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William Abner

Aug 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/22/98
(if this was posted twice--sorry--blame OSU)

Sorry to shout--but I thought you guys would want to check this out.

I was informed of this site (product page) a few days ago and wanted
to share. For everyoe that has had dreams of Football Mogul: check
this out:

Now you guys know I'm not one to hype a game that I havent seen--but
this looks really interesting:

Here are the features taken from the page:

--A realistic trading module. You can't simply take the players you
want from other teams.

--Proper aging of players. Players at different positions age
differently. Quarterbacks need a couple of more years to reach their
prime, but their careers last several years longer, on average, than
running backs.

--The amateur draft. Teams realistically assess their needs, and build
through the draft.

--Statistics, statistics, statistics. All the major stats are tracked,
and available at any given time. Career and current season statistics
are covered in more than 40 categories. You can view and sort them by
team, category and position. It's fast and accurate.

--Depth charts. You set the depth chart at each position for your
team, and fill out a play preference chart. Front Office Football
simulates games based on these charts.

--Player ratings. Each player is rated for 34 different skills. But
you don't have access to the raw numbers. Where's the fun in that? You
hire a scouting staff, with varied strengths and weaknesses. Your
scouts tell you how good they think your players are - and how good
they think your opponents' players are.

--The salary cap. It's an essential tool in keeping parity among
professional football rosters. You'll have to cut your aging,
high-paid veterans just like any ruthless general manager worth his
weight in negotiations.

and several others--
I know my interest is sparked...


William Abner -

William Abner

Aug 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/22/98

William Abner

Aug 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/22/98
(if this was posted twice--sorry--blame OSU)

Sorry to shout--but I thought you guys would want to check this out.

Jim Gindin

Aug 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/22/98
Thanks, Bill,

I was just about to post the product announcement, so the timing is

Here we go...

I've been holding on to this for months now. Hard to keep quiet about
something on which you've spent practically every minute the last six
months. And I mean every minute.

Product Announcement: Front Office Football

Release Date: First week of September, 1998

Playable Demo Available: Now at

In Front Office Football, you assume the role of a professional
football team's general manager. During the game, you'll make trades
with other teams, participate in a yearly amateur draft, negotiate
contracts, make business decisions and set game plans.

Based on your decisions, the game will simulate professional football
games and grade you based on your team's financial and on-field

You have four primary goals within Front Office Football:

- Through new stadium construction and renovation, and through healthy
business planning, you must maximize the value of your football

- You must set ticket prices and allocate resources in order to
maximize profits from year to year.

- You must build a strong roster of players to ensure a competitive
team for years to come.

- Your team must win as many games as possible.

The decisions you make determine the success of your team. Make the
right decisions, and your franchise will be the envy of professional

Solecismic Software is a new entertainment software company dedicated
to producing cutting-edge career football simulations.

A free game demo, which allows you to play through the first week of
the 1998 regular season, is now available for download.

There are several key elements emphasized in the game design:

A realistic trading module. You can't simply take the players you want
from other teams.

- Proper aging of players. Players at different positions age

differently. Quarterbacks need a couple of more years to reach their
prime, but their careers last several years longer, on average, than
running backs.

- The amateur draft. Teams realistically assess their needs, and build
through the draft.

- Statistics, statistics, statistics. All the major stats are tracked,

and available at any given time. Career and current season statistics
are covered in more than 40 categories. You can view and sort them by
team, category and position. It's fast and accurate.

- Depth charts. You set the depth chart at each position for your

team, and fill out a play preference chart. Front Office Football
simulates games based on these charts.

- Player ratings. Each player is rated for 34 different skills. But

you don't have access to the raw numbers. Where's the fun in that? You
hire a scouting staff, with varied strengths and weaknesses. Your
scouts tell you how good they think your players are - and how good
they think your opponents' players are.

- The salary cap. It's an essential tool in keeping parity among

professional football rosters. You'll have to cut your aging,
high-paid veterans just like any ruthless general manager worth his
weight in negotiations.

- Power ratings and betting. You can see how your team ranks using
Solecismic Software's System 305. These ratings are used to set a
point spread for betting on each game.

There are many other features in the game. For additional details
about Front Office Football, visit the company website at

On Sat, 22 Aug 1998 02:11:27 GMT, (William Abner)

>Sorry to shout--but I thought you guys would want to check this out.
>I was informed of this site (product page) a few days ago and wanted
>to share. For everyoe that has had dreams of Football Mogul: check
>this out:

- Jim Gindin -
= Solecismic Software =
= =


Aug 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/22/98
OH my GOSH.... I d/l the demo and I was blown away with the detail and depth
of this game. BOY this is going to be a first day purchase for me!!!!!!

Thanks for the tip Bill, one have they kept this one a
secret for so long?

William Abner wrote in message

>Sorry to shout--but I thought you guys would want to check this out.
>I was informed of this site (product page) a few days ago and wanted
>to share. For everyoe that has had dreams of Football Mogul: check
>this out:

>Now you guys know I'm not one to hype a game that I havent seen--but
>this looks really interesting:
>Here are the features taken from the page:

>--A realistic trading module. You can't simply take the players you
>want from other teams.
>--Proper aging of players. Players at different positions age

>differently. Quarterbacks need a couple of more years to reach their
>prime, but their careers last several years longer, on average, than
>running backs.

>--The amateur draft. Teams realistically assess their needs, and build
>through the draft.
>--Statistics, statistics, statistics. All the major stats are tracked,

>and available at any given time. Career and current season statistics
>are covered in more than 40 categories. You can view and sort them by
>team, category and position. It's fast and accurate.

>--Depth charts. You set the depth chart at each position for your

>team, and fill out a play preference chart. Front Office Football
>simulates games based on these charts.

>--Player ratings. Each player is rated for 34 different skills. But

>you don't have access to the raw numbers. Where's the fun in that? You
>hire a scouting staff, with varied strengths and weaknesses. Your
>scouts tell you how good they think your players are - and how good
>they think your opponents' players are.

>--The salary cap. It's an essential tool in keeping parity among

>professional football rosters. You'll have to cut your aging,
>high-paid veterans just like any ruthless general manager worth his
>weight in negotiations.

Scott Thomas

Aug 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/22/98
In article <tjtD1.191$>, S.Kuffrey
<> writes

>OH my GOSH.... I d/l the demo and I was blown away with the detail and depth
>of this game. BOY this is going to be a first day purchase for me!!!!!!
>Thanks for the tip Bill, one have they kept this one a
>secret for so long?
>William Abner wrote in message
OK looks interesting but one thing seems missing.....
The Gameplan!! Do you call plays? I don't mind a sim game but one where
you don't call plays or control the gameplan seems totally pointless.
I may be wrong of course and I'll download the demo but so far this game
seems missing something!
Scott Thomas

Ian Wu

Aug 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/22/98
Scott Thomas wrote:
> In article <tjtD1.191$>, S.Kuffrey
> <> writes
> >OH my GOSH.... I d/l the demo and I was blown away with the detail and depth
> >of this game. BOY this is going to be a first day purchase for me!!!!!!
> >
> >Thanks for the tip Bill, one have they kept this one a
> >secret for so long?
> >
> >Steve

> OK looks interesting but one thing seems missing.....

> The Gameplan!! Do you call plays? I don't mind a sim game but one where
> you don't call plays or control the gameplan seems totally pointless.
> I may be wrong of course and I'll download the demo but so far this game
> seems missing something!
> --
> Scott Thomas

This is a management sim. Not a coaching sim.
There is a simple game plan, where you choose what type of play is
called on
any particular situation.

If you enjoy calling plays and being the coach, this game is not for
But for a management fan like myself, this is spectacular. Even more
than BBMogul.

Can't wait for the game to come out.

Ian Z. Wu "What has always made the State a hell
on earth has been precisely that man
Vanderbilt Law '00 has tried to make it his heaven"
Yale University '95 ---- F. Hoelderlin


Aug 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/22/98
Make that two sales. I can't wait to experiment with the stadium
building & expansion side of the game. I played with Madden 99 until
1:30 (which isn't bad this year!) only to find Bill's message and I've
tinkered with Front Office for the past three+ hours. I've read over all
of the help file notes, and I'm looking forward to simming many a
season. If I only knew how much the asking price for FOF would be....

I'm astonished at the suddenness of FOF's arrival. You've done a great
job, Solecismic. (Cute name as well.) I was just re-reading "The League"
and wishing for an American football GM program since the late,
lamented, lame(?) Total Control Football was no more. Thanks for
tackling the subject; this game has the immediate potential to be the
DMB/BBM of the gridiron.

Whiny question #1: In reading through the help file, I noticed that the
local voters should only be approached sparingly with a stadium
proposal, else they'll get torqued off. Does that apply to bogus trade
offers & laughable contract offers? I dislike how other games allow one
to find an opponent's lowball point through plain brute force offerings.

--Fenric, The Evil One

(How in the world you could rate the Gators as the #1 team is well
beyond me. ;)

S.Kuffrey wrote:
> OH my GOSH.... I d/l the demo and I was blown away with the detail and depth
> of this game. BOY this is going to be a first day purchase for me!!!!!!
> Thanks for the tip Bill, one have they kept this one a
> secret for so long?
> Steve

> William Abner wrote in message
> <>...
> >
> >


Aug 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/22/98
I found the answer to my question; yes, bogus trade and contract offers
will have a negative impact. Cool.

--Fenric, The Evil One


Aug 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/22/98
I agree, this has got to be a winner..I stayed up till 1:30 with this one
last night and plan on hitting it again this morning.

Great detail, I love the "pure win" environment also. I still can't get
over the depth of this one. I even had Morten Andersen "cut" by my beloved
"Falcons" and tried to resign him...his reply(through his agent), "because
of past injustices my client WILL NOT sign with your franchise"
about realism!!!!

HURRY UP (please) and get this one out!!!!

William Abner

Aug 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/22/98
On Sat, 22 Aug 1998 06:12:41 GMT, "S.Kuffrey" <>
cackled that:

:OH my GOSH.... I d/l the demo and I was blown away with the detail and depth

:of this game. BOY this is going to be a first day purchase for me!!!!!!
:Thanks for the tip Bill, one have they kept this one a
:secret for so long?

I dunno. <g>
Jim mailed me about it last week and it was the first I had heard of
it. I went to the site and wasn't expecting much. I kept reading..and
reading..and reading..feature after feature after feature. Yikes!

I agree with ya tho--this is one I really want to play.

Christopher Johnson

Aug 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/22/98
In article <>, says...

> Sorry to shout--but I thought you guys would want to check this out.
Once again, usenet comes through in a BIG way! Thanks Bill for the heads
up. WHAT A GAME!!!! If you are at all a manage only type, no matter
what sport, download the demo at and
be amazed at what one can do with a football sim.

I don't know if my wallet can handle all of these football games. Wasn't
planning on my Christmas game expenditures to begin in September <g>. I
got the $29 EA Direct deal, so NCAA 99 will be purchased (somehow and
someday I'll rationalize how this fits into my boycott of EA <g>),
Madden 99 I'll wait for the reviews (not getting burned again), FPSS FB
I'll purchase simply because of my Pavlovian response to any Sierra
sports product <g>. Now FOF is on the list.

OK fellas, you've prety much perfected the football genre. Now can we
get some help with the baseball games??!!


Mark Syms

Aug 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/22/98

William Abner wrote in message
>Sorry to shout--but I thought you guys would want to check this out.
>William Abner -

This seems a great game but will the real players be included
as they are in the demo or will there be problems like
in bb mogul ? Also where is Robert Brooks in Green Bay ?

Mark Syms

Aug 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/22/98

Mark Syms

Aug 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/22/98


Aug 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/22/98
Brooks is in the game. It's just that the GB scouts/coaches cut him as
you start the game. (No, really they did! Fire them all!) Go to Options,
click "Scouts manage your depth chart & roster" OFF, then start a new
game. Then you get to make the cuts your way.

There's plenty of great free agents whom you'll find if you go to the
Free Agent listing very quickly. My Chiefs picked up Bernie Parmalee &
Edgar Bennett, then traded the two of them for Terrell Davis...who
turned out to be a not-so-great rusher for me...this time. Oh well.

Dale Carter & a 1st round choice for Deion? Sounds good to me & the
Dallas GM. The fact that I pulled this trade off between games while I
was simming a week game-by-game was interesting to say the least. :-)

--Fenric, The Evil One

Mark Syms

Aug 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/22/98


Aug 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/22/98
I'm not sure what happened when you simmed your game. I have simmed over 20
games with the demo (Lions) and have had believable stats. I will buy as
soon as it is released.

Chris Poor

Joel Mesaros wrote in message
I simmed game 1 of the regular season, Ravens beat the Steelers 67-7.
Kordell Stewart tossed 8 interceptions in 25 attempts. I don't know
what to make of this. A score and stats like these are unlikely at
best, and for it to occur the first time the sim is run, I may be
cautious before purchasing.

Brad Jason

Aug 22, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/22/98
Where can I download the demo from. Thanks.
Scott Thomas wrote in message ...

>In article <tjtD1.191$>, S.Kuffrey
><> writes
>>OH my GOSH.... I d/l the demo and I was blown away with the detail and
>>of this game. BOY this is going to be a first day purchase for me!!!!!!
>>Thanks for the tip Bill, one have they kept this one a
>>secret for so long?

>>William Abner wrote in message

Aug 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/23/98

> This seems a great game but will the real players be included
> as they are in the demo or will there be problems like
> in bb mogul ? Also where is Robert Brooks in Green Bay ?

Probably injured somewhere, just like real life!

Seriously, this might be a pretty good game. As a big fan of Clay and
I-monkey, I'm curious to see how this and Football Mogul stack up against each
other. Depending on price, I'll buy it.

Go Vikes!

-----== Posted via Deja News, The Leader in Internet Discussion ==----- Create Your Own Free Member Forum

Joel Mesaros

Aug 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/23/98


Aug 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/23/98
What game are you referring to. I had that with Ultimate FB, FBPro series on
fast sim and Madden.


Joel Mesaros wrote in message


Aug 23, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/23/98
Thanks with that result I'll pass. Been burned too many times.

K-Gun wrote in message
>On Sun, 23 Aug 1998 20:22:27 -0400, "K-Gun" <>
>K-Gun, it's called Front Office Football, a new Baseball Mogul type
>football sim. You can find it at You can play
>the exhibition season and the 1st week of the regular season. You
>program play calling tendencies, and after the 67-7 drubbing, I have
>some doubts about realism.

Jim Gindin

Aug 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/24/98
On Sat, 22 Aug 1998 12:05:32 +0100, Scott Thomas
<> wrote:

Play-calling (rather than setting a profile as is in the game) was the
last large feature cut from the game. My initial attempt showed that
it would be a lot of work to prevent 400-yard running performances
and/or overemphasis on having one or two good offensive linemen
without ruining the simulation. I agree that it would be a nice option
to have to turn off and on, but it does delve into an area where the
big companies are strongest.

If I ever get to write the college version, it will include

>OK looks interesting but one thing seems missing.....
>The Gameplan!! Do you call plays? I don't mind a sim game but one where
>you don't call plays or control the gameplan seems totally pointless.
>I may be wrong of course and I'll download the demo but so far this game
>seems missing something!
>Scott Thomas


Jim Gindin

Aug 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/24/98
Yes, the game includes real players, though for legal reasons I don't
advertise that. They're all gone by 2012 or so anyway.

Brooks is there, it's just that if you have the scouts auto-handling
your depth charts, they make roster decisions for you. Brooks is an
unusual player in that he has great ratings in a couple of key areas
(so his stats look good), but poor peripheral stats (he's not a good
3rd down receiver, for example). Scouts are tough. They'll even boot a
1,000-yard receiver on occasion. This won't happen every time, though,
because a portion of the ratings is randomly generated each time you
begin a new game.

On Sat, 22 Aug 1998 16:32:34 +0100, "Mark Syms" <>

>This seems a great game but will the real players be included
>as they are in the demo or will there be problems like
>in bb mogul ? Also where is Robert Brooks in Green Bay ?


Jim Gindin

Aug 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/24/98
It was very hard to keep quiet. I wanted to wait until I knew the
release date (within a day or two). I see how frustrated people get
with dates that continually slip, and didn't want to add to that.

Some of the responses have been very constructive, though, so much so
that I wish I had posted earlier so that I could have asked them to be
a part of the beta test.

Now, the only element that might delay the release is getting approval
to use Visa and MasterCard. My bank, apparently, will not work with
software companies (they lump them in the same category as companies
which sell Beanie Babies. Go figure).

On Sat, 22 Aug 1998 13:25:17 GMT, (William Abner)

>On Sat, 22 Aug 1998 06:12:41 GMT, "S.Kuffrey" <>
>cackled that:
>:OH my GOSH.... I d/l the demo and I was blown away with the detail and depth

>:of this game. BOY this is going to be a first day purchase for me!!!!!!
>:Thanks for the tip Bill, one have they kept this one a
>:secret for so long?

>I dunno. <g>
>Jim mailed me about it last week and it was the first I had heard of
>it. I went to the site and wasn't expecting much. I kept reading..and
>reading..and reading..feature after feature after feature. Yikes!
>I agree with ya tho--this is one I really want to play.

>William Abner -


Jim Gindin

Aug 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/24/98
That's pretty much as lop-sided as it gets. I'm a little surprised the
participation algorithm didn't remove Stewart earlier. But you're
right that the result is unlikely.

What sometimes happens is that when teams are losing by 24 or more
points, they don't know when to give up. So the other team will score
some quick touchdowns off of turnovers because the interception rate
gets very high on long passes when there have already been more long
passes than the average profile calls.

I debated putting in a "give-up" mode once the margin reached 30 or
more, but there are always cases of miracle comebacks. The borderine
between embarrassment and giving up isn't always clear. So I decided
that FOF teams should never give up.

On Sun, 23 Aug 1998 18:55:38 -0400 (EDT), (Joel
Mesaros) wrote:

>I simmed game 1 of the regular season, Ravens beat the Steelers 67-7.
>Kordell Stewart tossed 8 interceptions in 25 attempts. I don't know
>what to make of this. A score and stats like these are unlikely at
>best, and for it to occur the first time the sim is run, I may be
>cautious before purchasing.


Aug 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/24/98
On Sun, 23 Aug 1998 20:22:27 -0400, "K-Gun" <>

K-Gun, it's called Front Office Football, a new Baseball Mogul type
football sim. You can find it at You can play
the exhibition season and the 1st week of the regular season. You
program play calling tendencies, and after the 67-7 drubbing, I have
some doubts about realism.

>What game are you referring to. I had that with Ultimate FB, FBPro series on
>fast sim and Madden.
>Joel Mesaros wrote in message

Scott Thomas

Aug 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/24/98
In article <>, Jim Gindin <jgindin@solec> writes

>On Sat, 22 Aug 1998 12:05:32 +0100, Scott Thomas
><> wrote:
>Play-calling (rather than setting a profile as is in the game) was the
>last large feature cut from the game. My initial attempt showed that
>it would be a lot of work to prevent 400-yard running performances
>and/or overemphasis on having one or two good offensive linemen
>without ruining the simulation. I agree that it would be a nice option
>to have to turn off and on, but it does delve into an area where the
>big companies are strongest.
>If I ever get to write the college version, it will include
I find this disappointing. Particularly since there seems no profile for
Defense in the game other than a choice between basic formation. I was
hoping that this would be the CM2 of Gridiron but I feel this is a big
omission. I like the way games are displayed though. I watched my Giants
in the first pre-season game with the default profile and we got
narrowly beaten. Started the game again with my own profile and we won
by +17. So, at least changing the profile has genuine effect. May be I'm
sad :) but I 'watch' the games on slow speed to fully take in everything
and make brief notes.

Another thing which might have been better was more details about the
head coach you hire - particularly the type of gameplan he favours.

But the game does seem interesting and I'll play around more with the
demo. I becoming so sick of the 3D game mania I'm finding I'm becoming
completely turned off by arcade sport games. Beginning to appreciate
management games more and more. So, I wish you well with this game but
since I have no interest in College Football I hope if it proves
successful and there is a version 2 we will have the option of calling
plays - or a more detailed profile.

Scott Thomas


Aug 24, 1998, 3:00:00 AM8/24/98
to Brad Jason
Brad Jason wrote:
> Where can I download the demo from. Thanks.


--Fenric, The Evil One

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