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Basic Question on POSIX Threads

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Oct 14, 2007, 2:52:40 PM10/14/07

I am trying to get posix threads working from within an object, heres
some code:

int NConnection::TheadControl()
int thread_id;
pthread_t new_connection;
pthread_create(&new_connection, NULL, PriC, (void *)thread_id);

return 0;

void *NConnection::PriC(void *threadid)


However it that pthread_create() doesnt match void* (*)(void*)

Any ideas on how i can correct this?

Also assuming that is fixable from within a class, is it possible
once thread is running to send custom signals to it? i.e if i have 4
threads open, is there anyway to send data to the thread function once
its running if that makes any sense? I'm using Linux if its relevant.

Thanks for any advice,


Ian Collins

Oct 14, 2007, 3:29:13 PM10/14/07
JackC wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to get posix threads working from within an object, heres
> some code:
> int NConnection::TheadControl()
> {
> int thread_id;
> pthread_t new_connection;
> pthread_create(&new_connection, NULL, PriC, (void *)thread_id);
> return 0;
> }
> void *NConnection::PriC(void *threadid)
> {
> }
> However it that pthread_create() doesnt match void* (*)(void*)
> Any ideas on how i can correct this?
An FAQ, nothing to do with threads, you can't pass a C++ member function
to a C library function, the linkage is wrong and there is a hidden this
parameter which makes the signature wrong.

You should pass a free function declared as extern "C".

> Also assuming that is fixable from within a class, is it possible
> once thread is running to send custom signals to it? i.e if i have 4
> threads open, is there anyway to send data to the thread function once
> its running if that makes any sense? I'm using Linux if its relevant.

Yes, but the details are platform specific and best discussed on a
platform specific group. General threading questions can be asked on

Ian Collins.

James Kanze

Oct 14, 2007, 5:46:30 PM10/14/07
On Oct 14, 8:52 pm, JackC <> wrote:

> I am trying to get posix threads working from within an object, heres
> some code:

> int NConnection::TheadControl()
> {
> int thread_id;
> pthread_t new_connection;
> pthread_create(&new_connection, NULL, PriC, (void *)thread_id);
> return 0;
> }

> void *NConnection::PriC(void *threadid)
> {
> }

> However it that pthread_create() doesnt match void* (*)(void*)

> Any ideas on how i can correct this?

By giving pthread_create the type of function that it requires:
an `extern "C" void* (*)( void* )'. Member functions, even
static member functions, cannot be extern "C", so can't be used.

> Also assuming that is fixable from within a class, is it possible
> once thread is running to send custom signals to it? i.e if i have 4
> threads open, is there anyway to send data to the thread function once
> its running if that makes any sense?

It doesn't, really. The classical way of sending data to
another thread is to use some sort of message queue, but of
course, there's nothing standard. (On the other hand, it's
pretty easy to implement using conditions and std::deque.)

James Kanze (GABI Software)
Conseils en informatique orientée objet/
Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
9 place Sémard, 78210 St.-Cyr-l'École, France, +33 (0)1 30 23 00 34

Laurent D.A.M. MENTEN

Oct 14, 2007, 6:17:33 PM10/14/07
Here is a skeleton of how I handle pthreads (the same pattern works with
win32 threads) in C++; Ther is of course a lot more to write for the
thread management itself but the importants things are there. I use it
by writting a derived class that overload the run() method.

Hope it helps.

class Thread
static void* glue( void* );

pthread_t tid;
pthread_attr_t attr;


virtual void* run() = 0;

void* Thread::glue( void* t )
return ((Thread*)t)->run();

// ...
pthread_create( &this->tid, &this->attr, Thread::glue, (void*)this );
// ...

Gianni Mariani

Oct 14, 2007, 7:01:01 PM10/14/07

That code has a major race condition issue. Never invoke the thread on
a virtual function until you can guarantee the the object is fully
constructed. Some argue that it's sufficient to "unleash" the thread at
the most derived constructor and wait for it's termination at the most
derived destructor, some argue that you can't unleash the thread until
the constructor has returned and that you can't even call delete until
the thread has been terminated.

The code below shows how to create a thread object (in this case called
Task). This is similar to the Austria C++ code however the Austria C++
code is portable across Win32 and Pthreads. Use Austria or boost
threads. You'll see that it's similar to your code but the virtual
method is not called until after the the "start" method is called.

#include <ctime>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <pthread.h>

namespace tc
// All the posix thread stuff goes here - API conforms to Austria C++

// ======== MutexAttr =================================================
class MutexAttr

MutexAttr( int i_kind )
pthread_mutexattr_init( m_attr );
if ( pthread_mutexattr_settype( m_attr, i_kind ) != 0 )

pthread_mutexattr_destroy( m_attr );

pthread_mutexattr_t * GetAttr()
return m_attr;

pthread_mutexattr_t m_attr[ 1 ];



// ======== Mutex =====================================================

class Conditional;
class Mutex

friend class Conditional;

// ======== MutexType =============================================

enum MutexType



// ======== Mutex =================================================

Mutex( MutexType i_type = NonRecursive )
pthread_mutex_t * l_mutex = m_mutex_context.m_data;

switch ( i_type )
case NonRecursive :
int l_result = pthread_mutex_init( l_mutex,
g_MA_Fast.GetAttr() );

if ( l_result != 0 )

case Recursive :
int l_result = pthread_mutex_init( l_mutex,
g_MA_Recursive.GetAttr() );

if ( l_result != 0 )

case Checking :
int l_result = pthread_mutex_init( l_mutex,
g_MA_Check.GetAttr() );

if ( l_result != 0 )

default :

// ======== Mutex =================================================

virtual ~Mutex()
pthread_mutex_t * l_mutex = m_mutex_context.m_data;

int l_result = pthread_mutex_destroy( l_mutex );

if ( l_result != 0 )
// trying to destroy a mutex that is locked

// ======== Lock ==================================================

void Lock()
pthread_mutex_t * l_mutex = m_mutex_context.m_data;

int l_result = pthread_mutex_lock( l_mutex );

if ( l_result != 0 )
if ( l_result == EINVAL )

if ( l_result == EDEADLK )


// ======== TryLock ===============================================

bool TryLock()
pthread_mutex_t * l_mutex = m_mutex_context.m_data;

int l_result = pthread_mutex_trylock( l_mutex );

if ( EBUSY == l_result )
return false;

if ( l_result != 0 )
if ( l_result == EINVAL )


return true;

// ======== Unlock ================================================

void Unlock()
pthread_mutex_t * l_mutex = m_mutex_context.m_data;

int l_result = pthread_mutex_unlock( l_mutex );

if ( l_result != 0 )
if ( l_result == EINVAL )

if ( l_result == EPERM )


struct MutexContext
pthread_mutex_t m_data[1];


* m_mutex_context is a system dependant context variable.

MutexContext m_mutex_context;

// copy constructor and assignment operator are private and
// unimplemented. It is illegal to copy a mutex.
Mutex( const Mutex & );
Mutex & operator= ( const Mutex & );

// ======== Conditional ===============================================
// condition variable wrapper

class Conditional

// ======== Conditional ===========================================

Conditional( Mutex & i_mutex )
: m_mutex( i_mutex.m_mutex_context.m_data )
int l_result = pthread_cond_init(
static_cast<const pthread_condattr_t *>( 0 )

if ( l_result != 0 )


// destructor
virtual ~Conditional()
int l_result = pthread_cond_destroy(

if ( l_result != 0 )

// ======== Wait ==================================================
void Wait()
int l_result = pthread_cond_wait( m_cond, m_mutex );

if ( l_result != 0 )

// ======== Post ==================================================
void Post()
int l_result = pthread_cond_signal( m_cond );

if ( l_result != 0 )

// ======== PostAll ===============================================
void PostAll()
int l_result = pthread_cond_broadcast( m_cond );

if ( l_result != 0 )


pthread_mutex_t * m_mutex;
pthread_cond_t m_cond[ 1 ];

// copy constructor and assignment operator are private and
// unimplemented. It is illegal to copy a Conditional.
Conditional( const Conditional & );
Conditional & operator= ( const Conditional & );


// ======== ConditionalMutex ==========================================

class ConditionalMutex
: public Mutex,
public Conditional

// ======== ConditionalMutex ======================================

ConditionalMutex( MutexType i_type = NonRecursive )
: Mutex( i_type ),
Conditional( * static_cast< Mutex * >( this ) )

virtual ~ConditionalMutex() {}

ConditionalMutex( const ConditionalMutex & );
ConditionalMutex & operator= ( const ConditionalMutex & );

// ======== Lock ================================================

template <typename w_MutexType>
class Lock

w_MutexType & m_mutex;

Lock( w_MutexType & io_mutex )
: m_mutex( io_mutex )


void Wait()
return m_mutex.Wait();

void Post()

void PostAll()


// must not allow copy or assignment so make
// these methods private.
Lock( const Lock & );
Lock & operator=( const Lock & );

// ======== Unlock =============================================

template <typename w_MutexType>
class Unlock

w_MutexType & m_mutex;

Unlock( w_MutexType & io_mutex )
: m_mutex( io_mutex )



// must not allow copy or assignment so make
// these methods private.
Unlock( const Unlock & );
Unlock & operator=( const Unlock & );

// ======== TryLock ===================================================
template< typename w_MutexType >
class TryLock
w_MutexType & m_mutex;

bool m_is_acquired;


TryLock( w_MutexType & io_mutex )
: m_mutex( io_mutex ),
m_is_acquired( false )

m_is_acquired = m_mutex.TryLock();

inline ~TryLock()
if ( m_is_acquired )

void SetAquired( bool i_is_acquired )
m_is_acquired = i_is_acquired;

bool IsAcquired() const
return m_is_acquired;


/* Unimplemented. */
TryLock( const TryLock & );
TryLock & operator=( const TryLock & );


// ======== Task ======================================================

class Task

typedef int TaskID;

// ======== Task ==================================================

: m_started( false ),
m_completed( false ),
m_is_joined( false )
int l_result = pthread_create(
& m_thread_id,
static_cast<const pthread_attr_t *>( 0 ),
& start_routine,
static_cast<void *>( this )

if ( 0 != l_result )

// ======== ~Task =================================================

virtual ~Task()

// ======== Work ==================================================

virtual void Work() = 0;

// ======== Start =================================================

void Start()
if ( ! m_started )
// Wake this thread
Lock<ConditionalMutex> l_lock( m_thread_cond_mutex );

m_started = true;

// ======== Wait ==================================================

void Wait()
if ( ! m_is_joined )
// Wait here to be started
Lock<ConditionalMutex> l_lock( m_wait_cond_mutex );

while ( ! m_completed )

// Need to call join here ...

if ( ! m_is_joined )
m_is_joined = true;

void * l_return_value;

int l_result = pthread_join(
& l_return_value

if ( 0 != l_result )

} // l_lock is unlocked here


// ======== GetThisId =============================================

TaskID GetThisId()
return m_thread_id;

// ======== GetSelfId =============================================

static TaskID GetSelfId()
return ::pthread_self();


// Can't copy a task.
Task( const Task & );
Task & operator= ( const Task & );

pthread_t m_thread_id;

volatile bool m_started;

volatile bool m_completed;

volatile bool m_is_joined;

ConditionalMutex m_thread_cond_mutex;

ConditionalMutex m_wait_cond_mutex;

static void * start_routine( void * i_task )
Task * l_this_task = static_cast<Task *>( i_task );

// Wait here to be started
Lock<ConditionalMutex> l_lock(
l_this_task->m_thread_cond_mutex );

while ( ! l_this_task->m_started )

// do the work ...

// Wake all the waiters.
Lock<ConditionalMutex> l_lock(
l_this_task->m_wait_cond_mutex );

l_this_task->m_completed = true;

return 0;


// ======== Barrier ===================================================

class Barrier

unsigned i_thread_count,
ConditionalMutex & i_cond_mutex
: m_thread_count( i_thread_count ),
m_cond_mutex( i_cond_mutex ),

unsigned Enter()
unsigned l_num;
Lock<ConditionalMutex> l_lock( m_cond_mutex );
l_num = m_count ++;

if ( ( m_thread_count - 1 ) == l_num )
return l_num;

unsigned m_thread_count;
ConditionalMutex & m_cond_mutex;
volatile unsigned m_count;

} // namespace tc

Ian Collins

Oct 15, 2007, 2:32:28 AM10/15/07

This is wrong, Thread::glue is not an extern "C" function, so it
shouldn't be passed to pthread_create. You might get away with it (I'd
expect at least a complier warning), but it isn't portable.

I don't see why people are so hung up about passing a free function to
pthread_create in C++.

Ian Collins.

James Kanze

Oct 15, 2007, 4:17:50 AM10/15/07
On Oct 15, 1:01 am, Gianni Mariani <> wrote:
> Laurent D.A.M. MENTEN wrote:
> > Here is a skeleton of how I handle pthreads (the same pattern works with
> > win32 threads) in C++; Ther is of course a lot more to write for the
> > thread management itself but the importants things are there. I use it
> > by writting a derived class that overload the run() method.

> > Hope it helps.

> > class Thread
> > {
> > static void* glue( void* );

> > private:
> > pthread_t tid;
> > pthread_attr_t attr;

> > public:
> > Thread();

> > virtual void* run() = 0;
> > };

> > void* Thread::glue( void* t )
> > {
> > return ((Thread*)t)->run();
> > }

> > Thread::Thread()
> > {
> > // ...
> > pthread_create( &this->tid, &this->attr, Thread::glue, (void*)this );
> > // ...
> > }

> That code has a major race condition issue.

You're right about the race condition, of course, and I doubt
that his code would work on a modern system (dual core or more).
But it won't even compile with a conformant C++ compiler. His
function glue must be `extern "C"', and thus cannot be a member.
(On the other hand, it *can* be static, in order to avoid all
risk of name collision.)

> Never invoke the thread on
> a virtual function until you can guarantee the the object is fully
> constructed. Some argue that it's sufficient to "unleash" the thread at
> the most derived constructor and wait for it's termination at the most
> derived destructor, some argue that you can't unleash the thread until
> the constructor has returned and that you can't even call delete until
> the thread has been terminated.

I'm not sure what the difference is, but globally, if you're
trying to deal with Thread objects:

-- The obvious solution is to use the strategy pattern, rather
than the template method solution. Move the virtual
function run() over into a separate ThreadExec interface,
and pass a ThreadExec* to the constructor of Thread.
Depending on your goals, you could specify transfer of
ownership (with the destructor of Thread deleting it) or

-- Personally, I don't like the idea of a starting a thread in
the constructor anyway. But it's really just a vague uneasy
feeling, which I can't really justify if the strategy
pattern is used. If the constructor doesn't start the
thread, then there's no problem with using the template
method pattern, however.

-- With regards to lifetime: obviously, any "object" must
continue to live as long as any code references members in
it. (This can be a serious consideration if you are
starting a detached thread.)

> The code below shows how to create a thread object (in this
> case called Task). This is similar to the Austria C++ code
> however the Austria C++ code is portable across Win32 and
> Pthreads. Use Austria or boost threads. You'll see that it's
> similar to your code but the virtual method is not called
> until after the the "start" method is called.

At the cost of an additional lock/conditional variable. This is
the solution adopted in Boost threads as well, for different
reasons. Boost copies the functional object, and needs the
conditional to ensure that the copy is finished. In this case,
the additional lock is an acceptable cost in order to allow
transparent use of local, or even temporary, functional objects.
If you're not doing this, i.e. you require derivation from a
Thread (or ThreadExec) class, and you require the objects
lifetime to extend to the end of the thread, there's no point in

My own experience is that detached threads and non detached
threads are really two different things, and require different
solutions. For detached threads, I don't use a Thread object at
all---just a function to start the thread, which works more or
less like the Boost threads, copying the functional object into
the new thread, and synchronizing to avoid returning from the
function until the copy has finished. For non-detached threads,
on the other hand, I use something like what the original poster
proposed, but with the strategy pattern rather than the template
method pattern---the return value from joining is a pointer to
the ThreadExec object, so you can easily recover any values the
thread may have calculated, and delete it, if it was originally
dynamically allocated.

Laurent D.A.M. MENTEN

Oct 15, 2007, 9:58:04 AM10/15/07
> You're right about the race condition, of course, and I doubt
> that his code would work on a modern system (dual core or more).
> But it won't even compile with a conformant C++ compiler. His
> function glue must be `extern "C"', and thus cannot be a member.
> (On the other hand, it *can* be static, in order to avoid all
> risk of name collision.)

Anyway, it does compile (gcc 3.3.5 + linux 2.6.11 + x86_64) and it does
its work pretty well for my own personal needs. I never claimed it was
complete or portable, nor did I claim it was conformant and I will never
claim it is the best and only implementation.

The point is I answered a simple question with simplicity. My skeleton
allows Mr. JackC to work with thread and objects in an easy way, further
more I sticked to the logic I (believe I have) found in the code sample
in the original post and tried my best to help Mr. JackC understand mine.

It is a shame so many people here are not able to understand not
everyone in this world is a C++ guru or theorician.

Ian Collins

Oct 15, 2007, 2:39:31 PM10/15/07
Laurent D.A.M. MENTEN wrote:
>> You're right about the race condition, of course, and I doubt
>> that his code would work on a modern system (dual core or more).
>> But it won't even compile with a conformant C++ compiler. His
>> function glue must be `extern "C"', and thus cannot be a member.
>> (On the other hand, it *can* be static, in order to avoid all
>> risk of name collision.)
> Anyway, it does compile (gcc 3.3.5 + linux 2.6.11 + x86_64) and it does
> its work pretty well for my own personal needs. I never claimed it was
> complete or portable, nor did I claim it was conformant and I will never
> claim it is the best and only implementation.
It's more a case of it being a dangerous solution. There is every
chance the thread will run before the object is constructed on a
multi-core system, or even a single code one if the new thread gets to
run first.

> The point is I answered a simple question with simplicity. My skeleton
> allows Mr. JackC to work with thread and objects in an easy way, further
> more I sticked to the logic I (believe I have) found in the code sample
> in the original post and tried my best to help Mr. JackC understand mine.
> It is a shame so many people here are not able to understand not
> everyone in this world is a C++ guru or theorician.

There is nothing theoretical about race conditions or incorrect
parameter types.

Ian Collins.

Laurent D.A.M. MENTEN

Oct 15, 2007, 3:08:46 PM10/15/07
> It's more a case of it being a dangerous solution. There is every
> chance the thread will run before the object is constructed on a
> multi-core system, or even a single code one if the new thread gets to
> run first.

I will repeat myself once more, the code I posted is in NO WAY complete,
so do not assume it to be useable as-is. I just took the essence of the
way I do things so that Mr. JackC can use with ease.

James Kanze

Oct 16, 2007, 3:58:10 AM10/16/07
On Oct 15, 3:58 pm, "Laurent D.A.M. MENTEN"

<> wrote:
> > You're right about the race condition, of course, and I doubt
> > that his code would work on a modern system (dual core or more).
> > But it won't even compile with a conformant C++ compiler. His
> > function glue must be `extern "C"', and thus cannot be a member.
> > (On the other hand, it *can* be static, in order to avoid all
> > risk of name collision.)

> Anyway, it does compile (gcc 3.3.5 + linux 2.6.11 + x86_64)

This is a known bug in g++, which will presumably be fixed in a
future release. At which point, your code will stop compiling.


> It is a shame so many people here are not able to understand not
> everyone in this world is a C++ guru or theorician.

It's a shame so many people don't care about writing correct
code. Gianni pointed out the fact that your code simply isn't
correct from a threading point point of view. (His point was in
fact considerably more important than mine.) Your code doesn't
work reliably under Windows, Linux or Solaris. I don't know
about other systems, but I'm pretty sure that it doesn't work
under any Posix system. Gianni also pointed out a workable
solution---I personally find using the strategy pattern simpler
for non-detached threads, but his solution also works in that
case as well.

Laurent D.A.M. MENTEN

Oct 16, 2007, 2:23:16 PM10/16/07
> This is a known bug in g++, which will presumably be fixed in a
> future release. At which point, your code will stop compiling.

Checked this morning, still not fixed in 4.2.2...

Chris Thomasson

Oct 16, 2007, 2:35:41 PM10/16/07
"James Kanze" <> wrote in message

On Oct 15, 3:58 pm, "Laurent D.A.M. MENTEN"
<> wrote:
>> > You're right about the race condition, of course, and I doubt
>> > that his code would work on a modern system (dual core or more).
>> > But it won't even compile with a conformant C++ compiler. His
>> > function glue must be `extern "C"', and thus cannot be a member.
>> > (On the other hand, it *can* be static, in order to avoid all
>> > risk of name collision.)

>> Anyway, it does compile (gcc 3.3.5 + linux 2.6.11 + x86_64)

>This is a known bug in g++, which will presumably be fixed in a
>future release. At which point, your code will stop compiling.

> [...]
>> It is a shame so many people here are not able to understand not
>> everyone in this world is a C++ guru or theorician.

>It's a shame so many people don't care about writing correct


Not sure why C++ threading has to be overally complicated... I mean, why not
something simple like:


James Kanze

Oct 16, 2007, 4:14:21 PM10/16/07
On Oct 16, 8:23 pm, "Laurent D.A.M. MENTEN"

So what's your point? Since it doesn't affect correct code, I
doubt it's their highest priority, but I presume it will get
fixed sooner or later, especially as they're not the only ones
with this bug. But knowing the people at g++, it will get fixed
sooner or later---they take conformance seriously. And other
compilers reject the code now.

The fact remains that you posted code which was illegal, and
only compiles because of a compiler bug, and which doesn't work
correctly when it does compile. Both of your errors are
frequent ones, of course, but a competent programmer would learn
from them, instead of trying to defend something which is
blatently wrong.

James Kanze

Oct 16, 2007, 4:24:21 PM10/16/07
On Oct 16, 8:35 pm, "Chris Thomasson" <> wrote:
> "James Kanze" <> wrote in message


> ???

It's not the threading per se which is complicated, it's the
management of the other associated resources. Both Gianni's
code (if I've understood it correctly) and Boost support the
simple use of detached threads, where the user doesn't have to
worry about the lifetime of the thread object. In other words,
the creator of the thread doesn't have to maintain an object
himself, and delete it when the thread is ended.

IMHO, that's probably overkill (and at least in the case of
Boost, it works against you) if you're joining, and want to
recover work done by the thread. On the other hand, it's very,
very convenient for detached threads---in the implementation you
posted, if you don't join, you leak resources, and if the thread
is of the fire and forget nature, you have to do a lot of extra
work to ensure destructing your thread object correctly when the
thread has terminated.

One of the real problems with threading is that so many people
consider only a single solution, where as it's definitly not a
case of one size fits all. I use a simple thread class, very
similar to the one which started the discussion here (but using
the strategy pattern, of course, and an `extern "C"' function to
start the thread) for joinable threads; my interface for
detached threads is a simple function, much like yours, but I
copy the functional object, and interlock with the new thread
(like Gianni and Boost) for detached threads. And I'm sure I've
not begun to cover all of the various uses.

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