Randomized with seed 301802 ==> mix (exunit) ................................................. 1) test prints elixir req mismatches (Mix.Tasks.DepsTest) test/mix/tasks/deps_test.exs:75 No message matching {:mix_shell, :error, [^msg]} after 0ms. Process mailbox: {:mix_shell, :info, ["==> ok"]} {:mix_shell, :error, ["warning: the dependency 'ok' requires Elixir \"~> 0.1.0\" but you are running on v1.1.0-beta"]} {:mix_shell, :info, ["Generated ok app"]} stacktrace: test/mix/tasks/deps_test.exs:93: anonymous fn/0 in Mix.Tasks.DepsTest.test prints elixir req mismatches/1 (elixir) lib/file.ex:1131: File.cd!/2 test/test_helper.exs:102: MixTest.Case.in_fixture/3 test/mix/tasks/deps_test.exs:78 .............. 2) test cleans dependencies (Mix.Tasks.DepsTest) test/mix/tasks/deps_test.exs:570 Wrong message for Mix.Error. Expected "mix deps.clean expects dependencies as arguments or a flag indicating which dependencies to clean. The --all option will clean all dependencies while the --unused option cleans unused dependencies", got "`mix deps.clean` expects dependencies as arguments or a flag indicating which dependencies to clean. The '--all' option will clean all dependencies while the '--unused' option cleans unused dependencies" stacktrace: test/mix/tasks/deps_test.exs:583: anonymous fn/0 in Mix.Tasks.DepsTest.test cleans dependencies/1 (elixir) lib/file.ex:1131: File.cd!/2 test/test_helper.exs:102: MixTest.Case.in_fixture/3 test/mix/tasks/deps_test.exs:573