Hi Frank, thanks for the fast reply.
I have changed the analytics project to point at the same version.cs
as the rest of the projects.
I have not added the analytics project to the mobile solution (I
haven't worked with mobile projects before, so I prefer if you could
add it - although it only seems to be links the the original project
Also, I haven't build any release or debug assemblies because the
mobile version was missing and because I was unsure if my project is
signed correct. I have used a pfx keyfile. The rest of the projects
are signed with an sn keyfile - should this be changed? If so, is this
something you could do?
I was unsuccessfull in building documentation, I couldn't get the
Sandcastle Help File Builder to work even with the pushdoc.cmd. I
created an analytics.xml file in /docs/ - but not really sure if this
is something that is autogenerated. Every method in the vs-project is
commented, but if the analytics.xml should be manually create please
let me know.
Other stuff that is missing:
Adding release dlls to /lib/ (Release, Debug, Mobile) - I have not
built release, debug nor mobile dlls.
Creating mobile analytics project needs to be done.
Nothing changed in the /Google Data API Setup/ folder - don't know if
its necessary.
Updating Makefile (line 34, 56 and 74 added - nothing added for
keyfile and forth, so this needs to be done).
analytics project + unit tests added to /src/ folder.
new extensions added to project: aggregates.cs, dimension.cs,
metric.cs, property.cs, tableid.cs and tablename.cs.
gdatanametable.cs updated.
analytics sample project added to the /samples/ folder.
gdata-sharp-analytics.pc.in created in /misc/ folder.
Analytics.exe added to the /lib/Release/ folder (might need to be
recompiled with new assemblies).
Updated BaseLiveTestClass and unittests.dll.config to hold AccountId
for analytics tests.
Updated pushdlls.cmd in /misc/ folder for analytics (line 26, 44, 69,
75 and 107 added).
Here is a link to the patch file:
Here is a link to a package with the full svn trunk with my changes:
http://www.sitereactor.dk/media/Google GData.zip
I hope all the above is enough to get my code added to the trunk and
future release. If there is anything else you need or that I missed
please let me know :)
Best regards,
Morten Christensen