INFO: CPU: DESKTOP-52519M8 INFO: Crux version: 3.2-e786b8b INFO: Mon 11/25/2019 COMMAND LINE: crux pipeline --output-dir test_200_2000 --search-engine tide-search --precursor-window-type mz --precursor-window 0.6 --mz-bin-width 1.0005079 --add_C_cysteine +57.021464 --variable_mod01 +15.995 M 1 3 --max-precursor-charge 3 --precursor_charge 2 3 --num-threads 1 --override_charge 1 --overwrite T C:\Users\enduser\Documents\ProteomeDiscoverer\191011_diaopt\1.5DaPrecursorTolerance\scanrange_200to2000_191010_Th_60min_DIA_200to2000_1Da_noOverlap_survey1of3_1.raw C:\Users\enduser\Documents\ProteomeDiscoverer\191011_diaopt\1.5DaPrecursorTolerance\scanrange_200to2000_191010_Th_60min_DIA_200to2000_1Da_noOverlap_survey2of3_1.raw C:\Users\enduser\Documents\ProteomeDiscoverer\191011_diaopt\1.5DaPrecursorTolerance\scanrange_200to2000_191010_Th_60min_DIA_200to2000_1Da_noOverlap_survey3of3_1.raw human-index INFO: Beginning pipeline. INFO: Running pipeline with the following steps: INFO: --> tide-search INFO: --> percolator INFO: Running tide-search... INFO: Search will be run with the following files against database 'human-index': INFO: --> C:\Users\enduser\Documents\ProteomeDiscoverer\191011_diaopt\1.5DaPrecursorTolerance\scanrange_200to2000_191010_Th_60min_DIA_200to2000_1Da_noOverlap_survey1of3_1.raw INFO: --> C:\Users\enduser\Documents\ProteomeDiscoverer\191011_diaopt\1.5DaPrecursorTolerance\scanrange_200to2000_191010_Th_60min_DIA_200to2000_1Da_noOverlap_survey2of3_1.raw INFO: --> C:\Users\enduser\Documents\ProteomeDiscoverer\191011_diaopt\1.5DaPrecursorTolerance\scanrange_200to2000_191010_Th_60min_DIA_200to2000_1Da_noOverlap_survey3of3_1.raw INFO: Running tide-search... INFO: Number of Threads: 1 INFO: Reading index human-index INFO: Read 154527 target proteins WARNING: The file 'test_200_2000/' already exists and will be overwritten. WARNING: The file 'test_200_2000/tide-search.decoy.txt' already exists and will be overwritten. INFO: Converting C:\Users\enduser\Documents\ProteomeDiscoverer\191011_diaopt\1.5DaPrecursorTolerance\scanrange_200to2000_191010_Th_60min_DIA_200to2000_1Da_noOverlap_survey1of3_1.raw to spectrumrecords format INFO: Elapsed time starting conversion: 3.02 s WARNING: Spectrum 2 has no charge state. Calculating charge INFO: Converting C:\Users\enduser\Documents\ProteomeDiscoverer\191011_diaopt\1.5DaPrecursorTolerance\scanrange_200to2000_191010_Th_60min_DIA_200to2000_1Da_noOverlap_survey2of3_1.raw to spectrumrecords format INFO: Elapsed time starting conversion: 316 s INFO: Converting C:\Users\enduser\Documents\ProteomeDiscoverer\191011_diaopt\1.5DaPrecursorTolerance\scanrange_200to2000_191010_Th_60min_DIA_200to2000_1Da_noOverlap_survey3of3_1.raw to spectrumrecords format INFO: Elapsed time starting conversion: 544 s INFO: Reading spectrum file test_200_2000/scanrange_200to2000_191010_Th_60min_DIA_200to2000_1Da_noOverlap_survey1of3_1.raw.spectrumrecords.tmp. INFO: Read 423210 spectra. INFO: Starting search. INFO: 1000 spectrum-charge combinations searched, 0% complete INFO: 2000 spectrum-charge combinations searched, 0% complete INFO: 3000 spectrum-charge combinations searched, 1% complete INFO: 4000 spectrum-charge combinations searched, 1% complete INFO: 5000 spectrum-charge combinations searched, 1% complete INFO: 6000 spectrum-charge combinations searched, 1% complete INFO: 7000 spectrum-charge combinations searched, 2% complete INFO: 8000 spectrum-charge combinations searched, 2% complete INFO: 9000 spectrum-charge combinations searched, 2% complete INFO: 10000 spectrum-charge combinations searched, 2% complete INFO: 11000 spectrum-charge combinations searched, 3% complete INFO: 12000 spectrum-charge combinations searched, 3% complete INFO: 13000 spectrum-charge combinations searched, 3% complete INFO: 14000 spectrum-charge combinations searched, 3% complete INFO: 15000 spectrum-charge combinations searched, 4% complete INFO: 16000 spectrum-charge combinations searched, 4% complete 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INFO: [Thread 0]: Retained 97.1706% of peaks. INFO: Time per spectrum-charge combination: 0.004389 s. INFO: Average number of candidates per spectrum-charge combination: -1932.151245 INFO: Reading spectrum file test_200_2000/scanrange_200to2000_191010_Th_60min_DIA_200to2000_1Da_noOverlap_survey2of3_1.raw.spectrumrecords.tmp. INFO: Read 432192 spectra. INFO: Starting search. 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INFO: [Thread 0]: Retained 99.1566% of peaks. INFO: Time per spectrum-charge combination: 0.012360 s. INFO: Average number of candidates per spectrum-charge combination: -3307.714844 INFO: Running percolator... INFO: Post-processing will be run using the following files: INFO: --> test_200_2000/ INFO: --> test_200_2000/tide-search.decoy.txt INFO: Running make-pin INFO: Parsing test_200_2000/ INFO: Assigning index 0 to C:\Users\enduser\Documents\ProteomeDiscoverer\191011_diaopt\1.5DaPrecursorTolerance\scanrange_200to2000_191010_Th_60min_DIA_200to2000_1Da_noOverlap_survey1of3_1.raw. INFO: Assigning index 1 to C:\Users\enduser\Documents\ProteomeDiscoverer\191011_diaopt\1.5DaPrecursorTolerance\scanrange_200to2000_191010_Th_60min_DIA_200to2000_1Da_noOverlap_survey2of3_1.raw. INFO: Assigning index 2 to C:\Users\enduser\Documents\ProteomeDiscoverer\191011_diaopt\1.5DaPrecursorTolerance\scanrange_200to2000_191010_Th_60min_DIA_200to2000_1Da_noOverlap_survey3of3_1.raw. INFO: Parsing test_200_2000/tide-search.decoy.txt INFO: There are 3132950 target matches and 2897956 decoys INFO: Maximum observed charge is 3. INFO: Finished make-pin. INFO: Percolator version 3.02.0, Build Date May 30 2018 13:54:08 INFO: Copyright (c) 2006-9 University of Washington. All rights reserved. INFO: Written by Lukas Käll ( in the INFO: Department of Genome Sciences at the University of Washington. INFO: Issued command: INFO: percolator --results-peptides test_200_2000/ --decoy-results-peptides test_200_2000/percolator.decoy.peptides.txt --results-psms test_200_2000/ --decoy-results-psms test_200_2000/percolator.decoy.psms.txt --verbose 2 --protein-decoy-pattern decoy_ --seed 1 --subset-max-train 0 --trainFDR 0.01 --testFDR 0.01 --maxiter 10 --search-input auto --no-schema-validation --protein-enzyme trypsin --post-processing-tdc test_200_2000/ INFO: Started Mon Nov 25 09:44:20 2019 INFO: Hyperparameters: selectionFdr=0.01, Cpos=0, Cneg=0, maxNiter=10 INFO: Reading tab-delimited input from datafile test_200_2000/ INFO: Features: INFO: XCorr PepLen Charge1 Charge2 Charge3 enzN enzC enzInt lnNumDSP dM absdM INFO: Found 6030906 PSMs INFO: Separate target and decoy search inputs detected, using target-decoy competition on Percolator scores. INFO: Train/test set contains 3132950 positives and 2897956 negatives, size ratio=1.08109 and pi0=1 INFO: Selecting Cpos by cross-validation. INFO: Selecting Cneg by cross-validation. INFO: Split 1: Selected feature 1 as initial direction. Could separate 19040 training set positives with q<0.01 in that direction. INFO: Split 2: Selected feature 1 as initial direction. Could separate 19237 training set positives with q<0.01 in that direction. INFO: Split 3: Selected feature 1 as initial direction. Could separate 19357 training set positives with q<0.01 in that direction. INFO: Found 28685 test set positives with q<0.01 in initial direction INFO: Reading in data and feature calculation took 103.608 cpu seconds or 104 seconds wall clock time. INFO: ---Training with Cpos selected by cross validation, Cneg selected by cross validation, initial_fdr=0.01, fdr=0.01 INFO: Iteration 1: Estimated 44128 PSMs with q<0.01 INFO: Iteration 2: Estimated 49311 PSMs with q<0.01 INFO: Iteration 3: Estimated 50743 PSMs with q<0.01 INFO: Iteration 4: Estimated 51241 PSMs with q<0.01 INFO: Iteration 5: Estimated 51311 PSMs with q<0.01 INFO: Iteration 6: Estimated 51330 PSMs with q<0.01 INFO: Iteration 7: Estimated 51333 PSMs with q<0.01 INFO: Iteration 8: Estimated 51263 PSMs with q<0.01 INFO: Iteration 9: Estimated 51280 PSMs with q<0.01 INFO: Iteration 10: Estimated 51259 PSMs with q<0.01 INFO: Learned normalized SVM weights for the 3 cross-validation splits: INFO: Split1 Split2 Split3 FeatureName INFO: 1.7111 2.1028 1.8764 XCorr INFO: -0.5021 -0.5764 -0.6908 PepLen INFO: -0.2129 -0.2539 -0.4124 Charge1 INFO: 0.4920 0.6159 0.4019 Charge2 INFO: -0.3776 -0.4794 -0.1802 Charge3 INFO: 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 enzN INFO: 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 enzC INFO: -1.7248 -2.2543 -1.6443 enzInt INFO: 0.9216 1.2994 0.4885 lnNumDSP INFO: -0.0590 -0.0291 -0.0389 dM INFO: 0.1455 0.2207 0.2072 absdM INFO: -6.4965 -7.9136 -6.4561 m0 INFO: Found 51019 test set PSMs with q<0.01. INFO: Selected best-scoring PSM per scan+expMass (target-decoy competition): 685224 target PSMs and 521006 decoy PSMs. INFO: Tossing out "redundant" PSMs keeping only the best scoring PSM for each unique peptide. INFO: Calculating q values. INFO: Final list yields 18162 target peptides with q<0.01. INFO: Calculating posterior error probabilities (PEPs). INFO: Processing took 2109 cpu seconds or 2109 seconds wall clock time. INFO: Elapsed time: 7.95e+003 s INFO: Finished crux pipeline. INFO: Return Code:0