INFO: CPU: Williams-MacBook-Pro.local INFO: Crux version: 3.2-8aa66a2d INFO: Sat Sep 19 11:26:07 PDT 2020 COMMAND LINE: /Users/wnoble/proj/crux-3.2.Darwin.x86_64/bin/crux tide-index --decoy-format shuffle --enzyme trypsin --max-length 21 yeast.fasta yeast_ind INFO: Beginning tide-index. INFO: Running tide-index... INFO: Writing results to output directory 'yeast_ind'. INFO: Reading yeast.fasta and computing unmodified peptides... INFO: Ignoring 6 peptide sequences containing unrecognized characters. INFO: Generated 145581 targets, including duplicates. INFO: Failed to generate decoys for 33 low complexity peptides. INFO: Generated 136320 decoys. INFO: Writing decoy fasta... INFO: Generating 1 decoy per target INFO: Reading proteins INFO: Wrote 100000 peptides INFO: Wrote 200000 peptides INFO: Skipped 9228 duplicate targets and 204 duplicate decoys. INFO: Wrote 136353 targets and 136116 decoys. INFO: Precomputing theoretical spectra... INFO: Elapsed time: 2.55 s INFO: Finished crux tide-index. INFO: Return Code:0