DAISY Pipeline - Proposal for the next phase (January 2014 to December 2015)

The DAISY Pipeline 2 project, launched in June 2010, is a long term investment to achieve an enterprise-grade production system for accessible content.

The project already delivered a powerful and extensible engine, along with a wide range of processing features. The initial focus has been to provide good support for the production of EPUB 3 content as well as the processing of the new DAISY Authoring and Interchange Framework for Adaptive XML Publishing (ANSI/NISO Z39.98-2012).

This document presents how we envision to extend the objectives and activities of the Pipeline 2 project in a possible next phase, spanning from January 2014 to December 2015.

Work on processing functionality can be focused on the following areas:

In addition, we will keep on working on the internal Pipeline 2 engine and user interfaces, notably in the following areas:

The outcome will benefit all DAISY Consortium members involved in automated content production, as well as commercial companies wishing to take advantage of the open source and liberally licensed deliverables.