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Help I'm clueless

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Fannie Rogers

Apr 27, 1996, 7:00:00 AM4/27/96

I,m a pc man who just got an apple 2e with no software.i don't know
anything about these computers but wld like for my 8 yr old daughter to
be able to use it for something.I guess I need some sort of operating
system first. can someone tell what the operating system is called, where
to get it avail new or need i post wtb for it..etc. what about
availibility of other software...thanks for any

Charles Turley

Apr 28, 1996, 7:00:00 AM4/28/96

Fannie Rogers < wrote:

Charles Turley <> replies:


If you have your pc working and can access web sites, I suggest you pay
a visit to the following URL and explore all it has to offer you with
your new needs for the Apple IIe.

That URL:

Be sure to explore it all, especially the HTML document A2.vendor.html.
That document covers anything you could possibly want for your recently
obtained Apple IIe. I suggest you contact Quality Computers for
educational software, the most current available for the Apple IIe.
They have a new Apple 2 specific catalog they can also send you by mail,
upon your request. Give them a toll-free call -> 1-800-890-8263.

You may wish to explore the folder on the above noted URL -> gsezine
also. That folder will take you to many new links of recently
discovered web sites from many other commercial Apple II specific
vendors of software, such as MECC, a leader in educational software,
offering a multitude of Apple IIe software for your 8 year old daughter
to use and enjoy.

The gsezine folder will link you right into GS WorldView EZine, a
FREEWARE on-line publication that I'm the Editor of, which is devoted to
promoting information and help for all Apple II owners and users. And,
the best part of it all is it's all presented for 100% FREE, as a
labor-of-love, from me, because I enjoy doing it and it's needed!

I hope the above information proves to be useful with your needs.


Charles T. 'Dr. Tom' Turley

John Lesher

May 3, 1996, 7:00:00 AM5/3/96

Charles Turley ( wrote:
: Fannie Rogers < wrote:

: I,m a pc man who just got an apple 2e with no software.i don't know
: anything about these computers but wld like for my 8 yr old daughter to
: be able to use it for something.I guess I need some sort of operating
: system first. can someone tell what the operating system is called,
: where
: to get it avail new or need i post wtb for it..etc. what about
: availibility of other software...thanks for any

: Charles Turley <> replies:


: Be sure to explore it all, especially the HTML document A2.vendor.html.

: That document covers anything you could possibly want for your recently
: obtained Apple IIe. I suggest you contact Quality Computers for
: educational software, the most current available for the Apple IIe.
: They have a new Apple 2 specific catalog they can also send you by mail,
: upon your request. Give them a toll-free call -> 1-800-890-8263.

Just a note... Don't believe everything the sales rep @ Quality
Computer tells you. They don't have much of their profits coming in from
Apple II owners, and therefore, they've diverted mostly to Mac & PC's.

Just a few notes of things they've told me which aren't true are:

1) There are no viruses for the Apple II... As far as I know,
there are four known viruses for the Apple II: Blackout, Lode Runner,
Festering Hate, and CyberAIDS. I've never encountered them, and they
may as well not exist, but the fact remains that they DID exist and they
DID hurt people.

2) The Apple IIe can't control a modem going faster than 9600
bps. Wrong. I've heard of people using 19.2Kbps on their Apple IIe's.
I COULD have been using 14.4Kbps on my Apple IIe all last year, but I
only found out after I had bought a 2400 modem from them (about 6 mo.

3) Quality Computers no longer sells Signature. I got this
message from the sales dept. However, when I called tech support to
find out if they had put the program on public domain, they told me
they still had copies, and were quite willing to sell to me.

In a nutshell, don't believe everything the sales dept. tells
you. Those people have been trained to sell IBM and Mac ware and know
little, if anything, about Apple II's.


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