About Tarcieri-san's Cool.io and Celluloid

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Waldemar Quevedo

Apr 4, 2012, 9:36:51 AM4/4/12
to flu...@googlegroups.com

I read this announcement in Twitter =>
made by @tarcieri regarding the development status from Cool.io and
giving the suggestion
of considering instead his most recent work Celluloid,
instead of Cool.io.

It is not big deal for now but, Cool.io is used plenty in Fluentd,
so I would like to know what are your thoughts on this matter.


- Wally

Masahiro Nakagawa

Apr 4, 2012, 11:53:07 AM4/4/12
to flu...@googlegroups.com
We should switch to Celluloid!


Sadayuki Furuhashi

Apr 4, 2012, 8:02:15 PM4/4/12
to flu...@googlegroups.com
I also think we should switch to Celluloid.
It's attractive for me that Celluloid supports JRuby while Cool.io doesn't. Fluentd may work on Windows with JRuby, which is desired by some users.

Here is my migration plan:

1. Use Celluloid::IO in built-in plugins and release a minor version (v0.10.x)
    This version runs both Celluloid::IO and Cool.io to keep compatibility.

2. Wait until major 3rd-party plugins become independent from Cool.io

3. Release a major version that doesn't support Cool.io (v0.11.x)
    This version will work with JRuby.

4. Stop maintenance of v0.10.x.

Sadayuki Furuhashi

日付:2012年4月4日水曜日、時刻:8:53、差出人:Masahiro Nakagawa:

Keisuke Nishida

Apr 4, 2012, 10:18:33 PM4/4/12
to flu...@googlegroups.com
Hi Sadayuki,

> 1. Use Celluloid::IO in built-in plugins and release a minor version (v0.10.x)
>     This version runs both Celluloid::IO and Cool.io to keep compatibility.

How about starting v0.11.x as a development line with Celluloid::IO support,
while making v0.10.x a stable release with only bug fixes?

I'd like to see fluetd to make it clear which version is considered to be stable,
and which version is for advanced users.

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