#16110: deprecating arguments for a bugfix?

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Paul Winkler

May 31, 2011, 2:17:29 PM5/31/11
to Django developers
Assuming that my patch for https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/16110
were to go in, it would deprecate an argument. The patch as it exists
removes the only code that checks the 'null' keyword arg to contrib/
gis/forms/fields.py:GeometryField.__init__(). That keyword arg was,
AFAICT, a mistake and should never have existed.

I can't simply remove the line that does kwargs.pop('null', None),
obviously it would break any existing code that passes that arg,
because right after that we call super(GeometryField,
self).__init__(**kwargs), and the superclass would throw an error on
an unexpected keyword arg.

To me this seems like a clear case for a DeprecationWarning. Yes?
I've just read https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.3/internals/release-process/#internal-release-deprecation-policy
... not sure I understand the timeline, would this count as a
deprecated feature? Can PendingDeprecationWarnings related to
bugfixes be introduced in micro releases, or have to wait till 1.4?
Or is the policy ever less strict if the feature was really a
misfeature/bug? Or what?
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