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Your Thought Life - #400 - JCSM's Weekly Devotions

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Jason Gastrich

Mar 7, 2005, 1:14:26 PM3/7/05
* Go to to read these online in html

"Your Thought Life" - #400
JCSM's Weekly Devotions
March 7, 2005


I hope you had a great week and weekend.

This is devotional number 400. I'm thankful to God that we have come this
far! We've been sending our devotional messages for 7 1/2 years, now. I
pray that you have been blessed. Thanks for letting us enter your email box
twice a week.

We just put over 100 pictures of animals on the internet! Last week, I went
to the Wild Animal Park and took lots and lots of digital pictures. If
you'd like to see them, then go here:

In case you didn't read our midweek message, we extended our pre-order
period for Maximizing the Internet: 12 Keys to Success (ISBN:
0-9732797-6-1). We are going to give a 10% discount up until March 14 and
the book will be released on March 15. See for details!

Last week, I saw a doctor about my shoulder and she diagnosed my problem as
tendonitis. I still have full strength, so that's great. I don't need a
cortisone shot and I'm going to attend two physical therapy sessions, so I
can discover how to help it recover on its own. Please pray that the
inflammation goes away and that it fully recovers. It did well after I
began taking some Ibuprofen.

Would you like a daily dose of godly wisdom? Click for JCSM's Quote of the Day!

Do you need a free email account? JCSM offers free and inexpensive accounts
through our domain name. We give more space than Yahoo
and Hotmail, plus you can use our service and evangelize without saying a
word! See for details.

This is your ministry, so please feel free to link to JCSM and forward these
devotions to your friends and family. On JCSM, there are over 90,000 web
pages of pictures, forums, midis, Bible lessons, humor, proverbial stories,
links, devotions, poetry, prayer journals, and much more!

JCSM has encouraging sermons, exciting debates, and the Bible on MP3 online
and you can freely stream and download them! Come and listen at

Visit the JCSM Study Center! We have over 1GB of resources like English and
foreign Bibles, thousands of sermons, maps, ancient literature,
commentaries, Greek and Hebrew dictionaries, and concordances and much more!
Plus, it's all free. Link:

Welcome to the new readers of this message! Here is your Devotion, A Moment
of Introspection, JCSM's Challenge, the Word of the Week, a faith-builder
from "The Skeptic's Annotated Bible: Corrected and Explained," and the
Quotes of the Week. Have a fantastic week and God bless you!

Love in Christ,
Dr. Jason Gastrich
Contact Us:

JCSM's Weekly Devotions (click to listen!)

"Your Thought Life"

Isaiah 55:8, 9 "'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways
My ways,' says the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So
are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts."

Romans 12:1,2 "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God,
that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God,
which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is
that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."

2 Corinthians 10:5 ". . . (bring) every thought into captivity to the
obedience of Christ."

Revelation 2:23 ". . . I am He who searches the minds and hearts. And I
will give to each one of you according to your works."

Insight: God cares about our thoughts. He wants us to have pure thoughts.
He knows what we are thinking, so have good intentions. God will reward the
thoughts that we put into action if they are obedient to Him.

Prayer: "Dear Lord, bless us. Thank you for loving us more than we deserve
and more than we even understand. Help us to take every thought captive.
Turn our minds toward You. Forgive us for our sins. Purify us. Thank you
for your faithfulness. Remind us that You are near and ready to help us
whenever we need You. Thank you for Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the
cross for our sins. Thank you for His perfect life and how it can teach us
so much. Praise You for your awesome Word. In Jesus' name, Amen."

America's Foundation

One of our computers just went down, so there won't be a quote for this
section this week. However, if you'd like to read past quotes from
America's founders and framers, then please go to

A Moment of Introspection

Have you ever stopped to think that God knows your thoughts? Let this
knowledge be encouraging to you and keep your mind on pure things that love
God and others.

JCSM's Challenge

Do something to bless someone you don't know. Here is one way you could do
this. Bring a snack in your car and give it to a homeless person.

In my city, homeless people hold signs and stand by the road. It's very
easy to hand them a granola bar and even a Bible.

God bless you as you meet this week's challenge!

Word of the Week

makh-ash-awbaw (Hebrew, see Isaiah 55:9): (abstractly) intention, plan, a
plot, thought

The Skeptic's Annotated Bible: Corrected and Explained

"The Skeptic's Annotated Bible" claims:

Genesis 21:32 - "And they returned to the land of the Philistines." But the
Philistines didn't arrive in the region of Canaan until around 1200 BCE --
800 years after Abraham's supposed migration from Ur.

"The Skeptic's Annotated Bible: Corrected and Explained" responds:

There are no scriptures to support this alternative interpretation or
alleged inaccuracy. As far as I can tell, you're considering modern science
to be correct on dating the Philistines to this region circa 1200 B.C.
Therefore, your error is apparently not a biblical one (this time), but a
scientific one.

(This explanation came from "The Skeptic's Annotated Bible: Corrected and
Explained", by Jason Gastrich. This book is on CD and explains over 3,000
difficulties regarding the entire Bible at There is also a 300 question
workbook that accompanies the CD-ROM.)

Quotes of the Week

Prepare to give an answer for your hope to believers and unbelievers.

Begin praying against the evil one.

These quotes came from God, me, and Miles McPhearson.

Do you need more quotes? We have thousands in our archives! They are
located here:

These quotes can be used for sanctification and fun. Most of them are
directly based on scripture and scriptural principles. Some of the quotes
are humorous or rhetorical, others are written from sermons and Bible
studies, and some are lyrics from songs. If you'd like me to go into more
detail on any of them, please email me.

Like most verses in the Bible, they can be debated. To use what I've
written in the most beneficial way, try and trace them back to the
scriptures and apply the true principles to your life in a meaningful way!
Please don't sell my quotes or publish them for profit. If English is not
your first language, you may not understand some of the quotes. I'm sorry,
but some of them are English metaphors and deal with multiple word meanings.
God bless you all!

Please make a commitment to pray for this ministry. As every believer is
tempted and tried, this ministry faces trials also. God has blessed me,
JCSM and the people who have been reached! Unfortunately, the enemy knows
this and spiritual warfare is the result. Please at least pray that the
devotions continue to be written religiously, the web pages stay on the www
and the readers are blessed, sanctified and protected from evil. Thank you
very much in advance!

Do you want to help people receive the good news? We're reaching new people
every day with God's awesome Word! If God has blessed you and you wish to
send a love offering to JCSM, please send your gift to the address below.

You can join our vision and help this ministry! Your donations will keep
these ministries running and further our visions for evangelism. We host
tens of thousands of web pages to lead people to the Lord. Frequently, we
make new ones and they are used to bring more and more people into a closer
relationship with Jesus Christ.

Would you like to support God's work on the web? If this ministry has
touched you in a special way, please pray and consider sending a gift to
JCSM. You can join us in our vision to reach people on the web with the
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JCSM is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization. If you wish to send support,
please make checks payable to Jesus Christ Saves Ministries. If you are
sending support or simply want to contact us through the regular mail, here
is our mailing address:

Jesus Christ Saves Ministries
P.O. Box 270636
San Diego, CA 92198

Along with getting support, we also give support! JCSM regularly gives to
churches, Christian ministries, and needy people. Another function of this
ministry is to do counseling. We are always answering questions about life,
the Lord and everything in between. Lastly, we do a lot of research on
religious topics on the internet and library. You will definitely see the
results of our hard work and your loving support, in the web pages, and in
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love to share the gospel with you. The Bible is very straightforward when
it speaks about Heaven, Hell and eternal life. If there is any doubt that
you are going to Heaven when you die, please let me know today! If you'd
like to discover the biblical doctrine of salvation through Jesus Christ,
please go here: Audio Gospel Message - or the Textual Gospel Message -

Fishes and Loaves (FALO) is a great, missions organization. They have
helped many people embark on missions trips to the uttermost parts of the
world. If you are interested in missions, please visit

Would you like to feed starving people by simply clicking a button and
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over the world. I click these nearly every day. It takes about 10 seconds
and it donates food to needy people! Go here:
and here

Go here to donate free Bibles to people: If
you want to help feed and clothe poor people, check into Compassion
International! You can visit them here:

Do you need to find a solid, Christian church? I've attended numerous,
Calvary Chapel churches and I've been very blessed by their Bible-based
sermons, inspiring worship, and kind members. If you don't have a home
church, if you're traveling, or if you need to find a new church, I
recommend visiting the following site and locating a Calvary Chapel near

JCSM operates in San Diego, California, USA. This ministry has been
certified by the Evangelical Ministries to New Religions. EMNR is an
accrediting body for sound, Christian ministries that preach the true gospel
of God to people in other religions and cults. Their web site is located

OCCM (Online Christ-Centered Ministries) has certified JCSM as a ministry
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reside on and off the internet. Are you OCCM certified? For more
information, go here:

Since April of 1997, JCSM has encouraged people with the weekly devotional
messages. Right now, we are reaching people in at least 100 countries. To
read a list of these countries, go here:

To read the archived devotions online, go here:

Jesus Christ Saves Ministries
Over 90,000 web pages!
Jesus loves you!

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whosoever should believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting



Jesus Christ Saves Ministries
Over 90,000 web pages!

John 8:36 reads, "Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free

Galatians 5:1 reads, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ
has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage."

ICQ#: 20731140 . AIM: MrJasonGastrich . YIM: Jesus_Saved_Jason

Jason Gastrich

Mar 7, 2005, 1:15:01 PM3/7/05
Message has been deleted


Mar 7, 2005, 3:18:45 PM3/7/05
In article <FS0Xd.42284$>, "Jason Gastrich"
<> wrote:

> Last week, I saw a doctor about my shoulder and she diagnosed my problem as
> tendonitis.

She should have looked about eight inches higher and upwards from that point

Message has been deleted

Mike Painter

Mar 7, 2005, 7:02:29 PM3/7/05
Jason Gastrich wrote:

Almost nothing except for where he asks for money.
The rest seems to be cut and paste from other sources.

A far cry from what other call weekly devotion.
But most don't want the attention on themselves.

Bill Gamelson

Mar 7, 2005, 7:16:42 PM3/7/05

<> wrote in message

> I wanted to check up on it. Actually the park can set conditions on
> admittance. Possibly, or probably the rules are printed on the tickets
> and posted at the park.They don't mind taking pictures, you just can't
> use them on your commercial website. Hang them in your house, show
> them to friends, just don't sell them or use them to lure customers to
> your website to sell them books, cds, etc. . I'm sure they have a
> legal department that tells them what they can and cannot do. They
> might even know more about the issue than you do. (I know that might
> be difficult to believe.)

I do know about copyright laws concerning cameras. I know that may be
difficult for you to believe. If cameras are allowed and a patron uses
their own camera with their own film, the park cannot legally control what
they do with the pictures. Simple as that. The only way they can control
that is if they did not allow cameras, therefore the photos you take will
not legally be yours and you cannot claim copyrights. They could say
anything they want on their website or their tickets but they cannot get
around copyright laws. I know what I'm talking about.

Christian music and sermons on streaming audio:

David Sienkiewicz

Mar 7, 2005, 8:31:13 PM3/7/05

Which copyright laws are they trying to get around?

David Sienkiewicz

Mar 7, 2005, 8:44:12 PM3/7/05
Jason Gastrich wrote:
> * Go to to read these online in
> format!


> "Your Thought Life" - #400
> JCSM's Weekly Devotions
> March 7, 2005

< snip >

> In case you didn't read our midweek message, we extended our
> period for Maximizing the Internet: 12 Keys to Success (ISBN:
> 0-9732797-6-1). We are going to give a 10% discount up until March
14 and
> the book will be released on March 15. See
> for details!

Jason, I'm curious.

Now, you say that this book was written, in part, because you created
this "successful" method back in 1997, when you started JCSM online
with, what was it? Just one page and one person on your email list?

And so on and so on and so on?

But you went bankrupt in 1999.

And as recently as late last year, you were telling others and, I
think, including in some of your fasting prayers that your income is
not that great. I got the impression that it was pretty low, actually,
from what you were saying.

After all, you needed God to repair your CD-recorder - which you claim
he did - and keep your car running, in between the jokes he told you, I

You refused to send Lenny Flank a form 990 last year when he requested
it - as anyone has a right to do in situations such as this - yet the
only reason you can refuse is if your ministry income levels are well
below what most of us would consider "successful."

So tell me, Jason, just so potential customers can get an idea, what is
your definition of "success?"

What, for example, did your web sites bring in in income last year and
from what sources?

You don't have to be specific or give away any of the details - just
some round figures and maybe a general idea.

> Last week, I saw a doctor about my shoulder and she diagnosed my
problem as
> tendonitis. I still have full strength, so that's great. I don't
need a
> cortisone shot and I'm going to attend two physical therapy sessions,
so I
> can discover how to help it recover on its own. Please pray that the
> inflammation goes away and that it fully recovers. It did well after
> began taking some Ibuprofen.

But if the ibuprofen is working, why waste God's time with it?

< snip >

> The Skeptic's Annotated Bible: Corrected and Explained
> "The Skeptic's Annotated Bible" claims:
> Genesis 21:32 - "And they returned to the land of the Philistines."
But the
> Philistines didn't arrive in the region of Canaan until around 1200
BCE --
> 800 years after Abraham's supposed migration from Ur.
> "The Skeptic's Annotated Bible: Corrected and Explained" responds:
> There are no scriptures to support this alternative interpretation or
> alleged inaccuracy. As far as I can tell, you're considering modern
> to be correct on dating the Philistines to this region circa 1200
> Therefore, your error is apparently not a biblical one (this time),
but a
> scientific one.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute, Jason.

So let me see if I understand your argument correctly.

Historical science has determined a problem here, and you simply ASSUME
that it's wrong?

Do you have any EVIDENCE that it's wrong?


Well, then, you're assuming your conclusion, aren't you, that is, that
the Bible is right and that if there is a disagreement, it must be that
science is in error?

There is an error, and it's a "scientific one?"

THAT'S your "correction?"

Jason, people who already agree with you that the Bible is inerrant
might buy that. Certainly they will do so without giving it any

But I thought you said your e-book - a "masterpiece," as you called it
- was a great tool to answer skeptics.

Let's take a poll. Any skeptics buying this "correction?"

< snip >

David Sienkiewicz

Mar 7, 2005, 8:44:52 PM3/7/05
Jason Gastrich wrote:
> * Go to to read these online in
> format!


> "Your Thought Life" - #400
> JCSM's Weekly Devotions
> March 7, 2005

< snip >

> In case you didn't read our midweek message, we extended our
> period for Maximizing the Internet: 12 Keys to Success (ISBN:
> 0-9732797-6-1). We are going to give a 10% discount up until March
14 and
> the book will be released on March 15. See
> for details!

Jason, I'm curious.

Now, you say that this book was written, in part, because you created
this "successful" method back in 1997, when you started JCSM online
with, what was it? Just one page and one person on your email list?

And so on and so on and so on?

But you went bankrupt in 1999.

And as recently as late last year, you were telling others and, I
think, including in some of your fasting prayers that your income is
not that great. I got the impression that it was pretty low, actually,
from what you were saying.

After all, you needed God to repair your CD-recorder - which you claim
he did - and keep your car running, in between the jokes he told you, I

You refused to send Lenny Flank a form 990 last year when he requested
it - as anyone has a right to do in situations such as this - yet the
only reason you can refuse is if your ministry income levels are well
below what most of us would consider "successful."

So tell me, Jason, just so potential customers can get an idea, what is
your definition of "success?"

What, for example, did your web sites bring in in income last year and
from what sources?

You don't have to be specific or give away any of the details - just
some round figures and maybe a general idea.

> Last week, I saw a doctor about my shoulder and she diagnosed my

problem as
> tendonitis. I still have full strength, so that's great. I don't
need a
> cortisone shot and I'm going to attend two physical therapy sessions,
so I
> can discover how to help it recover on its own. Please pray that the
> inflammation goes away and that it fully recovers. It did well after
> began taking some Ibuprofen.

But if the ibuprofen is working, why waste God's time with it?

< snip >

> The Skeptic's Annotated Bible: Corrected and Explained
> "The Skeptic's Annotated Bible" claims:
> Genesis 21:32 - "And they returned to the land of the Philistines."
But the
> Philistines didn't arrive in the region of Canaan until around 1200
BCE --
> 800 years after Abraham's supposed migration from Ur.
> "The Skeptic's Annotated Bible: Corrected and Explained" responds:
> There are no scriptures to support this alternative interpretation or
> alleged inaccuracy. As far as I can tell, you're considering modern
> to be correct on dating the Philistines to this region circa 1200
> Therefore, your error is apparently not a biblical one (this time),
but a
> scientific one.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute, Jason.

Jason Gastrich

Mar 7, 2005, 10:25:18 PM3/7/05

Thanks for your posts, Bill. I'm certainly interested in following and
obeying every law.

I'm glad you know about copyright law and cameras. Is there a place where
you learned or what made you find out these things?

God bless,

Vic Sagerquist

Mar 7, 2005, 10:52:45 PM3/7/05
On 07 Mar 2005, Bill Gamelson dropped trou, farted, whirled, then

I tend to agree with this. I work at a Hollywood film studio, which does
not allow personal cameras on the lot, not even of its employees. This
due to much sensitive material easily accessed once inside the gates. I
snuck in a VHS camcorder I had bought that day and didn't feel like
leaving in my trunk, and ended up taping a few takes of Jerry Goldsmith
scoring Star Trek V with a 100 piece orchestra. (shhhh....)

Vic Sagerquist
Supervisor, EAC Department of little adhesive-backed "L" shaped
chrome-plastic doo-dads to add feet to Jesus fish department

Plonked by Jason Gastrich for all eternity...

As you were, I was. As I am, you will be.
--- Hunter S. Thompson

Mar 7, 2005, 10:58:59 PM3/7/05
On 7 Mar 2005 17:31:13 -0800, "David Sienkiewicz"
<> wrote:

The law, at least in California, disagrees with Bill. The park
basically owns the scenery and wildlife. San Diego Zoo is not public
property. You may use the photos for personal use, but you may not use
them for commercial endeavors. Even if it were, in public spaces, in
California at least, that would require a permit in advance, and
possibly a fee, depending on the locale. In this case it is not even
public land. If the photographer cannot agree with the terms before
entering the park...leave the camera in the car. Mmmmkay.

(Bill, how long have you practiced law? In California? Apparently,
Sacramento disagrees with you.)

There have been others but I found this page, pretty much, first.
Obviously, private property, photographed from within said private
property would enjoy even greater protection.

Google away.

They would not be attempting to enforce a copyright, they are simply
stating that you cannot profit from images of their property without
stating your intent, in advance, and of course cutting them in. Stop
trying to work that angle, it's making you look even more foolish.

Why are some Christians always looking for legal loopholes? You would
think that they would *want* to do the right thing. Maybe it comes
from their biblical studies. Pick and choose what they agree with.
Maybe their god won't notice. "Screw Jesus, I'll do what *I* want to

zamboni #2139

BAAWA Assistant to the Vice-Administrator of Malevolence
EAC Tertiary Adjunct to the Dispenser of Obfuscation.

Mar 7, 2005, 11:04:07 PM3/7/05

No, he's just pulling it from out of his ass. Follow his advice, and
you'll be trying to pull "Bubba" out of your ass.

Too bad you killfiled all the smart people. Oh weelll! I hope it was
worth it. (Squeeeel like a pig, preacher!)

Message has been deleted

Mar 7, 2005, 11:33:00 PM3/7/05

Well, c'mon Vic...they didn't exactly "allow" you in with the
camcorder, and you aren't selling your snake oil by luring people in
with the movies. Did I miss your sarcasm? Oh, it was an EAC approved
operation? Nevermind. It never happened.


Mar 7, 2005, 11:39:32 PM3/7/05
On Mon, 07 Mar 2005 14:08:11 -0600,

>On Mon, 07 Mar 2005 18:14:26 GMT, "Jason Gastrich"
><> wrote:
>>"Your Thought Life" - #400
>>JCSM's Weekly Devotions
>>March 7, 2005
>>I hope you had a great week and weekend.


>>We just put over 100 pictures of animals on the internet! Last week, I went
>>to the Wild Animal Park and took lots and lots of digital pictures. If

>>you'd like to see them, then go here: http://jcs...sniiip

Jason is not only an incompetent messenger for God, but he is also a
p. poor photographer.

He is Benny Hinn wannabe, but doesn't have the smarts to make that
kind of money.

Despite his best efforts, he has the Midas Touch in reverse.

He keeps playing out this charade where he has a direct line to the
most powerful entity ever conceived in the mind of man, and that this
entity actually listens to his commands.

Clothaire #1392 A permanent atheist

"Christianity has such a contemptible opinion of human
nature that it does not believe a man can tell the truth
unless frightened by a belief in God. No lower opinion
of the human race has ever been expressed."
[Robert Green Ingersoll]

Mike Painter

Mar 8, 2005, 1:46:43 AM3/8/05

I know that cameras and film may be taken from patrons if they take picturs
of performers when it has been announced that such actions are forbidden and
in general a model release must be obtained before anybody's picture can be
used in most cases (news stories are an exception.)
I would side with zamboni.

Mike Painter

Mar 8, 2005, 1:49:41 AM3/8/05
Jason Gastrich wrote:

> Thanks for your posts, Bill. I'm certainly interested in following
> and obeying every law.

Unless he does not want to.

> Is there a place
> where you learned or what made you find out these things?

He's got a dock-tor-ate so this must be real good English

David Sienkiewicz

Mar 8, 2005, 1:57:58 AM3/8/05

Yes, it would seem so, and that's one reason I asked.

I suspect we won't be hearing any more on the matter from Bill.

And that seems to happen a lot, too.

< snip >

David Sienkiewicz

Mar 8, 2005, 2:02:19 AM3/8/05

One post, Jason - singular.

> I'm certainly interested in following and
> obeying every law.

When you recently posted that article about the decline of atheism, did
you have permission?

Who owns the copyright on the photo of Michael Newdow that appears on
your website,

> I'm glad you know about copyright law and cameras.

How did you determine that, Jason?

> Is there a place where
> you learned or what made you find out these things?

If you ever had the courage to ask ME, I could answer "law school" and
the practice of law.

But you knew that, didn't you?

< snip >

Bill Gamelson

Mar 8, 2005, 6:52:36 AM3/8/05

"Jason Gastrich" <> wrote in message

I've been into photography since I was a kid. I also know a person who is a
hired photog for a major rock band. I also follow along as much as I can
with copyright infringment cases that wind up in court and how they turn
out. Even signed contracts can be nullified by a judge in favor of the law.

Bill Gamelson

Mar 8, 2005, 6:53:53 AM3/8/05

<> wrote in message

The law, at least in California, disagrees with Bill. The park
basically owns the scenery and wildlife. San Diego Zoo is not public
property. You may use the photos for personal use, but you may not use
them for commercial endeavors. Even if it were, in public spaces, in
California at least, that would require a permit in advance, and
possibly a fee, depending on the locale. In this case it is not even
public land. If the photographer cannot agree with the terms before
entering the park...leave the camera in the car.

Cite this said law.

Bill Gamelson

Mar 8, 2005, 6:55:44 AM3/8/05

"Mike Painter" <> wrote in message

That is because it states on the ticket that cameras are not allowed. I
have mentioned this.

Bill Gamelson

Mar 8, 2005, 6:57:01 AM3/8/05

<> wrote in message

>No, he's just pulling it from out of his ass.

I should have known you were trolling.


Bill Gamelson

Mar 8, 2005, 7:04:27 AM3/8/05

"Bill Gamelson" <> wrote in message

Bill Gamelson

Mar 8, 2005, 7:05:41 AM3/8/05

"Bill Gamelson" <> wrote in message

> "Bill Gamelson" <> wrote in message
> news:tngXd.4621$ju.819@okepread07...
>> <> wrote in message
>> The law, at least in California, disagrees with Bill. The park
>> basically owns the scenery and wildlife. San Diego Zoo is not public
>> property. You may use the photos for personal use, but you may not use
>> them for commercial endeavors.

Do you know what the word "commercial" means?

David Sienkiewicz

Mar 8, 2005, 7:08:53 AM3/8/05
Bill Gamelson wrote:
> "Bill Gamelson" <> wrote in message
> news:nxgXd.4624$ju.3812@okepread07...
> >
> > "Bill Gamelson" <> wrote in message
> > news:tngXd.4621$ju.819@okepread07...
> >>
> >> <> wrote in message
> >>
> >>
> >> The law, at least in California, disagrees with Bill. The park
> >> basically owns the scenery and wildlife. San Diego Zoo is not
> >> property. You may use the photos for personal use, but you may not
> >> them for commercial endeavors.
> Do you know what the word "commercial" means?

Didn't you just announce that you killfiled zamboni?

So why are you asking him questions AFTER you killfiled him?

Oh, and what's YOUR definition of "commercial," Bill, and why do you
think zamboni would presume it applies here?

John Baker

Mar 8, 2005, 7:35:57 AM3/8/05

It depends on the state. I've done a bit of travelling camera in hand,
and in some states which shall remain nameless (Florida <G>), it
almost seems like a pro photographer needs a permit just to take his
camera out of the bag, while in others, my home state of Ohio for
example, there are few restrictions.

As for model releases, they're not actually required by law, but they
*are* required by most agencies, and it's just a good idea. It
protects the photographer from a possible lawsuit at very least.

However, in several cases where celebrities have attempted to sue
paparazzi for "invasion of privacy", courts have ruled that
celebrities don't have the same right to privacy as "normal" people,
having voluntarily relinquished that right by deliberately choosing a
career that places them in the public eye. But it depends on the
judge. When in doubt, get a signature. <G>


Therion Ware

Mar 8, 2005, 8:49:41 AM3/8/05

On Mon, 7 Mar 2005 16:14:43 -0600 in free.christians, Bill Gamelson
("Bill Gamelson" <>) said, directing the reply to

><> wrote in message

>> On Mon, 07 Mar 2005 18:14:26 GMT, "Jason Gastrich"
>> <> wrote:
>>>"Your Thought Life" - #400
>>>JCSM's Weekly Devotions
>>>March 7, 2005
>>>I hope you had a great week and weekend.

>>>This is devotional number 400. I'm thankful to God that we have come this
>>>far! We've been sending our devotional messages for 7 1/2 years, now. I
>>>pray that you have been blessed. Thanks for letting us enter your email
>>>twice a week.

>>>We just put over 100 pictures of animals on the internet! Last week, I
>>>to the Wild Animal Park and took lots and lots of digital pictures. If
>>>you'd like to see them, then go here: http://jcs...sniiip
>> <Snip>

>> I was just wondering. I mean, I wouldn't want "Dr." Jason to get into
>> any trouble.
>> According to their website, they require full written consent to use
>> images taken at the park. It doesn't *say* on "Dr." Jason's site that
>> he's received expressed written consent or has entered into a
>> licensing agreement.
>> Oh well, I guess I'll just notify the appropriate people at the
>> zoo...just in case, I'm sure they'll know. It's hard to believe that
>> they would allow use of images from their fine park to promote "Dr."
>> Jason's books, cds, phone cards... especially if they don't get a
>> piece of the pie.
>The Park people can't legally do that. If they allow cameras at the park
>and a patron brings their own camera and their own film, it's their pictures
>and they own the copyrights regardless of what the web site says.

Are you sure about that?

After all the zoo is private property, and by buying a ticket you're
de-facto consenting to the terms and conditions of entrance which may
entail conditions as regards commercial use of images taken there.

That said, if that's the case, to my mind, the main point at issue in
any lawsuit would be "do paid-for ads on the same page as the photos
constitute commercial use"?

Personally, I'd be inclined to think "yes," but other opinions may
differ: one imagines it'd be a long, complex and expensive lawsuit if
it ever came to it.

And that said, unless the zoo wanted to make a point, in the way that
the film and music industry has picked a few people to make examples
of "pour encourager les autres," they're very unlikely to do anything
about it. Or at least nothing more than a threatening letter from
their lawyer.

If prompted enough:

Something along the lines of "I've seen pictures from your zoo on
[Jason ref]. I presume that making commercial use of photos [specify
commercial interest] taken at the zoo is not a problem and requires no
permission" one imagines.

"Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You." - Attrib: Pauline Reage.
! Sell your video over the Internet. Demo?
Even Jason could make money with this one! ** atheist poster child #1 ** #442.


Mar 8, 2005, 10:32:21 AM3/8/05

Bill Gamelson gammelnorsked:

Even the article he linked to to "back up" his argument didn't really agree
with what he was saying. It said that specific equipment, such as a tripod,
or specific activities, such as going off track, were more likely to be
prohibited. He said he had gotten the original info off of the Sandy Huevos
Zoo website, but never gave the URL, which woulda seemed the like natural
like thing to like do, were there any substance in it, rather than the
obfuscation he anyway promises at the end of his sig, which is such a
trollbuster anyway that who you gonna call?

Jason Gastrich

Mar 8, 2005, 1:34:03 PM3/8/05


David D.

Mar 8, 2005, 2:02:10 PM3/8/05

Troll? Then why would the San Diego web site state:

"You are prohibited from using our images and text without obtaining a

license to do so. The commercial use of photographs, video and film you

may have taken during your visits to the San Diego Zoo and the San
Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park is strictly prohibited without the full
consent of the Zoological Society of San Diego."

I know, I know, "SHOW ME THE LINK".


But what is commercial? Making profit from said photo's would come
under such a category. Does Jason have advertising on his pages?
Does he use them to boost the traffic through his web site and hence
give his advertizers a higher profile. Do they reward this with higher

advertizing fees?

I don't know the answer to these questions but knowing Ja$on I know
what to expect.

David D.


Mar 8, 2005, 2:21:00 PM3/8/05

DD depeched:

More satisfied, but how is anyone supposed to know that that is the official
site of Sandy Huevos Zoo, and is the same caveat photographor displayed at
the entry gates or on the ticket?

> But what is commercial? Making profit from said photo's would come
> under such a category. Does Jason have advertising on his pages?
> Does he use them to boost the traffic through his web site and hence
> give his advertizers a higher profile. Do they reward this with higher
> advertizing fees?
> I don't know the answer to these questions but knowing Ja$on I know
> what to expect.
> David D.

He has Google Adsense, which is a well known system, based on clickthrough.

I've been thinking of using it on, but I decided against
anything that might detract from the message of my work.

No clicks, no pay, on Google Adsense, BTW.

But many an amateur site has ads and pop-ups in exchange for free hosting,
which is also a commercial matter, although you cannot make a profit you can
only breakeven, as you are never making anything, only saving the hosting

If Sandy Huevos Zoo considers that he is breaking their rules, then I am
more than certain that a single letter from them will be enough to decide
the matter. If not, then why make an issue of it here?


Mar 8, 2005, 2:27:17 PM3/8/05

Therion Ware let us taste his wares:

That zoo does valuable conservation work and bullying them into making moves
that will reduce their gate fees when people stop going there for fear of
getting sued when they take photos is not helping the planet.


Mar 8, 2005, 2:38:19 PM3/8/05

Clothaire crooned:

> On Mon, 07 Mar 2005 14:08:11 -0600,
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >On Mon, 07 Mar 2005 18:14:26 GMT, "Jason Gastrich"
> ><> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>
> >>"Your Thought Life" - #400
> >>JCSM's Weekly Devotions
> >>March 7, 2005
> >>
> >>Hello!
> >>
> >>I hope you had a great week and weekend.
> >>
> >>
> >>We just put over 100 pictures of animals on the internet! Last week, I
> >>to the Wild Animal Park and took lots and lots of digital pictures. If
> >>you'd like to see them, then go here: http://jcs...sniiip
> >>
> ><Snip>
> >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> Jason is not only an incompetent messenger for God, but he is also a
> p. poor photographer.

And you're the oldest athirst on the list, and therefore need praying for
the most urgently.

Seriously, though, if you think his work is bad, you should see mine:

David Sienkiewicz

Mar 8, 2005, 2:38:40 PM3/8/05

Well, let's find out, Davey.

I'll fire off a letter to them right now.

Oh, and Davey? For someone who said he wasn't going to talk about or
defend Jason, any more, you sure are showing up in a lot of threads on
that subject.

You should know, my silly little sycophant, that no one is going to buy
that not specifically mentioning the young man by name makes any

That shredding sound you hear is the last bit of your integrity and

What a shame.

David D.

Mar 8, 2005, 2:31:55 PM3/8/05

David wrote:

> If Sandy Huevos Zoo considers that he is breaking their rules, then I
> more than certain that a single letter from them will be enough to
> the matter. If not, then why make an issue of it here?

Hi Davey, Honest people would not put the zoo in a position to send
letter in the first place. I'm sure once Jason understands the legal
he will remove his pictures. So it's not really an issue, except there
seem to
be three independant threads going on this topic.

David D.

Bill Gamelson

Mar 8, 2005, 5:01:27 PM3/8/05

"Therion Ware" <> wrote in message

>Are you sure about that?

>After all the zoo is private property, and by buying a ticket you're
>de-facto consenting to the terms and conditions of entrance which may
>entail conditions as regards commercial use of images taken there.

An agreement has to be made in writing and signed. The words "this ticket
constitutes an agreement" does not hold water as a patron has already bought
the ticket and was not given the opportunity to agree or even read the
agreement before purchasing the ticket. It is the equivelant of forcing a
contract on someone which is unconstitutional as hell. Also, these words
are most often so small that the average person needs a magnifying glass to
read it anyway. Then there's the factor of illiteracy and non English
people etc.


Mar 8, 2005, 5:40:55 PM3/8/05

Sienkie troligized

On the contrary, I am just talking about the issue, which is a perfectly
interesting issue in its own right.

I'm also gonna do a gallery, which I started already on, so I've got be sure I know the law on the

There's no shredding of my integrity going on here.

Jason Gastrich

Mar 8, 2005, 5:50:32 PM3/8/05

Come on, Davey. You don't need to plead with Sinky about your integrity.
Recognize him for who and what he is and just ignore the guy. He's an
ex-lawyer who wants to harrass people on the internet.

You don't need his approval and you don't need to prove yourself to him.
You're acting like the young child with the abusive father who he really
wants to please; at all costs.


David D.

Mar 8, 2005, 6:23:43 PM3/8/05

Actually, it sounds like he is testing the legal waters for his web
expansion. That would seem quite prudent and something you
would not be familiar with. Why do you keep expanding your
gallery of wild animals despite caution with regard to copy right
issues? In fact, it would seem that you are the young child who
refuses to listen and petulantly does exactly the opposite.

David D.


Mar 8, 2005, 6:25:40 PM3/8/05

Jason argued:

You're telling me I'm like a child now, eh?



Mar 8, 2005, 6:41:29 PM3/8/05
DD depeched:

It didn't exactly make me happy to read that comment, I might add.

Jason Gastrich

Mar 8, 2005, 6:54:00 PM3/8/05

Right, right, right. "Listen to the atheists. Stop praying and
ministering." Got it. "Thanks for your input."


> It didn't exactly make me happy to read that comment, I might add.


Mike Painter

Mar 8, 2005, 8:55:16 PM3/8/05
Jason Gastrich wrote:
> Right, right, right. "Listen to the atheists. Stop praying and
> ministering." Got it. "Thanks for your input."
> Regards,
> Jason

The message from the atheist community is that you are breaking the law and
you seem to know it.

We WANT you to continue "ministering" while doing what you do.

It's good for us.

Gregory A Greenman

Mar 9, 2005, 8:55:37 PM3/9/05
In article <YgpXd.4730$ju.127@okepread07>, Bill Gamelson
<> declared...

> "Therion Ware" <> wrote in message
> >Are you sure about that?
> >After all the zoo is private property, and by buying a ticket you're
> >de-facto consenting to the terms and conditions of entrance which may
> >entail conditions as regards commercial use of images taken there.
> An agreement has to be made in writing and signed.

This is totally untrue. The vast majority of contracts are not in
writing. Still, they are completely enforceable in court. (To the
best of my knowledge, the only exception is that contracts
involving real estate must be in writing to be enforceable. Also,
my comments only apply to contracts that are enforceable

> The words "this ticket
> constitutes an agreement" does not hold water as a patron has already bought
> the ticket and was not given the opportunity to agree or even read the
> agreement before purchasing the ticket.

Again untrue. Courts have written that software user license
agreements are enforceable, even though the user often cannot see
them until after he's bought the product. Personally, I think
that's stupid, but none of the judges ever bothered to ask my

greg -at- spencersoft -dot- com

David Sienkiewicz

Mar 10, 2005, 2:02:10 PM3/10/05

"Sinky," Jason?

My, how Christian!

Don't fret, now, Jason, it doesn't bother me. I do find it amusing,

Now, on the subject, yes, Jason, Davey DOES have to plead his integrity
with me.

And with everyone else.

He DOES pretend to represent Jesus - however poorly and however he
might admit how poorly.

So he need to be above reproach, Jason.

And you need to plead yours, too - for the same reasons and then some.

YOU pretend to be an evangelist.

YOU claim you love us, and want to point us to the love of God.

WE are part of your target audience, Jason - like it or not.

I am; and so is everyone else in these newsgroups - including those you
have so proudly "plonked."

Oh, and Jason?

You and I both know that this is yet another "indirect" response to me
- something you took an oath to God never to do.

You lied to God.

> Recognize him for who and what he is and just ignore the guy. He's
> ex-lawyer who wants to harrass people on the internet.

No, I'm an ex-lawyer who wants to exposes frauds like you, Jason.

I've done a pretty good job so far, too.

> You don't need his approval

Well, now, Jason, Davey has never asked for my approval and I would not
presume to require it.

On those occasions when Davey has been persuaded that he wronged me and
apologized, for example, I have said that it's not me to whom he must
apologize, but to his fellow participants in these forumes.

Why would YOU presume to address him in that manner?

> and you don't need to prove yourself to him.

Well, in a sense, he does, for the reasons I've given, and for the
reasons that YOU must do so, as well.

> You're acting like the young child with the abusive father who he
> wants to please; at all costs.

As much as Davey and I have disagreed, Jason, I don't see Davey looking
like he wants to please me at all costs.

I see Davey as one who has many internal struggles with his integrity
and with his human nature, and who understands those flaws and tries to
right them, at least on occasion.

I see Davey as prideful, but one who swallows his pride and admits

Sometimes it takes a while, but he can be convinced of his errors.

He's miles above YOU in that regard.

Your presumption to publicly rebuke him for DARING to communicate with
me is reprehensible, Jason.

Davey has his flaws, but he's better educated than you, more successful
than you, and more intelligent than you.

You owe him a public apology.

< snip >

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