Disasters and Applied Anthropology

Contact owners and managers
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Our TIG directory is now available on Facebook and Twitter. If you would like your information added, or edited, please email  riskanddisastertig [at] gmail [dot] com

 Please take a moment to read carefully the following Listserv policies:


These policies are proposed to ensure that all users and members of the Risk and Disaster Topical Interest Group (RDTIG) are treated with respect. They are to support feeling comfortable and confident in being able to speak up, ask questions, and share information and requests in both in person and online spaces (Google group/listserv, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) of the RDTIG. These guidelines also build on the TIG’s antiracist work in creating equitable access to inclusive and welcoming spaces and community. 

General Policies and Guidelines

You should post…

  1. in a way that is supportive and encouraging of others in the group and, per the SfAA, in a way that is “inclusive of a commitment to providing safe and equitable environments for anthropological, and more broadly social scientific, inquiry and work;” 

  2. per the SfAA’s guidelines, to engage in actions and words that support our colleagues’ professional activities, our students’ training, and our research groups’ and communities’ dignity, integrity, and worth; 

  3. materials that are of potential interest to others in the group;

    1. You are more than welcome to share even tangentially related things you think other users or members might find interesting.

    2. Re-sharing resources or calls for abstracts, papers, etc. after a bit of time has passed is completely acceptable.

You should always…

  1. take a moment to step back if you are angry about a response;

  1. As AQA points out: “Unlike a regular letter, it’s very easy to type something out in anger and hit ‘send’ without thinking through how what you’re saying will be interpreted. If something gets you emotionally upset on the list, please do not reply immediately.” 

  2. They add that “patience, generosity, and good humor can go a long way towards a happy listserv.” 

You should also…

  1. obtain written informed consent from all parties to a conversation if you wish to re-publish comments posted on the list; 

  2. obtain written informed consent from all parties to a conversation if you wish to use what is published on the list for research purposes.

You should not

  1. personally attack or harass others;

    1. As SfHP notes: “Professional debates can create strong differences of opinion, which may be expressed in a constructive manner; but personal attacks and offensive comments are inappropriate, not in the spirit of the Society, and against the policy of all associated communications tools.” 

  2. speak down to others;

  3. engage in racism, homophobia, sexism, ableism, transphobia, or other bigotry. 

  4. engage in the following: “inappropriate behaviors include but are not limited to name-calling and other ad hominem comments; overgeneralizing and offering dispositional character criticisms and attributions; using language that is perceived as being aggressive, sarcastic, or demeaning; posting excessively or repeating an established position” (SfHP);

  5. send spam like deliberately posting the same or very similar links, posts, or comments over and over again in a short time frame or advertising clearly unrelated materials.  

    1. The “deliberately” matters here, as sometimes systems have issues and things are accidentally reposted, which does not fall under this guideline. 

    2. This generally covers very obvious spam bots, which these spaces have been affected by before. 

Responses to Guideline Violations

  1. Users and members who violate these policies and guidelines may receive a warning reminding them to speak to others with respect. These warnings may be issued by any of the following persons, although they will most often be made by at least two such persons consulting with one another: the co-chairs of the Risk and Disaster TIG, the social media manager of the Risk and Disaster TIG, the owners of the listserv (or the social media platform in question), or the moderators of the listserv. 

  2. In response to such warnings, please do not… 

    1. spend time trying to poke holes in the policies or guidelines, pointing to other people’s behavior as an excuse, insulting others, and/or claiming that the warnings were issued due to personal vendettas. 

    2. post offensive comments publicly on other groups, organizations, or topical interest sites or lists. 

    3. not retaliate or “punish” others in responses for calling out disrespectful behaviors. 

    4. block future opportunities for people who call out disrespect, inappropriate behavior, or disproportionate or unsuitable uses of power. 

  3. All warnings are issued simply as a response to personal behavior and as a reminder to treat others with respect.

  4. If that warning is met with subsequent continued violations, users or members may be removed from one or more of the online spaces for one month and/or may be asked to leave in-person spaces. 

  5. If upon return, users or members violate these guidelines again, they may be removed from one or more of these online spaces permanently and/or be asked again to leave in-person spaces. 

Additional Useful Etiquette 

  1. Use a clear and descriptive subject line. 

  2. Use a clear signature. 

  3. Be careful in your use of “reply all,” such as when you only mean to send a personal reply like "thanks" to a small group of specific people or an individual.

  4. If you are unsure if your comments cross the line, stop. Ask a trusted colleague or administrators.

  5. Do not send requests to be removed from the list, group, etc. to the entire group. Instead, please message the administrators. 

As an additional reminder, all of the people who serve in leadership roles in the RDTIG or who help manage our in-person and online events and spaces are volunteers.

If you have any comments or suggestions about the content of these policies, please contact the Risk and Disaster Topical Interest Group at riskanddisastertig [at] gmail [dot] com.