>>>> 第四届复旦大学EMBA纽约论坛暨校友游轮晚宴邀请 >>>> >>>> 尊敬的复旦大学校友和朋友, >>>> >>>> 继成功举办前三届复旦EMBA和纽约校友论坛及游轮晚宴活动之后,我们再次诚挚地邀请您参与这次由复旦大学管理学院主办,复旦大学美国校友会和管理学院纽约校友联络处承办的复旦校友活动。该活动旨在搭建复旦校友、学院、企业和社会之间多维的高端沟通平台,加强海内外校友的联络和交流,为美国校友寻求国内机会,也为中国校友帮助发展海外事业。活动将通过演讲、论坛、及游船晚宴等形式,让国内外的复旦学生和校友互相认识,交流工作经验,分享经营投资心得,以及探讨合作机会。我们将邀请纽约地区校友中杰出学者教授、特别嘉宾、资深专业人士演讲。同时复旦大学管理学院EMBA 班也将访问纽约并共同举办上述论坛和联谊活动。他们将在MIT、Harvard、West Point等学校进修课程之后,来纽约参加论坛和校友活动,与众多校友共同学习和交流。来访的EMBA 班约有80位成员,均在国内的银行、保险、房地产、医药和制造企业中担任高级管理职务或是企业创始人,例如银行行长、公司总裁、董事长等。来访的EMBA学生不仅有丰富的企业管理经验,也有独特的成功经营之道。复旦-华盛顿大学合作的EMBA项目连续6年被金融时报(Financial Times)评为大陆地区第一名,复旦大学管理学院被金融时报2012年评为远东排名第一的商学院。 >>>> >>>> 本次活动将在美国银行纽约总部大楼举行论坛探讨中美财富管理和经济发展热门话题。我们也将租用豪华游轮,在私密的游轮上和校友、嘉宾、EMBA进行晚宴和品酒,尽兴地深入交流,轻松对话中美投资商机、经济金融、移民、子女教育等共同关心的话题,同时欣赏曼哈顿岛的美丽夜景,另外还有北美崔哥的脱口秀助兴。 >>>> >>>> 关于活动详情,请看附件. 我们非常期待你的支持和参与。由于位子有限,前三次活动出现一票难求,请尽快网络登记注册(http://emba.fudanalumniusa.com)。如有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。 >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> The program Fudan EMBA Forum and Cruise Dinner Reception is to build a high-end connection platform for industrial professionals and scholars, particularly strengthen the connections between China and USA executives and leaders, and to promote international dialogue and exchange in business. The 1st one was well participated and received in 2009. There were over 150 senior professionals and Chinese executives attended, and received lots of media publicity. Now we will have a fourth one on May 6( Monday) afternoon and evening. There will be over 150 attendees including 80 EMBA students who are mainly co-founders of private enterprises and executives of banks, insurance, real estate, pharmaceutical and manufacturing companies in China. The Financial Times has ranked one of our programs the Washington University-Fudan University EMBA Program top one in mainland China for consecutive 6 years since 2006. The School of Management at Fudan University was awarded EQUIS Accreditation in 2009 and AACSB Accreditation in 2010 within the shortest period of time in the world, and ranked No1. business school in Far-East area. >>>> >>>> The event will be held at Bank of America Tower(42nd St and 6 Ave) for the forum. We will also have dinner and networking at World Yacht (41St @ Hudson River) for cruise , and in-depth discussion of business opportunities. Throughout the event, you will enjoy the talk with senior alumni and distinguished guests while sightseeing the beautiful night view of Manhattan skylines with music, beers and other fun. Brother Sway will have his live talk show on the yacht. >>>> >>>> Due to limited space and strong demand, please register the event online as soon as you can. >>>> >>>> 复旦大学管理学院纽约校友联络处 >>>> 复旦大学美国校友会活动组委会 >>>> 网站 Website:http://emba.fudanalumniusa.com >>>> 电邮 Email: Fudan.som.alumni.nyc@gmail.com, fudanalumniusa@yahoo.com >>>> >> >> >>