Using a PolymorphicModelAdmin (on the Base model) to edit Polymorphic models

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Hidde-Jan Jongsma

Feb 13, 2010, 8:12:44 AM2/13/10
to django-polymorphic

I'm currently developing a project which uses django-polymorphic
models to handle
different kinds of content/apps in the same way. A simplified example
of this would
be as follows:

class Base(PolymorphicModel):
def render(self):
return ''

class ModelA(Base):
content = models.TextField()

def render(self):
return self.content

class ModelB(Base):
def render(self):
return do_something()

If I use on all the models, I'm perfectly able to
edit ModelA, ModelB
and Base as expected, but what I actually want to do is just register
Base and be able
to edit instances of ModelA and ModelB.

I know this is not something you can easily implement in the admin
site (how do you
create a new instance of either ModelA of ModelB from the Base admin
page), but I
think it is an interesting concept.

Is there anyone who has some ideas about implementing this? I might be
able to patch
something together myself. Please say how you feel about this. Is it
something worth
spending time on of is it a horrible idea?

Yours faithfully,

Bert Constantin

Feb 18, 2010, 7:08:10 AM2/18/10
to django-polymorphic
> class Base(PolymorphicModel): ...
> class ModelA(Base): ...
> class ModelB(Base): ...

> If I use on all the models, I'm perfectly
> able to> edit ModelA, ModelB and Base as expected, but
> what I actually want to do is just register
> Base and be able to edit instances of ModelA and ModelB.

When (in your example) editing the Base table, the admin most likely
uses polymorphic querysets with ModelA/ModelB objects, but always uses
the same Base-class ModelForm to edit them.

Using a custom ModelAdmin class for Base, I get this far:

class BaseAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
form = BaseAdminForm

class BaseAdminForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Base, BaseAdmin)

see also:

What seems missing for a solution is the possibility to dynamically
specify different forms in BaseAdmin, depending on the specific object
that the form will be used for.


class BaseAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
form = BaseAdminForm

would somehow need to be more dynamic, like this:

class BaseAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
def get_form(self, object_to_be_edited): # created dynamic form
class here and return it

"object_to_be_edited" would be of type Base, ModelA or ModelB and
get_form() would dynamically create the correct form for the object

Of course this would need a patch to the admin app, but probably a
small one.

Alternatively, perhaps BaseAdminForm could be convinced to do this
(without patching admin).
I did not look deep enough into this yet, however.

> (how do you create a new instance of either ModelA of ModelB
> from the Base admin page), but I think it is an interesting concept.

Yes, the creation of new objects with the admin is an additional issue
here. A way to select the desired sub-model would need to be added to
the admin's "add object" button. I don't know if the admin app's API
already allows such additions.

> Is it something worth spending time on of is it a horrible idea?

The concept for admin-integration you outlined here looks very sound
to me; it's probably the best approach to integrate polymorphic
objects into the admin.

I personally did not use the admin for polymorphic models yet, but I
will probably look somewhat deeper into this topic as well.

If you come up with any kind of solution, please let us know.

Kind Regards,
Bert Constantin

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