Fat-Free Framework

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Welcome to the Fat-Free Framework for PHP discussion area.

Before you post:
  • Check for open topics. Spend some time to see if there is already an ongoing discussion on the subject.
  • Respect all points of view. Flaming will not be tolerated.
  • If you encounter a problem, make sure you provide us with enough information to reproduce the issue so we can arrive at a solution.
  • We view comments like "blah, blah, blah doesn't work" as a child's complaint. We are all adults here and we expect you to express yourself better than a child can.
  • You will receive better responses if you specify the framework version, operating system, development environment, and more importantly - some source code.


http://www.fatfreeframework.com (main site containing documentation)
https://github.com/bcosca/fatfree (stable branch including dev branch with unit tests)

https://github.com/bcosca/fatfree-core (bleeding edge core library)

You can also get help at Stack Overflow and in IRC channel #fatfree on FreeNode, or join us at Slack.

Enjoy your stay!