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Indigenism: a Movement to Save the World
? Story by Manuel Santana


Ever since I was little I was made aware of the fact that I came from a long line of Curanderos (healers) and that in fact my great great grandparents and my ancestors many generations back were Zapotec Indians. Being a very curious and historically inclined little kid I could never get enough of anything that had to do with Native Americans. I would look through the books at the school and imagine the old men with faces that looked as old as the earth, arms outstretched beckoning and embracing me. I've never felt more alive than when I am in nature, city life is suffocating, fake and stifling to my soul and from a very young age I knew that I had inherited a grand and beautiful culture, an earth based culture that was for me and for my people.


As I grew older, I studied my roots and strengthened my bond to the Indigenous ways of my people the Nikan Tlaca (the people of the "American" continent or Anahuak), as well as learning of the many spiritual and revolutionary ideas that the Native people of Anahuak used to keep our 500 year old struggle alive. Ever since the first European stepped foot upon the new world the struggle between Indigenous ways and the more materialistic European ways has dominated our very existence. Not to say that Europeans were not spiritual or that they could not be Indigenous, but they were here for treasure and conquest not to seek enlightenment.


For Indigenous people heaven or hell is here on Earth our mother, when we die this is where we return, this is where we dwell, our ancestors are always with us and so when we die and become ancestors for future generations we are always with them for eternity. What is being Indigenous? Quoting a famous and very talented Maori New Zealand Native actor Cliff Curtis from such films like Whale rider and Training Day (yes, he's the Cholo with the kick ass big goatie who always gets love from the homies!!!) being Indigenous means " that we belong to the Earth   but the earth does not belong to us. " Therefore the Indigenist movement is a movement which seeks to shake the shackles of this so called civilized life and return to respecting the Earth and belonging to the Earth living by her rules and accepting our Humanly limitations in order to have peace and have a true equal relationship with Earth and all our animal family with whom we MUST share this world with.


All life is sacred to Indigenous people because we realize that we are a part of a chain, a chain in which every link is important for the survival of every species. There are indigenous people and movements all around the world, its not about the color of your skin its about how you live with the land the Creator has given you. Now is the time to become self sufficient and wean yourself off of this reality because its going to topple and anyone who has not learned to live by earths rules will perish, all this was prophesied by many cultures including the Maya and the Inca that 2012 there will be a cleansing and earth will shake off this fake reality. This is called the Pachakuti or Earthquake in the Inca tradition.

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