
APFN - War Powers: How the Imperial Presidency ...

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War Powers: How the Imperial Presidency ...
Sat Jul 5, 2008 16:06

War Powers: How the Imperial Presidency ...


Peter H. Irons (born 1940) is an American political
activist, civil rights attorney, legal scholar, and
professor of political science. Irons is a graduate of
Antioch College an early incubator of progressive politics
after World War II. He embarked on his current path in 1963
when he was issued a 3 year sentence at the Federal
Correctional Institution in Danbury, Connecticut for
refusing military induction. It was while serving his
sentence that he became associated with another famous
activist, Howard Zinn. He wrote to Zinn, who wrote back,
sending him books on civil liberties and American politics.
His conviction was ultimately reversed by a federal judge on
the ground of prosecutorial misconduct. Later, President
Gerald Ford granted him a pardon for refusing induction.


A ?compelling and unnerving? assessment of how the
Constitution has been distorted to accomodate the drive to
empire (The Washington Post) Concerned about the dangers of
unchecked executive power, the Founding Fathers...
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