God Memory Usage Grows Steadily

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Jun 3, 2009, 2:58:41 PM6/3/09
to god.rb
Hi, I noticed that my God process steadily grows its RAM consumption.
God has been running on my server for about a week and it has grown to
296m VIRT and 283m RES. Does anyone else see this with their God
process? Is there a command to restart God without affecting the


Matt Davies

Jun 3, 2009, 3:07:05 PM6/3/09
to god...@googlegroups.com
Hi John

How do you know that God is consuming that much RAM?  I ask as I cant remember the command to show the RAM usage of a process


Bad me

I run God, so I might be able to help

2009/6/3 J M <post.john...@gmail.com>

Lee Hambley

Jun 3, 2009, 3:36:51 PM6/3/09
to god...@googlegroups.com
Speaking of RAM, how does God check memory of processes, presumably some kind of system thing that we can measure outside God, too?

- Lee

2009/6/3 Matt Davies <ton...@gmail.com>


Jun 3, 2009, 11:20:59 PM6/3/09
to god.rb
Hi, I'm checking memory usage by using the following command in
ubuntu: top

Then type shift + m, and it sorts by memory usage.

On Jun 3, 3:07 pm, Matt Davies <tonm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi John
> How do you know that God is consuming that much RAM?  I ask as I cant
> remember the command to show the RAM usage of a process
> :-(
> Bad me
> I run God, so I might be able to help
> 2009/6/3 J M <post.john.mccar...@gmail.com>

Matt Davies

Jun 4, 2009, 5:08:14 AM6/4/09
to god...@googlegroups.com
HI John

My live server thats a really busy site we got God running for over a year and a half and it's never grown to that.  It's running at about 122 virt and 42 res on ubuntu 8.0.4, 2 gigs ram.

Have you tried monitoring god with something like Monit?

I have read about people doing just that.

Some good stuff here that might help, don't forget the comments 

2009/6/4 J M <post.john...@gmail.com>

Richard Heycock

Jun 4, 2009, 8:19:37 AM6/4/09
to god. rb
Excerpts from post.john.mccarthy's message of Thu Jun 04 04:58:41 +1000 2009:

God is known to have memory leaks, it's the reason I stopped using it.
Sorry to be so blunt but that's the way it is.



Jun 4, 2009, 10:23:56 AM6/4/09
to god.rb
For me, any version after 0.7.8 leaks like crazy. I'm on CentOS 5. I
have god.rb on several servers, and 0.7.8 stays right at about 20m RES
forever. Later versions jump up about 10m per day. There was a long
thread earlier about finding the leak, and it seemed to work with a
fix for 0.7.8. The leak has returned now, and the recommendation is
that it is fixed with Ruby 1.9. However, going to Ruby 1.9 is not
practical for me.

Richard Heycock

Jun 4, 2009, 5:33:45 PM6/4/09
to god. rb
Excerpts from gobigdave's message of Fri Jun 05 00:23:56 +1000 2009:

> For me, any version after 0.7.8 leaks like crazy. I'm on CentOS 5. I
> have god.rb on several servers, and 0.7.8 stays right at about 20m RES
> forever. Later versions jump up about 10m per day. There was a long
> thread earlier about finding the leak, and it seemed to work with a
> fix for 0.7.8. The leak has returned now, and the recommendation is
> that it is fixed with Ruby 1.9. However, going to Ruby 1.9 is not
> practical for me.

That's worth knowing. I'm using 1.9 so that's not a hurdle for me.



Jun 8, 2009, 6:15:42 PM6/8/09
to god.rb
Hmmm, is there a way to restart god without affecting the watches? I
wouldn't mind having a cron task restart god every now and then.
Would you recommend using Monit?



Jun 30, 2009, 2:24:58 AM6/30/09
to god.rb
I run a very busy site and had similar problems with god.
Adding this cron task solved the problem:

# Restarting god weekly at midnight
0 0 * * 0 root god quit; sleep 1; killall -9 god; sleep 1; god -c /


Jul 16, 2009, 1:50:49 PM7/16/09
to god.rb
Running a cron for god is probly a good idea anyway, as no one is
watching god to make sure he doesn't get out of control or go away.

I suppose cron (time) is the ultimate master of daemons.

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