 runtime.notesleep(0xc420384490) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xdf fp=0xb06a4d28 sp=0xb06a4cf0 runtime.stopm() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xad fp=0xb06a4d50 sp=0xb06a4d28 runtime.findrunnable(0xc42001d300, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5a0 fp=0xb06a4de8 sp=0xb06a4d50 runtime.schedule() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x134 fp=0xb06a4e28 sp=0xb06a4de8 runtime.park_m(0xc4203ac180) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb6 fp=0xb06a4e60 sp=0xb06a4e28 runtime.mcall(0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5b fp=0xb06a4e70 sp=0xb06a4e60 rax 0xe rbx 0xc420384380 rcx 0xb06a4c40 rdx 0xb06a4cc8 rdi 0x3603 rsi 0x801 rbp 0xb06a4c78 rsp 0xb06a4c40 r8 0x3 r9 0x8 r10 0xb8b6352f86 r11 0x286 r12 0x5427b608cfd83 r13 0x663a6d4763ec0 r14 0x14aa952c7695d200 r15 0xea rip 0x105b28b rflags 0x286 cs 0x7 fs 0x0 gs 0x0 ----- SIGQUIT: quit PC=0x105b28b m=15 sigcode=0 goroutine 0 [idle]: runtime.mach_semaphore_wait(0xc400004303, 0xc400000000, 0x38530dc80, 0x10559c3, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0xc442c2a300, 0x38530dca0, 0x10559c3, 0xffffffffffffffff, 0x1fc2a, ...) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb fp=0x38530dc48 sp=0x38530dc40 runtime.semasleep1(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x1fc2a) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x4b fp=0x38530dc88 sp=0x38530dc48 runtime.semasleep.func1() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x33 fp=0x38530dcb0 sp=0x38530dc88 runtime.systemstack(0x38530dcc8) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xab fp=0x38530dcb8 sp=0x38530dcb0 runtime.semasleep(0xffffffffffffffff, 0x38530dd10) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x44 fp=0x38530dcf0 sp=0x38530dcb8 runtime.notesleep(0xc45f855290) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xdf fp=0x38530dd28 sp=0x38530dcf0 runtime.stopm() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xad fp=0x38530dd50 sp=0x38530dd28 runtime.findrunnable(0xc42001f900, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5a0 fp=0x38530dde8 sp=0x38530dd50 runtime.schedule() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x134 fp=0x38530de28 sp=0x38530dde8 runtime.park_m(0xc420388c00) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb6 fp=0x38530de60 sp=0x38530de28 runtime.mcall(0xad5fc080) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5b fp=0x38530de70 sp=0x38530de60 rax 0xe rbx 0xc45f855180 rcx 0x38530dc40 rdx 0x38530dcc8 rdi 0x4303 rsi 0x801 rbp 0x38530dc78 rsp 0x38530dc40 r8 0x3 r9 0x8 r10 0xb8b6345a02 r11 0x286 r12 0x5427b608cfd83 r13 0x0 r14 0x32 r15 0x29 rip 0x105b28b rflags 0x286 cs 0x7 fs 0x0 gs 0x0 ----- SIGQUIT: quit PC=0x105b2a3 m=16 sigcode=0 goroutine 0 [idle]: runtime.mach_semaphore_timedwait(0x4603, 0x186a0, 0x3856e0d04, 0x300000000, 0x186a001012071, 0xc4419ac780, 0x3856e0d38, 0x10559c3, 0x186a0, 0xc4ffffffff, ...) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x13 fp=0x3856e0ce0 sp=0x3856e0cd8 runtime.semasleep1(0x186a0, 0xc4ffffffff) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xdf fp=0x3856e0d20 sp=0x3856e0ce0 runtime.semasleep.func1() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x33 fp=0x3856e0d48 sp=0x3856e0d20 runtime.systemstack(0x3856e0d60) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xab fp=0x3856e0d50 sp=0x3856e0d48 runtime.semasleep(0x186a0, 0x3ffffffff) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x44 fp=0x3856e0d88 sp=0x3856e0d50 runtime.notetsleep_internal(0x1add350, 0x186a0, 0xc4419ac780, 0xb8b8918fb8, 0xc420024500) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x10b fp=0x3856e0db8 sp=0x3856e0d88 runtime.notetsleep(0x1add350, 0x186a0, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x75 fp=0x3856e0df0 sp=0x3856e0db8 runtime.forEachP(0x177c580) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x374 fp=0x3856e0e48 sp=0x3856e0df0 runtime.gcMarkDone.func1() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x2d fp=0x3856e0e60 sp=0x3856e0e48 runtime.systemstack(0xc4419ac7b8) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x79 fp=0x3856e0e68 sp=0x3856e0e60 runtime.mstart() /Users/jason/go/src/ fp=0x3856e0e70 sp=0x3856e0e68 goroutine 41 [running]: rax 0xe rbx 0x0 rcx 0x3856e0cd8 rdx 0x186a0 rdi 0x4603 rsi 0x0 rbp 0x3856e0d10 rsp 0x3856e0cd8 r8 0x0 r9 0xb r10 0x55c60c6d r11 0x202 r12 0x5427b608cfd83 r13 0x0 r14 0x11 r15 0xbc rip 0x105b2a3 rflags 0x202 cs 0x7 fs 0x0 gs 0x0 ----- SIGQUIT: quit PC=0x105b373 m=17 sigcode=0 goroutine 0 [idle]: runtime.kevent(0x300000004, 0x0, 0x0, 0x385763540, 0x40, 0x0, 0x1, 0x100000000, 0x1, 0x0, ...) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x23 fp=0x3857634d8 sp=0x3857634d0 runtime.netpoll(0xc420024601, 0xc42001f901) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb4 fp=0x385763d50 sp=0x3857634d8 runtime.findrunnable(0xc42001c000, 0x0) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5db fp=0x385763de8 sp=0x385763d50 runtime.schedule() /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x134 fp=0x385763e28 sp=0x385763de8 runtime.park_m(0xc442684180) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0xb6 fp=0x385763e60 sp=0x385763e28 runtime.mcall(0x1ffc080) /Users/jason/go/src/ +0x5b fp=0x385763e70 sp=0x385763e60 rax 0x4 rbx 0x0 rcx 0x3857634d0 rdx 0x0 rdi 0x4 rsi 0x0 rbp 0x385763d40 rsp 0x3857634d0 r8 0x40 r9 0x0 r10 0x385763540 r11 0x246 r12 0x0 r13 0x0 r14 0xff r15 0xffffffffffffffff rip 0x105b373 rflags 0x247 cs 0x7 fs 0x0 gs 0x0 ----- influxdb:influxdb jason$