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A Letter to Interplay Concerning BC3K, Derek Smart, and the Colorado School Shootings

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Apr 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/23/99
This is the copy of the letter which I just emailed to
concerning Derek's recent comments on the Colorado school tragedy. I would
suggest that all of those who feel that his comments are callous, uncalled
for, and wrong send them a similar letter, expressing your unwillingness to
purchase any of this products, or any other Interplay product, which they
maintain associations with this individual.

Things will only get better in the gaming industry, and everywhere else, if
we begin to take a stand against individuals like Mr. Smart. Please
consider that no game, even were it an enjoyable one, is worth supporting
racism, homophobia, sexism, and a callous disregard for the suffering of

My letter to Interplay follows. Feel free to cut and paste any sections
you'd like for personal use.

Dear Interplay,

This letter is to complain about a product which you distribute,
Battlecruiser 3000AD. More specifically, it is to complain about the
product's developer and support person, Derek Smart.

I am certain you are aware of the reputation of Mr. Smart's online persona.
But in his comments concerning the recent tragedy in Colorado, he has simply
gone too far.

In the attached post from UseNet, appearing beneath my signature, Mr. Smart
mocks and demeans the death of those schoolchildren, and uses them in a
crass promotional statement for his product, which bears the name of your

In the past, Mr. Smart has made numerous comments on the Usenet forum which
were vulgar, homophobic, racist, sexist, and generally offensive. He has
publicly posted the address of underage children in that same public forum,
exposing them and their families to threats and harassment from anyone who
might use that information against them. There is no small amount of
evidence that his claimed academic credentials are invalid. In light of
these actions, I have chosen not to purchase his products, or any other
products from your firm, and I regularly encourage my game-purchasing
friends to do likewise.

I am a huge gaming fan, purchasing 20-30 computer games each year, and am
very active in the online gaming community. A larger and larger portion of
that community refuses to purchase products produced or distributed by your
firm because of the actions of this man. After reading the attached post,
with all of it's callous malice, I believe your firm will lose even more
valuable customers for the sake of this buggy, unentertaining, low-end

I realize that you have no ability to control the free speech of your
developers. But you must realize that I, and many other like me, will not
purchase any products from a company which associates itself with a person
of this character. We will continue to vocally participate on UseNet, in
gaming forums, chat rooms, and at our local gaming stores to encourage
others to reject those products as well.

I sincerely urge you to end your contractual relationship with Mr. Smart,
restore consumer faith in your firm as one which does not promote
homophobia, racism, sexism, academic fraud, or the use of terrible human
tragedy for self-promotion.


Joseph P. Legander III

Attachment One

This is a Usenet post from the strategy games newsgroup. Mr. Smart was
asked by Tom Beckmann, among others, to not bring the Colorado tragedy into
a heated discussion about the many detractors of his person and products.
following is Mr. Smart's reply.

On Fri, 23 Apr 1999 09:34:58 +0100, "tom" <>

>Children have just been killed, and before they are even buried, they are
>dragged into a petty argument.
>Please show some respect for the dead, and their families.

First of all, there was nothing petty about my statement (those who
turned it into an argument, made is as such). This kid, louisjm, is a
delinquent brat that even his mother can't control. And this is not
heresay, we've spoken to her a good number of times. Thats where it
all starts.

My point was that there are detractors here who think it is ok to
commit a crime (he commited mail fraud, theft, to name a few) just
because it is against Derek Smart. They were the ones (yes, I have the
entire thread archived) who cheered him on. The ones who know (or
don't know) that this kid is just plain bad news. You can go to
Dejanews and do a search on his email address and see posts like you'd
never expect from a 'normal' 17 yr old. Yes, he is cheered on by these
same detractors because they think its cool. If he came by my house
and scratched my car with a coin, they'd probably find it funny too.

They are the *same* ones who don't find it funny when I retaliate and
contact his parents and the authorities and have had him taken offline
over 4 or 5 times already. According to his mother, he makes promises
he can't keep, behaves for a few days, gets permitted to go online
only to repeat the same pattern. This is the same kid who comes here
lying about owning a BMW, his dad being in the military etc, when in
fact, they don't even own a car and he never knew his dad...who, was
never in the military either. Several military personnel here, beat
him up over that one over something else he had said. Why does he do
this? Because only in cyberspace does he consider himself as being
'somebody' and there other delinquents, grown ups no less, such as
Huffman, Typhon, Ribo, bp etc, whose examples he follows because he
thinks that Derek Smart is open season. And if there are people
stoking his ego, even when doing something obviously wrong and
illegal, whats to stop him?

When he told me he was an artist and asked for a job (yes, I have all
the emails), I offered it to him if only it would keep him out of
trouble seeing that nobody in their right minds (he was supposedly
helping out with a project at, ask him what happened
over there) would even take him seriously considering his attitude. I
even offered, for free, some memory, a hard drive and graphics card to
repair his PC which does not work (he uses a Mac), so that he could do
the work I would be paying him for. When I told him that his work was
not up to par with the sort of professional work I had in mind and
because he did not have 2D/3D package experience, he once again,
became nasty (during that same period, I hired 6 more people for the
Strike Pak project, including 2 artists whose work are in the current
model work I posted recently) and resumed his online behavior. Which
got him taken offline again when my attorney, his mom and I were on
conference call only about a month ago. His mother knew nothing about
it. She took him offline, again and he has returned, four weeks later,
doing the same thing. Why? because he gets attention and thinks that
what he is doing is cool. I have never mentioned any of this because I
was convinced that I had heard the last of him.

So, what I said was on par with my experience with a delinquent, who
happens to be online and misbehaving. Thats how it starts, with the

Apart from that....

Children have just been killed, and before they are even buried, the
NRA is still planning their convention in the same state.

Children have just been killed, and before they are even buried the
finger is already being pointed at gaming companies, movies, etc

Children have just been killed, and before they are even buried, every
shrink out there who thinks he/she knows what the problem is, appears
on network tv for their 15 mins of fame. Later this year, more
children will likely be killed and advertisers will still bid for
network ad time slots.

Children have just been killed, and before they are even buried the
next big thing in news, will pop up and consume the world's attention.

Children have just been killed, and before they are even buried,
somewhere out there are parents ignoring the problem and more are
breeding more socially inept and delinquent morons who either use the
net as a vehicle for their hate and anti-social behavior or end up
getting innocent people killed.

Children are killed every other day in Yugoslavia, and before they are
even buried, more are killed and listed as casualties of war or
'collateral' damage.

Children have just been killed, and before they are even buried, most
will continue smoking cigarettes and die at some point later down the
road as adults. Meanwhile, the tobacco companies are still in business
as if any amount of settlement fees, could ever make up for lost lives
when the recoupment of said money, comes from victims-to-be.

Children have just been killed, and before they are even buried,
several more will either die from drinking+driving, drag racing or
playing with guns.

Children have just been killed, and before they are even buried, there
are kids being suspended in NJ for coming to school in trenchcoats and
pretending to fire guns. Where were the parents?

I for one, freespeech or not, hope the govt. introduces more laws
that make it easier to seek out and prosecute every moron online that
contributes to this problematic society we live in. The gun problem
isn't going anywhere. The tobacco issue is going to be around forever.
Websites promoting hate, bomb making etc, will remain
online..protected by free speech or so they say.

This year, more kids and adults, will die as the result of several
anti-social and social issues. The Colorado Incident just happens to
be in the news this week the same way the last incident was in the
news for a few days.

Society as we know it, sucks, deal with it. Just thank God that you
can wake up every morning and breathe air and walk around on your own
two feet. There are people out there with far greater problems that go
beyond whether someone posts on/off topic in a group or not. Go hug a
tree or kiss the ground you walk on next time you are outdoors. Thats
the meaning of life.

Derek Smart, Ph.D.
Designer/Lead Developer
The Battlecruiser Series

"The man who follows the crowd will usually get no further
than the crowd. The man who walks alone is likely to find
himself in places no one has ever been. Someone lemme out!"

Marcus J. Maunula

Apr 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/23/99
After reading this my respect for Smart actually rose a bit. He made a
perfectly valid comparison.
And his comments about the US society is perfectly valid.

Otherwise I don't care for that debate (Colorado or BC3K). Kosovo is far
more important here on our continent (Europe).


Typhon skrev i meddelandet <7fqnju$asa$>...

White Knight

Apr 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/23/99
Typhon <> wrote:

> This is the copy of the letter which I just emailed to
> concerning Derek's recent comments on the Colorado school tragedy. I would
> suggest that all of those who feel that his comments are callous, uncalled
> for, and wrong send them a similar letter, expressing your unwillingness to
> purchase any of this products, or any other Interplay product, which they
> maintain associations with this individual.

[snip] yada yada yada, totally incoherrant rant deleted.

It is obvious you have a personal grudge, for whatever reason, with Derek Smart.
I find YOUR lame attempt at using the Colorado incident as firepower in your
personal war against Mr. Smart offensive. I intend to write to Interplay to let
know that the majority of the population couldn't care less about Derek Smart's
beliefs, past behaviour on Internet, or personal grudges with other Usenet
I feel that his games should be judged on their own merit and content alone. I
sincerely hope they will file your letter where it rightly belongs, in the
circular file.

I would encourage other usenet readers to send along a letter to Interplay
them to judge Mr. Smart's works based on themselves and not on lame internet
flame wars. If his next game is good, publish it. If not, don't. That's all
that should
ever make a difference in publishing a game.



Disclaimer: I am not a Derek Smart proponent or opponent. I do not agree or
disagree with any of his posts, nor do I care about them in any way.


Apr 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/23/99
Congratulations, Typhon, you've taken being a Usenet Asshole to a new level.
Quite an accomplishment, considering your competition.

Ezmegki Vanijen

Apr 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/23/99
Vorlin wrote:
> Congratulations, Typhon, you've taken being a Usenet Asshole t
> o a new level. Quite an accomplishment, considering your competition.

couldn't say it better myself...



Apr 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/23/99
The *real* callous, uncalled for comments are *yours* Typhoon.

*You* are the one trying to profit by starting a new thread and
stretching your bizarre BC3K vendetta. Derek's comments
regarding the Colorado tragedy are, for the most part, right on
and I expect express the sentiments of a large number of people.

Shut the fuck up. You are a disgrace.

Typhon <> wrote in message


Apr 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/23/99
Oh, and I pleased to note ALL the other responses so far to your
obnoxious post also recognize you as a complete asshole for this
Colorado post, Typhoon.

Shut the fuck up, you pig.

Typhon <> wrote in message


Apr 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/23/99
Sorry Dan. You lack any credibility. You've already stated publicly that
you consider it acceptable to try to get people fired from their jobs for
comments made on Usenet. At best, you're no more or less a disgrace than I.

For anyone else who disagrees with this, you are of course welcome to your
opinion. You might note however that I quoted Derek's entire post,
verbatim, to Interplay. I guess it's up to the company to decide whether
what he said is "right on" and "expresses the sentiments of a large number
of people", or potentially inflammatory remarks which denigrate this

And, I would note that is was Derek, and no one else, who began this by
comparing a teenager who conned him into sending him a free copy of his game
with the actions which occurred in Colorado just recently.

Dan <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote in message


Apr 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/23/99

Dan <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote in message

> Oh, and I pleased to note ALL the other responses so far to your
> obnoxious post also recognize you as a complete asshole for this
> Colorado post, Typhoon.
> Shut the fuck up, you pig.

Dan, the rightness of a given action is not determined by popularity and
public opinion polling. Were that more obvious to people, our government
might be more effective.

Derek made comments which I, personally, found to be offensive. I will not
purchase his products because I believe they are shoddy, and because I
believe him to be an offensive individual. I notified the company which
distributes his products of this fact. Whether they feel it is pertinent to
their business decisions is their decision, not mine. I did not clip, trim,
misquote, or spin his comments in any way. I copied them whole and
verbatim. My opinion on them is solely my own, and it is immaterial whether
I am the only person who hold them, or if they are held by few, or many, or
all. My actions are both legal and moral. Whether they are effective
remains to be seen.

And, one might note, they were a great deal more polite, civil, and
logically supportable than "shut the fuck up, you pig." Comments on
contacting a company about offensive comments made on Usenet from you are so
entertainingly hypocritical that the more you make them, the more I'm
convinced I'm on the right track. So flame on, Hypocrite Dan. Everybody's
somebody's fool, and we all know whose you are.


Apr 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/23/99
White Knight wrote:

However, Mr Smart has made rascist and poor taste remarks before.

He blatantly insults people of foreign nationalities, saying that the US
has fallen enough so that anyone is let in, and he disparaged this
fellow by calling him a nunchuk <he was an asian>.

He also gives out addresses of minors to the usenet, while at the same
time saying his school is too private to be publicly disseminated.


Apr 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/23/99
Virgo98 wrote

However that may be, the post "Typhon" quoted contains nothing of the
sort and does not present his "case".
I am not a "supporter" of Derek, and am a "latent detractor" (whatever
that may mean :-)).
But I do believe that Derek's original post, the one that "Typhon"
quoted, was actually well written and coherent.
It was one of the few well written posts DKS has done. And I see
nothing in the post that was "racist" or even in poor taste.


Apr 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/23/99
Dan <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote in message

> Typhon <> wrote in message
> news:7fr8d1$g1q$
> "Credibility" has *nothing to do with the fact that your new
> thread is reprehensible.

No, it only addresses your ability to claim it so without seeming a
hypocritical jerk, not that it ever bothered you in the past.

> You've already stated publicly that
> > you consider it acceptable to try to get people fired from
> their jobs for
> > comments made on Usenet.

> Bullshit. You paraphrase to provide a self-serving conclusion.
> I have said I agree with you that everyone has the right to
> contact employers with a perceived grievance. Further, I have
> clearly indicated in every post discussing it, and there is *no*
> indication to the contrary (including NCR), that I did *not* try
> to get anyone fired and in fact lobbied that that would not
> happen. Period. You want to continue being an asshole and lie
> about, go ahead. That's the only way you can play.

Sure Dan. Everyone believes you contacted NCR in order to help Bill better
heal his obsessions with you and to improve their bottom line. And I won't
even bother going back and rooting up the statements where you claimed that
I and BP? had convinced you that contacting employers was fine and dandy.

> Well, let's put it this way, you seem to enjoy the recent edge
> you have. Do yourself a favor and shut the fuck up. All you
> ever do is spit venom, wishing people dead or a victim of
> homosexual rape. Step back. You're sick

You really have a bizarre fixation on this homosexual rape thing. I guess
the fact that your master told people repeatedly to "get raped" doesn't
bother you, since presumably it was heterosexual rape.
> They are probably shaking their collective heads at another piece
> of mail from someone the long ago recognized as a an
> inconsequntial boob.

Perhaps so Dan. One can only do what one's conscience dictates. Whether or
not they agree with me isn't the issue. Nor is whether you agree with me.
Although, if you did, I'd be worried sick about the honesty of my position,
since you've never taken an honest position in your life.

> The point is that *you* chose to exploit a loose comparison
> (while in turn making Hitler references quite frequently) in
> order to play your fucking sick game.
> You're a disgrace. Shut the fuck up. It's the only way you can
> stop exposing how sick you've become.

Derek made a direct statement that kids like LouisJM5, when "egged on" by
detractors, became the kinds of kids who shot up that school. That insults
Louis, and makes light of a painful, serious, and complex issue. It is my
right to be offended by it, whether you are or not.

And Dan, let's get this straight. I will NEVER, EVER shut up because you
tell me to. In fact, each time you do I'm encouraged to post more and more
and more. So the best way to shut me up is to flee this forum, and never
return. It's the ONLY way you will EVER have silence from me, as long as
your lies, hypocrisy, and vile defamations continue.

Oh yeah...bite me.

Nigel McNaughton

Apr 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/23/99
On Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:08:18 -0700, "Typhon" <>

>This is the copy of the letter which I just emailed to
>concerning Derek's recent comments on the Colorado school tragedy. I would
>suggest that all of those who feel that his comments are callous, uncalled
>for, and wrong send them a similar letter, expressing your unwillingness to
>purchase any of this products, or any other Interplay product, which they
>maintain associations with this individual.


actually Dereks post was quite reasonable, what was your problem with

SFC's Chris

Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
Typhon ( probably wrote:

Frankly, and this is just me talking, not Interplay, there is nothing
in Dsmarts message that concerns Interplay.

Again, I would like to separate my comment above from any official
Interplay stance. It really is Just My Honest Opinion.

Please don't bombard our poor support people with any messages
regarding this. It will only cause more grief for other customers
who are trying to get through with real problems that need help.

-Chris "Who once worked Customer Support and has no desire to
every do so again because it is the most thankless job in
the world and everyone hates you for, usually, no good reason" Taylor

Chris Taylor - Game Designer - A biased employee of Interplay Productions
Stonekeep, Fallout, M.A.X.2 and now: Starfleet Command (
Legalize Freedom - Ban Censorship - Play Games

Bill Huffman

Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
In article <7fqrf6$gob$>,
"Vorlin" <> wrote:
> Congratulations, Typhon, you've taken being a Usenet Asshole to a new level.

> Quite an accomplishment, considering your competition.

Maybe you're not aware but, Derek has taken up the practise of trying
to contact the employers of his critics and trying to get them fired.
He has also contacted the ISPs of some of his critics and he has also
contacted relatives of some of his critics. He has threatened to sue
many many of his critics and has even had his lawyer harrass some of
his critics. I would also hasten to add that he is a proven PhD fraud
that continues his fraud to this very day.


-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==---------- Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99

Typhon <> wrote in message

> Sorry Dan. You lack any credibility.

"Credibility" has *nothing to do with the fact that your new
thread is reprehensible.

You've already stated publicly that

> you consider it acceptable to try to get people fired from
their jobs for
> comments made on Usenet.

Bullshit. You paraphrase to provide a self-serving conclusion.

I have said I agree with you that everyone has the right to
contact employers with a perceived grievance. Further, I have
clearly indicated in every post discussing it, and there is *no*
indication to the contrary (including NCR), that I did *not* try
to get anyone fired and in fact lobbied that that would not
happen. Period. You want to continue being an asshole and lie
about, go ahead. That's the only way you can play.

At best, you're no more or less a disgrace than I.

Well, let's put it this way, you seem to enjoy the recent edge

you have. Do yourself a favor and shut the fuck up. All you
ever do is spit venom, wishing people dead or a victim of

homosexual rape. Step back. You're sick.

> For anyone else who disagrees with this, you are of course
welcome to your
> opinion. You might note however that I quoted Derek's entire
> verbatim, to Interplay.

Which was not offensive. *Your* attempt to posture comments made
by Derek as a tool for your fruitcake obsession is disgusting.

I guess it's up to the company to decide whether
> what he said is "right on" and "expresses the sentiments of a
large number
> of people", or potentially inflammatory remarks which denigrate
> tragedy.

They are probably shaking their collective heads at another piece

of mail from someone the long ago recognized as a an
inconsequntial boob.

> And, I would note that is was Derek, and no one else, who began

this by
> comparing a teenager who conned him into sending him a free
copy of his game
> with the actions which occurred in Colorado just recently.

The point is that *you* chose to exploit a loose comparison

(while in turn making Hitler references quite frequently) in
order to play your fucking sick game.

You're a disgrace. Shut the fuck up. It's the only way you can
stop exposing how sick you've become.

> Dan <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote in message


Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
Dan <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote in message
<a 2 K reply that quoted 18K of previously quoted material>

Dan (hockeynut/nomad).

Please learn how to trim posts.
If you do not it makes you look "dummer" than your idol...


Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99

Virgo98 <Vir...@IDT.NET> wrote

> However, Mr Smart has made rascist and poor taste remarks before.
> He blatantly insults people of foreign nationalities, saying that the US
> has fallen enough so that anyone is let in, and he disparaged this
> fellow by calling him a nunchuk <he was an asian>.
> He also gives out addresses of minors to the usenet, while at the same
> time saying his school is too private to be publicly disseminated.

And my point is...


What the HELL does that have to do with his games??!


Unless he puts his "philosophy" in his games, I don't give a rats ass.

GEEZ can't we just get on with STRATEGY GAMES and not Derek Smart,
Colorado, or other totally off topic CRAP?


Rasta Kyle

Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
>Bill Huffman <> wrote:

>In article <7fqrf6$gob$>,
> "Vorlin" <> wrote:
>> Congratulations, Typhon, you've taken being a Usenet Asshole to a new level.
>> Quite an accomplishment, considering your competition.
>Maybe you're not aware but, Derek has taken up the practise of trying
>to contact the employers of his critics and trying to get them fired.
>He has also contacted the ISPs of some of his critics and he has also
>contacted relatives of some of his critics. He has threatened to sue
>many many of his critics and has even had his lawyer harrass some of
>his critics. I would also hasten to add that he is a proven PhD fraud
>that continues his fraud to this very day.

Lots of us don't give a rats ass what he claims his credentials are.
I don't care what you or Derek claim as academic credentials,
they don't detract from my enjoyment of stategy games or
affect their play in any way......and that's what this newsgroup is
here for.

Ted L. Chen

Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
Bill, even you must see that the so called proof of misbehaviour that
Typhoon appended to his letter does not serve his argument (and yours) one
single bit of support. Obviously, you two have been clouded by some
personal vendetta that I cannot fathom why you would take such offense on
someone giving their own OPINIONs on the Colorado case. The worst offense I
could get from his post was that it was off topic (I wasn't here when he
posted, but I'm guessing it was a strat NG) Aside from that, I don't see
how Typhoon can call it "callous, uncalled for..."

It did not attack the parents of the victims as some earlier postings about
previous shootings were about. The only people that he blamed were other
members of the online community who cheered this kid on. Now, that is just
his view on the matter and can be far from the truth or closer than we could
ever imagine, but again, it was only his personal opinion. And no where in
the post did he do any of the things you like to point out, other than
informing the kids parents about his behavior. Some people might shriek at
that idea and call it some blantant violation of the first admendment but it
would be clearly obvious at that point, those who understood what the spirit
and letter of the freespeech clause was about, and those who did not.

Oh well, enough rambling on my part here.


Bill Huffman <> wrote in message

> In article <7fqrf6$gob$>,
> "Vorlin" <> wrote:
> > Congratulations, Typhon, you've taken being a Usenet Asshole to a new
> > Quite an accomplishment, considering your competition.
> Maybe you're not aware but, Derek has taken up the practise of trying
> to contact the employers of his critics and trying to get them fired.
> He has also contacted the ISPs of some of his critics and he has also
> contacted relatives of some of his critics. He has threatened to sue
> many many of his critics and has even had his lawyer harrass some of
> his critics. I would also hasten to add that he is a proven PhD fraud
> that continues his fraud to this very day.

Ted L. Chen

Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
SFC's Chris <> wrote in message

> Typhon ( probably wrote:
> [snip]
> [double snip]

> pax,
> -Chris "Who once worked Customer Support and has no desire to
> every do so again because it is the most thankless job in
> the world and everyone hates you for, usually, no good reason" Taylor

Awww.. I feel sorry for Chris. On behalf of everyone here, I give you a big

-Ted "Who once thanked someone who worked Customer Support who had the long
middle name of
'Who once worked Customer Support and has no desire to

every do so again because it is the most thankless job in

the world and everyone hates you for, usually, no good reason'" Chen


Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99

SFC's Chris <> wrote in message
> Typhon ( probably wrote:
> [snip]
> Frankly, and this is just me talking, not Interplay, there is nothing
> in Dsmarts message that concerns Interplay.
No there is nothing related but if Derek Smart(oxymoron and emphasis on the
moron) stops spamming this NG with his crap about his games this flame war
would have died long ago and also if he is "Smart" enough to stop
responding. Its him that provokes everyone, especially me just by posting
that shit, he has his own site and his so called "personal forum free from
morons", yet he is the moron here and still posts this garbage. If I want
to know about it I will read it on gaming sites, since its hardly mentioned
well once it was but they said it basically suck(even discussed the
flamewar) not in those words exactly and so its not even worth my time
checking it out. He thinks this is his personal forum for advertising his
crap game, geez at least use a different alias like Netizen.

> -Chris "Who once worked Customer Support and has no desire to
> every do so again because it is the most thankless job in
> the world and everyone hates you for, usually, no good reason" Taylor

Well because most of you are idiots that don't know jackshit about anything.
You think they hired you based on your knowledge of PCs or whatever, all
they need is someone who can put up with people yelling at them. Why
should you get thanks? If the products works right out of the box, not
needing any patch to improve the gameplay, *cough* Fallout 2 *cough*, I
wouldn't be calling Customer Support.

SFC's Chris

Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
Ted L. Chen ( probably wrote:
: Awww.. I feel sorry for Chris. On behalf of everyone here, I give you a big

Thank you. Thank [sniffle] you very much.
I'm feelin' the love. :)

This has got to be the nicest Derek Smart thread I have *ever* seen.

-Chris "Who was once thanked by someone who once thanked someone who worked
Customer Support who had the long middle name of 'Who once worked Customer
Support and has no desire to ever do so again because it is the most

thankless job in the world and everyone hates you for, usually, no
good reason'" Taylor



Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99

Z-0ne <> wrote

> Well because most of you are idiots that don't know jackshit about anything.
> You think they hired you based on your knowledge of PCs or whatever, all
> they need is someone who can put up with people yelling at them. Why
> should you get thanks? If the products works right out of the box, not
> needing any patch to improve the gameplay, *cough* Fallout 2 *cough*, I
> wouldn't be calling Customer Support.

Ok, I admit that the average tech support rep has woefully inadequate
experience to properly support the product. That is because in general,
this is an entry level position in the computer industry, and the pay
usually sucks, and of course, by the time they get any good, they have
gone on to something that pays more (programming, networking, whatever).

But, there have been a few exceptions in my experience.

Game Company tech support has NEVER been a good experience, for me though.

Why is that?

Probably because the game industry is too close to the "bleeding edge"
of technology. And even when a game is rather old and has been patched
a few times, you still don't get a good tech support experience, because
since the game is not making money for the company anymore, they don't
want to support it right.

My advice to game companies -- forget about offering tech support. Sell all
your games "as is, no tech support available". That's pretty much the
service we're getting in most cases today, even though many of you claim to
have tech support services.

My advice to PC game gurus - open up a pay-per-call tech support shop on
games. Offer a subscription service for regular customers. Those that want
this kind of service will get a better quality service from 3rd party
rather than the game makers, because the service will pay for itself and
not be an expense to the company's main line (making games).

My advice to game players - if you really like a game, try one of these
types of 3rd party services (if they ever start to surface). In the meantime,
always buy with a good return policy, and take back games that are buggy
instead of holding out for patches. Make these game companies realize that
the "public beta" model for game releases is way past its prime and the
consumers have caught on to it. Don't buy beta products. Wait for LATE
reviews from people who've had a lot of experience with the game. Then buy
the game on sale, and if it's still not ready with the recent patches,
take it back. Again if necessary.


Derek Smart

Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
On Fri, 23 Apr 1999 22:00:00 GMT, (Nigel
McNaughton) wrote:

>On Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:08:18 -0700, "Typhon" <>

>>This is the copy of the letter which I just emailed to
>>concerning Derek's recent comments on the Colorado school tragedy. I would
>>suggest that all of those who feel that his comments are callous, uncalled
>>for, and wrong send them a similar letter, expressing your unwillingness to
>>purchase any of this products, or any other Interplay product, which they
>>maintain associations with this individual.

>actually Dereks post was quite reasonable, what was your problem with

Nothing, he just wants to go on another pointless and time wasting
crusade. He tried the same thing when I was negotiating the BC3K v2.0
deal with Interplay in June/July last year. See, these morons think
that anyone in their rights minds and to whom real life is more
important, will bother with their anti-social antics.

Just ignore him.

Derek Smart

Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
On Fri, 23 Apr 1999 22:00:00 GMT, (Nigel
McNaughton) wrote:

>On Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:08:18 -0700, "Typhon" <>

>>This is the copy of the letter which I just emailed to
>>concerning Derek's recent comments on the Colorado school tragedy. I would
>>suggest that all of those who feel that his comments are callous, uncalled
>>for, and wrong send them a similar letter, expressing your unwillingness to
>>purchase any of this products, or any other Interplay product, which they
>>maintain associations with this individual.

>actually Dereks post was quite reasonable, what was your problem with

can someone please post his diatribe in its entirety so that I can see
it? His sorry ass is in a killfile (he keeps spamming my email account
too) and I never get to see his shit.

Derek Smart

Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
Ted and co

just ignore this sorry sack o' shit. They tried to pull this stunt
last year when I was negotiating the v2.0 deal with Interplay and of
course, it failed. My opinions are mine and I don't give a shit what
Interplay thinks and I'm sure they don't give a shit either. My
opinions are my own and in no way affect the performance of or my
support of my product. They may as well send a letter to my mom. Same

My experience with this delinquent moron is real and he is a classic
example of how kids start off from the small stuff and work their up
the anti-social ladder. This kid is a delinquent thief, a liar and a
con. Need I say more?

These mishaving anti-social jackoffs think that people (a) don't have
better things to do with their time (b) in the real world don't know
about all the anti-social misfits who misuse the Internet and use it
for their antics and hate mongering.

Just killfile his sorry ass like everyone else does and subject him to
the silence of oblivion.

On Sat, 24 Apr 1999 09:29:10 -0400, "Ted L. Chen"
<> wrote:

>Bill, even you must see that the so called proof of misbehaviour that
>Typhoon appended to his letter does not serve his argument (and yours) one
>single bit of support. Obviously, you two have been clouded by some
>personal vendetta that I cannot fathom why you would take such offense on
>someone giving their own OPINIONs on the Colorado case. The worst offense I
>could get from his post was that it was off topic (I wasn't here when he
>posted, but I'm guessing it was a strat NG) Aside from that, I don't see
>how Typhoon can call it "callous, uncalled for..."
>It did not attack the parents of the victims as some earlier postings about
>previous shootings were about. The only people that he blamed were other
>members of the online community who cheered this kid on. Now, that is just
>his view on the matter and can be far from the truth or closer than we could
>ever imagine, but again, it was only his personal opinion. And no where in
>the post did he do any of the things you like to point out, other than
>informing the kids parents about his behavior. Some people might shriek at
>that idea and call it some blantant violation of the first admendment but it
>would be clearly obvious at that point, those who understood what the spirit
>and letter of the freespeech clause was about, and those who did not.
>Oh well, enough rambling on my part here.


Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
Nigel McNaughton wrote in message <>...

>actually Dereks post was quite reasonable, what was your problem with

My complaint about Mr. Derek K. Smart

This letter is not a memoir. Nor is it a policy memorandum issued by the
government or by a local think tank. Rather, it is an assessment of how Mr.
Derek K. Smart has no evidence or examples to back up his point. First and
foremost, Mr. Smart never seems to listen to anyone else's positions and
reasoning. As I have indicated, now is the time to redefine the rhetoric and
make room for meaningful discussion. Mr. Smart's activities occasionally
differ in terms of how unreasonable they are, but generally share one
fundamental tendency: They turn our country into a careless cesspool overrun
with scum, disease, and crime. Contrary to the Rousseauian ideal of the
transparency of the general will to itself, a theme that appears repeatedly
in Mr. Smart's double standards concerns his desire to create massive civil

It's not just the lunatic fringe that's in Mr. Smart's corner; a number of
previously-respectable people have begun backing him. If I, for one, weren't
so forgiving, I'd have to say that Mr. Smart's refrains turn the stomachs of
those who know even a little about the real world. Some people have compared
barbaric weasels to ruthless profiteers. I would like to take the comparison
one step further.

Asinine wastrels don't really want me to contribute to the intellectual and
spiritual health of the body politic, although, of course, they all have to
pay lip service to the idea. It will be objected, to be sure, that Mr. Smart
doesn't honestly want to acquire public acceptance of Mr. Smart's nerdy
jeremiads. At first glance, this may seem to be true, but when you think
about it further, you'll surely conclude that identifying and naming
inconsiderate morons is fundamentally different from using their witticisms
as an instrument of rebellion. The facts as I see them simply do not support
the false, but widely-accepted, notion that he can achieve his goals by
friendly and moral conduct.

Throughout human history, quasi-power-hungry bimbos have always been
self-serving. So it should come as no surprise that Mr. Smart's advocates
lie about their pleas, and then, when we're all convinced that no harm will
be done, they control your bank account, your employment, your personal
safety, and your mind. If I understand Mr. Smart's ploys correctly, then
pigheaded degenerates like Mr. Smart often think they have the right to con
us into believing that obscurity, evasiveness, incomprehensibility,
indirectness, and ambiguity are marks of depth and brilliance. Wouldn't it
be wonderful if we lived in a world without the worst types of sex-crazed
twits there are? Sticks and stones may break my bones, but there are many
illustrations of this.

Narrow-minded bums like Mr. Smart tend to conveniently ignore the key issues
of this or any other situation. I hope I don't need to remind you that his
devotees would sooner ally with evil than oppose it, but it's still true,
and we must do something about it. I wish that some of his grunts would ask
themselves, "Why am I helping him destroy that which is the envy of -- and
model for -- the entire civilized world?" Mr. Smart's rise to power was not
accomplished without a fair amount of backstabbing, skulduggery, and
unanticipated and unpredictable reversals of fortune, and every
intellectually honest person knows it. Don't give Mr. Smart's arguments a
credibility they don't deserve. Mr. Smart's ideals are now a staple of his
assistants' doctrines. The Derek K. Smart Foundation's latest report on
grotty incoherent corporatism is filled with fabrications, half-truths,
innuendo, and guilt by association. Not only have the worst classes of goofy
flakes there are decided to glorify their methods of interpretation by
dressing them up as moral and righteous prerogatives, but their insults are
being debated as though they were actually reasonable. I must emphasize that
the truth is not meant to be warm and fuzzy.

Might I suggest that Mr. Smart search for a hobby? It seems he has entirely
too much time on his hands, given how often he tries to transmogrify
society's petty gripes and irrational fears into "issues" to be catered to.
Which brings me to my point. In its annual report on improvident incidents,
the government concluded that scrutinizing his viewpoints may be instructive
in this regard. Ask Mr. Smart about any of his hired goons who destroy our
moral fiber, and the xenophobic jerk will say, "I never meant they should go
that far." Let me be clear. Appeasement is not the answer.

Stripping from the term "ultramicrochemistry" the negative connotations it
evokes, I will try to debate the efficacy of his squalid ethics. Just
because I understand Mr. Smart's expositions doesn't mean I agree with them.
As stated earlier, the world would be a much better place to live if Mr.
Smart just stopped trying to prepare the ground for an ever-more vicious and
brutal campaign of terror. His commitment to militarism is only part of the
story. Mr. Smart practically breaks his arm patting himself on the back when
he says, "It takes courage to go down into the muddy trenches and attack
everyone else's reinterpretations of historic events." As if that were
something to be proud of. Perhaps it sounds like stating the obvious to say
that I call this phenomenon "Mr. Smart-ism".

All such combinations of audacity with ignorance would be supremely
ridiculous but for one consideration: If he has spurred us to comment on a
phenomenon that has and will continue to defuse or undermine incisive
critiques of his maladroit predatory behavior by turning them into
procedural arguments about mechanisms of institutional restraint, then Mr.
Smart may have accomplished a useful thing. Each rung on the ladder of
revisionism is a crisis of some kind. Each crisis supplies an excuse to
manufacture and compile daunting lists of imaginary transgressions committed
against grumpy cult leaders. That is the standard process by which slovenly
isolationism enthusiasts hand over the country to duplicitous mafia dons.

I challenge all of the ultra-unbalanced egocentric troublemakers out there
to consider this: In addition to communicating an understanding of the
terrible danger we face, I need to denounce those who claim that cruel
adolescents and dishonest egotists should rule this country. What is the
milieu in which nit-picky disrespectful crybabies lash out at everyone and
everything in sight? It is the underworld of conspiracy theory, a subculture
in which condescending proponents of Stalinism share fantasies of fighting
heroically against a huge conspiracy that will replicate the most insane
structures of contemporary life before the year is over. Mr. Smart's
vicegerents have already started to steal the fruits of other people's
labor. The result: absolute vapidity, clumsy and disgusting cacophony, lack
of personality, monotony, and boredom. I can only protect the interests of
the general public against the greed and unreason of soporific hell-raisers
if Mr. Smart's army of deplorable headlong half-wits is decimated down to
those whose inborn lack of character permits them to betray anything and
everything for the well-known thirty pieces of silver. It is important to
realize that Mr. Smart's ultimata are antagonism cloaked in the rhetoric of
virulent feeble-minded interdenominationalism.

When surveyed, only two percent of Mr. Smart's confreres agreed with the
statement, "My concern is with morality itself, not with the teleological
foundations upon which it rests." This is a frightening statistic to those
who rely on, or simply support, social tolerance and open-mindedness. I am
getting tired of sweeping up after repeated Derek K. Smart fiascos. It is
imperative that all of us in this community address a number of important
issues. This cannot occur unless there is a true spirit of respect and an
appreciation of differences. The bottom line is that Mr. Derek K. Smart
should feel ashamed of himself.


Kevin "Riboflavin" Allegood
Kevin Allegood
Remove the pants from my email address to reply
"If you can put this postmodernist gibberish to music, I'll dance to it."
-Cleve on some leftist blathering


Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99

Typhon <> wrote in message

> Dan <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote in message
> news:7frj80$pi1$

> >
> > Typhon <> wrote in message
> > news:7fr8d1$g1q$
> > "Credibility" has *nothing to do with the fact that your new
> > thread is reprehensible.
> No, it only addresses your ability to claim it so without
seeming a
> hypocritical jerk, not that it ever bothered you in the past.

Get over it Typhoon. Your new thread was reprehensible. That
opionion seems unanimous. Trying to hide behind a credibility
claim is lame.

> > You've already stated publicly that
> > > you consider it acceptable to try to get people fired from
> > their jobs for
> > > comments made on Usenet.
> >
> > Bullshit. You paraphrase to provide a self-serving
> > I have said I agree with you that everyone has the right to
> > contact employers with a perceived grievance. Further, I
> > clearly indicated in every post discussing it, and there is
> > indication to the contrary (including NCR), that I did *not*
> > to get anyone fired and in fact lobbied that that would not
> > happen. Period. You want to continue being an asshole and
> > about, go ahead. That's the only way you can play.

> Sure Dan. Everyone believes you contacted NCR in order to help
Bill better
> heal his obsessions with you and to improve their bottom line.

I never claimed that. I clearly indicated why I contacted NCR
and what I asked for. You either missed it or are ignoring it
because it doesn't git your "game plan." Tough shit if you have
a problem with the truth.

And I won't
> even bother going back and rooting up the statements where you
claimed that
> I and BP? had convinced you that contacting employers was fine
and dandy.

You and bp did convince me.

> > Well, let's put it this way, you seem to enjoy the recent
> > you have. Do yourself a favor and shut the fuck up. All you
> > ever do is spit venom, wishing people dead or a victim of

> > homosexual rape. Step back. You're sick
> You really have a bizarre fixation on this homosexual rape

*You're* the sicko who made the wish that Derek be homosexually
raped. Shortly after wishing a bullet in Derek's brainstem.
Which is more bizarre? My pointing out your obsession is making
you ill (a la *this* thread you created about Colorado) or the
fact that *you* keep wishing foul things such as death and
homosexual rape?

I guess
> the fact that your master told people repeatedly to "get raped"
> bother you, since presumably it was heterosexual rape.

Sorry if you don't can't grasp the difference. Ther is little
doubt that you really wish Derek either dead or raped. You're
sick. Get help.

> >
> > They are probably shaking their collective heads at another
> > of mail from someone the long ago recognized as a an
> > inconsequntial boob.

> Perhaps so Dan.


>One can only do what one's conscience dictates.

And your "conscience" needs to step back and clean up it's act.
Perhaps then your "conscience" won't start pathetic new threads
such as this one.

Whether or
> not they agree with me isn't the issue. Nor is whether you
agree with me.
> Although, if you did, I'd be worried sick about the honesty of
my position,
> since you've never taken an honest position in your life.

Yep. You're a fruitcake.

> > The point is that *you* chose to exploit a loose comparison
> > (while in turn making Hitler references quite frequently) in
> > order to play your fucking sick game.
> >
> > You're a disgrace. Shut the fuck up. It's the only way you
> > stop exposing how sick you've become.

> Derek made a direct statement that kids like LouisJM5, when
"egged on" by
> detractors, became the kinds of kids who shot up that school.
That insults
> Louis, and makes light of a painful, serious, and complex

Bullshit. Your obsession can't let you see straight.

It is my
> right to be offended by it, whether you are or not.

Absolutely. And when you place an incredibly exploitative,
obnoxious, self-serving post as you did you will be rightly
slapped for it by many people, just as happend here. Ain't life

> And Dan, let's get this straight. I will NEVER, EVER shut up
because you
> tell me to.

Then do it becasuse you are making an incredible ass of yourself.
Don't take my word for it. Others have expressed similar
thoughts in this thread. Do it because your posts are constantly
full of bile and spittle and you need another vacation, big-time.

In fact, each time you do I'm encouraged to post more and more
> and more.

Hmmm. Who's dancing? Oh right. The "he made me be a complete
obnoxious ass defense." Right.

So the best way to shut me up is to flee this forum, and never
> return.

Actually, I'm really hoping you will take a deep breath and get
some perspective on all of this. You lost yours long ago and
have become a mean-sprited nasty obsessor.

It's the ONLY way you will EVER have silence from me, as long
> your lies, hypocrisy, and vile defamations continue.

LOL. Right. The fighting for truth and justice claim. I forgot
your "game." Invent you own truth.

> Oh yeah...bite me.

No thanks. I expect you'd taste quite sour and nasty right now.
I'd rather dive into a cesspool.


Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99

Derek Smart <> wrote in message

> can someone please post his diatribe in its entirety so that I can see
> it? His sorry ass is in a killfile (he keeps spamming my email account
> too) and I never get to see his shit.
Now, THAT, you lying fuck, is an outrageous lie! I have sent you ONE piece
of email in about FOREVER, which was in response to YOUR unsolicited email
of me to say "FUCK YOU. PLONK" in response to a message I posted here. I
DO NOT EVER initiate email contact with you. You are a fucking liar, you
filthy scumbag. I challenge you to post EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF EMAIL I HAVE
EVER SENT YOU, with the dates. There are about 3 in the entire sorry time
I've known your ass...each was in response to an email you sent to ME FIRST.



Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
Actually, I might be a bit wrong here. I recently upgraded to Outlook
Express 5.0, which as three options as opposed to the two in the old
version. It has Reply to Group, Reply to All, and Reply to Sender. I was
using Reply to All, which, after Derek's comment about me emailing him when
I know I didn't, convinces me the damn thing was emailing people rather than
just posting here. I'm using Reply to Group now, which I guess is the right

So I was wrong about emailing you Derek. Sorry. Sincerely. I did not
intend to. I just fucked up with the new software. I'll be more careful in
the future. Please accept my apology for calling you a liar. My bad.

Once again, I'm sorry.

Derek Smart <> wrote in message

> On Fri, 23 Apr 1999 22:00:00 GMT, (Nigel
> McNaughton) wrote:
> >On Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:08:18 -0700, "Typhon" <>
> >wrote:
> >
> >>This is the copy of the letter which I just emailed to
> >>concerning Derek's recent comments on the Colorado school tragedy. I
> >>suggest that all of those who feel that his comments are callous,
> >>for, and wrong send them a similar letter, expressing your unwillingness
> >>purchase any of this products, or any other Interplay product, which
> >>maintain associations with this individual.
> >>
> >
> ><Snip>
> >

> >actually Dereks post was quite reasonable, what was your problem with
> >it?

> can someone please post his diatribe in its entirety so that I can see
> it? His sorry ass is in a killfile (he keeps spamming my email account
> too) and I never get to see his shit.


Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99
Only Derek could think it made sense to make about 15 posts telling people
to ignore my post, and that if they responded to this thread it would only
make it seem more valid when it wasn't.



Apr 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/24/99

Dan <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote in message
>Snipped endless bullshit

Once again Dan, the salient points.

1. I don't care whether you, or anyone else here likes what I do. I
believe it to be correct, so I do it. It is pointless to keep pointing out
how many people disagreed with my actions. They and you have a right to do
so, and to write letters to Interplay yourselves, or to just call me names
here. It doesn't much matter.

2. I don't care about you opinion of me.

3. You're an idiot, a hypocrite, a coward, and the largest ass in the
newsgroup, Derek included. Please don't delude yourself that because many
people think my letter was off-base, that they think you are on-base.
You're what people here would wipe off their shoes if they stepped in it.

4. Since you've fixated on it so intensely, allow me to publicly apologize
for writing, in a fit of anger, that I would not be sad if Derek were shot
or in some way injured. I do not wish that Derek be shot or raped. But if
you were to be involved in some accident which made it impossible for you to
speak, type, or write, I wouldn't be overly saddened. Perhaps a vow of
silence to the Dark God of Hypocrisy?

Derek Smart

Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99
Thanks Marcus

anyway, just killfile this entire thread. Its a sordid waste of time
and was created by notable time wasters.

On Fri, 23 Apr 1999 23:59:50 +0200, "Marcus J. Maunula"
<> wrote:

>After reading this my respect for Smart actually rose a bit. He made a
>perfectly valid comparison.
>And his comments about the US society is perfectly valid.
>Otherwise I don't care for that debate (Colorado or BC3K). Kosovo is far
>more important here on our continent (Europe).
>Typhon skrev i meddelandet <7fqnju$asa$>...

>>This is the copy of the letter which I just emailed to
>>concerning Derek's recent comments on the Colorado school tragedy. I would
>>suggest that all of those who feel that his comments are callous, uncalled
>>for, and wrong send them a similar letter, expressing your unwillingness to
>>purchase any of this products, or any other Interplay product, which they

Derek Smart

Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99
White Knight, just ignore him. If you guys continue posting to this
thread, he would have succeeded in creating something out of nothing

On Fri, 23 Apr 1999 22:04:18 GMT, "White Knight"
<> wrote:

>Typhon <> wrote:
>> This is the copy of the letter which I just emailed to
>> concerning Derek's recent comments on the Colorado school tragedy. I would
>> suggest that all of those who feel that his comments are callous, uncalled
>> for, and wrong send them a similar letter, expressing your unwillingness to
>> purchase any of this products, or any other Interplay product, which they

>> maintain associations with this individual.

>[snip] yada yada yada, totally incoherrant rant deleted.
>It is obvious you have a personal grudge, for whatever reason, with Derek Smart.
>I find YOUR lame attempt at using the Colorado incident as firepower in your
>personal war against Mr. Smart offensive. I intend to write to Interplay to let
>know that the majority of the population couldn't care less about Derek Smart's
>beliefs, past behaviour on Internet, or personal grudges with other Usenet
>I feel that his games should be judged on their own merit and content alone. I
>sincerely hope they will file your letter where it rightly belongs, in the
>circular file.
>I would encourage other usenet readers to send along a letter to Interplay
>them to judge Mr. Smart's works based on themselves and not on lame internet
>flame wars. If his next game is good, publish it. If not, don't. That's all
>that should
>ever make a difference in publishing a game.

Derek Smart

Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99
Thats nothing. They are having a dry spell actually since nobody is
playing their stupid little games. Just killfile the thread.

On Fri, 23 Apr 1999 18:16:59 -0700, "Vorlin" <>

>Congratulations, Typhon, you've taken being a Usenet Asshole to a new level.
>Quite an accomplishment, considering your competition.

Derek Smart

Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99
Dan, after being here for so long, which part of this crap is news to
you? We should all be used to this by now.

>On Fri, 23 Apr 1999 20:45:39 -0500, "Dan" <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote:
>The *real* callous, uncalled for comments are *yours* Typhoon.
>*You* are the one trying to profit by starting a new thread and
>stretching your bizarre BC3K vendetta. Derek's comments
>regarding the Colorado tragedy are, for the most part, right on
>and I expect express the sentiments of a large number of people.
>Shut the fuck up. You are a disgrace.

Derek Smart

Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99

>They are probably shaking their collective heads at another piece
>of mail from someone the long ago recognized as a an
>inconsequntial boob.

LOL, I guess he forgot about last year. :) jackass.

Lately, he's been spamming my email account with his Usenet posts
because he is in a killfile and wants me to see them. So, since I use
Eudora, I simply setup a killfilter that dumps his garbage after
inserting "Fuck off" in the reply. :)

Derek Smart

Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99
Chris *please* just ignore this sorry sack o' shit. He is not worthy
of anyone's time or effort. He pulled the *same* stunt last year. Just
because nobody is playing their stupid game, he wanted to start, yet
another thread to get attention. Its a pattern.

On Sat, 24 Apr 1999 02:03:15 GMT, (SFC's Chris)

>Typhon ( probably wrote:
>Frankly, and this is just me talking, not Interplay, there is nothing
>in Dsmarts message that concerns Interplay.

>Again, I would like to separate my comment above from any official
>Interplay stance. It really is Just My Honest Opinion.
>Please don't bombard our poor support people with any messages
>regarding this. It will only cause more grief for other customers
>who are trying to get through with real problems that need help.

>-Chris "Who once worked Customer Support and has no desire to
>every do so again because it is the most thankless job in

>the world and everyone hates you for, usually, no good reason" Taylor

Derek Smart

Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99
On Sat, 24 Apr 1999 09:37:44 -0400, "Ted L. Chen"
<> wrote:

>SFC's Chris <> wrote in message

>> Typhon ( probably wrote:
>> [snip]

>> [double snip]

>> pax,
>> -Chris "Who once worked Customer Support and has no desire to
>> every do so again because it is the most thankless job in
>> the world and everyone hates you for, usually, no good reason" Taylor

>Awww.. I feel sorry for Chris. On behalf of everyone here, I give you a big

hear, hear!

Derek Smart

Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99
On Sat, 24 Apr 1999 21:09:47 GMT, (SFC's Chris)

>Ted L. Chen ( probably wrote:
>: Awww.. I feel sorry for Chris. On behalf of everyone here, I give you a big
>: NG THANKS! :)

> [blushing]
> Thank you. Thank [sniffle] you very much.
> I'm feelin' the love. :)
>This has got to be the nicest Derek Smart thread I have *ever* seen.

heh, you're telling me. :)

Derek Smart

Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99
On Sat, 24 Apr 1999 11:23:06 -0400, "Z-0ne" <> wrote:

>SFC's Chris <> wrote in message
>> Typhon ( probably wrote:
>> [snip]

>> Frankly, and this is just me talking, not Interplay, there is nothing
>> in Dsmarts message that concerns Interplay.

>No there is nothing related but if Derek Smart(oxymoron and emphasis on the
>moron) stops spamming this NG with his crap about his games this flame war
>would have died long ago and also if he is "Smart" enough to stop
>responding. Its him that provokes everyone, especially me just by posting
>that shit, he has his own site and his so called "personal forum free from
>morons", yet he is the moron here and still posts this garbage. If I want
>to know about it I will read it on gaming sites, since its hardly mentioned
>well once it was but they said it basically suck(even discussed the
>flamewar) not in those words exactly and so its not even worth my time
>checking it out. He thinks this is his personal forum for advertising his
>crap game, geez at least use a different alias like Netizen.

Another alias? Shut-the-fuck-up! Surely you guys can do better than
that? I mean, how many aliases do I have to killfile? Typhon, is that
you? Actually, I take that back, it looks suspiciously like that other
moron-in-the-making, bp.



Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99
On Fri, 23 Apr 1999 23:59:50 +0200, "Marcus J. Maunula"
<> wrote:

>After reading this my respect for Smart actually rose a bit. He made a
>perfectly valid comparison.
>And his comments about the US society is perfectly valid.
>Otherwise I don't care for that debate (Colorado or BC3K). Kosovo is far
>more important here on our continent (Europe).

Typhon must have fallen on his head recently. : P


Bill Huffman

Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99
In article <>, (Rasta Kyle) wrote:
> >Bill Huffman <> wrote:
> >In article <7fqrf6$gob$>,
> > "Vorlin" <> wrote:
> >> Congratulations, Typhon, you've taken being a Usenet Asshole to a new
> >> Quite an accomplishment, considering your competition.
> >
> >Maybe you're not aware but, Derek has taken up the practise of trying
> >to contact the employers of his critics and trying to get them fired.
> >He has also contacted the ISPs of some of his critics and he has also
> >contacted relatives of some of his critics. He has threatened to sue
> >many many of his critics and has even had his lawyer harrass some of
> >his critics. I would also hasten to add that he is a proven PhD fraud
> >that continues his fraud to this very day.
> Lots of us don't give a rats ass what he claims his credentials are.
> I don't care what you or Derek claim as academic credentials,
> they don't detract from my enjoyment of stategy games or
> affect their play in any way......and that's what this newsgroup is
> here for.

Lots of us do give a rats ass when Derek fraudulently claims credentials
he hasn't earned. I don't care what forum he fraudulently claims those
credentials in, it is wrong, it is immoral, it is unethical and I will
be there to warn people that Derek Smart is committing PhD fraud ...
and that is what an open free forum is about.

Bill Huffman

Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99
In article <7fu6uj$1f5$>,

Don't forget that the megalomania and his black ego hole has super
powers. Reality doesn't have a change, it is warped and twisted and
reborn to fit into a pathological liars twisted web.

Bill Huffman

Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99
In article <7ftvag$chp$>,
"Dan" <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote:

> Get over it Typhoon. Your new thread was reprehensible. That
> opionion seems unanimous. Trying to hide behind a credibility
> claim is lame.

Dan, speak for yourself, stop trying to claim that everyone in the
world is a toady sycophant like yourself.


> > Derek made a direct statement that kids like LouisJM5, when
> >"egged on" by
> > detractors, became the kinds of kids who shot up that school.
> >That insults
> > Louis, and makes light of a painful, serious, and complex
> >issue.
> Bullshit. Your obsession can't let you see straight.

That's exactly what Derek explicitly said. Your sycophancy can't
let you see straight.


> Then do it becasuse you are making an incredible ass of yourself.
> Don't take my word for it. Others have expressed similar
> thoughts in this thread. Do it because your posts are constantly
> full of bile and spittle and you need another vacation, big-time.

The hypocritium is flowing!


> Actually, I'm really hoping you will take a deep breath and get
> some perspective on all of this. You lost yours long ago and
> have become a mean-sprited nasty obsessor.

Hypocrite Dan you stupid SOB, you tried to get me fired. I guess
that makes you a much worse, especially considering the fact that
you had said you were greatly offended by such behavior. How do
defend yourself? You say it is okay now because you wanted to
do but, Typhon can't still? HYPOCRITE!


Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99
;-) I gotta smile at that one

>So, since I use Eudora, I simply setup a killfilter that dumps his garbage
> inserting "Fuck off" in the reply. :)


Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99
I checked the sender info, it's Typhon.

Bill Huffman

Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99
In article <7frj80$pi1$>,

"Dan" <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote:
> Typhon <> wrote in message
> news:7fr8d1$g1q$
> > Sorry Dan. You lack any credibility.

> "Credibility" has *nothing to do with the fact that your new
> thread is reprehensible.

Credibility has much to do with the fact that you, Hypocrite
Dan, are reprehensible.

> >You've already stated publicly that
> > you consider it acceptable to try to get people fired from
> >their jobs for
> > comments made on Usenet.
> Bullshit. You paraphrase to provide a self-serving conclusion.
> I have said I agree with you that everyone has the right to
> contact employers with a perceived grievance. Further, I have
> clearly indicated in every post discussing it, and there is *no*
> indication to the contrary (including NCR), that I did *not* try
> to get anyone fired

Liar King Dan, for the umpteenth time, if you weren't trying to
get me fired then explain how my employer got the
impression that I was stalking you and found out the name and
school of your daughter? This is a stupid untruth that you
spread in this newsgroup. You then posted your daughters name
and her school for all the world to see! Explain it, you lying
sack of shit. What other explanation is there except you were
trying to get me fired.

You're a disgrace. Shut the fuck up. It's the only way you can
stop exposing how sick you've become.

Shut the fuck up. You are a disgrace.

It's great, isn't it, when you can used whatever means you want,
no rules, to get back at someone you despise? But you'd be
howling like a stuck pig, Ben, if the shoe was on the other foot,
wouldn't you? If your internet philosophy passes this test, and
is adopted as accepotable practice, Ben, some day you'll likely
reap what you sow. Would that be poetic justice, Ben, or unfair?

Bullshit. I have not, and will not, contact either a person's
ISP or employer, short of a real physical threat having been
expressed. You apparently feel differently, and I say you are
an ass for that reason (though I could think of many more).

If theyare pissed they feel justified to take posts to your employer.

Commercial product has nothing to do with your crusade either.
You have turned this incredibly personal, and admit your are
happy that it has come to this. hopefully there is some way
to protect folks from people like you, who turn an acknolwedged
online came into something that directly threatens a livelyhood.

Should anyone on usenet, who feels the "justification" send
complaining email to another person's employer? Not ISP.
Employer. Is this a line you would be willing to cross?
Should people be warned about you?

Oh, I get it. these "votes" are supposed to sway my opinion
that taking newsgroup posts and using them in a personal
vedetta is acceptable. Sorry. No go. My morals don't shift
quite like yours do.

>Dan, didnt you cross this line yourself with Huffman?

No. I never contacted his employer, nor ever had the intention
of doing so, nor urged anyone else tyo do so. I have stated
repestedly in these converstaions that I think that course is

In no way do I endorse sending email to *any* person's
employer/business partner/etc for the purposes of causing a
newsgroup participant discomfort or grief. Anyone who does
that is slime. BillyO, you'd best hope there is no "supporter"
as slimy as some of your guys.

Hypocrite Dan, the biggest hypocrite in the world, is at it again.


Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99
Yes, it's me. I already admitted I fucked up. I recently upgraded from
Outlook Express 4.0 to 5.0. The new version had a menu option called Reply
to All. I assumed it meant "reply to all the newsgroups that the original
post was sent to." Instead it seems to mean "replay to everyone on the To:
and CC: lines". So I've wound up emailing some of my posts here to Derek,
myself, and God knows who else.

I've already apologized profusely, so let me do so again. It was a small
technical fuckup. I'm sure the header, which probably lists the newsviewer
version, will provide amble evidence. And that fact that everything emailed
was just a copy of what was posted here.

Sorry for the confusion.

Dr.Buffness <> wrote in message

Charles R

Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99

> I have said I agree with you that everyone has the right to
> contact employers with a perceived grievance.

I am curious as to where you get off on this one? What has my employer got
to do with my opinions as I post them on usenet? I am hoping that this
sentence is taken out of context, and expressly applies to someone whose job
it is to post on usenet, or who uses the assets of his/her employer to post
on the usenet.

Otherwise, where do you get off?



Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99

Derek Smart <> wrote in message
ha ha ha ha ha, when you post under Netizen you made so many references to
Derek in first person context, probably because you think so highly of
yourself that it is irresistible, then you mentioned your buggy game, that
guy Dan, and used the "I" when referring to your Ph.D.(if one does exists)
and other things only Derek would know. And no this isn't Typhon or bp,
accusation like that makes you look "dummer" than you are really are.
This could be Netizen though, hehe.

> *plonk*

> --
> Derek Smart, Ph.D.
> Designer/Lead Developer
> The Battlecruiser Series


Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99

Bill Huffman <> wrote in message

> In article <7ftvag$chp$>,
> "Dan" <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote:

> > Actually, I'm really hoping you will take a deep breath and
> > some perspective on all of this. You lost yours long ago and
> > have become a mean-sprited nasty obsessor.

> Hypocrite Dan you stupid SOB, you tried to get me fired.

And you are a LIAR (among other things). Please post the NCR
guy's name, phone and email address (ask for his permission, of
course). Anyone can contact him and ask if I tried to get you
fired, can ask if I specifically requested that your posting from
NCR be stopped and you *not* be fired. Huh? What's your excuse
for you or others not specifically asking NCR? Oh, right. The
truth would hurt your game.

Fucking liar. You're the biggest hypocrite of all, standing
behind a claim of interest in Truth and Justice and then either
"inventing" truths to fit your game or hiding behind ignorance
because that also fits your game.



Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99
On Sun, 25 Apr 1999 15:47:40 GMT, Bill Huffman
<> wrote:

>Lots of us do give a rats ass when Derek fraudulently claims credentials
>he hasn't earned. I don't care what forum he fraudulently claims those
>credentials in, it is wrong, it is immoral, it is unethical and I will
>be there to warn people that Derek Smart is committing PhD fraud ...
>and that is what an open free forum is about.

Ho Hum zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Yawn , burp , fart


Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99

Charles R <> wrote in message

> > I have said I agree with you that everyone has the right to
> > contact employers with a perceived grievance.
> I am curious as to where you get off on this one? What has my employer
> to do with my opinions as I post them on usenet? I am hoping that this
> sentence is taken out of context, and expressly applies to someone whose
> it is to post on usenet, or who uses the assets of his/her employer to
> on the usenet.
> Otherwise, where do you get off?
I think it need be put into context. Let's say you work at Boston Market,
carving chicken. If you get on-line here, and say that you hates blacks or
Catholics or Japanese, or that you think <politician name in here> sucks, or
what have you, I don't think any reasonable person would say we should run
down to Boston Market and see about getting you fired. Your comments have
nothing to do with your job, nor with Boston Market. You don't say them at

Derek, on the other hand, sells software. He distributes that software
through Interplay. He handles tech support and customer service himself (or
his firm, BC3000AD does). Now, the very people to whom he has made racist,
sexist, homophobic, and vile comments to are in many cases customers who
have already BOUGHT HIS PRODUCT, or are considering buying his product.
Let's face it, at one time or another most of the detractors, myself
included, purchased this product. I myself bought it two separate times.

Now, Interplay CERTAINLY should care that the person handling customer
service for the product that they distribute with their name on it has
called Asian customers "nunchucks", told numerous customers to "get raped",
said that we were lowering our standards by letting anyone into this country
anymore, and has told people that he would piss in their mouths and break
their ribs.

Remember, these are customers, and potential customers. He also, in that
same forum, continually advertises and hypes this game.

This makes it perfectly reasonable for a person to decide NOT to purchase
Smart products, and to inform the company that distributes them of that
fact, and of the reasons for that fact. Consumer boycotts are an effective,
rational way of dealing with such a situation.

Of course, we could broaden the argument as well, which many people don't
seem to want to do. They regularly comment that if it "isn't about the
game, who cares?" All that matters is whether Derek produces a good game,
not what kind of a person he is.

But why then did we chooses not to purchase krugerrands and diamonds from
South Africa during Apartheid? Weren't their gold and diamonds as good as
anyone else's? Shouldn't it be "about the wealth", and not about their
racist govenment? Why should we care about Albanian's being ejected from
Kosovo, as long as Milosovic gets along well with us? Or any of
fifty-thousand other situations I could name.

It we're to have any kind of a moral society, we can't let it be just about
money and product. We have to look at the values underlying it. This point
has been made again and again, from dolphin-safe tuna to the Exxon Valdez.
Companies that refuse to live up to commonly accepted standards of behavior
and decency should see their market share and reputation decrease until such
time as they do.

It's obviously a slippery slope as to how far that whole thing can go. If
the gas station attendant has a scantily-clad woman tattooed on his arm, and
I'm a deeply religious Christian, I don't think I should work to make him
lose his job. But when a game developer first produces a massively
substandard game, sells it to people, lies about the patches for it, lies
about the manual for it, insults the gamers who bought it in vile and
misanthropic ways, lies about his Mensa membership, and most likely lies
about his academic credentials, all the while advertising the NEW release of
his game, I think people have the right to be mad, and to tell him, and
anyone involved with him in business, that they won't buy that product.

I don't think it's much of a stretch. It seems perfectly reasonable, just
like all the aforementioned consumer boycotts noted above, and many others.
I'm really surprised people have such a hard time getting that fact.

Now, as to Dan's actions, he decided to call NCR and report that Bill
Huffman was posting on company time. Clearly Bill has nothing to sell here.
His comments have no relationship to any product which he produces for NCR,
nor for anything that their name is attached to. And, according to Bill,
his comments to the NCR rep were distinctly dishonest about what he claimed
Bill had done. Nor has he the simple courage to admit that he was trying to
disrupt Bill's employment. Their is nothing even vaguely moral about this,
nor has it any valid consumer rationale. He simply hated Bill enough to try
to hurt him for comments that Bill had made here.

Anyway, that's my take on it all.


Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99
to <nobr...@unleesrjed.Clampet> wrote in message

You're a weird guy, Joe. What is so hard to understand about the idea that
certain things are inherently wrong, and it really doesn't matter whether
you produce a good or bad game while you do them. I really think some of
the people on this group wouldn't mind if the government massacred
minorities or strip-mined the rain forest, as long as they kept the trains
running on time and the TV stations on the air. I can hear everyone going
on about how "Hey, it's about the trains. I don't care what their genocide
position is".

Is it really so simple that now, at the end of the 20th Century, that as
long as I produce a good beer, a good game, a good TV show, or a good car
that I can lie, cheat, steal, fuck my neighbor's wife, insult every race,
and vilify whosoever I choose without ANYONE caring about it? Have we
actually slipped so far that as long as you're commercially viable, it's
unimportant how you act?

Doesn't it at all offend your sensibilities that Derek can make any sort of
vile racial or sexual or violent slur he wants to, and many people seem not
to care at all. But if he misses the date for a patch, or shipped another
buggy game like 1.0, everybody would scream bloody murder about what a lying
wretch he was?

You seem like a bright guy, but somedays I really feel like slitting my
wrists over the apathy displayed by some people here. It's bad enough we
face the open malice of cretins like Dan, without the blank stares of
boredom at the whole topic by other people.

To paraphrase a great thinker, "For evil to win it is not necessary that
good men become is only necessary that good men do nothing."


Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99

Typhon <> wrote in message

> Now, as to Dan's actions, he decided to call NCR and report
that Bill
> Huffman was posting on company time. Clearly Bill has nothing
to sell here.
> His comments have no relationship to any product which he
produces for NCR,
> nor for anything that their name is attached to.

Not that it has anything to do with why I contacted NCR, but note
the product banners on bill's site from which I suspect that he
receives monies. Would be highly unlikely that he provides free
advertising space on his site. Each it pays him. His constant
posts with links to his website seem to most certainly be
promoting his site for commercial reasons now.

And, according to Bill,
> his comments to the NCR rep were distinctly dishonest about
what he claimed
> Bill had done.

Well, surprise, surprise, bill's full of shit. Not that you'll
let the facts get in your way of a little "fun" but,

When I lodged a complaint about bill's harassing posts from work
I was asked if that included any email. I told them of bill's
email and bill's comment that the mail was intended to let me
know that I was "vulnerable." NCR was made aware how bill got
the information. NCR asked if I felt threatened now. I said no.
They asked if there was any other email of that type. I said no.
So yes, NCR knew about the mail (they have copies including
bill's "vulnerable" statement), but I made nothing more of it
then the above.

Let NCR know that bill posted hundreds of times from NCR during
the work day. I provided samples of his posts. NCR then began
monitoring his account to confirm he was still posting to the
games groups during the work day.

As to "stalking," that may have been NCR's choice of words when
they confronted bill, I don't know. I did not use that term. I
did tell them that bill did follow me to other newsgroups on
occassion and that he did make derogatory comments on his several

Any other impressions NCR may have developed would be explained
by the fact that they spent several weeks examining bill's
archived posts and came to some interesting conclusions.

Past that, bill's interest is in prolonging the game and grabbing
anything he can and twisting it to suit his needs (a la LIT).

Nor has he the simple courage to admit that he was trying to
> disrupt Bill's employment.

"Disrupt" his employment? LOL

Their is nothing even vaguely moral about this,
> nor has it any valid consumer rationale. He simply hated Bill
enough to try
> to hurt him for comments that Bill had made here.

Nope. You simply want to ignore the facts and let bill lead you
hook-in-mouth wherever he wants to take you. Go for it. Ask
bill if you could call the NCR Security guy and ask him any
question you'd like. Go ahead. It's simple. Don't believe me.
Don't believe bill. Find out for yourself. Afraid of the truth?
Thought so.


Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99

Bill Huffman <> wrote in message

> In article <7frj80$pi1$>,
> "Dan" <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote:
> >
> > Typhon <> wrote in message
> > news:7fr8d1$g1q$
> > > Sorry Dan. You lack any credibility.
> >
> > "Credibility" has *nothing to do with the fact that your new
> > thread is reprehensible.
> Credibility has much to do with the fact that you, Hypocrite
> Dan, are reprehensible.
> > >You've already stated publicly that
> > > you consider it acceptable to try to get people fired from
> > >their jobs for
> > > comments made on Usenet.
> >
> > Bullshit. You paraphrase to provide a self-serving
> > I have said I agree with you that everyone has the right to
> > contact employers with a perceived grievance. Further, I
> > clearly indicated in every post discussing it, and there is
> > indication to the contrary (including NCR), that I did *not*
> > to get anyone fired
> Liar King Dan, for the umpteenth time, if you weren't trying to
> get me fired

blah, blah blah.

Here's part of an earlier post you ignored. Afraid? The truth
would spoil your game, wouldn't it? LOL

And you are a LIAR (among other things). Please post the NCR
guy's name, phone and email address (ask for his permission, of
course). Anyone can contact him and ask if I tried to get you
fired, can ask if I specifically requested that your posting from
NCR be stopped and you *not* be fired. Huh? What's your excuse
for you or others not specifically asking NCR? Oh, right. The
truth would hurt your game.

Fucking liar. You're the biggest hypocrite of all, standing
behind a claim of interest in Truth and Justice and then either
"inventing" truths to fit your game or hiding behind ignorance
because that also fits your game.



Apr 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/25/99
Dan <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote in message

> Not that it has anything to do with why I contacted NCR, but note
> the product banners on bill's site from which I suspect that he
> receives monies. Would be highly unlikely that he provides free
> advertising space on his site. Each it pays him. His constant
> posts with links to his website seem to most certainly be
> promoting his site for commercial reasons now.

I haven't been there in forever. I can't imagine why anyone would want to
advertise, given the sardonic nature of the site. What demographic would it
be targeted towards....detractors? I don't think we make much of a buying
public. Basically, I can't say whether he charges or not. I guess he can
say, and probably will.

> "Disrupt" his employment? LOL

The choice of words was deliberate. You claim to NOT have intended to have
him fired. Basically, as long as we have no evidence that you said "fire
Bill", we really can't challenge it specifically, since only you can know
your intent. However, common sense says that you:

A. Weren't concerned about NCR's bottom line.
B. Weren't doing it for lack of anything better to do.
C. Wouldn't have bothered unless you wanted it stopped.

Common sense tells us that if you call someone's employment, and claim they
were jerking off and malingering on company time, using company resources
for personal purposes, that the likely outcome of that action is that they
would be disciplined or fired. Hence the term "disrupt". Meaning either
have him fired, have him disciplined, have him chastised, or whatever phrase
you refer. It's like shooting at someone and claiming you were not trying
to kill them. It may indeed be true, but the outcome was likely, and in any
court you'd be held liable for the death, should it happen.

> Nope. You simply want to ignore the facts and let bill lead you
> hook-in-mouth wherever he wants to take you. Go for it. Ask
> bill if you could call the NCR Security guy and ask him any
> question you'd like. Go ahead. It's simple. Don't believe me.
> Don't believe bill. Find out for yourself. Afraid of the truth?
> Thought so.

Speaking to NCR security would indeed resolve the issue. However, there's a
problem. Calling them and asking these questions would likely disrupt his
work even more, and increase his chance of getting fired. Since I didn't
think that was correct to begin, doing it again to prove a point would be
like killing the patient to cure the disease.

The point remains. In dealing with Derek, I have three desireable outcomes,
listed below in order of preference:

A. That Derek reform his ways, tell the truth, apologize to those he has
injured, and be a decent human being
in the future. I would like him to do this out of the decency of his
heart, and of his own free will.
B. Barring result A, I would like to see Interplay levy pressure on him,
making him realize that it was in his
economic best interest to be more civil, so that I would have the same
results from A above, but without
much altruistic intent on his part.
C. Barring A or B, I would like to see Interplay decide that he is more
trouble than he is worth, and in the same
manner that the Laker's dropped Rodman, waive further work with Derek.
It would be worth noting that I
would hope THIS would convince him that his way with people is no
good, and so achieve the desired

Logic dictates that your desire for Bill, when contacting NCR, was something
similar to this. Hence, if they could not make him stop posting his
anti-Dan materials from work, it is very likely that you wished to see him
fired. If you could more completely explain exactly what outcomes you hoped
to achieve by your actions, as I have above, I would be interested in
reading it.

Bill Huffman

Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
In article <7g0md1$j8p$>,

"Dan" <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote:
> Typhon <> wrote in message
> news:7g0gps$3oc$

> > Now, as to Dan's actions, he decided to call NCR and report
> >that Bill
> > Huffman was posting on company time. Clearly Bill has nothing
> >to sell here.
> > His comments have no relationship to any product which he
> >produces for NCR,
> > nor for anything that their name is attached to.
> Not that it has anything to do with why I contacted NCR, but note
> the product banners on bill's site from which I suspect that he
> receives monies. Would be highly unlikely that he provides free
> advertising space on his site. Each it pays him. His constant
> posts with links to his website seem to most certainly be
> promoting his site for commercial reasons now.

Dumb Dan, you have got to be one of the stupidest people I've
ever heard of! Angelfire provides free web space. In exchange
THEY get to advertise. Of course, its possible that your super
powers of sycophancy are so great that it just totally warps
your perception of reality, but, from everyone else's point
of view it appears the same as stupidity.

> >And, according to Bill,
> > his comments to the NCR rep were distinctly dishonest about
> >what he claimed Bill had done.

Duplicitous Dan, won't tell us what else this could possibly mean
except Derek saying he got his PhD at LIT.

From: (Derek Smart)
Subject: Re: Daikatana Demo
Date: 15 Mar 1999

On Mon, 15 Mar 1999 10:29:27 -0600, "Sten" wrote:

>Where did you get your Ph.D. from?


where did you graduate from?

Derek Smart, Ph.D.

> >Nor has he the simple courage to admit that he was trying to
> > disrupt Bill's employment.

> "Disrupt" his employment? LOL

What is your explanation if it was not to "disrupt" the
relationship with my employer. Dan you yourself described
yourself best when you said that you were bottom of the
barrel sludge. It is one of your many many hypocritical
statements that show you to be totally void of any ethics
morals or conscience.

Dan said,
"I'll make this plain for you. I think your position, as
*you* stated, and which stands without further clarification,
is completely and utterly disgusting. To trash any sense of
usenet etiquete and common decency and to say that you feel
you should be able to send usenet posts to some flamewar
opponent's employer in order to do harm if you simply feel
"justified" is bottom-of-the-barrel sludge."

> >Their is nothing even vaguely moral about this,
> > nor has it any valid consumer rationale. He simply hated Bill
> >enough to try
> > to hurt him for comments that Bill had made here.

> Nope. You simply want to ignore the facts and let bill lead you
> hook-in-mouth wherever he wants to take you. Go for it. Ask
> bill if you could call the NCR Security guy and ask him any
> question you'd like. Go ahead. It's simple. Don't believe me.
> Don't believe bill. Find out for yourself. Afraid of the truth?
> Thought so.

Anyone may call this fellow and ask him about anything they want.
Of course, Dan is too stupid to realize that employers do not
normally discuss employees with strangers. Dan you stupid SOB,
why don't you post where you work and the name of your immediate
supervisor? Dan you bottom-of-the-barrel sludge, why don't you
post the names and schools of all your children on usenet?

Listen Liar King Dan, why don't you just post your
correspondence with my employer.


Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99

Dan wrote in message <7g0md1$j8p$>...

>Not that it has anything to do with why I contacted NCR, but note
>the product banners on bill's site from which I suspect that he
>receives monies. Would be highly unlikely that he provides free
>advertising space on his site. Each it pays him. His constant
>posts with links to his website seem to most certainly be
>promoting his site for commercial reasons now.

HAHAHAHAHA! Good one, Dan. But why on Earth would anyone want to
advertise on a site that catalogs the BC3000 flame wars? And pay for the
space! You crack me up :)


Derek Smart

Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
On Sun, 25 Apr 1999 22:28:50 -0500, "Dan" <D...@earthlink.netarama>

>Not that it has anything to do with why I contacted NCR, but note
>the product banners on bill's site from which I suspect that he
>receives monies. Would be highly unlikely that he provides free
>advertising space on his site. Each it pays him. His constant
>posts with links to his website seem to most certainly be
>promoting his site for commercial reasons now.

I would have prefered that you did not bring this up in open forum
seeing that this very premise is under investigation. Oh well, I guess
he needed to know. Our investigation however reveals that he does not
offer webspace but the click-through ad issue is already part of the
complaint submission. Like you said, that probably explains why he
injects every post (whether it has anything to do with the topic or
not) with his site URL.

btw, did you catch the latest Supreme Court (?) ruling on Internet

Derek Smart, Ph.D.
Designer/Lead Developer
The Battlecruiser Series

"The man who follows the crowd will usually get no further
than the crowd. The man who walks alone is likely to find

himself in places no one has ever been. Someone lemme out!"

Derek Smart

Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
On Sun, 25 Apr 1999 22:28:50 -0500, "Dan" <D...@earthlink.netarama>

>As to "stalking," that may have been NCR's choice of words when

>they confronted bill, I don't know. I did not use that term. I
>did tell them that bill did follow me to other newsgroups on
>occassion and that he did make derogatory comments on his several

The stalking issue came from us when my representatives contacted NCR
because all his actions fall under the category of Internet stalking,
especially since he harrasses me in threads that he does not
contribute to.

>Any other impressions NCR may have developed would be explained
>by the fact that they spent several weeks examining bill's
>archived posts and came to some interesting conclusions.

Correct. We (1) sent them my Agent archives going back to 1996 (2)
sent them a Dejanews URL showing his posting pattern under the NCR
account and the new one he created once it became clear that they were
on to him.

>Past that, bill's interest is in prolonging the game and grabbing
>anything he can and twisting it to suit his needs (a la LIT).

>Nor has he the simple courage to admit that he was trying to
>> disrupt Bill's employment.

>"Disrupt" his employment? LOL

Legally, I shouldn't be talking about this, but...

Disrupt? heh, thats minor. When I'm done with him, they'll have *no*
choice *but* to fire him. Unlike that stunt him and his girlfriends
pulled with Interplay last year in trying to get my deal terminated
(they lost), I *will* get results. NCR have enough grounds for
termination already. As far as we know, NCR won't risk Huffman suing
them for wrongful termination, which is why I'm pushing forward with
my complaint. Notice how his pages have changed from issue to issue
and you probably know that I have a bot that monitors that page, so we
have archives of every change his made to suit the 'story' based on
his whim.

Derek Smart, Ph.D.
Designer/Lead Developer
The Battlecruiser Series

"The man who follows the crowd will usually get no further
than the crowd. The man who walks alone is likely to find

himself in places no one has ever been. Someone lemme out!"


Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
Typhon wrote in message <7g0gps$3oc$>...
:Now, as to Dan's actions, he decided to call NCR and report that Bill

:Huffman was posting on company time. Clearly Bill has nothing to sell
:His comments have no relationship to any product which he produces for NCR,
:nor for anything that their name is attached to. And, according to Bill,
:his comments to the NCR rep were distinctly dishonest about what he claimed
:Bill had done. Nor has he the simple courage to admit that he was trying
:disrupt Bill's employment. Their is nothing even vaguely moral about this,
:nor has it any valid consumer rationale. He simply hated Bill enough to
:to hurt him for comments that Bill had made here.

There was also a post where Dan said that his company's policy was to fire
employees who misused internet access. I believe he also said he hoped NCR
had the same policy.

Pat Lundrigan
Remove the $ to email me


Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99

Derek Smart wrote in message <>...

>On Sun, 25 Apr 1999 22:28:50 -0500, "Dan" <D...@earthlink.netarama>
>>Not that it has anything to do with why I contacted NCR, but note
>>the product banners on bill's site from which I suspect that he
>>receives monies. Would be highly unlikely that he provides free
>>advertising space on his site. Each it pays him. His constant
>>posts with links to his website seem to most certainly be
>>promoting his site for commercial reasons now.
>I would have prefered that you did not bring this up in open forum
>seeing that this very premise is under investigation. Oh well, I guess
>he needed to know. Our investigation however reveals that he does not
>offer webspace but the click-through ad issue is already part of the
>complaint submission. Like you said, that probably explains why he
>injects every post (whether it has anything to do with the topic or
>not) with his site URL.

You and Dan are such mind-blowing, colossal, fucking morons. Wait until
someone explains to you blithering retards who really inserts those banners
on a free webpage. I hope you're not paying astounding amounts of money for
this investigation. Actually, I hope you are.


Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99

Zond <> wrote in message
Well, he spent so much making BC3K and look how it turned out. He'll
probably spend a lot of money and get the same results.

Gary Hladik

Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
"Typhon" <> writes:

>Dan <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote:


>> Nope. You simply want to ignore the facts and let bill lead you
>> hook-in-mouth wherever he wants to take you. Go for it. Ask
>> bill if you could call the NCR Security guy and ask him any
>> question you'd like. Go ahead. It's simple. Don't believe me.
>> Don't believe bill. Find out for yourself. Afraid of the truth?
>> Thought so.

>Speaking to NCR security would indeed resolve the issue. However, there's a

>problem. Calling them and asking these questions would likely disrupt his
>work even more, and increase his chance of getting fired. Since I didn't
>think that was correct to begin, doing it again to prove a point would be
>like killing the patient to cure the disease.

No way would NCR release such information, and I doubt that such a "crank"
inquiry would affect the employee in any way.

Kiddies, do we really need to ask the grown-ups to referee our little
game here? Can't we have a nice fun flame-fest without trying to drag in
third parties (e.g. lawyers, game companies, girlfriends, moms (???), etc.)?



Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
Derek Smart wrote in message <>...
:On Sun, 25 Apr 1999 22:28:50 -0500, "Dan" <D...@earthlink.netarama>
:>Not that it has anything to do with why I contacted NCR, but note
:>the product banners on bill's site from which I suspect that he
:>receives monies. Would be highly unlikely that he provides free
:>advertising space on his site. Each it pays him. His constant
:>posts with links to his website seem to most certainly be
:>promoting his site for commercial reasons now.
:I would have prefered that you did not bring this up in open forum
:seeing that this very premise is under investigation. Oh well, I guess
:he needed to know. Our investigation however reveals that he does not
:offer webspace but the click-through ad issue is already part of the
:complaint submission. Like you said, that probably explains why he
:injects every post (whether it has anything to do with the topic or
:not) with his site URL.

Hehe. I could believe Dan is 'dumm' enough to think that the ads on a free
web page are generating $ for the author, but DKS too?


Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
Derek Smart wrote in message <>...

:Disrupt? heh, thats minor. When I'm done with him, they'll have *no*

:choice *but* to fire him. Unlike that stunt him and his girlfriends
:pulled with Interplay last year in trying to get my deal terminated
:(they lost),

So that was just some 'stunt?' IIRC, BH had nothing to do with it.

:I *will* get results. NCR have enough grounds for
:termination already.

But you want him fired, and he nothing to do with contacting Interplay?

: far as we know, NCR won't risk Huffman suing

:them for wrongful termination, which is why I'm pushing forward with
:my complaint. Notice how his pages have changed from issue to issue
:and you probably know that I have a bot that monitors that page, so we
:have archives of every change his made to suit the 'story' based on
:his whim.

You must remember, your story changes based on your whims also.
I would like to add that based on this, I conclude that you are a hatefull,
emotionally stunted, vindictive person. Like Cleve said, if you really had
a PhD you could get his site shut down in 2 hours. Heck, I bet if you and a
few of your pals complains a little, they'd probably shut it down w/o proof
of a PhD. The fact that you are stringing him along in hopes of a big
lawsuit payout, shows that you are nothing but a scum sucking bottom feeder.

Bill Huffman

Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
In article <>, wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Apr 1999 22:28:50 -0500, "Dan" <D...@earthlink.netarama>
> wrote:
> >As to "stalking," that may have been NCR's choice of words when
> >they confronted bill, I don't know. I did not use that term. I
> >did tell them that bill did follow me to other newsgroups on
> >occassion and that he did make derogatory comments on his several
> >websites.
> The stalking issue came from us when my representatives contacted NCR
> because all his actions fall under the category of Internet stalking,
> especially since he harrasses me in threads that he does not
> contribute to.
> >Any other impressions NCR may have developed would be explained
> >by the fact that they spent several weeks examining bill's
> >archived posts and came to some interesting conclusions.
> Correct. We (1) sent them my Agent archives going back to 1996 (2)
> sent them a Dejanews URL showing his posting pattern under the NCR
> account and the new one he created once it became clear that they were
> on to him.
> >Past that, bill's interest is in prolonging the game and grabbing
> >anything he can and twisting it to suit his needs (a la LIT).
> >
> >Nor has he the simple courage to admit that he was trying to
> >> disrupt Bill's employment.
> >
> >"Disrupt" his employment? LOL
> Legally, I shouldn't be talking about this, but...
> Disrupt? heh, thats minor. When I'm done with him, they'll have *no*
> choice *but* to fire him. Unlike that stunt him and his girlfriends
> pulled with Interplay last year in trying to get my deal terminated

Derek is lying, as usual. I did not participate in that.

> (they lost), I *will* get results. NCR have enough grounds for
> termination already. As far as we know, NCR won't risk Huffman suing

> them for wrongful termination, which is why I'm pushing forward with
> my complaint. Notice how his pages have changed from issue to issue
> and you probably know that I have a bot that monitors that page, so we
> have archives of every change his made to suit the 'story' based on
> his whim.

Yes as a good example as to how it changes, after Derek announced
on-line that he got his PhD at LIT, I updated the page proving that
there was no degree granting institution in the UK with the initials
LIT. Derek and Dan then changed the story trying to say that LIT was
supposed to stand for Lost In Time. So I also did a section that
totally debunks that lie.

> --
> Derek Smart, Ph.D. fraud
Bill Huffman
Anyone (except Dan Brooks) may email me
see address in

Bill Huffman

Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
In article <>, wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Apr 1999 22:28:50 -0500, "Dan" <D...@earthlink.netarama>
> wrote:
> >Not that it has anything to do with why I contacted NCR, but note
> >the product banners on bill's site from which I suspect that he
> >receives monies. Would be highly unlikely that he provides free
> >advertising space on his site. Each it pays him. His constant
> >posts with links to his website seem to most certainly be
> >promoting his site for commercial reasons now.

Dan, can you REALLY be this stupid? Or, did you just fall for
another of your master's stories? hahaha hehe

> I would have prefered that you did not bring this up in open forum
> seeing that this very premise is under investigation. Oh well, I guess
> he needed to know. Our investigation however reveals that he does not
> offer webspace but the click-through ad issue is already part of the
> complaint submission. Like you said, that probably explains why he
> injects every post (whether it has anything to do with the topic or
> not) with his site URL.

Is this secret investigation being carried out by the the same genius
that knows how to translate all posting aliases into real names? Is
this the same genius that told you that Dejanews does NOT archive
posts. The posts are just floating around on the internet for years
and Dejanews fetches them from lala land. hahaha hohoho you crack
me up

> btw, did you catch the latest Supreme Court (?) ruling on Internet
> crimes?

Did they finally make a ruling on people committing PhD fraud on the
internet? BTW Derek, I hope you're a US citizen. There was one fellow
that claimed a PhD from Sussex in England and got deported back to
England for his fraud.

> --
> Derek Smart, Ph.D. Imposter

Bill Huffman

Bill Huffman

Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
In article <>,
"Zond" <> wrote:
> Derek Smart wrote in message <>...

> >On Sun, 25 Apr 1999 22:28:50 -0500, "Dan" <D...@earthlink.netarama>
> >wrote:
> >
> >
> >>Not that it has anything to do with why I contacted NCR, but note
> >>the product banners on bill's site from which I suspect that he
> >>receives monies. Would be highly unlikely that he provides free
> >>advertising space on his site. Each it pays him. His constant
> >>posts with links to his website seem to most certainly be
> >>promoting his site for commercial reasons now.
> >
> >I would have prefered that you did not bring this up in open forum
> >seeing that this very premise is under investigation. Oh well, I guess
> >he needed to know. Our investigation however reveals that he does not
> >offer webspace but the click-through ad issue is already part of the
> >complaint submission. Like you said, that probably explains why he
> >injects every post (whether it has anything to do with the topic or
> >not) with his site URL.
> You and Dan are such mind-blowing, colossal, fucking morons. Wait until
> someone explains to you blithering retards who really inserts those banners
> on a free webpage. I hope you're not paying astounding amounts of money for
> this investigation. Actually, I hope you are.

Their mind blowing stupidity almost sent me into a gloating frenzy.
I think I should talk to a lawyer about that. If I get hurt while
in a gloating frenzy or a hypocritium high could I hold Derek and
Dan partially responsible? hahahaha hohohohoh hehehehehehe

Bill Huffman

Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
In article <7g00ju$rjq$>,

"Dan" <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote:
> Bill Huffman <> wrote in message
> news:7fveqn$c1f$
> > In article <7ftvag$chp$>,
> > "Dan" <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote:
> > > Actually, I'm really hoping you will take a deep breath and
> get
> > > some perspective on all of this. You lost yours long ago and
> > > have become a mean-sprited nasty obsessor.
> >
> > Hypocrite Dan you stupid SOB, you tried to get me fired.
> And you are a LIAR (among other things).

Poor Dan, he likes to say things that aren't true. I've asked
him many times to say what I lied about, he usually ignores it.
However, one time he actually tried to back up his false claim
that I had lied. Here was the finding.

Let's summarize how Dan did on his quest to find ONE lie I had
told. He over achieved and presented 10 alleged lies! This first
one is unnumbered then, he presents 9 that are numbered. I'll
just label the first as zero. So zero will be the LIT thing.

In my summary below, I say "untrue statement" to mean that I had
a reasonable belief that the statement is true, at least when the
statement was made. This is different from a lie which requires
an untrue statement being made and that I thought it was probably
untrue when I said it.

0-He rambles on but fails to state what the lie is, probably just
really claiming an untrue statement, I guess.
1-He rambles on but fails to present anything clear but, possibly
just claiming an untrue statement.
2-He presents a clear argument that I'd made an untrue statement.
I offer to apologize if he presents any evidence that it was in
fact untrue.
3-Makes a very pathetic case that I made an untrue statement.
4-Dan seems to not quite grasp what is going on.
5-Dan actually presents convincing evidence that I made an
untrue statement and I apologize for it.
6-Dan just accuses me of a bald face lie but doesn't present
a shred of evidence nor even an argument as to why he thinks
it might be a lie. (Though he says he's sure it's a lie.)
7-Dan seems to not quite grasp what is going on.
8-Points out a statement I made that was proven true and
claims it's a lie!
9-Dan seems to not quite grasp what is going on.

SUBTOTALS for Huffman's Alleged Lies
3 : Dan seems to not quite grasp what is going on.
5 : alleged untrue statements (1 proven untrue)
1 : proven true statement, Dan still alleges is a lie
1 : alleges a lie but doesn't even present an argument it's a lie
0 : lies, Sorry Dan

So, I can still claim a totally clean record in the flamewar,
absolutely none, zero, nada! Thank you Dan!

To see Dan's post that alleges 10 Huffman lies go to

> Please post the NCR
> guy's name, phone and email address (ask for his permission, of
> course). Anyone can contact him and ask if I tried to get you
> fired, can ask if I specifically requested that your posting from
> NCR be stopped and you *not* be fired. Huh? What's your excuse
> for you or others not specifically asking NCR? Oh, right. The
> truth would hurt your game.

Dan you are a chucklehead beyond belief. My employer isn't going
to talk to strangers about something that has nothing to do with
them. Are you living on Planet Derek now?

> Fucking liar. You're the biggest hypocrite of all, standing
> behind a claim of interest in Truth and Justice and then either
> "inventing" truths to fit your game or hiding behind ignorance
> because that also fits your game.

Sorry Pathetic Dan, I have proven that your claims that I have
lied were false.

Bill Huffman

Bill Huffman

Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
In article <7g0mjl$jli$>,

"Dan" <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote:
> Bill Huffman <> wrote in message
> news:7fvggm$der$
> > In article <7frj80$pi1$>,

> > "Dan" <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote:
> > >
> > > Typhon <> wrote in message
> > > news:7fr8d1$g1q$
> > > > Sorry Dan. You lack any credibility.
> > >
> > > "Credibility" has *nothing to do with the fact that your new
> > > thread is reprehensible.
> >
> > Credibility has much to do with the fact that you, Hypocrite
> > Dan, are reprehensible.
> >
> > > >You've already stated publicly that
> > > > you consider it acceptable to try to get people fired from
> > > >their jobs for
> > > > comments made on Usenet.
> > >
> > > Bullshit. You paraphrase to provide a self-serving
> conclusion.
> > > I have said I agree with you that everyone has the right to
> > > contact employers with a perceived grievance. Further, I
> have
> > > clearly indicated in every post discussing it, and there is
> *no*
> > > indication to the contrary (including NCR), that I did *not*
> try
> > > to get anyone fired
> >
> > Liar King Dan, for the umpteenth time, if you weren't trying to
> > get me fired
> blah, blah blah.
> Here's part of an earlier post you ignored.

Ignored? Ignored? Stupid Dan, what makes you think I ignored
it? Dan, your hypocrisy and lies are challenged only by you

> Afraid? The truth
> would spoil your game, wouldn't it? LOL

The truth is my game, Slow Dan.

What about you being sure that I lied about Dr. John Bear not
agreeing to be an expert witness? You were so sure that I lied.
Now you're so quite about it. I wonder what he said? A man with
an ounce of integrity would have apologized.

> _______________________________
> And you are a LIAR (among other things). Please post the NCR

> guy's name, phone and email address (ask for his permission, of
> course). Anyone can contact him and ask if I tried to get you
> fired, can ask if I specifically requested that your posting from
> NCR be stopped and you *not* be fired.

> Huh? What's your excuse
> for you or others not specifically asking NCR?

My employer asked why I was stalking you and threatening
your daughter. The statement was made that you were afraid
for your daughters safety. Guess what Liar King Dan, either
you or Derek gave them that impression because, I sure
didn't. You told them that lie because you were trying to
damage my livelihood.

> Oh, right. The
> truth would hurt your game.

The truth is my game.

> Fucking liar. You're the biggest hypocrite of all, standing
> behind a claim of interest in Truth and Justice and then either
> "inventing" truths to fit your game or hiding behind ignorance
> because that also fits your game.

What about you being sure that I lied about Dr. John Bear not
agreeing to be an expert witness? You were so sure that I lied.
Now you're so quite about it. I wonder what he said? A man with
an ounce of integrity would have apologized after finding out
the truth. You haven't aplogized. Guess what, I'm not suprised.
My worst opinions of Dan Brooks have always been confirmed.

Dishonest Dan, you have made a number of pledges of things you
wouldn’t do. You haven’t kept a single one of those pledges,
NOT A ONE, Dan. For example, in email to me you pledged

"I will not badger you in any venue on BC3K issues, whether it be
about the PhD, or your website or the color of your eyes. I will
not email you unless by your invitation."

You have emailed me without permission and you have definitely
badgered me. You have broken every single pledge that you've
ever made on line or in email where you said you would no
longer do something. Your own word apparently has no meaning
or significance to you. You're unethical immoral and dishonest.

Your claim that I lied when I said Dr. John Bear had already
reviewed my PhD fraud site and had agreed to be an expert
witness was one of the ten alleged lies that Dan presented.
I debunked them all, not a single one was a lie. see


Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
>You're a weird guy, Joe. What is so hard to understand about the idea that
>certain things are inherently wrong, and it really doesn't matter whether
>you produce a good or bad game while you do them. I really think some of
>the people on this group wouldn't mind if the government massacred
>minorities or strip-mined the rain forest, as long as they kept the trains
>running on time and the TV stations on the air. I can hear everyone going
>on about how "Hey, it's about the trains. I don't care what their genocide
>position is".
>Is it really so simple that now, at the end of the 20th Century, that as
>long as I produce a good beer, a good game, a good TV show, or a good car
>that I can lie, cheat, steal, fuck my neighbor's wife, insult every race,
>and vilify whosoever I choose without ANYONE caring about it? Have we
>actually slipped so far that as long as you're commercially viable, it's
>unimportant how you act?
>Doesn't it at all offend your sensibilities that Derek can make any sort of
>vile racial or sexual or violent slur he wants to, and many people seem not
>to care at all. But if he misses the date for a patch, or shipped another
>buggy game like 1.0, everybody would scream bloody murder about what a lying
>wretch he was?
>You seem like a bright guy, but somedays I really feel like slitting my
>wrists over the apathy displayed by some people here. It's bad enough we
>face the open malice of cretins like Dan, without the blank stares of
>boredom at the whole topic by other people.

You've gone over the edge typhon. I liked your hamster stories much more.
And this whole business of Derek's racial slurs is really old news. The tai
chi thing was years ago.

I'm half-convinced that the only reason Derek posts at all anymore is to send
you guys into raving fits.

>To paraphrase a great thinker, "For evil to win it is not necessary that
>good men become is only necessary that good men do nothing."

Yes, but everyone's definition of evil seems to vary. I kinda hate to see
you lose it, I liked your reports on the heroic measures taken for old Hammy.


Bill Huffman

Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
In article <7g0md1$j8p$>,

"Dan" <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote:
> Typhon <> wrote in message
> news:7g0gps$3oc$

...snip Dan stupidity about Angelfire advertising since,
it now has (and deserves) a comic relief life of its own

> >And, according to Bill,
> > his comments to the NCR rep were distinctly dishonest about
> >what he claimed
> > Bill had done.

> Well, surprise, surprise, bill's full of shit. Not that you'll
> let the facts get in your way of a little "fun" but,
> When I lodged a complaint about bill's harassing posts from work
> I was asked if that included any email. I told them of bill's
> email and bill's comment that the mail was intended to let me
> know that I was "vulnerable." NCR was made aware how bill got
> the information. NCR asked if I felt threatened now. I said no.

I was EXPLICITLY told that Dan had a fear for his daughter's
safety. This was in a later meeting. Was that you that told
them that Liar King Dan or your master Derek?

Bill Huffman

Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
In article <7fsgr4$sc4$>,
"Ted L. Chen" <> wrote:
> Bill, even you must see that the so called proof of misbehaviour that
> Typhoon appended to his letter does not serve his argument (and yours) one
> single bit of support. Obviously, you two have been clouded by some
> personal vendetta that I cannot fathom why you would take such offense on
> someone giving their own OPINIONs on the Colorado case. The worst offense I
> could get from his post was that it was off topic (I wasn't here when he
> posted, but I'm guessing it was a strat NG) Aside from that, I don't see
> how Typhoon can call it "callous, uncalled for..."
> It did not attack the parents of the victims as some earlier postings about
> previous shootings were about. The only people that he blamed were other
> members of the online community who cheered this kid on. Now, that is just
> his view on the matter and can be far from the truth or closer than we could
> ever imagine, but again, it was only his personal opinion. And no where in
> the post did he do any of the things you like to point out, other than
> informing the kids parents about his behavior. Some people might shriek at
> that idea and call it some blantant violation of the first admendment but it
> would be clearly obvious at that point, those who understood what the spirit
> and letter of the freespeech clause was about, and those who did not.
> Oh well, enough rambling on my part here.
> Ted

I think that Mr. Fraud's worse post was the one right before the
one that Typhon clipped.

From: (Derek Smart)

Date: 22 Apr 1999 00:00:00 GMT
Message-ID: <>
Organization: 3000AD
X-Server-Date: 22 Apr 1999 20:37:02 GMT

On Thu, 22 Apr 1999 01:30:10 -0400, "Z-One" <> wrote:

>Does his mommy know about this? Geez what a dickhead, how old is this fool?
>I guess that is what happen when your mommy is there every time to wipe his
>nose after he sneezes or wipes his ass when he's done crapping. Why don't
>you try contacting his mother, is she not listed like Derek's "Ph.D."?
>Tell her that Derek needs a good spanking for using bad words.

It is fuckheads like you who cheer on delinquents, who in turn go on
an ego trip, get a gun, and kill their class mates. This kid is a
deliquent, commited a crime and because of his mother, I did not press
charges. I let it slide when she returned the game (in an open box).

Here the fraud is comparing the little practical joke where Louis
tricks Derek out of a free copy of the game with the murders in
Colorado. Sure what Louis did was wrong but, only on Planet Derek
can it be compared with the horrible atrocity in Colorado.

However, while I applaud Typhon's consumer activism, I think
it's a waste of time to send email to Interplay. Interplay
has worked with Derek and so warning them about Mr. Smart
is a waste of time. I really doubt they would be interested
in doing another project with him. He just strikes me as an
impossible individual to work with.

> Bill Huffman <> wrote in message

> news:7frh38$835$
> > In article <7fqrf6$gob$>,
> > "Vorlin" <> wrote:
> > > Congratulations, Typhon, you've taken being a Usenet Asshole to a new
> level.
> > > Quite an accomplishment, considering your competition.
> >
> > Maybe you're not aware but, Derek has taken up the practise of trying
> > to contact the employers of his critics and trying to get them fired.
> > He has also contacted the ISPs of some of his critics and he has also
> > contacted relatives of some of his critics. He has threatened to sue
> > many many of his critics and has even had his lawyer harrass some of
> > his critics. I would also hasten to add that he is a proven PhD fraud
> > that continues his fraud to this very day.
> >
> > See

Ralph Trickey

Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
On Sat, 24 Apr 1999 11:23:06 -0400, "Z-0ne" <> wrote:

>SFC's Chris <> wrote in message
>> Typhon ( probably wrote:
>> [snip]
>> Frankly, and this is just me talking, not Interplay, there is nothing
>> in Dsmarts message that concerns Interplay.
>No there is nothing related but if Derek Smart(oxymoron and emphasis on the
>moron) stops spamming this NG with his crap about his games this flame war
>would have died long ago and also if he is "Smart" enough to stop
>responding. Its him that provokes everyone, especially me just by posting
>that shit, he has his own site and his so called "personal forum free from
>morons", yet he is the moron here and still posts this garbage. If I want
>to know about it I will read it on gaming sites, since its hardly mentioned
>well once it was but they said it basically suck(even discussed the
>flamewar) not in those words exactly and so its not even worth my time
>checking it out. He thinks this is his personal forum for advertising his
>crap game, geez at least use a different alias like Netizen.
I would suggest that you take that up with Derek Smart and not take
out your anger on SFC's Chris. Actually, if ANY of the participants
were to quit posting, the flames would die quickly, because NO ONE
ELSE CARES! [note to self, renew kill filters]
>> -Chris "Who once worked Customer Support and has no desire to
>> every do so again because it is the most thankless job in
>> the world and everyone hates you for, usually, no good reason" Taylor
>Well because most of you are idiots that don't know jackshit about anything.
>You think they hired you based on your knowledge of PCs or whatever, all
>they need is someone who can put up with people yelling at them. Why
>should you get thanks? If the products works right out of the box, not
>needing any patch to improve the gameplay, *cough* Fallout 2 *cough*, I
>wouldn't be calling Customer Support.
I believe that he's a programmer now on Star Fleet Commander (that's
why he has the SFC in front of his name, to distinguish him from the
'other' Chris.) Somehow, I think that means that he's not a total

Until you've worked in Support, I suggest you shut the ^%$# up.

From my experience listening to the guys across the wall from me at a
previous job, and litening to their complaints, I suspect that the
majority of Customer Support's job is to keep from laughing out loud
at idiots like you! Actually, they had it worse, since they produced
tools for programmers, that meant that most of support had to be
programmers. You'd be amazed at some of the questions that were asked.

Most game support problems can be solved by ensuring that you have the
latest drivers, etc. Other than that, exactly what did you expect
product support to do for you?


Ralph Trickey <Ralph....@BigFoot.Com.RemoveToEmail>


Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99

Derek Smart <> wrote in message

> Disrupt? heh, thats minor. When I'm done with him, they'll have *no*
> choice *but* to fire him. Unlike that stunt him and his girlfriends
> pulled with Interplay last year in trying to get my deal terminated
> (they lost), I *will* get results. NCR have enough grounds for
> termination already. As far as we know, NCR won't risk Huffman suing
> them for wrongful termination, which is why I'm pushing forward with
> my complaint. Notice how his pages have changed from issue to issue
> and you probably know that I have a bot that monitors that page, so we
> have archives of every change his made to suit the 'story' based on
> his whim.
So Dan, what's your take on this? Isn't Derek a "pig" for trying to get
Bill fired. He does indeed state that right here, doesn't he? So is he
reprehensible as well? Do all the insults you apply to me, like being
vindictive, hateful, etc. also apply to Derek? Will you state so clearly
for us?

And, aside from that, it's entertaining that Derek is going forward with
this AGAINST legal advice which he received. And, I would also appreciate
it if anyone could find the laws about this "internet stalking" that Derek
is constantly referring to, and post them. I'd like to see what it really
means. Whenever I've heard it used by legal officials, it refers to adults
trying to lure youngsters into meeting them in various places for wrongful
acts. I've never heard of anyone but Derek claiming it meant someone simply
responded negatively to their posts on a consistant basis. Anyone know
anymore about this?


Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
Teutonic39 <> wrote in message

> You've gone over the edge typhon. I liked your hamster stories much
> And this whole business of Derek's racial slurs is really old news. The
> chi thing was years ago.
> I'm half-convinced that the only reason Derek posts at all anymore is to
> you guys into raving fits.

> Yes, but everyone's definition of evil seems to vary. I kinda hate to

> you lose it, I liked your reports on the heroic measures taken for old

I'm surprised to see anyone remembers those posts! Poor Little Ham
struggled valiently for about 9 months. It did eventually turn out to be a
form of cancer, and we had three different surgeries on her, but it just
came back bigger and bigger each time, and she was in too much pain. I had
to have her put to sleep. We buried her with honors in the flower bed
beside my house. Her sister, Big Ham, lived about 4 months longer, and
succumbed to old age. She simply lay down and died outside her little nest.
We buried her next to her sister, with similar pomp and circumstance. I
hope to have sunflowers growing over their graves by summer. We now have a
Guinea Pig named Chunk, who hopefully will be more long-lived.

As to Derek, sometimes I feel the same way. But what kind of world is it
where he can say and do the things he has, and then actually force Bill to
take down a web page that lists only things that he has honestly said and
done, simply because he has the money to do so? It seems like somebody has
to speak out against it.


Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
>I'm surprised to see anyone remembers those posts!
<s> Been through a few hamster sagas myself, so I felt waves of empathy.
Nothing as heroic as your efforts, however.

>Poor Little Ham
>struggled valiently for about 9 months. It did eventually turn out to be a
>form of cancer, and we had three different surgeries on her, but it just
>came back bigger and bigger each time, and she was in too much pain. I had
>to have her put to sleep. We buried her with honors in the flower bed
>beside my house. Her sister, Big Ham, lived about 4 months longer, and
>succumbed to old age. She simply lay down and died outside her little nest.
>We buried her next to her sister, with similar pomp and circumstance. I
>hope to have sunflowers growing over their graves by summer. We now have a
>Guinea Pig named Chunk, who hopefully will be more long-lived.

Guineas are heartier. We still have one hammy, but my kids have moved onto
ferrets. I wish Chunk health and long life. <s>

>As to Derek, sometimes I feel the same way. But what kind of world is it
>where he can say and do the things he has, and then actually force Bill to
>take down a web page that lists only things that he has honestly said and
>done, simply because he has the money to do so? It seems like somebody has
>to speak out against it.

Weeelll.... while i'm a regular reader of the flamewar, I wasn't aware that
the site was forced off. Also, I think Derek's most recent actions should be
called to account. Sorta helps to keep things in perspective.


Jimmy Chan

Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
In article <7ftvag$chp$>,
D...@earthlink.netarama says...

> Typhon <> wrote in message
> news:7frnpt$4qq$

> > Dan <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote in message
> > news:7frj80$pi1$

> Get over it Typhoon. Your new thread was reprehensible. That
> opionion seems unanimous. Trying to hide behind a credibility
> claim is lame.

Gee, Dan don't you remember your reprehensible actions concerning your
claim that Bill Huffman was stalking your family? Let's not also forget
your reprehensible actions in calling Bill Huffman's employer. Even your
threatening me for bringing up these reprehensible things for you to mull


Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99

Typhon <> wrote in message

I don't blame Derek in the least if he wants to either sue bill's
ass or chase him out of NCR. bill has been taking aim at Derek
for years. Bill admits that his actions have likely affected
Derek's (job) income and as I understand it has sent email to
gaming sites/mags personnel disparaging Derek. bill's constant
public portrayal of Derek is as vengeful and hateful as it comes.
All bill ever had to do was just stop. Make no mistake, bill is
the aggressor. Paybacks are hell, eh?


Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99

Krud <> wrote in message

> Dan wrote in message
> >
> >Not that it has anything to do with why I contacted NCR, but
> >the product banners on bill's site from which I suspect that
> >receives monies. Would be highly unlikely that he provides
> >advertising space on his site. Each it pays him. His
> >posts with links to his website seem to most certainly be
> >promoting his site for commercial reasons now.
> HAHAHAHAHA! Good one, Dan. But why on Earth would anyone
want to
> advertise on a site that catalogs the BC3000 flame wars? And
pay for the
> space! You crack me up :)

Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't know that bill gets paid for each
hit of the banners. But that's SOP. The advertisers don't pay
for the space, they pay (pennies probably) for the results.


Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99

Typhon <> wrote in message

> Dan <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote in message
> news:7g0md1$j8p$

> > Not that it has anything to do with why I contacted NCR, but
> > the product banners on bill's site from which I suspect that
> > receives monies. Would be highly unlikely that he provides
> > advertising space on his site. Each it pays him. His
> > posts with links to his website seem to most certainly be
> > promoting his site for commercial reasons now.
> I haven't been there in forever. I can't imagine why anyone
would want to
> advertise, given the sardonic nature of the site. What
demographic would it
> be targeted towards....detractors?

LOL. Good one.

I don't think we make much of a buying
> public. Basically, I can't say whether he charges or not. I
guess he can
> say, and probably will.
> > "Disrupt" his employment? LOL
> The choice of words was deliberate. You claim to NOT have
intended to have
> him fired.

Bingo. You've got it now, Ollie!

Basically, as long as we have no evidence that you said "fire
> Bill", we really can't challenge it specifically, since only
you can know
> your intent. However, common sense says that you:
> A. Weren't concerned about NCR's bottom line.


> B. Weren't doing it for lack of anything better to do.


> C. Wouldn't have bothered unless you wanted it stopped.

True again.

> Common sense tells us that if you call someone's employment,
and claim they
> were jerking off and malingering on company time, using company
> for personal purposes, that the likely outcome of that action
is that they
> would be disciplined or fired.

Nope. My preliminary phone converation with a woman in the NCR
Ethics department back last November or December (where I did not
implicate bill at that point) led me to believe that my concern
that the posting be stopped and that he not be fired/demoted/etc
were likely do-able. Further, bill indicated absolutely no
concern whatsoever that contacting NCR would jeopardize his job.
I know if I were i bill's shoes at my company I would have most
certainly had my goose cooked for doing what he did. No
question. I'm certain bill was well aware of his company
policies or he would not have been so incredibly reckless to
threaten his job by obsessive usenet posting from work. "Common
sense" seems.

Hence the term "disrupt". Meaning either
> have him fired, have him disciplined, have him chastised, or
whatever phrase
> you refer.

Posting stopped from work. Period.

It's like shooting at someone and claiming you were not trying
> to kill them.

Nope. Not at all.

It may indeed be true, but the outcome was likely, and in any
> court you'd be held liable for the death, should it happen.

> > Nope. You simply want to ignore the facts and let bill lead
> > hook-in-mouth wherever he wants to take you. Go for it. Ask
> > bill if you could call the NCR Security guy and ask him any
> > question you'd like. Go ahead. It's simple. Don't believe
> > Don't believe bill. Find out for yourself. Afraid of the
> > Thought so.
> >
> Speaking to NCR security would indeed resolve the issue.
However, there's a
> problem. Calling them and asking these questions would likely
disrupt his
> work even more, and increase his chance of getting fired.
Since I didn't
> think that was correct to begin, doing it again to prove a
point would be
> like killing the patient to cure the disease.

Ask them one question, did I ask that he be fired, or that his
posting from work be stopped and he *not* be fired/demoted/etc.
Ask bill to give you the guys email address. Don't be scared of
the truth. Walk towards the light.

> The point remains. In dealing with Derek, I have three
desireable outcomes,
> listed below in order of preference:
> A. That Derek reform his ways, tell the truth, apologize to
those he has
> injured, and be a decent human being
> in the future. I would like him to do this out of the
decency of his
> heart, and of his own free will.
> B. Barring result A, I would like to see Interplay levy
pressure on him,
> making him realize that it was in his
> economic best interest to be more civil, so that I would
have the same
> results from A above, but without
> much altruistic intent on his part.
> C. Barring A or B, I would like to see Interplay decide that
he is more
> trouble than he is worth, and in the same
> manner that the Laker's dropped Rodman, waive further
work with Derek.
> It would be worth noting that I
> would hope THIS would convince him that his way with
people is no
> good, and so achieve the desired
> reforms.

> Logic dictates that your desire for Bill, when contacting NCR,
was something
> similar to this. Hence, if they could not make him stop
posting his
> anti-Dan materials from work, it is very likely that you wished
to see him
> fired.

Hense, smense. Your logic is self-serving. There was no doubt in
my mind that his posting would be stopped. There was no "if they
could not make him stop" probability as I understood it. NCR
made that quite clear before I recealed his name. Thems the

If you could more completely explain exactly what outcomes you
> to achieve by your actions, as I have above, I would be
interested in
> reading it.

You are a much deeper thinking than I. Either that or reading
too much into this. The facts are right here. Believe them if
you want. Ignore them if that suits your purpose.


Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99

Bill Huffman <> wrote in message

> > Past that, bill's interest is in prolonging the game and
> > anything he can and twisting it to suit his needs (a la LIT).
> Duplicitous Dan, won't tell us what else this could possibly
> except Derek saying he got his PhD at LIT.

It means you're stupid. It means you conveniently have ignored
the fact that Derek has UNEQUIVOCALLY stated that he will *not*
reveal the University on Usenet. Forgot that one so you could
play? *That's* what gave me a hoot when you performed all that
"research" (I still get a kick that you went to such lengths for
something that obviously wasn't his school). That you jumped
like a rabid dog.


> > Nope. You simply want to ignore the facts and let bill lead
> > hook-in-mouth wherever he wants to take you. Go for it. Ask
> > bill if you could call the NCR Security guy and ask him any
> > question you'd like. Go ahead. It's simple. Don't believe
> > Don't believe bill. Find out for yourself. Afraid of the
> > Thought so.

> Anyone may call this fellow and ask him about anything they
> Of course, Dan is too stupid to realize that employers do not
> normally discuss employees with strangers.

They did with me. Hmmm? Even before lodging a formal complaint,

OK, moron. You want to hide behind a pretend veil. *YOU* call
him and ask the questions. Did I ask that you be
fired/demmoted/etc? did I ask that you *not* be
fired/demoted/etc? What did I ask from NCR. Then post here,
honestly for once in your life. Think they'll discuss you with
you? Seems only fair that a company would discuss openly
disciplinary measures with its own employee, huh? You can get
the answers. Question is will you, and will you (ever) be

Case closed, bill. No more jumping thru hoops. No more
responses to your whiny "he tried to get me fired" bullshit. It
won't play in Peoria any more.


Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99

Bill Huffman <> wrote in message
> In article <7g0md1$j8p$>,
> "Dan" <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote:
> >
> > Typhon <> wrote in message
> > news:7g0gps$3oc$

> >
> > > Now, as to Dan's actions, he decided to call NCR and report
> > >that Bill
> > > Huffman was posting on company time. Clearly Bill has
> > >to sell here.
> > > His comments have no relationship to any product which he
> > >produces for NCR,
> > > nor for anything that their name is attached to.
> >
> > Not that it has anything to do with why I contacted NCR, but
> > the product banners on bill's site from which I suspect that
> > receives monies. Would be highly unlikely that he provides
> > advertising space on his site. Each it pays him. His
> > posts with links to his website seem to most certainly be
> > promoting his site for commercial reasons now.
> Dumb Dan, you have got to be one of the stupidest people I've
> ever heard of! Angelfire provides free web space. In exchange
> THEY get to advertise.

Oh, and Mr. My world is All There Is, I've had three ISP's
providing up to 10 megs free web space. None of them have any
arrangment/perrogative as you describe. None. That's not to say
yours doesn't (but taking *your* word for it is not a very smart
idea as you "fit" the facts to suit your current needs), but most
definately that's not how all providers handle it. It's worth
looking into.

You have got to be da-da-dumber still. But we knew that.


Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99

Dan <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote in message

> I don't blame Derek in the least if he wants to either sue bill's
> ass or chase him out of NCR. bill has been taking aim at Derek
> for years. Bill admits that his actions have likely affected
> Derek's (job) income and as I understand it has sent email to
> gaming sites/mags personnel disparaging Derek. bill's constant
> public portrayal of Derek is as vengeful and hateful as it comes.
> All bill ever had to do was just stop. Make no mistake, bill is
> the aggressor. Paybacks are hell, eh?
Well Dan, what can I say. Derek has been taking aim at me and many other
people for years. Most of them his customers. He admits his actions led to
the release of a buggy product, which was unplayable and had no manual. He
promised they would get CD's, manuals, patches within a few weeks, etc. and
didn't deliver on them. He has sent email and posted notes disparaging all
sorts of people. He has tried to get Bill fired, and continues to do so.
He had Louis thrown off his ISP. Derek's public portrayal of his detractors
is as vengeful and hateful as it comes. All Derek ever had to do was stop.
Derek began everything here. He made the game. And was calling other
people names long before they began calling them back to him. I've been
here, and on AOL, since the beginning, and remember.

So, as to me sending email to Interplay, well, paybacks are hell, eh? As to
Bill's website, well, paybacks are hell, eh? Etc.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


Apr 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/26/99
Dan <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote in message

> Nope. My preliminary phone converation with a woman in the NCR
> Ethics department back last November or December (where I did not
> implicate bill at that point) led me to believe that my concern
> that the posting be stopped and that he not be fired/demoted/etc
> were likely do-able. Further, bill indicated absolutely no
> concern whatsoever that contacting NCR would jeopardize his job.
> I know if I were i bill's shoes at my company I would have most
> certainly had my goose cooked for doing what he did. No
> question. I'm certain bill was well aware of his company
> policies or he would not have been so incredibly reckless to
> threaten his job by obsessive usenet posting from work. "Common
> sense" seems.
> Posting stopped from work. Period.

But WHY would you care that he posted from WORK? I can see you not wanting
him to post bad things about you at all, but why on Earth would you think it
was ok if he did it from home, and not ok if he did it from work? You
admitted you didn't care about NCR, so why go to them about it. He still
dogs you as much...twice as much perhaps, and with more cause...just not
from work. How is that better for you?

> Ask them one question, did I ask that he be fired, or that his
> posting from work be stopped and he *not* be fired/demoted/etc.
> Ask bill to give you the guys email address. Don't be scared of
> the truth. Walk towards the light.

Again, calling at all and bringing it up would simply reinforce in their
minds that his activities are being disruptive or causing a scene, and hence
would increase whatever trouble he is in. I am willing to accept that you
did indeed "ask" that he not be fired, or that you didn't specifically "ask"
that he be fired, whichever you claim is correct. I just question whether
his termination would be the logical outcome of your call.

> Hense, smense. Your logic is self-serving. There was no doubt in
> my mind that his posting would be stopped. There was no "if they
> could not make him stop" probability as I understood it. NCR
> made that quite clear before I recealed his name. Thems the
> facts.

I don't see how my logic can be self-serving in this...I have no self to
serve, so to speak. Not about me. Didn't happen to me. No effect on me.
And I'm certain you believed he would be stopped. But what was your point
in making him stop posting from work? Why did you desire that outcome?

> You are a much deeper thinking than I. Either that or reading
> too much into this. The facts are right here. Believe them if
> you want. Ignore them if that suits your purpose.

I tend to overthink sometimes. But I still don't understand how you felt it
so important that he stop posting from work, but continue posting from home.
I don't want Derek posting ANYTHING uncivil, whether he does it from home or
work, in Interplay's name or in his own. I don't see the benefit of what
you attempted to do, other than to make his life worse.


Apr 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/27/99
Dan wrote in message <7g39vt$8sa$>...

>Bill Huffman <> wrote in message
>> > Past that, bill's interest is in prolonging the game and
>> > anything he can and twisting it to suit his needs (a la LIT).
>> Duplicitous Dan, won't tell us what else this could possibly
>> except Derek saying he got his PhD at LIT.
>It means you're stupid. It means you conveniently have ignored
>the fact that Derek has UNEQUIVOCALLY stated that he will *not*
>reveal the University on Usenet. Forgot that one so you could
>play? *That's* what gave me a hoot when you performed all that
>"research" (I still get a kick that you went to such lengths for
>something that obviously wasn't his school). That you jumped
>like a rabid dog.

What I like is the sheer stupidity that Dan demonstrates here. Sure, Derek
has said that he would not reveal the school on Usenet. Derek also
unequivocally stated that his thesis was published and listed (and stated
that to the press, not just to the flamewar), that Take2 released the wrong
version of the game, that the manual would be done 6 months before he
actually finished it (he gave his word on that one), that he was a member of
MENSA, and several times he promised that he would not post again until
version X of BC3K was out.

Your idol, Derek Smart, constantly makes statements and promises that are
not true, so why should we believe that this one single promise of his is
true and not the others? I mean, why should his declaration to the gaming
magazines that his PhD is published and listed not be believed, but his
declaration that he never reveal the school be believed? Furthermore, what
is the lie on Huffman's page regarding LIT? I looked at it, and all Bill did
was say that Derek said that LIT was the school, then list that there aren't
any actual schools in England with those initials.

Do you realize, Dan, that I would have thought the LIT thing was some kind o
f joke had you and Derek not gotten so agitated when Bill wrote about it?
The fact that you two are so busy jumping around whining about Bill putting
LIT on his page indicates to me that there's something significant about the
initials, that it wasn't just a joke but more likely some sort of slip-up on
Derek's part. Although I still love Dan's logical convolutions here - if
Derek lies about revealing the school, then it makes Bill a liar for
pointing it out. Genius.
Kevin Allegood
Remove the pants from my email address to reply
"If you can put this postmodernist gibberish to music, I'll dance to it."
-Cleve on some leftist blathering


Apr 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/27/99
Typhon wrote in message <7g3e3n$hij$>...
:Dan <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote in message
:I tend to overthink sometimes. But I still don't understand how you felt

:so important that he stop posting from work, but continue posting from
:I don't want Derek posting ANYTHING uncivil, whether he does it from home
:work, in Interplay's name or in his own. I don't see the benefit of what
:you attempted to do, other than to make his life worse.

Dan figured he'd get at least 8 hours a day where BH wasn't online making
him and DKS look like fools. Maybe he wanted them to take a way his PC and
his dan brooks archive and make BH work with a pencil and a slide rule all


Apr 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/27/99
Bill Huffman wrote in message <7g2l3o$5iq$>...
:I think that Mr. Fraud's worse post was the one right before the

Yeah. If you really wanted to raise a stir, you should send the posts to
wall mart, compusa and other sellers. If ross perot (does he still own wall
mart?) knew what DKS posted here, I'm sure you'd never see a box marked 'a
derek smart simulation' there.

:I really doubt they would be interested

:in doing another project with him. He just strikes me as an
:impossible individual to work with.

I take it they did very little work with him so far. He handed them a
complete game, with an intro (done by t2), graphics (done by t2) and a 3,000
page manual (done by DKS).
But he was upset when they lowered the price, wasn't he?
He never said who he was negotiating with for his next 3 AAA titles.



Apr 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/27/99
Bill Huffman wrote in message <7g2jg8$3sf$>...
:In article <7g0md1$j8p$>,

: "Dan" <D...@earthlink.netarama> wrote:
:> Typhon <> wrote in message
:> news:7g0gps$3oc$
:...snip Dan stupidity about Angelfire advertising since,

:it now has (and deserves) a comic relief life of its own
:> >And, according to Bill,
:> > his comments to the NCR rep were distinctly dishonest about
:> >what he claimed
:> > Bill had done.
:> Well, surprise, surprise, bill's full of shit. Not that you'll
:> let the facts get in your way of a little "fun" but,
:> When I lodged a complaint about bill's harassing posts from work
:> I was asked if that included any email. I told them of bill's
:> email and bill's comment that the mail was intended to let me
:> know that I was "vulnerable." NCR was made aware how bill got
:> the information. NCR asked if I felt threatened now. I said no.
:I was EXPLICITLY told that Dan had a fear for his daughter's
:safety. This was in a later meeting. Was that you that told
:them that Liar King Dan or your master Derek?

Perhaps the archive DKS presented to NCR did not have all the posts from
that thread.
Do you think Doodad Dan would mention an incident that proved him to be a
complete fool?

Well, now that I think about it, he probably would.

Derek Smart

Apr 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/27/99
On Mon, 26 Apr 1999 20:30:42 GMT,
>Most game support problems can be solved by ensuring that you have the
>latest drivers, etc. Other than that, exactly what did you expect
>product support to do for you? show him where the on/off switch is (?)

Just ignore this jackass

Derek Smart, Ph.D.
Designer/Lead Developer
The Battlecruiser Series

"The man who follows the crowd will usually get no further
than the crowd. The man who walks alone is likely to find
himself in places no one has ever been. Someone lemme out!"

Derek Smart

Apr 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/27/99
On Mon, 26 Apr 1999 21:44:48 -0500, "Dan" <D...@earthlink.netarama>

>I don't blame Derek in the least if he wants to either sue bill's
>ass or chase him out of NCR. bill has been taking aim at Derek
>for years. Bill admits that his actions have likely affected
>Derek's (job) income and as I understand it has sent email to
>gaming sites/mags personnel disparaging Derek. bill's constant
>public portrayal of Derek is as vengeful and hateful as it comes.
>All bill ever had to do was just stop. Make no mistake, bill is
>the aggressor. Paybacks are hell, eh?

...just wait. I'm a very, very patient and tenacious man who will stop
at nothing (that much is obvious). There are laws for this sort of
thing. Bill has a *documented* trail going back almost 3 years and I
for one, have *no* intentions for quitting. As I've said, cookie jar,
cereal box, accredited or not, I know for a *fact* that I *will*
prevail. It takes time+money and I've got nothing but time+money.


Apr 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/27/99
On Fri, 23 Apr 1999 22:04:18 GMT, "White Knight"
<> wrote:

>Typhon <> wrote:
>> This is the copy of the letter which I just emailed to
>> concerning Derek's recent comments on the Colorado school tragedy. I would
>> suggest that all of those who feel that his comments are callous, uncalled
>> for, and wrong send them a similar letter, expressing your unwillingness to
>> purchase any of this products, or any other Interplay product, which they
>> maintain associations with this individual.
>[snip] yada yada yada, totally incoherrant rant deleted.
>It is obvious you have a personal grudge, for whatever reason, with Derek Smart.
>I find YOUR lame attempt at using the Colorado incident as firepower in your
>personal war against Mr. Smart offensive. I intend to write to Interplay to let
>know that the majority of the population couldn't care less about Derek Smart's
>beliefs, past behaviour on Internet, or personal grudges with other Usenet
Do you actually know the majority of the population ?
If not do not attempt to speak for them.


Apr 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/27/99

>I feel that his games should be judged on their own merit and content alone. I
>sincerely hope they will file your letter where it rightly belongs, in the
>circular file.
I think typhon could have included far more damaging post from Mr.

Why so kind Typhon ?


Apr 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/27/99
On Sun, 25 Apr 1999 23:07:59 GMT, nobr...@unleesrjed.Clampet
( wrote:

>On Sun, 25 Apr 1999 15:47:40 GMT, Bill Huffman
><> wrote:
>>Lots of us do give a rats ass when Derek fraudulently claims credentials
>>he hasn't earned. I don't care what forum he fraudulently claims those
>>credentials in, it is wrong, it is immoral, it is unethical and I will
>>be there to warn people that Derek Smart is committing PhD fraud ...
>>and that is what an open free forum is about.
>Ho Hum zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Yawn , burp , fart
At work Joe ?

Bill Huffman

Apr 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/27/99
In article <7g4b9v$noe$>,

Derek's investigator that's hot on the trail of who is paying me to
advertise Derek's PhD fraud

also must have let them know that at home
in my dumpster I don't have electricity nor a computer. But I went
out and found a 286 and plugged it in at the hamburger stand so that
I could continue stalking them on-line with the truth.
Bill Huffman, PhD in Derekology,
ignoramus supremus and asshilarious (Remove the BRAINS to email me.)


Apr 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM4/27/99
On Sat, 24 Apr 1999 23:57:29 GMT, (Derek Smart)

Typhon here is a post you should send IP.

>Ted and co
>just ignore this sorry sack o' shit. They tried to pull this stunt
>last year when I was negotiating the v2.0 deal with Interplay and of
>course, it failed. My opinions are mine and I don't give a shit what
>Interplay thinks and I'm sure they don't give a shit either. My
>opinions are my own and in no way affect the performance of or my
>support of my product. They may as well send a letter to my mom. Same
>My experience with this delinquent moron is real and he is a classic
>example of how kids start off from the small stuff and work their up
>the anti-social ladder. This kid is a delinquent thief, a liar and a
>con. Need I say more?
>These mishaving anti-social jackoffs think that people (a) don't have
>better things to do with their time (b) in the real world don't know
>about all the anti-social misfits who misuse the Internet and use it
>for their antics and hate mongering.
>Just killfile his sorry ass like everyone else does and subject him to
>the silence of oblivion.
>On Sat, 24 Apr 1999 09:29:10 -0400, "Ted L. Chen"

><> wrote:
>>Bill, even you must see that the so called proof of misbehaviour that
>>Typhoon appended to his letter does not serve his argument (and yours) one
>>single bit of support. Obviously, you two have been clouded by some
>>personal vendetta that I cannot fathom why you would take such offense on
>>someone giving their own OPINIONs on the Colorado case. The worst offense I
>>could get from his post was that it was off topic (I wasn't here when he
>>posted, but I'm guessing it was a strat NG) Aside from that, I don't see
>>how Typhoon can call it "callous, uncalled for..."
>>It did not attack the parents of the victims as some earlier postings about
>>previous shootings were about. The only people that he blamed were other
>>members of the online community who cheered this kid on. Now, that is just
>>his view on the matter and can be far from the truth or closer than we could
>>ever imagine, but again, it was only his personal opinion. And no where in
>>the post did he do any of the things you like to point out, other than
>>informing the kids parents about his behavior. Some people might shriek at
>>that idea and call it some blantant violation of the first admendment but it
>>would be clearly obvious at that point, those who understood what the spirit
>>and letter of the freespeech clause was about, and those who did not.
>>Oh well, enough rambling on my part here.

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