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[ANNOUNCE] Online Journaled File System (OJFS) v1.0

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Online Journaled File System

Oct 12, 2006, 6:06:37 AM10/12/06

OJFS is a general-purpose, Online Journaling File
system based on ReiserFS which was designed and
implemented by a team at Namesys led by Hans Reiser,
who is referred to as the project's Benevolent
Dictator for Life (and death). It is currently
supported for GNU/Linux and may be included in other
operating systems in the future.

You may download the patch for the 2.6.18 kernel at

Or view our Wikipedia page for more up to date
information at

We encourage all current ReiserFS users to upgrade to
OJFS for improved performance due our extensive
cleanups of object naming overhead.

Thank you,

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Michal Piotrowski

Oct 12, 2006, 7:22:15 AM10/12/06
to Online Journaled File System
On 12/10/06, Online Journaled File System <> wrote:
> Greetings,
> OJFS is a general-purpose, Online Journaling File

> Or view our Wikipedia page for more up to date
> information at

"See also
* Hans Reiser
* OJ Simpson"

It is a stupid "joke". It's not funny.

> We encourage all current ReiserFS users to upgrade to
> OJFS for improved performance due our extensive
> cleanups of object naming overhead.
> Thank you,
> The OJFS Team (AYBABTU).

Michal K. K. Piotrowski
LTG - Linux Testers Group

Jan Engelhardt

Oct 12, 2006, 8:44:47 AM10/12/06
to Online Journaled File System
>OJFS is a general-purpose, Online Journaling File

What, it's already April?

>Or view our Wikipedia page for more up to date
>information at

Thank God it's already marked for deletion.


Online Journaled File System

Oct 12, 2006, 9:10:23 AM10/12/06
to Jan Engelhardt

--- Jan Engelhardt <> wrote:

> >Greetings,
> >
> >OJFS is a general-purpose, Online Journaling File
> What, it's already April?


> >Or view our Wikipedia page for more up to date
> >information at
> Thank God it's already marked for deletion.

It is a necessary upgrade of the filesystem, in case
the root directory goes missing and its children are
orphaned and forcefully moved to lost+found.


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Online Journaled File System

Oct 12, 2006, 9:13:42 AM10/12/06
to Michal Piotrowski

--- Michal Piotrowski
<> wrote:

> On 12/10/06, Online Journaled File System
> <> wrote:
> > Greetings,
> >
> > OJFS is a general-purpose, Online Journaling File
> [snip]
> >
> > Or view our Wikipedia page for more up to date
> > information at
> "See also
> [..]
> * Hans Reiser
> * OJ Simpson"
> It is a stupid "joke". It's not funny.

No, it's not a funny joke, it's a very serious matter.

We suggest you take a close look at the code, it's

Months of brainstorming, development testing and
tuning have been spent on this project, I suggest you
take it very seriously, polskaka.

Thank you,

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Jörn Engel

Oct 12, 2006, 9:19:44 AM10/12/06
to Online Journaled File System
On Thu, 12 October 2006 06:09:53 -0700, Online Journaled File System wrote:
> It is a necessary upgrade of the filesystem, in case
> the root directory goes missing and its children are
> orphaned and forcefully moved to lost+found.

Please stop this. Independent of the legal subject, this joke is
off-topic and doesn't help anyone involved.

Judging by his previous comments in the last 1-2 years and stuff he
said to reporters, it is highly likely that Hans Reiser requires
medical treatment and should receive help, not low jokes at the
expense of his illness.

It is not unheard of that programmer have such a problem. If my
assessment is correct, Hans would be the third person that I have
known personally and the other two are perfectly fine again - after
receiving help.


Good warriors cause others to come to them and do not go to others.
-- Sun Tzu

Michal Piotrowski

Oct 12, 2006, 9:31:34 AM10/12/06
to Online Journaled File System
On 12/10/06, Online Journaled File System <> wrote:
> I suggest you
> take it very seriously, polskaka.

racism should not be tolerated on LKML.

Michal K. K. Piotrowski
LTG - Linux Testers Group

Chase Venters

Oct 12, 2006, 9:45:33 AM10/12/06
to Online Journaled File System
On Thu, 12 Oct 2006, Online Journaled File System wrote:

> --- Michal Piotrowski
> <> wrote:
>> On 12/10/06, Online Journaled File System
>> <> wrote:
>>> Greetings,
>>> OJFS is a general-purpose, Online Journaling File
>> [snip]
>>> Or view our Wikipedia page for more up to date
>>> information at
>> "See also
>> [..]
>> * Hans Reiser
>> * OJ Simpson"
>> It is a stupid "joke". It's not funny.
> No, it's not a funny joke, it's a very serious matter.
> We suggest you take a close look at the code, it's
> enlightening:
> Months of brainstorming, development testing and
> tuning have been spent on this project, I suggest you
> take it very seriously, polskaka.

Why don't you reveal your real identity?

If you don't want your name associated with tasteless madness such as
this, it's generally better not to do it in the first place. You should be
highly ashamed.

> Thank you,
> The OJFS Team (AYBABTU).


Online Journaled File System

Oct 12, 2006, 9:49:17 AM10/12/06
to Chase Venters

Chase Manhattan.

> If you don't want your name associated with
> tasteless madness such as
> this, it's generally better not to do it in the
> first place. You should be
> highly ashamed.

Anonymity is sometimes key in today's mad mad world.

Thank you,

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Online Journaled File System

Oct 12, 2006, 9:50:02 AM10/12/06
to Michal Piotrowski

--- Michal Piotrowski
<> wrote:

> On 12/10/06, Online Journaled File System
> <> wrote:
> > I suggest you
> > take it very seriously, polskaka.
> racism should not be tolerated on LKML.


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Online Journaled File System

Oct 12, 2006, 9:54:40 AM10/12/06
to an Engelhardt
--- Jörn Engel <> wrote:

> On Thu, 12 October 2006 06:09:53 -0700, Online

> Journaled File System wrote:
> >
> > It is a necessary upgrade of the filesystem, in
> case
> > the root directory goes missing and its children
> are
> > orphaned and forcefully moved to lost+found.
> Please stop this. Independent of the legal subject,
> this joke is
> off-topic and doesn't help anyone involved.
> Judging by his previous comments in the last 1-2
> years and stuff he
> said to reporters, it is highly likely that Hans
> Reiser requires
> medical treatment and should receive help, not low
> jokes at the
> expense of his illness.

So 10 years at an asylum instead of 25 to life in a
maximum security prison? eh!? YOU are insane, too.

> It is not unheard of that programmer have such a
> problem. If my
> assessment is correct, Hans would be the third
> person that I have
> known personally and the other two are perfectly
> fine again - after
> receiving help.

Tell that to his wife her family and kids!

Thank you,


Alexander Lyamin

Oct 12, 2006, 10:01:05 AM10/12/06
to Online Journaled File System

Hello Sean.

-10 Karma points.
(this reads that you'll be reborn in a shit-worm for your next life).

Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 03:06:05AM -0700, Online Journaled File System wrote:
> Greetings,
> OJFS is a general-purpose, Online Journaling File
> system based on ReiserFS which was designed and
> implemented by a team at Namesys led by Hans Reiser,
> who is referred to as the project's Benevolent
> Dictator for Life (and death). It is currently
> supported for GNU/Linux and may be included in other
> operating systems in the future.
> You may download the patch for the 2.6.18 kernel at
> Or view our Wikipedia page for more up to date
> information at
> We encourage all current ReiserFS users to upgrade to
> OJFS for improved performance due our extensive
> cleanups of object naming overhead.

"the liberation loophole will make it clear.."
lex lyamin

Jörn Engel

Oct 12, 2006, 10:22:53 AM10/12/06
to Online Journaled File System
On Thu, 12 October 2006 06:54:05 -0700, Online Journaled File System wrote:
> So 10 years at an asylum instead of 25 to life in a
> maximum security prison? eh!? YOU are insane, too.

In the cases I know it was more like 6 month of hospital and taking
pills for the rest of the life. Many people above 60 have seen worse.

> Tell that to his wife her family and kids!

I have zero knowledge about what happened to her and therefore won't
comment on the legal case of her disappearing. If you are looking for
a legal comment, ask a lawyer. If you have a suspicion you can back
with evidence, contact the law enforcement authorities. If you have a
personal opinion and like to share it, talk to a friend.

In either of those cases, LKML is _not_ the place to pester. Go away.


Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good,
you'll have to ram them down people's throats.
-- Howard Aiken quoted by Ken Iverson quoted by Jim Horning quoted by
Raph Levien, 1979

Online Journaled File System

Oct 12, 2006, 11:00:07 AM10/12/06
Sposibo Sasha! You're so cute.

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Do You Yahoo!?
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Online Journaled File System

Oct 12, 2006, 11:10:54 AM10/12/06
to Horst H. von Brand
Hey Horse!

Dr De Informatica? Cool! is /not/ your own special way
of saying *not* ? Boo.

This is -not- *not* [not] (not) {not} }not{ -=not=-, I
repeat, NOT a fscking PRANK! Stop trashing me, I'm

--- "Horst H. von Brand" <>

> Online Journaled File System

> <> wrote:
> > Greetings,
> >
> > OJFS is a general-purpose, Online Journaling File
> > system based on ReiserFS which was designed and
> > implemented by a team at Namesys led by Hans
> Reiser,
> > who is referred to as the project's Benevolent
> > Dictator for Life (and death). It is currently
> > supported for GNU/Linux and may be included in
> other
> > operating systems in the future.

> This is /not/ funny. At all.
> Such pranks have /no/ place in LKML.
> --
> Dr. Horst H. von Brand User #22616
> Departamento de Informatica Fono:
> +56 32 2654431
> Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria
> +56 32 2654239
> Casilla 110-V, Valparaiso, Chile Fax:
> +56 32 2797513

Online Journaled File System

Oct 12, 2006, 11:12:50 AM10/12/06
Hello Jörn!

--- Jörn Engel <> wrote:

> On Thu, 12 October 2006 06:54:05 -0700, Online

> Journaled File System wrote:
> >
> > So 10 years at an asylum instead of 25 to life in
> a
> > maximum security prison? eh!? YOU are insane,
> too.
> In the cases I know it was more like 6 month of
> hospital and taking
> pills for the rest of the life. Many people above
> 60 have seen worse.

We appreciate your insight! What you just said sounds
very, very scary.

> > Tell that to his wife her family and kids!
> I have zero knowledge about what happened to her and
> therefore won't
> comment on the legal case of her disappearing. If
> you are looking for
> a legal comment, ask a lawyer. If you have a
> suspicion you can back
> with evidence, contact the law enforcement
> authorities. If you have a
> personal opinion and like to share it, talk to a
> friend.
> In either of those cases, LKML is _not_ the place to
> pester. Go away.
> Shoo.

LKML is for everything concerning the Linux kernel
development process and well being. What will we do
about our beloved filesystem now? We must upgrade to
OJFS as all current ReiserFS users face an uncertain
future. We especially can't have idiots like "Lex
(Luthor?) Lyamin" develop it, if he can't even write
one proper sentence how on earth will he produce a top
quality filesystem?

Thank you,

Mike Galbraith

Oct 12, 2006, 11:16:32 AM10/12/06
+-------------------+ .:\:\:/:/:.
| PLEASE DO NOT | :.:\:\:/:/:.:
| FEED THE TROLLS | :=.' - - '.=:
| | '=(\ 9 9 /)='
| Thank you, | ( (_) )
| Management | /`-vvv-'\
+-------------------+ / \
| | @@@ / /|,,,,,|\ \
| | @@@ /_// /^\ \\_\
@x@@x@ | | |/ WW( ( ) )WW
\||||/ | | \| __\,,\ /,,/__
\||/ | | | jgs (______Y______)

Jens Axboe

Oct 12, 2006, 11:32:57 AM10/12/06
to, Online Journaled File System,

guys, please stop feeding the troll. enough already.

Jens Axboe

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