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reference and pointer-reference

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2007年12月24日 清晨6:14:562007/12/24

Recently i came across a functiion declaration as below

void f(char *&a);

Nowhere i have come across this style. I understand, passing by
reference is always better(to avoid copying), that too added with
const like

void f(const std::string &a); //since it was char *a, i assume it to
be a string

This i came across in the book "Secrets of C++ Masters". Though this
book is old, i just wanted to know what it speaks of. I do not know
whether this is still accepted or was a part of pre-standard c++. I
tried a toy program with a function like this. It did compile fine and
executed successfully. As per the book, this style prevents pointer
copy(address copy) - is that true? atleast in c++. Pls advice.


Rolf Magnus

2007年12月24日 清晨6:34:282007/12/24
收件者: wrote:

> Hi,
> Recently i came across a functiion declaration as below
> void f(char *&a);
> Nowhere i have come across this style. I understand, passing by
> reference is always better(to avoid copying),

I wouldn't say "always".

> that too added with const like
> void f(const std::string &a); //since it was char *a, i assume it to
> be a string
> This i came across in the book "Secrets of C++ Masters". Though this
> book is old, i just wanted to know what it speaks of. I do not know
> whether this is still accepted or was a part of pre-standard c++. I
> tried a toy program with a function like this. It did compile fine and
> executed successfully. As per the book, this style prevents pointer
> copy(address copy) - is that true?

Yes. In the above function, the pointer is passed by reference. That way, f
can change the pointer value. It could e.g. allocate dynamic memory and
assign its address to a, which refers to the variable that was passed by
the caller. If the paramter was just a char*, f()'s changes to it would
only be local to the function, since a is just a copy of the pointer that
was passed by the caller.

Erik Wikström

2007年12月24日 清晨6:45:092007/12/24

Yes, using a reference to a pointer allows the function to change what
the pointer points to, which can be useful when the function allocates
memory, though I would have preferred to return a pointer instead.

Consider this:

#include <iostream>

void f(char* a)
a = "Hello World";

void g(char*& a)
a = "Hello World";

int main()
char* s = "Init";
std::cout << s << "\n";
std::cout << s << "\n";

Since f() did not take a reference to a pointer as argument it can not
change what s points to, but g() can.

Erik Wikström

Daniel T.

2007年12月24日 上午11:29:472007/12/24
收件者: wrote:

> Hi,
> Recently i came across a functiion declaration as below
> void f(char *&a);
> Nowhere i have come across this style. I understand, passing by
> reference is always better(to avoid copying), that too added with
> const like
> void f(const std::string &a); //since it was char *a, i assume it to
> be a string

Be careful here. Passing by const reference (as in your example) is an
optimization when you are dealing with an object that allocates memory
or who's size is larger than sizeof( int ), but only if you don't end up
copying the object inside the function anyway. The function declaration
you came across, "reference to pointer to char" is not such a beast.
Removing the 'const' qualifier makes it completely different.

A non-const reference parameter is used create an "in/out" parameter. In
other words, you can use that parameter to pass data into the function,
and it can use the parameter to pass data back out to the calling code.

Generally, non-const reference parameters are used as an optimization
when the return value allocates memory or is larger than sizeof int (to
avoid the copy... compilers can often do this particular optimization on
their own though so it isn't that common,) or when a function needs to
return multiple chunks of data.

Let's say for example that you have a char* that contains a bunch fields
separated by tabs (assume that other whitespace characters could be
embedded in these fields,) and you want to break these fields up into a
bunch of strings... How do you write a function that extracts each
field, then returns both the string extracted and the position of the
next field?

Here are some ideas to solve that problem:

string idea1( const char* in ) {
string result;
while ( *in && *in != '\t' )
result.push_back( *in );
return result;

The above function extracts the field, but the calling function must
advance the input on its own, like this maybe:

vector<string> fields;
while ( *data ) {
fields.push_back( idea1( data ) );
data += fields.back().size() + 1;

However, if we make the parameter an in/out one, then we can do this:

string idea2( const char*& inOut ) {
string result;
while ( *inOut && *inOut != '\t' )
result.push_back( *inOut++ );
return result;

Now the caller need not take care of pointer advancement on its own:

vector<string> fields
while ( *data ) {
fields.push_back( idea2( data ) ); // data is modified by the call

Of course, in returning the string, note that the function has to build
the string, then create a temporary copy of it to pass to the caller.
Often the compiler can optimize the copy away (look up return value
optimization (RVO)). However, if profiling shows this to be a
bottleneck, we can use:

void idea3( const char*& inOut, string& result ) {
result = string();
while ( *inOut && *inOut != '\t' )
result.push_back( *inOut++ );

which would be used like so:

vector<string> fields;
while ( *data ) {
string str;
idea3( data, str );
fields.push_back( str );

Andre Kostur

2007年12月24日 下午4:05:572007/12/24
收件者: wrote in news:1f7ca27b-5c4a-4458-a105-

> Hi,
> Recently i came across a functiion declaration as below
> void f(char *&a);
> Nowhere i have come across this style. I understand, passing by
> reference is always better(to avoid copying), that too added with

Not necessarily true. Probably true in the case of non-trivial types.
char* isn't one of them. This function may want to be able to modify the
pointer that it was passed.

> const like
> void f(const std::string &a); //since it was char *a, i assume it to
> be a string

So now you've traded a ref-to-pointer with a potential construction of a
temporary string object, with the attendant dynamic memory allocation
(probably) and memory copy. And you've changed the semantics of the

> This i came across in the book "Secrets of C++ Masters". Though this
> book is old, i just wanted to know what it speaks of. I do not know
> whether this is still accepted or was a part of pre-standard c++. I
> tried a toy program with a function like this. It did compile fine and
> executed successfully. As per the book, this style prevents pointer
> copy(address copy) - is that true? atleast in c++. Pls advice.

Implementation-dependant as to what potential savings it might have.

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