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Private message received from EN

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Janos Blazi

Feb 29, 2000, 3:00:00β€―AM2/29/00
Today I received the following private message on my private address from
Erik Naggum: (I never wrote to his private address):

I'm overjoyed that I actually hurt your feelings. I wish I could hurt
your feelings so much you would commit suicide. sadly, this has failed,
and now the world has to live with an amoral creep who considers himself
above ethics and reproach. you are clearly a psychotic monster, beset
with hatred and malice towards everything that hurts you, and you're so
out of touch with reality to begin with that your fantasy world is taking
over, and hence it is in fact impossible to hurt you, any more than you
constantly hurt yourself. this is also why you have to imagine what my
day is like, and post your literally insane imagination. any remnant of
sanity would have held you back from such levels of psychotic behavior.

you should consult a psychiatric ward and have yourself committed before
you actually kill someone in your deranged, psychotic state, filled as
you are with hatred and malice towards people who didn't stop hurting you
when you screamed "please don't hurt me" to yourself, only.

the only thing I regret is that I didn't see your fantastic stupidity as
a result of your shattered psychology -- it's fairly uncommon to be so
fucking retarded because of a psychological problem, but clearly, you
have been immensely stupid all your life, and now that I come and hurt
your stupid feelings, so you turn on me like a vicious and mad dog -- and
that's exactly what you are to me: a mad dog in need of a bullet through
his sick brain before he actually manages to hurt someone or himself.

do the world a huge favor and commit suicide tonight.


Janos Blazi

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Erik Naggum

Feb 29, 2000, 3:00:00β€―AM2/29/00
* "Janos Blazi" <>

| Today I received the following private message on my private address from
| Erik Naggum: (I never wrote to his private address):

yes, you did, you lying moron. your last message posted here was mailed
to me, too, which I *EXPRESSLY* do not want anyone to do, and I did not
see it as news until many hours later. it arrived here 14:10 UTC, and my
response was mailed back 14:49 UTC, but not delivered to your cretinous
mail system until 22:02 UTC because it's a piece of shit, like you are.

I most certainly would not mail a creep like you if you had not invaded
my mailbox, which I certainly took to be a new low on your part, however
much that actually requires on your part.

it does not surprise me that you don't know what you're doing or are
lying through your teeth about not sending me private mail, whichever is
more telling about you.

but _do_ take my advice. mother earth needs break and the nutrients you
block from recycling by staying alive and polluting the whole place.


Feb 28 14:10:55 arcana sendmail[14012]: AA14012: message-id=<002701bf81f5$96f013f0$bbc1b3c3@mycomputer>
Feb 28 14:10:55 arcana sendmail[14012]: AA14012: from=<>, size=7692, class=0, received from
Feb 28 14:11:02 arcana sendmail[14014]: AA14012: to=<>, delay=00:00:07, stat=Sent, drop=/home/erik/bin/acceptmail

Janos Blazi

Feb 29, 2000, 3:00:00β€―AM2/29/00

Erik Naggum <> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:

> * "Janos Blazi" <>
> | Today I received the following private message on my private address
> | Erik Naggum: (I never wrote to his private address):
> yes, you did, you lying moron. your last message posted here was mailed
> to me, too, which I *EXPRESSLY* do not want anyone to do

Erik, I apologize for that. Of course I believe you. Please take my word of
honor that I did not do it intentionally. I completely agree with you: It is
bad style. So I am sorry and I do not understand how this could happen. So I
did not lie, I only said something that was not true. Again sorry.
Of course I did not like the content of you message.

Janos Blazi

and I did not
> see it as news until many hours later. it arrived here 14:10 UTC, and
> response was mailed back 14:49 UTC, but not delivered to your cretinous
> mail system until 22:02 UTC because it's a piece of shit, like you are.
> I most certainly would not mail a creep like you if you had not invaded
> my mailbox, which I certainly took to be a new low on your part, however
> much that actually requires on your part.
> it does not surprise me that you don't know what you're doing or are
> lying through your teeth about not sending me private mail, whichever is
> more telling about you.
> but _do_ take my advice. mother earth needs break and the nutrients you
> block from recycling by staying alive and polluting the whole place.
> #:Erik
> Feb 28 14:10:55 arcana sendmail[14012]: AA14012:
> Feb 28 14:10:55 arcana sendmail[14012]: AA14012: from=<>,
size=7692, class=0, received from
> Feb 28 14:11:02 arcana sendmail[14014]: AA14012: to=<>,
delay=00:00:07, stat=Sent, drop=/home/erik/bin/acceptmail

Erik Naggum

Feb 29, 2000, 3:00:00β€―AM2/29/00
* "Janos Blazi" <>

| Erik, I apologize for that. Of course I believe you. Please take my word of
| honor that I did not do it intentionally.

that is by now irrelevant, since you posted my reply to you. no apology
can ever be accepted from people who take revenge first and apologize
later, since they will repeat the act of revenge the next time, too.
viz, your posting it here _was_ intentional and typical of your blind and
phenomenally stupid destructiveness. there is no way you can make amends
for this action, but you can realize that you are so stupid you must shut
up to avoid getting into even more trouble. can you do that? NOW?

| Of course I did not like the content of you message.

you're a blathering idiot, Janos. that you don't like something or feel
hurt is not and never can be a carte blanche for the kind of braindamaged
and uncontrollable destructiveness that is the core of your personality.

and your word of _honor_? who the hell do you think you are fooling?
you're the least _honorable_ person I haver ever had the displeasure to
deal with. a worse hypocrite than you has never posted anywhere I have
read anything. a purported fan of _tolerance_ who is so mind-bogglingly
irrational in his destructiveness when it is precisely his tolerance that
is demanded can have no honor at all, because he only wants _others_ to
tolerate his vile actions. you can't change this by now, Janos. we all
know exactly what you're made of, now, and all you can do is put a lid on
it, and die with the shame of knowing that you have been fully exposed.


Coby Beck

Feb 29, 2000, 3:00:00β€―AM2/29/00

I have read many threads before filled with disgusting displays of cruelty
that would be childish if not for its focus and conviction. And I have seen
two people bicker endlessly with the pretense of righteousness and firm
belief in their own intellectual and moral superiority plenty of times. But
i have never before been made physically ill by such a spectacle.

This is a new low and a sad day.


Erik Naggum <> wrote in message

Christopher Browne

Mar 1, 2000, 3:00:00β€―AM3/1/00
Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when Erik Naggum would say:

>* "Janos Blazi" <>
>| Erik, I apologize for that. Of course I believe you. Please take my word of
>| honor that I did not do it intentionally.
> that is by now irrelevant, since you posted my reply to you. no apology
> can ever be accepted from people who take revenge first and apologize
> later, since they will repeat the act of revenge the next time, too.
> viz, your posting it here _was_ intentional and typical of your blind and
> phenomenally stupid destructiveness. there is no way you can make amends
> for this action, but you can realize that you are so stupid you must shut
> up to avoid getting into even more trouble. can you do that? NOW?

. o O ( Is this topical material about Lisp? )

Nope, this has nothing to do with Lisp.

>| Of course I did not like the content of you message.
> you're a blathering idiot, Janos. that you don't like something or
> feel hurt is not and never can be a carte blanche for the kind of
> braindamaged and uncontrollable destructiveness that is the core of
> your personality.

Your apparent need to call him a "blathering idiot" does not reflect
well on you.

The vehemence of your flames is quite impressive; I find it remarkable
that you find it worthwhile to put such effort into writing such
eloquently nasty comments.

The fact that Janos posted private email in public may represent a
breach of nettiquite; the degree of nastiness that you display both
here and in the private email is simply uncalled for. The term
"phenomenally stupid destructiveness" comes to mind.

Feel free to encourage everyone to (plonk 'Janos), but when you do so
in such an acridly scathing manner, it encourages to (plonk #erik) as well.
There are three kinds of people: those who can count, and those who
can't. <>

Erik Naggum

Mar 1, 2000, 3:00:00β€―AM3/1/00
* Christopher Browne

| . o O ( Is this topical material about Lisp? )
| Nope, this has nothing to do with Lisp.

this not news to anyone but Janos Blazi. could you help him understand?


Raffael Cavallaro

Mar 1, 2000, 3:00:00β€―AM3/1/00
In article <Sj_u4.63844$>, wrote:

[describing Erik's email to, and posts about Janos]

> the degree of nastiness that you display both
> here and in the private email is simply uncalled for. The term
> "phenomenally stupid destructiveness" comes to mind.

See, and I would have thought that

> I'm overjoyed that I actually hurt your feelings. I wish I could hurt
> your feelings so much you would commit suicide.


>do the world a huge favor and commit suicide tonight.

stand out as much more salient examples of Erik's nastiness than
"pheonomenally stupid destructiveness."



Raffael Cavallaro, Ph.D.


Mar 1, 2000, 3:00:00β€―AM3/1/00
On Tue, 29 Feb 2000 13:59:43 -0800, "Coby Beck" <>

>> tolerate his vile actions. you can't change this by now, Janos. we all
>> know exactly what you're made of, now, and all you can do is put a lid
>> it, and die with the shame of knowing that you have been fully exposed.
>> #:Erik

Talk about being exposed...

// Fernando Rodriguez Romero
// frr at mindless dot com

Christopher Browne

Mar 1, 2000, 3:00:00β€―AM3/1/00
Centuries ago, Nostradamus foresaw a time when Raffael Cavallaro would say:

>In article <Sj_u4.63844$>,
> wrote:
>[describing Erik's email to, and posts about Janos]
>> the degree of nastiness that you display both
>> here and in the private email is simply uncalled for. The term
>> "phenomenally stupid destructiveness" comes to mind.
>See, and I would have thought that
[suicidal suggestions elided]

>stand out as much more salient examples of Erik's nastiness than
>"pheonomenally stupid destructiveness."

I thought it appropriate not to even quote that material, as
a) It had been private email, and thus not really public material;
b) It's not necessary to take the *nastiest* stuff when there's
ample amounts of slightly less mean material.

Again, this gets away from the proper discussion matter for this
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Some poems rhyme
But this one doesn't. - - <>

Stig Hemmer

Mar 6, 2000, 3:00:00β€―AM3/6/00
"Janos Blazi" <> writes:
> Today I received the following private message on my private address from
> Erik Naggum: (I never wrote to his private address):


For your information, Naggums ISP is Eunet, and AB...@EUNET.NO
might be a good place to inform of this piece of nastiness.

Stig Hemmer,
Jack of a Few Trades.

Erik Naggum

Mar 6, 2000, 3:00:00β€―AM3/6/00
* Stig Hemmer <>
| Ouch.

why are you showing us Touched by an Angel episodes in comp.lang.lisp,
parading like that with your cheap retail halo like they aren't a dime a
dozen? don't you have any better soul to save, such as your own?

I'm so ... _intrigued_ by the evolutionary refuse that keeps crawling out
of the wood-work to share their putrid mind with the world. it's amazing!



Mar 6, 2000, 3:00:00β€―AM3/6/00
Stig Hemmer <> wrote
>For your information, Naggums ISP is ...

>might be a good place to inform of this piece of nastiness.
>Stig Hemmer,
>Jack of a Few Trades.

Dear Stig Hemmer,

I have 2 questions for you:

1. if i call you up and told you that i'm going to shove an atom bomb in
your ass, would you complain to my phone company?

2. If you caught a glimpse of a fierce love making in the dark, would you
rush to a radio station and broadcast on your behalf about how to prosecute
the guy for raping?

Stig Jackass of a Few Trades, your despicableness is being an opportunistic
hypocritical hero. Your vile crime, is opening your ignorant pie-hole that
results in subtle encouragement of stupid policies to our society.

If you want to be a real hero, you can do your private investigation on Erik
Naggum vs Janos Blazi and report to the department of international justice.
If you want to be a bleeding-heart, you can send an electronic OR snail
letter to Erik to voice your concern, and similarly call up Janos for
conference. If you want to be a gadfly like me, you need to do a few years
of thinking and reading, and be responsible in what you are saying.

Next time, i'll ram a pipe down your throat and pull it out your ass and
hang you dry; very figuratively speaking. If you don't wish that to happen,
then you can exercise control and not let ignorant and irresponsible shit
fly out of your mouth. It is better to mind your own fucking business than
mindlessly screwing up everyone's business.


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