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VGA COLOR MONITORS. NEW. 0.31mm pitch. 13". IBM. $325. (with card $499)

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Jul 1, 1989, 1:49:07 PM7/1/89
I still have a lot of these IBM 5175 monitors. (Got carried away at an auction)

They are brand new. 640X480 analog RGB. 13". Composite sync. Anti-glare.
The CRT is made by Hitachi and the monitors were built in Finland for

I am selling them for $225 in unconverted form.
$250 set up for Mac II.
$325 set up for VGA.

I will also sell the conversion kits separately.
$10 Mac Kit.
$35 VGA Kit.

I have some VGA cards too. VGA setup with card $499.
Mac cards too. Mac II setup with 8 bit card $725.

The converted monitors are warranted for 90 days and should the fail after
the warranty period may be repaired by returning to me or one of the repair
facilities listed in the documentation.

The unconverted monitors are warranted for 90 days in unconverted form only.

Should you wish to roll your own...
Tools/time. Mac...Allen wrench, small screwdriver, soldering iron.
Approx 15 minutes. as above and approx 90 minutes.

Shipping is via UPS ground. Payment is C.O.D. (personal check O.K.).
Maximum shipping and C.O.D charges for 48 states is $16.

I'm home most evenings 404-874-5051. A machine answers after the 4th ring
if I'm not in.


Bob Duckworth
Georgia Insitute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
uucp: ...!{akgua,allegra,amd,hplabs,ihnp4,seismo,ut-ngp}!gatech!gitpyr!gp310ad

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