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Catching Window Resize Event

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Ricky Wai Kit Yuen

Apr 1, 1994, 7:56:17 AM4/1/94

Hi folks. I am trying to bind a window to the X resize event using the following script:

bind .mywindow <RequestResize> <puts stdout "Resize requested: %w x %h}

However, it doesn't seem work. Anyone has any clue? Thanks in advance.


Edward L. Karrels

Apr 1, 1994, 5:54:02 PM4/1/94
Ricky Wai Kit Yuen ( wrote:

: Hi folks. I am trying to bind a window to the X resize event using the following script:

: bind .mywindow <RequestResize> <puts stdout "Resize requested: %w x %h}

: However, it doesn't seem work. Anyone has any clue? Thanks in advance.

Yea, I had the same problem. Try a <Configure> event. Why ResizeRequest
doesn't work, who knows... This should work:

bind . <Configure> \
{puts stdout {Resize requested, position: (%x,%y), size: (%h %w)}}

Ed Karrels

Eric Schenk

Apr 2, 1994, 1:56:23 AM4/2/94

The <Configure> event is the one you want.
The <RequestResize> event is sent by a child window to the
owner of a parent window to indicate that it wants to be resized.
In the normal course of things RequestResize is passed to the
window manager by a client that wants it's size changed, and
the window manager sends back a configure event indicating what
changes where made. This is all detailed in the ICCCM for the
morbidly curious.

-- eric

Eric Schenk
Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto

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