Middleware and bodyParser / connect-form?

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Brandon Martin

2011年6月12日 上午10:01:332011/6/12
I am working on a setup that I am using bodyParser and connect-form. I read all about how connect-form needs to be below bodyParser in the stack and I have all that working, but with one piece of middleware a restrictToSelf it locks up like req.form.complete is never called or anything. Here are some code snippets:

// app.js
  app.use(form({ keepExtensions: true }));

app.post('/admin/account', loadUser, requireLogin, restrictToSelf, admin.account_update);

// middleware.js
exports.restrictToSelf = function (req, res, next) {
  Account.findOne({ "users.email" : req.current_user.email }, function(err, account) {
    if (account && account.subdomain == req.headers.host) {
    } else {
      req.flash('error', 'You are not authorized to access that page');

// controller.js
exports.account_update = function(req, res, next) {
  req.form.complete(function(err, fields, files){
    // do some upload stuff here

I thought that middleware would be checked before the route is ever hit. I can get the same functionality working by implementing the restrictToSelf in the route, but I would like to keep it in the middleware as I use that for other routes. Any thoughts?


Brandon Martin

vision media [ Tj Holowaychuk ]

2011年6月13日 凌晨2:53:412011/6/13
looks like it's because when you introduce async stuff in that middleware, so while that middleware is doing it's thing you are actually losing "data" events

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Tj Holowaychuk
Vision Media
President & Creative Lead

Adam McDonald

2011年7月25日 晚上9:19:432011/7/25
Hmm, I'm having this exact same problem with the async middleware. Do you have any suggestions around it?

TJ Holowaychuk

2011年7月25日 晚上10:22:532011/7/25
take a look at connect's utils.js, there's a pause() util to buffer those events, far from ideal but to provide a linear API it's necessary for now

TJ Holowaychuk

On Monday, July 25, 2011 at 6:19 PM, Adam McDonald wrote:

Hmm, I'm having this exact same problem with the async middleware. Do you have any suggestions around it?

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Brandon Martin

2011年7月25日 晚上10:29:132011/7/25

Thanks TJ I will take a look at that. I just didn't didn't include the middleware in that route and did the restrictToSelf logic in the request.form which is not ideal but it works.

Brandon Martin
Zyph | Martin Design Studios
Lead Developer
P - 509.991.7587
E - bma...@zyphmartin.com

Adam McDonald

2011年7月25日 晚上10:38:352011/7/25
Hey TJ, would these modifications be to connect-form.js? I'm not positive when to call the resume() function due to the various callbacks.

TJ Holowaychuk

2011年7月25日 晚上10:40:202011/7/25
nope it's on other middleware that are async and used for POST/PUT etc, which unfortunately is anything doing broad work like authority checks from a db etc. 

TJ Holowaychuk

On Monday, July 25, 2011 at 7:38 PM, Adam McDonald wrote:

Hey TJ, would these modifications be to connect-form.js? I'm not positive when to call the resume() function due to the various callbacks.

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Adam McDonald

2011年7月25日 晚上10:53:192011/7/25
Okay. So, can you guide me in the right direction to use the pause/resume functions? I'm using async middleware to load the user and authentication, similar to @zmbartin.

TJ Holowaychuk

2011年7月25日 晚上11:04:272011/7/25
I think only the session middleware uses it right now, since most that do async are GET/HEAD only like static() etc. Basically you pause until the async stuff is done, then resume()

TJ Holowaychuk

On Monday, July 25, 2011 at 7:53 PM, Adam McDonald wrote:

Okay. So, can you guide me in the right direction to use the pause/resume functions? I'm using async middleware to load the user and authentication, similar to @zmbartin.

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Adam McDonald

2011年7月26日 凌晨2:15:302011/7/26
Excellent, TJ!! Thank you very much for your help.
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