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Yannis Güdel

Feb 10, 2012, 6:17:53 AM2/10/12
to Derby

Is there some roadmap for the project? When the first release will be?
When will be offline and server persistant storage avaible?

Best regards


Feb 11, 2012, 3:24:09 PM2/11/12
I too am interested in this.  Do the developers plan to actively develop and support the framework going forward? What are the short and long term plans? Any plans to make it more full-featured, with things like authentication and authorization, internationalization, model/form validations, support for more data stores (including RDBMS's), etc. (or would contributions along those lines be welcome)? Plans for more documentation?

For large apps, I'm also wondering if the entire app has to be sent on the initial request, or is it possible to asynchronously load parts of the app in the client depending on user actions?

Anyway, very impressive project. Looking forward to seeing how it develops.

Best Regards,

Nate Smith

Feb 11, 2012, 6:32:38 PM2/11/12
Hey guys,

Thanks for the interest. We don't have an exact roadmap, but Derby is still under very active development. If you notice that there haven't been a lot of commits to the Derby repo in a given period, we've likely been focusing on Racer, which is the data syncing engine underpinning Derby.

Generally, we plan to do all of the things that you have mentioned, and it is mostly a matter of plowing through it.

We are close to releasing our first version with support for MongoDB persistence and subscriptions to queries. This should be out within a couple of weeks, and it should mean that the project is feature complete enough to use for a basic app.

"Offline support" is pretty complex, because it encompasses the ability for the app to function independently of the server, reconnecting, syncing changes, resolving conflicts, and caching of the app in localstorage / manifest files or something similar. At this point, lots of these things work, but the conflict resolution and local caching is not done yet. This is something on which I am actively working.

Current work:
  • Persistence with MongoDB
  • Subscriptions to queries (such as objects with a given property, pagination, all objects with an id contained in a list, etc)
  • Authentication and authorization
  • More docs and tutorials
  • Better automatic merging of conflicts from offline clients
  • ORM-like api for interacting with models with inheritance, validation, etc
  • Multiple process support
  • Collaborative text editing
  • Support for other data stores (once we have one working, contributions of more adapters will certainly be welcome)
There will of course be more after that, but this is just the stuff that is top of mind right now.

For large projects, one thing that the framework can do already is you can have multiple apps that handle different routes. The server can include router middleware for each app, so you effectively end up with multiple single page applications. For truly monster apps, we'll probably eventually add some sort of asynchronous module loading, but I think we can get pretty far with the multiple single page app model.

Thanks for the interest!



Feb 11, 2012, 11:52:15 PM2/11/12
Thanks for the reply (and for the cool framework). All sounds very promising.


Yoshua Wuyts

Mar 8, 2013, 3:56:15 PM3/8/13
Any updates on the roadmap, I'm sure I'm not the only one that's curious. Having a public Trello that we could see would make a lot of people very happy (:

- Y
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