I have the following style:
background: #F5F5F5 url('../Contents/Image/Ruler_Background.jpg')
repeat-x bottom;
And I get the error:
Value Error : background Parse Error [empty string]
What am I doing wrong?
Take care,
Jonathan, I have everything in the same line. It is Google Groups that
makes that ...
Nothing much. The validator is wrong.
> shapper wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have the following style:
> > background: #F5F5F5 url('../Contents/Image/Ruler_Background.jpg')
> ^
> |
> Remove the carriage return from here --------------------------+
I doubt it. Surely there can be as many as he likes. I tap the enter
button a lot waiting for my Portuguese meal that never comes but it
makes no difference if I am good and don't tap it at all.
> Jonathan, I have everything in the same line. It is Google Groups that
> makes that ...
I can only reproduce the error if the "background: ...;" rule to the ";"
in not on the same line.
> I can only reproduce the error if the "background: ...;" rule to the ";"
> in not on the same line.
returns the error. The validator *seems* to be wrong and at least this
is a URL (something missing so far in the thread). Perhaps it might be
analysed for something I am missing to squash my current tentative,
humbly held, theory that the validator is getting it wrong?
Hmmm, don't know, weird.
That page passes validation.
>> The validator *seems* to be wrong and at least this
>> is a URL (something missing so far in the thread). Perhaps it might be
>> analysed for something I am missing to squash my current tentative,
>> humbly held, theory that the validator is getting it wrong?
> Hmmm, don't know, weird.
Chris F.A. Johnson <http://cfajohnson.com>
Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (2005, Apress)
Pro Bash Programming: Scripting the GNU/Linux Shell (2009, Apress)
> On 2009-12-05, Jonathan N. Little wrote:
> > dorayme wrote:
> >> In article<hfc3ot$ih0$1...@news.eternal-september.org>,
> >> "Jonathan N. Little"<lws...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >>> I can only reproduce the error if the "background: ...;" rule to the ";"
> >>> in not on the same line.
> >>
> >> <http://dorayme.netweaver.com.au/alt/lookMaNoBreaks.html>
> >>
> >> returns the error.
> That page passes validation.
Maybe it passes the HTML validation but not this one:
> > <http://dorayme.netweaver.com.au/alt/lookMaNoBreaks.html>
> > returns the error. The validator *seems* to be wrong and at least this
> > is a URL (something missing so far in the thread).
Bug 8442: background property shorthand parse problem
regards, Gérard
I notice mention of MacOS X on this URL. Jonathan Little, (on Windows?)
got the thing when he had a carriage return in the middle of the
relevant CSS but not otherwise, I get it no matter what. In other words
it is nice and stable on a Mac. In general bugs on Macs are consistent
and well behaved. A nice environment is provided for them on the ground
that Macs are made with the idea that every living bit or byte deserves
a fair go.
Yes WinXP SP3
Seems to be the order of parameters thing not an OS thing:
background: url("pics/crimson.png") repeat-x bottom;
throws an error and
background: url("pics/crimson.png") bottom repeat-x;
does not. So putting the attachment position properties before the
repeat property prevents the error message.
Well spotted. But what about the other trigger for this bug you
mentioned on your Win, about carriage return? You were saying it
appeared with the CR but not without. I was not getting this one.
> >> Bug 8442: background property shorthand parse problem
> >>http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=8442
> > I notice mention of MacOS X on this URL. (...)
> Yes WinXP SP3
> Seems to be the order of parameters thing not an OS thing:
You are correct. It's not a specific OS related bug. I added a comment
in the bug report to that effect today.
Bug 8442: background property shorthand parse problem
best regards, Gérard
Internet Explorer 7 bugs: 183 bugs so far
Internet Explorer 8 bugs: 58 bugs so far