plugins { id 'biz.aQute.bnd.builder' version '3.3.0' } sourceCompatibility = '1.8' version = '0.2' repositories { maven { url "" } } dependencies { compile('com.dotcms:dotcms:5.2.8') { transitive = true } } import java.util.jar.* ///////////////////////// //Plugin jar ///////////////////////// jar { manifest { attributes ( 'Bundle-Vendor': 'dotCMS', 'Bundle-Description': 'dotCMS - Osgi Portlets example', 'Bundle-DocURL': '', 'Bundle-Activator': 'com.dotmarketing.osgi.portlet.Activator', 'Import-Package': '*;version=0' ) } } jar.finalizedBy 'fragmentJar' ///////////////////////// //Fragment jar ///////////////////////// ext { bundleName = "Osgi Portlets fragment" bundleDescription = "dotCMS - Osgi Portlets fragment" fragmentHost = "system.bundle; extension:=framework" bundleSymbolicName = "" //Auto generated based on the plugin jar bundleVersion = "" //Auto generated based on the plugin jar importPackage = "" //Auto generated based on the plugin jar bundleManifestVersion = "" //Auto generated based on the plugin jar bundleDocURL = "" //Auto generated based on the plugin jar bundleVendor = "" //Auto generated based on the plugin jar } /** * The import generates versions like this: version="[1.8,2)" * That format does not work for the export, so we need to replace it * to: version=0 */ ext.fixVersionNumber = {importValue -> return importValue.replaceAll("\"\\[[0-9.,]+\\)\"", "0") } /** * Reads the Manifest file of the just created plugin jar in order to get the required info * to automatically create the fragment jar. */ task readManifesttAttributes { doFirst { File file = configurations.baseline.singleFile JarFile jar = new JarFile(file) Attributes manifest = jar.getManifest().getMainAttributes() bundleSymbolicName = "${manifest.getValue('Bundle-SymbolicName')}" bundleVersion = "${manifest.getValue('Bundle-Version')}" importPackage = "${manifest.getValue('Import-Package')}" bundleManifestVersion = "${manifest.getValue('Bundle-ManifestVersion')}" bundleDocURL = "${manifest.getValue('Bundle-DocURL')}" bundleVendor = "${manifest.getValue('Bundle-Vendor')}" } } task fragmentJar(type: Jar) { doFirst { //Setting the fragment jar name baseName = archiveName = "${baseName}.fragment-${version}.jar" importPackage = fixVersionNumber(importPackage) manifest { attributes ( 'Bundle-Name': "${bundleName}", 'Bundle-Description': "${bundleDescription}", 'Bundle-Vendor': "${bundleVendor}", 'Bundle-Version': "${version}", 'Bundle-SymbolicName': "${baseName}.fragment", 'Bundle-ManifestVersion': "${bundleManifestVersion}", 'Bundle-DocURL': "${bundleDocURL}", 'Fragment-Host': "${fragmentHost}", 'Export-Package': "${importPackage}" ) } } } fragmentJar.dependsOn 'readManifesttAttributes' task wrapper(type: Wrapper) { gradleVersion = '4.2' }