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Acorn Micros?

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Mar 28, 1990, 2:58:02 PM3/28/90
The last time I posted this article, the mailer died so if anybody
replied to it, I didn't get your reply. Sorry!


This is the umpteenth time trying to post this damn article so
I hope it finally gets through :

Well, this may seem like an odd posting for North America, but after
reading a recent posting on the sinclair QL (ho ho ho he he he) I
thought it may be an idea to post a similar question of my own.
Are there any Acorn users in North America? Especially in the Toronto
region? I am a long time BBC micro freak and I am now wondering
if there are any people here who use this neat little beast.
If there are, could you mail me at ki...@motto.uucp? I am curious to
see if there are any Beeb/Arch freaks like me around. Also, does
anybody know where I can get hold of Acorn micros here in North America
or again, more specifically, Toronto?
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
ki...@motto.UUCP | Motorola Communications, North York, Ontario.

Ercument Canver

Mar 28, 1990, 10:18:36 PM3/28/90

I don't know if this is the right group to post my question,
but here it goes:

I'm interested in Petri Nets and would like to know if there are
newsgroups where these are discussed (theory and/or application).
Can someone out there give me some hints where to look for them?
I'd appreciate every suggestion.

Thanx in advance

Ercument Canver

P.S.: Is there an appropriate newsgroup to post questions of this kind?

Bruce Becker

Mar 29, 1990, 3:23:11 PM3/29/90
In article <9...@motto.UUCP> ki...@motto.UUCP (Kyle) writes:

|Are there any Acorn users in North America? Especially in the Toronto
|region? I am a long time BBC micro freak and I am now wondering
|if there are any people here who use this neat little beast.
|If there are, could you mail me at ki...@motto.uucp? I am curious to
|see if there are any Beeb/Arch freaks like me around. Also, does
|anybody know where I can get hold of Acorn micros here in North America
|or again, more specifically, Toronto?
|Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

I believe the Archimedes line is marketed
by Olivetti Canada. Apparently it is sold
as an educational product.

,u, Bruce Becker Toronto, Ontario
a /i/ Internet: b...@becker.UUCP,
`\o\-e UUCP: ...!uunet!mnetor!becker!bdb
_< /_ "Paranoia is its own reward" - W. Disney

Jack Campin

Apr 2, 1990, 12:17:57 PM4/2/90

can...@sdsu.UUCP (Ercument Canver) wrote:

> I'm interested in Petri Nets and would like to know if there are
> newsgroups where these are discussed (theory and/or application).

Try comp.parallel, comp.theory and comp.specification.

-- Jack Campin Computing Science Department, Glasgow University, 17 Lilybank
Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Scotland 041 339 8855 x6044 work 041 556 1878 home
JANET: BANG!net: via mcvax and ukc FAX: 041 330 4913
INTERNET: via BITNET: via UKACRL UUCP: ja...@glasgow.uucp

F H J Feldbrugge

Apr 3, 1990, 10:27:41 AM4/3/90
In article <> (Jack Campin) writes:
>can...@sdsu.UUCP (Ercument Canver) wrote:
>> I'm interested in Petri Nets and would like to know if there are
>> newsgroups where these are discussed (theory and/or application).
>Try comp.parallel, comp.theory and comp.specification.
>-- Jack Campin

Try also:


There you will find every now and then information about
simulation oriented Petri Net types such as Stochastic Petri Nets.
Also computer tools are discussed.

| Frits Feldbrugge | Internet: |
| Philips TDS | UUCP: .....!mcvax!philapd!fritsf |

yoshio nakamura

Apr 9, 1990, 6:44:41 PM4/9/90

I asked Roger Wilson, of Acorn, for information on the Archimedes,
including info on the availability in North America, and here is his

From Wed Apr 4 11:25:21 1990
Subject: info
Date: Wed,04 Apr 1990.16:31:10


It is, in general, too much trouble to answer all queries in detail. I have,
therefore, built a defence - most of the information is just copied from another
file on my disc! So if it seems remote, irrelevant, that's life.....

There are two CPUs: ARM2 [VL86C020], a straight 32 bit no-cache model and ARM3
[VL86C030], with a 4KByte on chip cache. Full information on the ARM chips and
associated MEMC, VIDC and IOC can be had from VLSI Technology Inc, Application
Specific Logic Products Division, 8375 South River Parkway, Tempe, AZ 85284,
602-752-8574. Prentice Hall are/will be publishing the data book - ISBN
0-13-944968-X. A book on the internals of ARM is "VLSI RISC Architecture and
Organization" by S Fuber, Marcel Dekker ISBN 0-8247-8151-1.

Currently available from Acorn UK are:
Archimedes - stand alone PCs. 0.5-4MBytes, winchester etc.
Models: A3000 1MByte, 3.5" floppy from 599 pounds
A410/1 1MByte, 3.5" floppy, winchester i/f & expansion from 1099 pounds
A420/1 2MByte, 3.5" floppy, 20MByte wini...
A440/1 4MByte, 3.5" floppy, 50MByte wini...
R140 above machine with RISCiX (Unix 4.3BSD + X11 + X.desktop + NFS)
(all machines expandable to 4MBytes (8 from 3rd parties for A4x0))
(all A4x0 machines upgradable to ARM3).
Contact Dorothy Netherwood at Olivetti Canada for American information.
Olivetti Canada Ltd
PO Box 3710
160 McNabb Street
L3R 6G9
Contact Barson for Australian Information

Software: pcc/ANSI C Compiler (as used to build the Unix system)
ISO Pascal Compiler
Fortran 77 Compiler
BASIC Interpreter (RISC OS only)
{BASIC Compiler from 3rd parties. RISC OS only)
Assembler (both, but different one on UNIX system)
LISP (RISC OS only) (Reduce also available from 3rd party)
Prolog (RISC OS only)
Desktop Publisher, Spreadsheet, Word Processor etc. (RISC OS only)

>From others in UK (RISC OS only)
any number of spreadsheets, dtp programs
large numbers of paint programs
solid modelling, ray tracing

Magazines: BBC Acorn User
Redwood Publishing, 20-26 Brunswick Place, London N1 6PJ; 01 490 4144
The Micro User
DataBase Publications, Europa House, Adlington Park, London Road, Adlington, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK10 4NP; 0625 878888
A&B Computing

Norwich Computer Services, 18 Mile End Road, Norwich, Norfolk NR4 7QY; 0603 507057
BEEBUG, 117 Hatfield Road, St Albans, Herts AL1 4JS; 0727 40303

Electronic: eunet.micro.acorn on Usenet

--Roger Wilson


I sent mail asking if I could get the newsgroup "eunet.micro.acorn"
in North America, and here is the reply...

From Sun Apr 8 08:08:09 1990
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 90 14:35:35 BST
Subject: Cancellation of SIDInfo service

I am sorry, but the SIDInfo service is no longer available due to the high
costs involved in posting the files back to you. It is hoped that a
replacement service can be offered soon, probably using PSS, in which case it
will be available from around the middle of April.


Philip Colmer
Acorn Computers Ltd



Yoshio Nakamura Internet:
University of Calif., Riverside uucp: {ucsd, uci, ucdavis}!ucrmath!yoshio

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